Pierce Brosnan's wife

If she is indeed 5" 8' tall as the literature says, and is as obese as the photo shows, then I stand by my estimation that she weighs around 250 pounds. I don't think the photos are retouched, because I have found many photos of her ( one in a one piece swimsuit with a see through top which is beyond horrible) and she is almost as large in those photos. I can usually estimate a person's weight to within 10 pounds due to a career which required weighing people every few minutes, every single day.

For those who are overweight or obese or whatever, this thread is not to bash you. I don't really know what it's for, except that it shows the way a beautiful woman let herself go.

Women are supposed to have waists. If your hip to waist ratio is above .90, then you are at greater risk for coronary disease.
Here is one simple chart to determine the risk.

Fat is fat, no matter who it's attached to. No way the woman is " muscled". There are other photos in this photo shoot in Hawaii and there are rolls of fat around her waist, her back, her abdomen. She is fat, obese, overweight, take your pick.

Telling the truth does not mean that a fellow poster is displaying either stupidity or thoughtlessness. The truth just IS. The photos speak for themselves. Also, mirrors, clothes size labels, height and weight charts don't lie, and neither do bathroom scales and tape measures. If more Americans kept an eye on their measurements,food portion size and activity levels, then 5 extra pounds wouldn't turn into 50 extra pounds.

Actually.. clothing labels do lie!! What we Americans buy as a size 6 is most certainly NOT by any seamstress's definition.
last time i saw my husbands secretary she told me how much better i looked. she said i had always been pretty but i look like i feel so much better now that i had lost all that extra weight. i smiled because i knew she meant well and walked into hubbys office thinking how we as a culture get our medical knowledge from the today show and woman's world magazines. like alot of people she thinks less is better. i have lost 40 pounds so that is a good thing right?

3 months ago i posted here a few times a day. i walked regularly. i played in the yard with my kids. my check up in march had all my blood work coming back great. i kept my house clean. i weighed 200 pounds. all that has changed. my pants have come down 3 sizes and i look healthier to people who assume weight equals health. i am close to a 4th pants size down and the thought makes me cry. i am no longer healthy but the good news is maybe i will look great in a bikini 1 day. i just wonder if it is worth vomiting blood and a new biopsy every 3 months if the world now looks at me as a better person. given the choice i would take the extra pounds and my old healthy self back in a heart beat.

Fantastic post, sherri!!! The part I highlighted made me laugh out loud because it's so true. I am sorry to hear of your health issues. :blowkiss: You are 100% correct that weighing less does not mean being healthier.
I just wanted to comment that my posts about Keely were kind and I am not overweight by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree its terrible to be prejudice towards people because of their weight.

It may be a somewhat justified prejudice because overweight/obese people are causing skinny people's health care costs to go up as well. I can certainly see why people who spend the time to take care of themselves could be upset or annoyed with people and their weight. The same goes for sitting on a crowded bus or an airplane. I can't tell you how many times I've sat next to a larger person who paid for ONE ticket yet they took up half of MY seat as well.

Just recently, my wife's employer changed their healthcare policy. They now give all employees a health test every year, and if they don't meet certain criteria such as, if they smoke like a fiend or are overweight/obsese, they have to pay a premium on their health care benefits so the healthier people aren't stuck with the rising cost. I think it's fair.

Telling people it's okay to be comfortable in their own skin when they are severely overweight or obese is called enabling. It's the same thing to tell people that they should be comfortable with their gambling or drinking problems.
Just recently, my wife's employer changed their healthcare policy. They now give all employees a health test every year, and if they don't meet certain criteria such as, if they smoke like a fiend or are overweight/obsese, they have to pay a premium on their health care benefits so the healthier people aren't stuck with the rising cost. I think it's fair.

For the weight part of it, IMO it would be fair if they measured it by cholesterol levels and such, not just BMI. As I (and others) have said, skinny does not equal healthy. My husband is far from obese or even overweight but he's a heck of a lot unhealthier and likely to get health premiums up for everyone than my overweight friend. Do you know if that's how they 'measure' the healthiness, or are they going by weight?
I hate it too, Morag - more than I can say. Fat is the new smoking - all done under the cover of "concern" for people's health. I'm not buying it.

I don't have much invested in the issue personally - I'm average weight - up some here, down some there - and my body and weight have been relatively the same since I went through puberty.

But this woman - Keely - looks beautiful. Is she on the bigger side of beautiful for the "medical" community's comfort? Yeah, probably, but who cares. People come in different shapes and sizes. People are beautiful in different shapes and sizes. There was a time in our past where Keely's rubenesque figure was the coveted look.

Obese - I don't know - maybe, by some chart in a sterile office...but wow - she looks full of life and smiles to me. If I were a heterosexual male, I'd take Keely over these other grown women with early adolescent boy bodies that are forced into our every waking moment any day of the week.

I respectfully disagree SCM. I almost NEVER disagree with you. :)

You really should buy into being overweight/obese as the new smoking. Diabetes is NO joke. Rates have skyrocketed in recent years. My father being one of them. I remember when my dad told me the story. He woke up one morning. He's near-sighted, but that one morning his vision was perfect without glasses. LOL, I remember he goes "It's a miracle! I can see clearly without my glasses!"

But being on the safe side, my mother made him go to the doctor. They ran some tests and he was diagnosed with type II diabetes. Please read up on this if you don't buy into the health concerns: http://www.diabetes.org/type-2-diabetes.jsp

My brother works at a hospital in Florida fitting people for prosthetic limbs. He tells me a very high percentage of his patients are older folks with diabetes so have had to have feet/legs amputated.

That's only one facet of the dangers of overweight and obesity. Throw in the extra risk of stroke, heart attack, and other various weight-related problems and you have a real problem on your hands.
For those who are overweight or obese or whatever, this thread is not to bash you. I don't really know what it's for, except that it shows the way a beautiful woman let herself go.

I so don't want to argue with anyone but I don't really like the classification of her as 'a woman who let herself go'. You can say that all you want, that's your right, but I had to say that I find those remarks very unpleasant. And this is coming from someone who's 5'10 and 140 lbs.
thanks JanetE- I found that remark very insulting also- and I am not overweight,fat obese, or any of the other chosen words for a woman who let herself go
For the weight part of it, IMO it would be fair if they measured it by cholesterol levels and such, not just BMI. As I (and others) have said, skinny does not equal healthy. My husband is far from obese or even overweight but he's a heck of a lot unhealthier and likely to get health premiums up for everyone than my overweight friend. Do you know if that's how they 'measure' the healthiness, or are they going by weight?

I don't know for sure. I can certainly ask my wife tonight after work. You may be right about the cholesterol levels. I'm sure that's one facet of many things they look at.
thanks JanetE- I found that remark very insulting also- and I am not overweight,fat obese, or any of the other chosen words for a woman who let herself go

If she didn't let herself go, then what would you call it? I'm not trying to sound unpleasant, but is there a nicer way of saying something that is true?
I don't think most of us think it's OK to obese....but rather that we feel glad that someone can be over-weight and still have self confidence in themselves, and still find a loving partner who will stand beside them...
like me for instance, I'm not obese but I weigh more than I would like too...and I HATE meeting new people, even members of hubby's family that I have never met. I have convinced myself people are not looking at me, but my weight...and like I said, I'm not even obese.
And I'm not trying (not being rude Reb, just saying) to justify ANYONE being over-weight...just wanted to get out there that just b/c someone is slim and/or a healthy weight doesn't mean they ARE healthy.
Like I said, I am over-weight, though not obese, and I hate myself, my body, etc....I just wish I had keely's confidence and could shop at a store w/o feeling like I am the fattest person in the world, and hit the beach w/o a t-shirt cover-up, and all eyes are on me.

Now this is very sad, WR-think of all the energy you are wasting on saying such terrible things to yourself. They are not based in reality-you are not the fattest person, the ugliest person or the worst person...reading many of the stories posted on these threads has to convince you of that!

I am always intrigued by the need some have to impose an image of health and beauty on others-what difference does it make if we accept people in all shapes, sizes, colors and quirks? So what if it is not how we choose to live our own lives-we are blessed to be living in a country where we have principles that guarantee our right to self expression as along as we are not harming someone directly as a result.

Undoubtedly many would make some judgements on my mother at one glance-to me she is unfailingly a lady, kind, gentle, intelligent and beautiful. My thin father died a horrible death from a pervasive cancer that caused tumors to grow rapidly, breaking ribs and eventually his sternum. Yet he trained for marathons...he was not particularly kind and gentle, btw. And in the end it is the kindness you put forth in life that carries on when you go-not what your scale reads. i support your right to be thin, curvy, wear day-glo orange hair without comment, and I will support you should you choose to change that aspect of yourself. I cannot stand by and see someone so compassionate as WR saying such unbalanced, disparaging things about herself however....:)
I don't know for sure. I can certainly ask my wife tonight after work. You may be right about the cholesterol levels. I'm sure that's one facet of many things they look at.

Thanks, I'm genuinly curious!

If she didn't let herself go, then what would you call it? I'm not trying to sound unpleasant, but is there a nicer way of saying something that is true?

Nobody here knows if she 'let herself go'. She could have a medical condition as simple as hypothyroidism. Letting oneself go implies not caring about oneself, and it sure doesn't look like Mrs. Brosnan is indifferent about herself. Britney S. has let herself go, even though she's not overweight.
Actually.. clothing labels do lie!! What we Americans buy as a size 6 is most certainly NOT by any seamstress's definition.
Unfortunately, I totally agree. I used to be thin when I was young; and I wore a 7 or 9. I now am borderline chunky (my kind words for myself); and I wear a size 8 (albeit a little snug)... ;)

Unfortunately, we cannot "hide" our weight flaws. So, it becomes an easy barometer for others to judge us. If we are honest, there are very few who have health issues that cause a person to become and stay overweight. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen; however, in the big scheme of things, individuals are overweight because they eat/drink too much and exercise too little.

I also agree that staying slim gets harder with each passing year. "Just Do It" (Nike slogan) very aptly applies if you truly want to stay in good health. It's a habit (good diet and exercise). However, it's a really hard habit to develop for some of us. :eek:
It may be a somewhat justified prejudice because overweight/obese people are causing skinny people's health care costs to go up as well. I can certainly see why people who spend the time to take care of themselves could be upset or annoyed with people and their weight. The same goes for sitting on a crowded bus or an airplane. I can't tell you how many times I've sat next to a larger person who paid for ONE ticket yet they took up half of MY seat as well.

Just recently, my wife's employer changed their healthcare policy. They now give all employees a health test every year, and if they don't meet certain criteria such as, if they smoke like a fiend or are overweight/obsese, they have to pay a premium on their health care benefits so the healthier people aren't stuck with the rising cost. I think it's fair.

Telling people it's okay to be comfortable in their own skin when they are severely overweight or obese is called enabling. It's the same thing to tell people that they should be comfortable with their gambling or drinking problems.
I totally agree with your post.
my final thought on this subject is the backlash against women taking up any space seems to be subsiding slowly but surely, and I for one think it is about time. Post feminism, the ideal beauty was skeletal "heroin chic" and models who were pre-pubescent. Now there is diversity and even a few curves here and there-I just want to remind you-all that in nature the female of the species is frequently larger, stronger and more solid than the male...raise a glass to evolution, lol!!!
I now am borderline chunky (my kind words for myself); and I wear a size 8 (albeit a little snug)... ;)

Please tell me you're kidding. I thought you were an exerciseaholic so I imagined you would be very slender and fit. No???
I don't think most of us think it's OK to obese.... .
I do.

And to be too thin, drink, smoke, gamble etc.... I actually hate the way personal opinions somehow become relevent to how other people choose to live.
Please tell me you're kidding. I thought you were an exerciseaholic so I imagined you would be very slender and fit. No???
Since we moved three months ago, my exercise routine has been sporadic. I eat so much that it didn't take me long to put on 15 pounds! I wear a size 8 and am 5'6" in height. I do not look fat, but I feel fat.

I am heading down to my gym right now! I need to get back into my intense routines!

I love your siggy with the chunky lady looking into the mirror. I am kind of the opposite, though (or, at least, I hope that I am)! I see myself as being fatter than I actually am. ;)

eta: My husband says that I am about half the size of KSS. He's no schmoozer, either. :eek:
With your height, you're still very trim to be a size 8. Alas, I'm wearing a size 10 and I'm only 5'3". My goal is to get back in 8's and maybe even some 6's before the end of the year.

Your hubby is a keeper, lol.
Since we moved three months ago, my exercise routine has been sporadic. I eat so much that it didn't take me long to put on 15 pounds! I wear a size 8 and am 5'6" in height. I do not look fat, but I feel fat.

I am heading down to my gym right now! I need to get back into my intense routines!

I love your siggy with the chunky lady looking into the mirror. I am kind of the opposite, though (or, at least, I hope that I am)! I see myself as being fatter than I actually am. ;)

eta: My husband says that I am about half the size of KSS. He's no schmoozer, either. :eek:

I'm 5'5" and a size 8.............:eek: .......you're a waif!!! :D

It's a good size for me. When I was a size 6, everyone said I looked too thin....:waitasec:

I am half the size of KSS, but I think she is a very beautiful woman.
Ok, I'm a good size, work out 4 days a week at the gym, etc. Most people comment about how "skinny" I am, though I think I'm fine. (I work out to get away from my office)

When I saw these pics of PB's wife I honestly thought it was great! Of all the self-centered, obsessed people we hear about in Hollywood and in our own lives, it's refreshing to see a woman who isn't rail thin rocking a bikini at the beach and looking like she couldn't care less who sees her.

Maybe she has other things to do with her life besides worry about what people think of her body.

I showed the pic to my boyfriend and he said "she's at the beach!", like he couldn't believe everyone was making such an issue of the pics. She's not in the mall for goodness' sake.

None of us are leaving here alive. All the gyms, botox parties and fad diets in the world won't help.

Check out Liv Tyler's new pics. Compare them to Amy Winehouse's who by anyone's standard is emaciated.
Ok, I'm a good size, work out 4 days a week at the gym, etc. Most people comment about how "skinny" I am, though I think I'm fine. (I work out to get away from my office)

When I saw these pics of PB's wife I honestly thought it was great! Of all the self-centered, obsessed people we hear about in Hollywood and in our own lives, it's refreshing to see a woman who isn't rail thin rocking a bikini at the beach and looking like she couldn't care less who sees her.

Maybe she has other things to do with her life besides worry about what people think of her body.

I showed the pic to my boyfriend and he said "she's at the beach!", like he couldn't believe everyone was making such an issue of the pics. She's not in the mall for goodness' sake.

None of us are leaving here alive. All the gyms, botox parties and fad diets in the world won't help.

Check out Liv Tyler's new pics. Compare them to Amy Winehouse's who by anyone's standard is emaciated.

Excellent post!!!!!!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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