The Theater and the Shooting

So I stepped away from following this case for about a week in order to refresh and come back with a fresher look at things.

While I haven't looked at much coverage for a week and haven't caught up on the threads, one thing I did see yesterday gave me pause, disturbed me and reinforced the questions many of us have about this case:


Note: Dates can’t seem to put the person we all saw in the court room and identify him as the person sitting in the front row and taking the phone call and/or in that body armor the night of the shooting.

“DATES: The night in the theater, as soon as the door swung open and the person dressed all in black walked into the theater, this person had a stroll like he knew what was going on, like he knew what was supposed to happen, like it was supposed to be a walk in the park and that he was going to have a good time. That`s what it looked like.”

Does this disturb anyone else?
Missing Hardball Video Proves Corbin Dates Did Not ID James Holmes. - YouTube

Note: Dates can’t seem to put the person we all saw in the court room and identify him as the person sitting in the front row and taking the phone call and/or in that body armor the night of the shooting.

“DATES: The night in the theater, as soon as the door swung open and the person dressed all in black walked into the theater, this person had a stroll like he knew what was going on, like he knew what was supposed to happen, like it was supposed to be a walk in the park and that he was going to have a good time. That`s what it looked like.”

Does this disturb anyone else?

Hello Hastings,

Yes, it disturbs me for a couple reasons.

First, it disturbs me because I can’t envision this any other way. It sounds like a good degree of confidence, and that comes with practice. The shooter had lots of time and a lot of wide open space (in CO) to practice. But I also think the shooter would have had to have some type of model to project from. There are any number of movies or scenes from movies that the shooter could have pictured himself in, in that theater, in that attitude, doing what he did. That person who could do that shooting, in that attitude is completely disconnected.

Most likely there isn't anyone that was in that theater, that could identify the shooter. Was he was seen by anyone in the front of the theater with the orange hair when he went to check his cell?. Did he already have the tac gear on at the beginning of the movie or did he go outside to put it on? Even someone in the lobby might have remembered something, it's not like he doesn't stand out.

I’m sure there are people that saw things we have not heard about. There are people who went to school with, processors, he studied with , clerks at a local store who saw him every day, etc. who would have first-hand knowledge of his recent behavior.

So many questions!

We'll have to wait a bit for answers. Right now I'm saying January.
Hello Hastings,

Yes, it disturbs me for a couple reasons.

First, it disturbs me because I can’t envision this any other way. It sounds like a good degree of confidence, and that comes with practice. The shooter had lots of time and a lot of wide open space (in CO) to practice. But I also think the shooter would have had to have some type of model to project from. There are any number of movies or scenes from movies that the shooter could have pictured himself in, in that theater, in that attitude, doing what he did. That person who could do that shooting, in that attitude is completely disconnected.

Most likely there isn't anyone that was in that theater, that could identify the shooter. Was he was seen by anyone in the front of the theater with the orange hair when he went to check his cell?. Did he already have the tac gear on at the beginning of the movie or did he go outside to put it on? Even someone in the lobby might have remembered something, it's not like he doesn't stand out.

I’m sure there are people that saw things we have not heard about. There are people who went to school with, processors, he studied with , clerks at a local store who saw him every day, etc. who would have first-hand knowledge of his recent behavior.

So many questions!

We'll have to wait a bit for answers. Right now I'm saying January.

Cory Dates (the guy being interviewed by Chris Matthews on MSNBC in the video I shared) is the individual who talks about the guy coming in before the film and sitting in the front row. Later that same person took a phone call at the emergency door which Cory thought was weird. Later that same door opens and a horrific tragedy unfolds.

That being said, Cory never has identified Holmes as the guy taking the phone call or the shooter-- watch the clip, that is abundantly clear.

This really bothers me; maybe Cory is lying and just wants his 15 seconds, because if he's not lying then we have a huge problem here...

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Hastings, you might want to check out a youtube video, "The James Holmes Conspiracy". It's over an hour long and features some interesting information.
Hastings, you might want to check out a youtube video, "The James Holmes Conspiracy". It's over an hour long and features some interesting information.

I tried to watch it but it was tough to get through and I gave up; I also noticed some misinformation in the little I watched... What did you think of it?

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Thanks for the videos, Februrary and HastingsChi. Two things:
1) The video at Post 497 mentions how the POI's roommate left in construction dress. I can't remember which video I watched (it may have been one of Februrary's just posted or an earlier one)--one of the witnesses said they exited the theater and asked a construction worker for help. Sounds like there was night time construction going on outside the theater.
2) Interesting that Corbin Dates still believes there was a goatee on the cel phone answerer. I don't think Corbin would have to lie for 15 min of fame. The truth of what he saw that night whether the cel phone guy looked like JH or not, either way, is so important.
2) Interesting that Corbin Dates still believes there was a goatee on the cel phone answerer. I don't think Corbin would have to lie for 15 min of fame. The truth of what he saw that night whether the cel phone guy looked like JH or not, either way, is so important.

Snipped by me...

With Corbin, if you look him up you'll find he's an wannabe actor; wanted to mention that because it is true.

That being said, Holmes is a taller guy with the worst hair in America and buggy/doll-like eyes, even on the off chance he wore a hat to the movies if you noticed front row/phone call guy the way Corbin clearly did you would have no issue identifying Holmes. However in the interview it was clear from Corbin's words that Holmes isn't who he saw.
I haven't seen this video before (maybe I missed it on Websleuths):

The newscaster says that a cel phone was found in JH's apt.

I saw that but figured he'd upgraded his mobile at some point in the last couple of years and had the old one somewhere in his apartment. I know I have one or two old Androids stored in a closet in my condo.

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Missing Hardball Video Proves Corbin Dates Did Not ID James Holmes. - YouTube

Note: Dates can’t seem to put the person we all saw in the court room and identify him as the person sitting in the front row and taking the phone call and/or in that body armor the night of the shooting.

Does this disturb anyone else?

Look at this video about the neighbor saying they Never Seen A Man Fitting Description Of James Holmes:)

With Corbin, i think he saw a man who stood up and exited the emergency door but at the same time he's also still watching a movie too but if he added more to that story, we'll see that later when they examine his testimonies in court.
oh gosh..i dont know what to say about to say this cell phone video footage by someone at youtube but this man dressed in black, near the second gas mask we are questioning ?


with the subject : Why Did The Aurora Police Detain This Injured Woman At The Scene And Not Let Them Drive Her To ER?

News ( CNN ) interviewed LE on the air and confirmed a Knife and Bullet Proof Vest

from this video - 0.39 seconds
one witness /moviegoer - silvana guillen - said they exited through the emergency exit and they found people near a construction site and they told them to call 911.

construction site by the emergency exit? which site is this?

Ok found the Paving Crew Construction Workers From Sable St. Behind Theater On Night Of Aurora Theater . You can see them in this video

from 5.13 on this Video, news reporter asked if there are any security outside on this event before the show - witness said there is an aurora cops already in there and heavy security presence , checking the parking lot
Look at this video about the neighbor saying they Never Seen A Man Fitting Description Of James Holmes:)

Never Seen A Man Fitting Description Of James Holmes, Or Has Anybody Else - Downstairs Neighbor - YouTube

The male voice describes seeing him walking to class, and also mentioned a "floormate" greeting JH at one point, but JH did not respond to him.

Based on this YouTube video, we do not have any basis to conclude that JH actually did not reside in the apartment rented in his name.

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