REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

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I think that Caylee's father and immediate family have every right to know if LE knows who this person is. I also think that IF LE knows, then the father (if he is alive) knows and his immediate family knows and they simply don't want to be dragged through the mud. I have to say I don't blame them.

Cindy never wanted Caylee to have a father. As long as Cindy was finacially supporting Casey and Caylee... she had control of them. Having a father in the picture would mean that Caylee belonged to someone else other than her and she could not handle that. Cindy considered Caylee "her child." She has said it over and over again, in different ways.

I really don't think it was Casey's idea to keep the father out of the picture. Casey seems like the type of person who would have jumped at the chance to get child support out of him, but Cindy wouldn't have it.
I conpletely agree with your whole post! The Anthony family is full of it by denying the father his rights, even his family if he is dead!!! I call BS on the Anthony family determining if it would cause them pain, they have no way of knowing, and it might cause them more pain to know they could have known Caylee for over 2 years, and never got the chance!!!:furious:
It smacks of Anna Nicole Smith denying Larry Birkhead his chance at fatherhood, by falsely listing Howard Smith as her daughter's father!
Make that Howard K. Stern, not Smith, I was tired when I typed that out!
Dr Baden stated on a Fox News show one day- ages ago, before he signed on with the defense, that LE KNEW who the Father was, by DNA testing. The interviewer did not pursue his statement, so that's all there was to it- I wish I had saved a copy of that interview now.....

If LE knew who the father was, then they would have notified him at the time of the remains identification. Plus he would have come up during the squabble between CA and KC over control of the childs remains.
Yes, I think we will. There would not be a huge number of possibilities for the father, and it's fairly recent history, and there is DNA which can be matched. I believe there are probably a few guys out there who suspect they are the father, but are not sure, and once the trial is over they will come forward. I can see it unfolding like the Tiger Woods guy will come forward closely followed by a couple of others, they'll all give DNA samples to settle the matter, and then we'll know.
I really wonder who it could be. Maybe we will never know. I would think that he would have come forward now. I mean, anyone who slept with Casey in late 2005, would come forward. In less he wanted to remain unknown for whatever the reason(s). Maybe he has passed away, or is married and was married when he slept with Casey. I hope this part will be solved someday. These two reasons are the only ones I can think of as to why we do not know this.:waitasec::sheesh:
....I wonder also if LE has already answered this question and asked the young man not to come forward until after the trial. If that's the case I'm sure he would have been easy to convince after seeing what Jessie Grund and others have been subjected to.
Originally posted by Mrs G Norris...
....I wonder also if LE has already answered this question and asked the young man not to come forward until after the trial. If that's the case I'm sure he would have been easy to convince after seeing what Jessie Grund and others have been subjected to.

This makes sense.
I hope he doesn't ever know, I can't see any value in finding out you'd fathered a beautiful child and then she was cruelly murdered, that could drive a person mad with grief.
Yes, I think we will. There would not be a huge number of possibilities for the father, and it's fairly recent history, and there is DNA which can be matched. I believe there are probably a few guys out there who suspect they are the father, but are not sure, and once the trial is over they will come forward. I can see it unfolding like the Tiger Woods guy will come forward closely followed by a couple of others, they'll all give DNA samples to settle the matter, and then we'll know.

There was some speculation in the early days that Casey was a 'working girl' IYKWIM - the searches on the home PC for escort services led to that theory- plus GA's statement that LE had told him some photos of Casey that were of her doing 'some really bad things'- whether it was really GA looking for an escort, or her looking for work - if that is the case the sperm donor may never be known..
I hope he doesn't ever know, I can't see any value in finding out you'd fathered a beautiful child and then she was cruelly murdered, that could drive a person mad with grief.

I hope he does find out and puts in a claim for possession of Caylee's remains. Now that would confuse Cindy... we would see how much she believes that Caylee is still alive! IF she does then she would have no difficulty releasing those remains she is wearing as jewelry....
Sorry if this offends anyone; I don't believe it is any of the public or media's business who Caylee's bio father was. If the SAO deems it necessary to disclose this info, then we will learn his name at the appropriate time. But to speculate and discuss it this early stage isn't right. It brings WS down to the level of gossip.

I am sure the guys who had sex with ICA knew whether they used birth control or confronted ICA about it and either they agreed he would give up his parental rights, or ICA lied to him. Let's not forget, early on CA made the statements to LE/FBI that CA/GA/ICA had an attorney draw up papers giving CA/GA legals custody if anything happened to ICA. Another lie of course when CA could not produce those papers or the attorneys name for LE/FBI to verify.

Besides, Caylee knows now who her Father is.
Sorry if this offends anyone; I don't believe it is any of the public or media's business who Caylee's bio father was. If the SAO deems it necessary to disclose this info, then we will learn his name at the appropriate time. But to speculate and discuss it this early stage isn't right. It brings WS down to the level of gossip.

I am sure the guys who had sex with ICA knew whether they used birth control or confronted ICA about it and either they agreed he would give up his parental rights, or ICA lied to him. Let's not forget, early on CA made the statements to LE/FBI that CA/GA/ICA had an attorney draw up papers giving CA/GA legals custody if anything happened to ICA. Another lie of course when CA could not produce those papers or the attorneys name for LE/FBI to verify.

Besides, Caylee knows now who her Father is.

thank you for this countzero :) I completely agree :)
I agree that Caylee knows who her Father is now...

However, the fact that this poor child never had a father identified in her little short life...goes to the whole crux of dysfunction of the A's.... all the lies, secrecy, denial, all the cover-ups...all these factors that eventually led up to the baby's murder...and, a part of motive....thereby making this a major thread in this case. It is all relevant. re-emphasize...who Caylee's father a huge piece of the puzzle to this case...imo.... (not really who he is...but why it was covered up). Also...this guy must know who he you think he has sought counsel, retained a lawyer?
I really wonder who it could be. Maybe we will never know. I would think that he would have come forward now. I mean, anyone who slept with Casey in late 2005, would come forward. In less he wanted to remain unknown for whatever the reason(s). Maybe he has passed away, or is married and was married when he slept with Casey. I hope this part will be solved someday. These two reasons are the only ones I can think of as to why we do not know this.:waitasec::sheesh:

He could have been drunk as a skunk and had a quickie in a bar parking lot. For all we know. Ya know? Dude may have no clue whatsoever.

But really, I feel horrible for who ever Caylees daddy may be. What a scar on his heart. :(
Sorry if this offends anyone; I don't believe it is any of the public or media's business who Caylee's bio father was. If the SAO deems it necessary to disclose this info, then we will learn his name at the appropriate time. But to speculate and discuss it this early stage isn't right. It brings WS down to the level of gossip.

I am sure the guys who had sex with ICA knew whether they used birth control or confronted ICA about it and either they agreed he would give up his parental rights, or ICA lied to him. Let's not forget, early on CA made the statements to LE/FBI that CA/GA/ICA had an attorney draw up papers giving CA/GA legals custody if anything happened to ICA. Another lie of course when CA could not produce those papers or the attorneys name for LE/FBI to verify.

Besides, Caylee knows now who her Father is.

I agree with you. All the continued recurrance of this subject really feels like just voyeuristic gossip. It serves no real purpose in the case or to what happened to Caylee. Not does it serve any purpose in the prosecution of her mother expcept to layer or build on the already well proven charge that KC was a "wanton woman".

If the state had any idea who's father is, it would be reflected in the ciument dumps. They would have been legally obligated to notify them at the time Caylee's remains were identified, and they would have been involved in the final disposition of Caylee's remains. Further I suspect that HHJP is way to much of a professional, and way to cautious of any reversible error to ever even allow a mention of Caylee's father to enter into the courtroom.
I agree that Caylee knows who her Father is now...

However, the fact that this poor child never had a father identified in her little short life...goes to the whole crux of dysfunction of the A's.... all the lies, secrecy, denial, all the cover-ups...all these factors that eventually led up to the baby's murder...and, a part of motive....thereby making this a major thread in this case. It is all relevant. re-emphasize...who Caylee's father a huge piece of the puzzle to this case...imo.... (not really who he is...but why it was covered up). Also...this guy must know who he you think he has sought counsel, retained a lawyer?

This I agree with ya. The dysfunction of the A clan "hiding" Caylee's bio father does merit discussion and we have discussed it at length. Probably more so in the family psych threads, all of them.

I just disagree that names should be tossed around, photos compared-side by side to sleuth out the father. It's not necessary and imo is far below the standards we have here.

As far as do I think the guy knows who he is ..... I haven't given it much thought other than if he does know, he made the decision long ago to keep quiet about it and has grieved privately. And he should. Can you imagine the damage CA/GA/LA and JB can do to him publicly? If you think RK got the shaft from JB ..... imagine the lies JB and CA would spin and spin and spin.
I think it's important that whomever the father is, that he acknowledge it, in private if necessary or in public if HE chooses, but moreso just in his heart and mind, for her - for Caylee. Just to say "i'm here baby, I'm thinking of you, I love you, and I pray for you", and not much more he can do beyond that, right? I mean, at this point, what could the biological father do to Casey that Casey hasn't already done to herself. The only thing he can do at this point is be a voice in prayer for Caylee.

And he can do that without me knowing about it, that's for sure.
I wonder if Caylee's father had known he was a daddy and played an active role in her life would this tragedy have been averted.
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