Questions Specifically for Benjaman

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shout out to all the wine lovers out there! no offense meant!

i have experience with some folks who tried to corner me as they droned on ad nauseum (sic prob) about the names of wines and what goes with what meal and yadayadayada...and....truthfully, i would've rather poked my eyeballs out than listen to that most boring one sided conversation. i did escape
"Six for About $20US" interesting. I would never say $20US. I would say $20, the US would be assumed. Canadian? Worked with people from other countries?

Him saying it means nothing to me.
I go to computer sites; garden forums, it's common there where posters are from all over.


This has been explored before.
BK has had word spellings that are a little different, pointing to Canada.
six for about $20US is very telling to me.

We are the fresh start/fresh eyes team.
Time to look at Canada again.

I asked Believe a few months ago what ever came of Canada.
I'd given her a contact over a year ago for someone who works in the restaurant industry in Canada.

I am not able to contact this person myself; I could but would rather not.
My intentions were to post about Benjaman at the forum this person goes to, hoping he would respond.

When I saw myself in the mirror it was almost 9 months after I was found and a week after my eye had been fixed. I have no recollection of my hair state on the day I was found nor do I remember when I started shaving in the Hosiptal.

I imagine that includes that you don't recall touching your facial hair before you were able to see?
Him saying it means nothing to me.
I go to computer sites; garden forums, it's common there where posters are from all over.

I asked Believe a few months ago what ever came of Canada.
I'd given her a contact over a year ago for someone who works in the restaurant industry in Canada.

I am not able to contact this person myself; I could but would rather not.
My intentions were to post about Benjaman at the forum this person goes to, hoping he would respond.

I imagine that includes that you don't recall touching your facial hair before you were able to see?

The person did not respond to me friend....

I am plugged into a Canadian accent for a number of reasons, and Mr. Kyle does not have one-he will be the first to tell you that I "pahk the cahr in Hahvahd yahd..." however!!!
The person did not respond to me friend....

I am plugged into a Canadian accent for a number of reasons, and Mr. Kyle does not have one-he will be the first to tell you that I "pahk the cahr in Hahvahd yahd..." however!!!

Ok, then I'll try to get a post up there.
I also don't feel he grew up in Canada; but one never knows. lol
"Six for About $20US" interesting. I would never say $20US. I would say $20, the US would be assumed. Canadian? Worked with people from other countries?
I mentioned this before, and mention it again. Headquartre and programme are words that he has used. I've been thinking this for a while now. Maybe Benjaman was from the US and may have spent time in Canada or even UK areas for work or even married there and lived. I personally believe it is worth looking into. A expired visa or passport never returning to his destination.

Believe is there anything we can find out from FBI Bill about this? thoughts please.
I mentioned this before, and mention it again. Headquartre and programme are words that he has used. I've been thinking this for a while now. Maybe Benjaman was from the US and may have spent time in Canada or even UK areas for work or even married there and lived. I personally believe it is worth looking into. A expired visa or passport never returning to his destination.

Believe is there anything we kind find out from FBI Bill about this? thoughts please.[/quote]

Let's take this to the general discussion fresh start thread, unless you want to ask BK if it has been explored? I dont want to derail us, lol. You know how confusing I can make things....:innocent::crazy::blushing:
I mentioned this before, and mention it again. Headquartre and programme are words that he has used. I've been thinking this for a while now. Maybe Benjaman was from the US and may have spent time in Canada or even UK areas for work or even married there and lived. I personally believe it is worth looking into. A expired visa or passport never returning to his destination.

Believe is there anything we kind find out from FBI Bill about this? thoughts please.[/quote]

Let's take this to the general discussion fresh start thread, unless you want to ask BK if it has been explored? I dont want to derail us, lol. You know how confusing I can make things....:innocent::crazy::blushing:

I'll ask Benjaman, if it has been explored and advise. Maybe he can weigh in on this too.
I never use the "eh" as in Canadian sense. I do not say "ouse" unless I am trying to be funny(vey hard for me to be) I do not think that I have ever said "oot" all though I may very well be "oot of it" in many senses of the word.

I am from Canada.. I don't say "eh"
This is a fine example of how Ebay and the World Wide Web has corrupted the insular (if any one has a encyclopedia handy, I am not referring to my brain (I probably should discuss my brain, since that is the reason that I am on Web Sleuths in the first place)) elements of American (US-Please do not forget that Canadians and Mexicanos are Americans too) society. Be aware that my tongue is firmly planted to the inside of my cheek-I hope that it does not take root there. I would be in a real predicament if my mouth would happen to fill with roots, although, as I type this missive, I am chewing on a carrot (raw). Thankfully even though we are approaching winter here, it is not yet raw. I am being quite cheeky here , do you not think?

Frequently on Ebay the prices are indicated with "US" after the price because the sellers will ship to any country but they expect to remitted in United States Dollars.

I am from Canada and I always put CAD after the amout cause almost everything on the internet is listed as USD.

I can't find the post but Benjaman ( I think ) the used "yankees" .. now is that a term US people call themselves??
i've only ever heard the term yankee used to refer to northerners, or, er, those north of the mason dixon line. heh.
benjaman or anyone who knows,

when is the documentary supposed to come out? early 2010? i think it should be a great help. i hope hope hope so
benjaman or anyone who knows,

when is the documentary supposed to come out? early 2010? i think it should be a great help. i hope hope hope so

The last time the documentary guy replied (think his name was James) he said it's a work in progress and that there was no specific date
To all my friends at Web Sleuths:
Happy Thanksgiving!

Respectfully yours,
Benjaman Kyle
i've only ever heard the term yankee used to refer to northerners, or, er, those north of the mason dixon line. heh.

Here in the South, anyone who lives North of where you live is a "Damn" Yankee.
Here in the South, anyone who lives North of where you live is a "Damn" Yankee.

:) We have an aunt who always says "you damn yankees come down here and screw everything up." She must have forgotten she was one of us for a while?

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Benjaman!
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