Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #3

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There is no proof that any of players had never been to Georgetown. What we need to do is figure out who all has ever been in the MB and GT area out of the group of vacationers.

I know Keith C. was: as evident by a friend named Joey leaving comments in January and April 2007 on Keith's myspace.

who else of the "friends" were previous visitors to the MB area? LE has not cleared anyone yet.. I think it's safe to say that until they clear all those that took the trip, any one of the "friends" could be the perp.

hope this all makes sense.. this just keeps bugging me and I finally decided to post it tonight after my baby's middle of the night feeding... time to go back to sleep :)
Yes your right ,what those girls did was pretty sick.
Sorry Sleuther's Iam Rambling on here . I am just now watching nancy and im wondering why she says this .She says something like and missing teen that went to M,B with some freinds / Aquaintances and then she goes on to say and here she is on this GRAINY VIDEO going in and then back out of the hotel.

My point is if that is a GRAINY VIDEO. i wonder what she would call the tapes like jennifer kessee i cant think of any more but u get my point .I do not think you will get a much more detailed survailence shot then the one we all say well unless the camera was in a total different spot like maybe near or in front of the door , But its allways easy when something has allready happen..
Crews begin aerial mapping in Brittanee search

Thursday afternoon crews prepared to go up in a helicopter from the Charleston County Sheriff's Office to begin aerial mapping in the search for 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel.
They will be mapping search zones around the cell tower where Brittanee's cell phone last gave a signal Saturday, April 25th.
As part of the renewed search, mounted horse search teams began arriving in Georgetown County to help in the search.
The Laura Recovery Center for Missing Children out of Texas and the CUE Center for Missing Persons sent out alerts to volunteer horse units on Wednesday, and they expect as many as 100 teams could be on the ground by Saturday.
Myrtle Beach Police were able to pick up a signal that Drexel's cell phone beamed to a tower a few hours later near the Santee Rivers in Georgetown County. The cell phone communicated with the tower the following day, on Sunday, but there has been no activity from it since.
That's been the strongest lead according to detectives.
Caison is asking for more horse patrols and asks anyone interested in volunteering to call the CUE Center at 910-232-1687.
I said many posts back, I think these kids from Rochester are insensitive or dumb or a freaky combination of both, but definitely not smart enough for one of them, much less two or more because then surely someone would have talked, to do any harm to her AND THEN make their way to Georgetown to dispose of her phone and certainly not her body.

Now if we had never gotten the ping from Georgetown I would maybe still be on the fence about that.

But I'm telling you, I am familiar enough with this area, those kids would never have driven that far to an unfamiliar area like that is, and again, downright spooky to do anything with her or her belongings.

Once you get out of the city of Georgetown and head towards those rivers and the national forest, you have shadowy moss covered trees, marshland, serious marshland, all kinds of animals making noises in the woods and rumbling in the bushes.

No, I definitely do not see one, two, three girls, or one, two, three boys or any combination thereof from Rochester NY cavorting through the backwoods of SC in the middle of the night to play hide and seek with her body and/or belongings.

They are so self-absorbed, a dumpster would have done the job so they could get on down to Kryptonite before last call.

The thing that bothers me most is that there's a whole family down there and lots of searchers and law enforcement officers out every day and hundreds expected to turn out Saturday digging through that eerie place looking for their daughter to bring her home. That alone is heartbreaking, and yes to think that those hundreds of people obviously care more about this girl than those 'acquaintances' can even muster to pretend is a very troubling thing for us to witness. Right now I get the feeling LE's focus is on finding Brittanee - plain and simple. I strongly believe and pray that once she is found, she will tell the story.

ITA SeaNymph. Especially with the dumpster comment. If they HAD done this, those kids would do the quickest, most convenient thing.. so they could get back to their partying.
Ya know what distracted...I never thought of it that way...if PB offered a ride and she said no then why would she even ponder for a second to get into the car of a stranger???? Wow..that just kinda hit me...and honestly I dont see someone getting abducted on the strip..I mean someone would HAVE to see it right??? So she probably got into the car of someone she felt comfortable with.....I mean that only makes sense now right? :waitasec: All of course IMO.

Unfortunately - for a headstrong 17 YO just out to party and have a good time, that person she felt comfortable with to get in the car may just have been the cute guy who smiled at her on the beach. I don't believe it necessarily would need to be someone she really knew.

As for not taking the ride from PB - now I am only going by the pics and BF's comments about dating on and off- but B seems to be a little bit of a flirt. I wonder if she flirted and PB wasn't interested... so she moved on for the night?
As for not taking the ride from PB - now I am only going by the pics and BF's comments about dating on and off- but B seems to be a little bit of a flirt. I wonder if she flirted and PB wasn't interested... so she moved on for the night?

Or perhaps the other way around? He flirted and she wasn't interested. Just a thought.
Crews begin aerial mapping in Brittanee search

Thursday afternoon crews prepared to go up in a helicopter from the Charleston County Sheriff's Office to begin aerial mapping in the search for 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel.
They will be mapping search zones around the cell tower where Brittanee's cell phone last gave a signal Saturday, April 25th.As part of the renewed search, mounted horse search teams began arriving in Georgetown County to help in the search.
The Laura Recovery Center for Missing Children out of Texas and the CUE Center for Missing Persons sent out alerts to volunteer horse units on Wednesday, and they expect as many as 100 teams could be on the ground by Saturday.
Myrtle Beach Police were able to pick up a signal that Drexel's cell phone beamed to a tower a few hours later near the Santee Rivers in Georgetown County. The cell phone communicated with the tower the following day, on Sunday, but there has been no activity from it since.
That's been the strongest lead according to detectives.
Caison is asking for more horse patrols and asks anyone interested in volunteering to call the CUE Center at 910-232-1687.

See, I'm getting a little stuck here. Were there two separate pings registered at that tower? One a few hours later and then another later on Sunday? I was under the impression to begin with it was ONE ping shortly after midnight on Sunday....but let's say they got a ping a 'few hours later' - 11:30 PM, and then another 'the following day, on Sunday', let's say 5 AM.. that makes a BIG difference to me. That tells me no, that phone was not 'passing through'.

I had thought a couple of times through this, what if they are wasting their time and that phone kept on traveling but just didnt hit another tower beyond this point before it died? But if this is the case it tells me they know her phone is/was there more than just a few minutes in passing.

And sorry if I'm redundant, but I'm still stuck on this guy too.
Myrtle Beach crime rates from 2003. I know that it was six years ago, but I think that they show the types of statistic the place is likely to have in general.

Forcible rape: 7 times the national average
Aggravated Assault: 3.85 times the national average
All violent crime: 4.11 times the national average

Would be interesting to see how the crime rates are affected by seasonal activities, if locals are cited as being involved in the crimes taking place during spring break, or are the crimes committed by visitors.

I can't remember which article it was, but IIRC Myrtle Beach LE stated that while people frequently go missing during spring break activities, these people do not stay missing. I was wondering if this was part truth and part PR for area that needs to offset the bad press MB is getting with Britt's abduction.

Does anyone know how to track arrest records for the people that went to Myrtle Beach with Britt? I know I can look them up in my state if it is a county court, but I don't know how it works in New York. I'd actually like to see the "wrap" sheet on everyone, Brit's boyfriend, Tara, and Britt too. If Britt doesn't have anything, and I'm guessing she doesn't, it might me interesting to see if those closest to her have had any trouble with the courts. I don't think that Tara will have anything, but I'm not so sure of the boyfriend.

Also, who is Britt's bio father. Do we know what issue's are affecting Dawn's marriages, she's had two divorced right?

Anyway, TIA if anyone can help-- I'm going to be in and out today, so I'll check in every chance I get. Probably have a lot of catching up when I do :crazy: I really think the girl is going to be found... hopefully that will happen before I next check in.

:beats: TIA, daisy.faithfull
Sorry Sleuther's Iam Rambling on here . I am just now watching nancy and im wondering why she says this .She says something like and missing teen that went to M,B with some freinds / Aquaintances and then she goes on to say and here she is on this GRAINY VIDEO going in and then back out of the hotel.

My point is if that is a GRAINY VIDEO. i wonder what she would call the tapes like jennifer kessee i cant think of any more but u get my point .I do not think you will get a much more detailed survailence shot then the one we all say well unless the camera was in a total different spot like maybe near or in front of the door , But its allways easy when something has allready happen..

Not to focus on the video so much but, you know what I don't understand? Why is it that we have camera's on the end of ballpoint pens and inside teddy bears nowadays that are clear as a bell....and all the video I see from banks during a robbery and convienence stores during robberies or even that craigslist killer video....they are all fuzzy and grainy?? Can we get some camera's in these places that would actually aid in an investigation? JMO but I have a hard time believing that grainy video image is Brit....I know her mom has confirmed it but I just don't see it. Does anyone think the LE might have blurred out her face?
When I take a step back and put on my logic cap I see the following: The people she was with are jerks, but not murders. I think this was a local person and BD was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think she was head strong enough not to get into a car with a stranger or creepy person, so I think this person is someone she met briefly in MB and most likely doesn't look creepy. He offered her a ride and she said "WTH" this time. It was a long walk and he was heading that way so it wouldn't be an inconviences. She didn't ask PB because she is too nice to take him away from the baseball game and she knows she is a smart girl and figured she would be fine walking by herself. She had done it before.
The problem I am having is that is wasn't that late yet so if the driver was going in the wrong direction or didn't take her to the hotel, she would have caught on and tried to escape. She knew she had to get back to the hotel to return the shorts. MB is crowded during this time and there are many stop lights, someone would have seen something.
Or perhaps the other way around? He flirted and she wasn't interested. Just a thought.

Possible BUT although B was very pretty she does look VERY young for 17. You have to remember this is spring break at MB - hot girls with great bodies in minimal amounts of clothing can be found everywhere. I showed B's pick to my nephew and a couple of his friends - about PB's age.... their comments - cute kid - I bet she will be hot when she grows up. They all guessed her age to be around 15 and way too young for them.

One other thing I have to say about the girls... in hindsight their behavior appears awful but to be honest we don't know how B was towards them. I think most times this type of behavior goes both ways.

Updated at: 05/08/2009 1:39 AM

...Police say they are following up on every lead. They even went to a school in Georgetown to look for clues and ask the students questions about Drexel...

...In his taped interview Thursday afternoon, Brozowitz was concerned about clearing his name...Brozowitz, with local lawyer John Parrinello by his side, said he has fully cooperated with the police investigation...Dawn and Chad Drexel, Brittanee's mother and adoptive father, are in Los Angeles in the Dr. Phil studio and were part of this interview...

...she had just walked a mile to get to their hotel room.

At that time, Brittanee, Brozowitz and his friends, had just started watching the Yankees-Red Sox game on TV when she got a call from her friend, mad that Brittanee had her shorts.

Brozowitz said Brittanee did not seem all that mad about turning around and walking back to return them. He offered her a ride, but she said she'd be just fine.

...We also found out from this interview they did know each other before this trips, but Brozowitz said he did not know she was going to be in Myrtle Beach.

The portions I bolded are statements that were made from PB himself and give us a little bit more info. Info is scarce in this case.
They all guessed her age to be around 15 and way too young for them.

Interesting you would say this because their were two sexual assaults a few days earlier on girls 12-14, so maybe this perp was getting more aggressive and thought she was also about 14 and walking alone a night. They have a sketch of that perp, so hopefully they are following up on that.
'What we need to do is figure out who all has ever been in the MB and GT area out of the group of vacationers'
What we need to figure out is the persons she traveled with-first of all. I am apalled that LE is not making their interviews public-come on-we all know that they are being interviewed?!?!? Why the secret-because their parents have money and clout? People!
Get angry and get suspicious and get outraged........get very concerned with the fact that Brittanie Drexel traveled with some females to Spring Break And that they traveled back home WITHOUT HER.Use your head.......
Also I am sure this question was answered already but I can't find it. If Brit got a call at the hotel with Peter and the others about the black shorts......then left to return the black we have confirmation that the shorts were returned to the girl who placed the call? For some reason this is where I am getting stuck in my thoughts because I had some pretty "mean girl" friends in high school, (before I realized there was more to high school than social stature) and we all shared our clothes....and if something of there's looked better on me than it did on them....well it was off limits to me. I was wondering if there was a fight about the shorts. Because I just feel like why in the world would they have called her to return the shorts after she had already left and walked a mile?? Any real friend of mine would just get the shorts later rather than make me walk all the way back and change. There is something funky about that.
Does anyone know who the guy with the distasteful blog is? I heard the name Mike Cook, but I can't find it. I want to read it to compare with another blogger. I want to see if its the same person using a different name.
Hi warbuckle. If I remember correctly there would not be any stop lights on OB between 20th S and at least just north of Family Kingdom Amusement Park. I think there may be one there, but I am not sure.

Again, I think the other night when they reported her leaving 20th/Bluewater, tracked back to 11th, and then the next cell hit is at Surfside, this is because they watched the 11th Ave camera that got her going down and it did not get her going back. Now, I am just assuming here, but the two hotels were on the same side of OB, oceanside...we know she took that side of the sidewalk down to 20th. I think it's logical to assume when she exited Bluewater and got on the boulevard, she would have taken that same side back.

What I may do is go to Google Live and 'walk' that route myself. I'm sure you know what I am talking about when I say all those hotels have entrances on that side, some of them very 'closed in' if it is a tall building, and even some that would more resemble an 'alley' than a driveway, service entrances, and maybe a couple of public beach access drives down there, etc. I don't necessarily see her getting in the car with a stranger, and I certainly don't see someone stopping on the blvd and pulling her off the sidewalk, but if it is someone familiar with the area and those hotels, they could have passed her, got to a location above her and parked in one of those drives/alleys waiting for her to walk by and somehow coaxed her into one of those drives or alleys and who knows from there.
WarbuckleL You are so right on..........Thank you...........
If anyone wants to walk the route, here it is.,226.13,,0,5

When the street view comes up, the hotel just to the left is Bluewater. What you would do is keep looking left until you get turned around and then head straight back up OB.

This is the Captains Quarters where the first attempted assault happened on April 12th.,181.33,,0,5

Trying to link the map to Hotel Blue where the other attempted assault happened on April 13th turns up something interesting.,179.7,,0,-17.5

I think it must have been under construction at the time of the video mapping. Their website says opening 2008, and the Google map gives me a construction site, although the picture has a different hotel name. The website lists the address as 705 S OB, but the Google map defaults to 704 S OB. In any event, the hotel website, if you click "Level 6" it takes you to a page offering ammenities for guests of Hotel Blue which includes Level 6 Entertainment Complex, which is located at Captains Quarters. These two hotels share ammenity packages.

Employee of the resort(s) anyone?
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