GUILTY OH - Mark Edwards for child sexual abuse, Springfield, 2014

You have the wrong girl. This girl was not in pagents. This girl was groomed by her parents friend and he had sex with her. She by law is not old enough to say yes. Her parents had a restraining order out against him and he had charges against him. He had a pending court date for all of the crimes and he took her and ran. Wrong Michaela. She is not old enough to choose to have sex with him all of the times she did or to be with him. HE knew better as an adult.

SORRY! You're right. I'm going to delete my messages. :(
I have a feeling we might see the label "oppositional defiant disorder" tossed into this. I understand the tough love aspect of punishing her to somehow make her realize she cannot behave this way, and only intensive behavioral therapy will challenge her views - not jail. Jail is the last place (or juvie detention center) for a person that shows zero regard for authority. There is rebellion and then there's something more.

I do totally agree with the grooming, but there has to be a root or a seed if you will, on how this man was able to earn her trust and such.

As we all know, most of us lived in some sort of romantic fantasy world until we learned the hard way, I believe that's part of this now. I can't see her being punished for being with him and for running off to him .. and it not doing the opposite (making her want him more). The forbidden fruit is poison.
Well, she matches the definition, in my opinion, of "delinquency". She was raised in a home with high behavioral standards, and at 14 she turned her back on those standards and ran off with a grown man.

It's not like she's 4. A 14 year old girl is WELL old enough to know not to do this.

I don't know what the strongest charges are that can be leveled against Edwards, but he needs to be dealt with severely, in my opinion.

And she needs to be made aware that she's old enough to know better than doing this.

See, I disagree with this greatly. A 14 year old knows not to run away. But this child knew this man as her moms friend. He then got her to trust him, love him, and believe him. She wasn't running off with another minor or even someone who is 18. If that was the case, then I could maybe see the charges. This is a man in his 40's who got her to believe they were in love and believe what they were doing is okay. He manipulated her. She is a child and is not capable of understanding this.

How do you know her home has high standards? I certainly don't remember this? Her parents did everything to protect her from this man and he continued to manipulate her.

There are thousands of children and teens every single year that don't run off with old men and they do get charges filed against them. This is why I don't understand and why these charges upset me. There is nothing that will make me understand. I agree that she should spend time in juvi for help, as her mom said, but charges? Not a chance.
See, I disagree with this greatly. A 14 year old knows not to run away. But this child knew this man as her moms friend. He then got her to trust him, love him, and believe him. She wasn't running off with another minor or even someone who is 18. If that was the case, then I could maybe see the charges. This is a man in his 40's who got her to believe they were in love and believe what they were doing is okay. He manipulated her. She is a child and is not capable of understanding this.

How do you know her home has high standards? I certainly don't remember this? Her parents did everything to protect her from this man and he continued to manipulate her.

There are thousands of children and teens every single year that don't run off with old men and they do get charges filed against them. This is why I don't understand and why these charges upset me. There is nothing that will make me understand. I agree that she should spend time in juvi for help, as her mom said, but charges? Not a chance.

You say Juvi, but isn't that incarceration for misbehaving? I don't know that you can just go there without some kind of charges. If that was the case, they'd be full. Her charges can be sealed and even removed if she stays out of trouble, if not, they need to be known. Unless she sees how dangerous her behavior is, she's a sitting duck for the next perv.
You say Juvi, but isn't that incarceration for misbehaving? I don't know that you can just go there without some kind of charges. If that was the case, they'd be full. Her charges can be sealed and even removed if she stays out of trouble, if not, they need to be known. Unless she sees how dangerous her behavior is, she's a sitting duck for the next perv.

This is going to be a novel and a half, but if I can toot my own horn - it's well worth the time it's going to take to read.
To answer the first BBM "Is Juvie for incarceration", yes - that's ALL it's for.
You must have charges and be in the system to be placed in a detention center.
If the courts order you for behavior care and around the clock monitoring *and there are no criminal charges*, then a teen can be sent to a group home facility.

The only way a person can have their charges sealed and expunged is if:
The courts agree due to the nature of the crime and her age.
There are no priors, so a pre-trail diversion program is offered. Generally this lasts 1 year *sometimes without probation but with social work, group home*, at the end of the year the case is then reviewed by the sentencing judge and prosecutors office. Normally the defendant doesn't need to be in court for this hearing unless of course within that year they have gotten into trouble or broke the agreement.

There are so many ways teens with behavioral issues are now handled; typically it does involve dcfs, social workers, the school social worker *for bullying, truancy and situations like these*. If there is an issue with the teen skipping classes, getting into altercations, causing disruptive behavior within regular school settings - alternative school is then generally used. Sometimes this means they go to school and live life the same (going home after classes) except it's within a school which employs teachers and many more social workers to help ensure that each child gets enough individual attention. Once their behavior has improved, their grades reflect this - they will be brought back into regular school albeit typically half days there and half day at the alt school.

If this approach doesn't work, normally "academies" are then recommended. This is much like boarding school but for troubled youth. Only family courts (and or criminal) can recommend this. You become wards of the state in most situations. You are bused out to an academy, if you're lucky - within a few hours from home. They normally prefer at least an hour or more distance to cut down on possibly "running away". This also makes it where the children who prefer to manipulate have a harder time in getting their parents to petition the judge for release or be at their beck and call.

While at these "boarding" schools, the girls live in either dorm like facilities, cabins (so think.. summer camp - with an in house mom) or they live in a jail cell. There are obviously levels based upon behavior and crimes committed. The better they behave the more options they have. At these facilities they can get a regular education and actually get a high-school diploma, not just a GED. They are also required to take skill trade classes, therapy (behavioral, family, drug/alcohol, and therapy addressing self-harm - this includes eating disorders as well). If these teen's are also parents, some facilities have cabins designed to allow them to have their children there - provided there are no previous charges of neglect or abuse. This a rare thing, but I know of two states that have this living arrangement. If the teen is pregnant while she's there, she is well taken care of and again, those same states that allow living with their children will allow the mother to continue to be with the child after delivery (unless the mother is high-risk for one reason or another).

After some time spent there and getting very good grades, having no write-ups for bad behavior, better hygiene, better self-care & the home they came from (or guardians) aren't an issue - home passes are given. These range from 24 hours to 72 hours (weekends). Once trust is established; ie no running away while on pass, passing drug testing when they come back to the academy - then holiday passes are allowed :) The point is to reestablish and slowly reintroduce living at home and being in the same place which for almost all - are triggering.

These options listed are far superior to state mental health facilities.
Warning! This is 100% on topic (topic related) but 100% not at the same time. I ask that you read what Im about to write. Please, it could have a life and a relationship!

If you're reading this and have a child headed down the wrong path, or you're at your wits end - there are many options out there that do not require the 1st option someone may push to you. There are many and most are "free" to you as a parent because it's covered by the gov welfare system. Do not feel guilt if you require assistance in that way. Do not, because by feeling guilty you'll do nothing but prolong the problems at home. You want to catch everything before jail, pregnancy, sexual promiscuity (which could result into HIV), self-harm that leaves lasting effects, violence towards others including your family and lastly, being one of the many we see here whom vanished into thin air. Often times to get this sort of help from the Gov., you will need to give up your parental rights.
This means you sign your child over to the state voluntarily. This doesn't mean it's forever, this isn't the same as the state taking your children and having you sign over rights, this isn't doesn't mean you will never see them again. A social worker will work along side you to make sure a goal is set/met and the mental and or physical health of everyone involved is addressed completely.

Expect that child to be very pissed and blame you, to tell you they hate you and that they will never speak to you again. Expect every awful thing to be said - but understand they do not mean it, they are simply confused and very scared - because now mommy and daddy can't be manipulated anymore, now it's "game-on" and things got real. I know this is so off topic but I feel it's appropriate to read about this in this thread. Who knows how many options, answers or questions what I have just written may have spawned. All for the better good I hope.

If you choose to not sign your child over, to not take them to court or have them arrested for skipping school, insubordination, domestic violence or placing restraining orders on their boyfriends; you are going to pay out of pocket for behavioral centers and therapy. It's really easy for your average teen who is very determined to get her way (they are wonderful at manipulation) to say all the right things to get released from treatment early, so on and so forth. By taking away that option, giving them 24/7 structure liken to boot camp - where there is real consequences, tougher teens than themselves and no longer a financial or insurance issue .. change will happen, it's inevitable. Also, with this set-up .. more often than not the teens will open up about things you may know nothing about at all that planted the seed in their change. There will be many young women like them and so group therapy will be a great deal of help, because they can relate to people - no longer in a competitive manner either (everyone wears the same clothing, there's no makeup allowed and you can't even have hair spray let along flat irons or curling irons!). There's no boys to fight over for the girls that are straight. It becomes raw - and they have no masks or facade to hide behind. They will form real bonds, they will learn some humbling things and most of all .. they themselves will become a bit more humbled.

Maybe when they get out, now with a high-school diploma that they probably wouldn't have gotten had they not been forced - managed to get through their teen years without having a child, learned life skills (including CNA), earned accredited college credits and can even earn scholarships ... Maybe this child that the school system said would be nothing, that the justice system said would end up being a felon with 5 kids and losing them to the state while on drugs..

... turns out to be a social worker, an advocate for young adults, a political figure, a police officer, a Dr, a nurse or just simply a humbled human being.

When it comes to this case, the parents are now at the very crossroads where they can either allow someone else to step in and take over completely (because obviously the daughter isn't listening to them), or they can "hope" a criminal record / juvie and probation will be the saving grace.

As far as this "man" is concerned; he's a pedophile and deserves every punishment, label that will come his way.

Thank you for reading.
Thank you Astrokitty, and as a retired teacher, I have seen it all. If this was MY child, she would get help one way or the other so I didn't have to bury her in a year or so. I would do all I could and then hope she would have the ability to make the right choices.
As a cosplayer myself, actually I want to note that cosplay is short for "costume play" and usually people cosplay to sci-fi or Japanese Animation conventions to dress up as their favorite characters. Many cosplayers make and do not rent their costumes. People like to do in character photoshoots to display their skill at making their cosplay outfits or showcase an area they found that seems similar to places the characters have been in the shows. Cosplaying is a fun outlet and I've always enjoyed cosplaying and the conventions I've attended with friends. I just wanted to point out some cosplaying facts because the tone of the article was little incorrect, we're not people who rent out costumes on a regular basis to have creepy photoshoots with little girls. And cosplay really just means the dressing up part, not "playing in costume".

At any rate, glad MB was found safe, and I hope she can get the proper therapy she needs to realize this guy crossed the line between a fun hobby and fantasy into inappropriate real life actions.

The mother whose teen daughter was involved in a 72-hour manhunt earlier this year spoke out following Mark Edwards’ guilty plea Monday on multiple charges stemming from his relationship with the girl. “I won’t say I’m happy, but I’m relieved that this isn’t all going to go through court,” Tammy Bruce said.

Edwards, 44, is facing a maximum of 35 years in prison after pleading guilty to seven counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, two counts of interference with custody and one violation of a protection order...

The girl was recently released from house arrest for her role and meets weekly with her probation officer. “His life is destroyed,” Bruce said. “Hers is, too, to a point. Yeah, she’s free; but every day, it’s there, and people remind her and stare at her and make comments.”

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