OR - Brooke Wilberger, 19, Corvallis, 24 May 2004 - #1

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Gosh, this is scary. It doesn't look good.

Oregon has tons of places to hide bodies......it is a lush and beautiful state. I lived there for a short time.

I wonder if the Church organized so quickly due to their experience in the Elizabeth Smart case? I know it is a different state but the LDS church is a highly organized group.

I'm so jaded. My first thought was is like Audrey Seiler (sp)? My second one, which is darker and I'm sure not true, is that her brother-in-law took her. Sick I know.
local news just had press conference with Lt. Noble of Corvallis PD. Searchers initially were interested in the area due to "freshly disturbed" gravel/earth, strange odor of "oil" or decomposition, and tire & foot tracks.

today forensics teams sifting through soil found NOTHING. cadaver dogs found NOTHING. then they brought in a backhoe and dug approx 4 ft deeper in the disturbed area and also found nothing. what a relief. also said that the odor dissapated when they finished digging (?).

no suspects as of yet but are keeping tabs on 5 "persons of interest." police feel the investigation is "moving forward" even though they are feeling frustrated at lack of progress.

that's about it as far as I heard - will keep you posted if i hear any developments......

I just watched the news conference here , and the Chief said they are hopeful and feeling better than they didMon - Wed because if she was dead they would have found her. So they are all feeling strongly that she is still alive and being held captive.

They released one of the 5 POI, so there are 4 left. They are not all Sex Predators, bot also include men who have zoned in on girls like Brooke and acted suspiciously.Two FBI profilers working in tandem, one from Wash DC, one from Corvallis. Not enough info yet to let out a profile, but every tip helps and then a light goes off for them.

David Smart has been working with them, and he said that they have done more in 3 days in trying to locate Brooke than 3 weeks in Elizabeths case. The family has been tight with Mr Smart, as you know they are both Mormans.

Oddles of searchers - huge outpouring of help, big search tomorrow, and the church has organized a whole lot of 2 person teams to drive around the local area everywhere, down alleys, in the country, and see if they spot anything of interest or unusual.

That's the basics. Sounds like another Corona in charge - older, but very caring and 'up on it', and darn determined to find Brooke and bring her on home!


EDIT: I think in Corvallis they have a rather large force of National Guardsmen, an active grouping. I don't know how that stands now with so many gone to Iraq?

CORVALLIS, Ore. - Amid new expressions of optimism by police, volunteers renewed the search Saturday for a 19-year-old college student who was last seen at her sister's apartment complex and was feared kidnapped.

Authorities also expanded the search, asking volunteers to drive the back roads of five surrounding counties during the weekend to look for abandoned vehicles, pieces of clothing or anything else suspicious, Peirson said.

Searchers were told to pay particular attention to routes from Corvallis to the home of Wilberger's parents in Veneta, outside Eugene, Peirson
Hi Indigo! Ooohh, I love your lady.

I've been thinking that since the Police said they were intently looking at these 4 men, and feeling more at ease than they were on Mon - Wed, have talked to them all - it didn't say if in person - and thinking there might be something in particular about one of them that says something. None of them live in her neighborhood. They suggested it might be someone who watched her drive from Eugene to Corvallis on a regular basis, which she did, going from her folks home to her sister's apt house. So maybe she had seen this person and maybe made a comment to a friend or family member, like gee, that guy is weird. Or gee, I always see that same guy right behind me as I drive on the freeway. You know it is possible, or sounds plausible because of the way they are handling the case.

And with this person in particular, if they have zoned in on him, he might have done something similiar at one time with a gal much like Brooke, and since he didn't kill her it now gives the family and police hope.

What do you think?

Have heard nothing new today at all, but know they are out searching in force. Maybe there will be a news conference tonight!

:blowkiss: Scandi
scandi said:
Hi Indigo! Ooohh, I love your lady.

I've been thinking that since the Police said they were intently looking at these 4 men, and feeling more at ease than they were on Mon - Wed, have talked to them all - it didn't say if in person - and thinking there might be something in particular about one of them that says something. None of them live in her neighborhood. They suggested it might be someone who watched her drive from Eugene to Corvallis on a regular basis, which she did, going from her folks home to her sister's apt house. So maybe she had seen this person and maybe made a comment to a friend or family member, like gee, that guy is weird. Or gee, I always see that same guy right behind me as I drive on the freeway. You know it is possible, or sounds plausible because of the way they are handling the case.

And with this person in particular, if they have zoned in on him, he might have done something similiar at one time with a gal much like Brooke, and since he didn't kill her it now gives the family and police hope.

What do you think?

Have heard nothing new today at all, but know they are out searching in force. Maybe there will be a news conference tonight!

:blowkiss: Scandi

Hi Scandi :blowkiss:
thanks for the compliment on my siggy pic. Might be my favorite so far...
I really am not following this case as close as others so I'm really not qualified to interject much. I just happened upon the update so thought i would post it.

My initial gut feelings were that this young lady met with much of the same fate as Dru Sjodin and others like her. I did not have a good feeling as to a safe recovery of her. I also did not have a good feeling about Elizabeth Smart and thank God miracles do happen. I always hope against hope until there is evidence to the contrary.

It sounds like the authorities believe there will soon be a break in the case and I continue to pray that she is alive.

I read an earlier post of yours on this same topic and you made mention of Mike Corona in the Runnion case. That man was my hero. A man of strong convictions and impeccable charactor. Do you know when that case is to go to trial??
Hi Indigo,

I havn't heard, but I think it should be a very short trial - mnight not even be one, do you think? He might cop a plea as he is pretty much 'cooked' well already!

So I have an interesting tidbit of news. On the 6pm local news, I gleaned an interesting fact about one of the 4 men they are focusing intently on. He is Japanese, I think. They got a call on the tip line about this guy who lives in Tigard , Or, a part of SW Portland. He is in jail tonight down by Corvallis or maybe Eugene for stealing things from the University. They came up and arrested him today.

He has a sexual fettish of collecting women's underwear. Was recently arrested 3 times at 3 local Universities collecting and stealing the women's underwear! For real. A total perv :eek: Looks as normal as apple pie so you would never expect it.

So he is not being held having anything to do with Brooke's case, but rather the new charge in Corvallis. But here is the clincher. He was seen in the same area where Brook disappeared . Remember the policeman stated that the 4 weren't all sex offenders, but had done things in their past that made them suspicious and liked women that were just like Brooke.

Can you believe it? The Policeman did give us a real hidden tip, didn't he, with that statement! It is what made me feel they knew something they couldn't tell.

Now I think the reason they think she is alive is something was mentioned about him working in cahoots with another man in his previous panty stealing offenses. If he still works with him, maybe he is holding her and they were both using her for their satisfaction. So this fact alone would ease the minds of her parents and of LE. They must have an idea who this guy is or I don't think they would have mentioned this on the news.

And so there very well might be great hope tonight that she is not dead but possibly being held somewhere by this man's accomplice. Hey, maybe the accomplice is also one of the 4 men. MY interjection only here. LOL Get me a goin' and I'll have this worked out in short order! BaHa Haaaaaaaaa :D

Remember I only heard this newscast once, so there are parts of it I am not sure about.


How Funny, I am the only one here tonight :eek: Where is everyone?

Anyway, I learned a bit more and have a little correction :blushing: A few weeks before Brooke was kidnapped, there were two men who tried to abduct a girl quite close to the same location from where Brook disappeared. She did not go willingly, and proceeded to bite one of her abductors. This foiled their attempt to take her.

So of course it sets the old wheels a turning around about if this same thing is also what happened to Brooke, only they overpowered her and she was taken. I don't know if this second man is involved with the guy in jail yet.

Let's hope the man in custody has a bite mark on his arm and a friend holding her hostage. Then we'll most likely have a happy ending with Brooke being brought back home to her family. I hope so!

hmmmm, now they are saying that the "panty pervert" is no longer a person of interest at this time. he was released from the county jail (on $25,000 cash bail) last night.

they are continuing to investigate the attempted abduction that occurred near OSU on 5/20, where, like Scandi told us, the girl bit the creep(s) and got away. apparently they have a suspect & vehicle description but aren't releasing that info.

this was reported in today's local paper - www.gtconnect.com
sorry - looks like that link still has yesterday's headlines (even though it has today's date....). maybe later on today they'll have the newer stories - headline is "Search widens to 5 counties."
Good Morning,

Boy how things can change overnight~ I kinda just woke up LOL and have heard nothing on the news yet. They do have regular updates on her site, I believe, so think I'll go see if there is anything new.

Anna, do you live in Corvallis? Last night on one of the news shows - from Seattle maybe as I watch that quite often, they made a comment about what a really wonderful family Brooke has. I havn't heard her mom talk much, but am so impressed with her father. He is alot like Dru's father, and of course Ed Smart. Too bad we all thought Ed was hiding something and had a male lover. We were just trying to figure him out though to help put the case together.

See ya soon :eek: Scandi

I just heard a live report on Brooke on Northwest News from Seattle, and they didn't say anything like he has been released. Just that he has been arrested on burglary for panties taken from an intrusion he did at a USU dorm, but they are still looking at him intently in her case because of his background.

We will have to wait until they give another live press conference. :(

Anna, you might have more up to date news being so close to the happenings there today!

Here's a link to her missing poster - I believe that the strange discovery that the news is alluding to is that her flip-flops were found in the parking lot. Also, they also took a person of interest into custody again - he had been arrested recently for stealing women's underwear from nearby where she was taken.

katu news this evening reporting that sung koo kim (aka the panty pervert) *is* still considered a person of interest in the case, although his parents provided an alibi for his whereabouts at the time of Brooke's disappearace.

they also said that they are looking for a "black, boxy car" in relation to the attempted abduction on 5/20 of the girl-who-bit-the-guy and that there were 2 men in the car.

registered sex offenders in the area are still being looked at - there are 140 in benton county (where corvallis is located) and over 400 in a neighboring county (linn co). they are looking for 19 in benton co. that failed to register new addresses.

searches continue throughout the holiday weekend. and there are flyers *everywhere* - like i said earlier, i have never seen such an outpouring of community support. it is amazing. we are all praying for brooke's safe return.
Hello everyone!
I was just wondering if anyone knows what the initials CTR stand for on her ring. Another missing girl, Kiplyn Davis, from Spanish Fork, Utah also was wearing a ring with those initials at the time of her disappearance.
If anyone knows, would you please post.
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