Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #2

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Don't know if there is already a thread for this?

After much working on this, my hypothesis is Caylee dies sometime on June 16th, hence the "flurry" of calls.

I think she borrowed the shovel to try to bury her but saw it was too much work. She might have broken into the shed with the shovel and put the gas cans in the trunk in case she ran out of gas with a dead body in the car. She knew her gas gauge was not reliable.

June 17th is when she sees ZG at the sawgrass.
She has said the last time I saw Caylee was with ZG. Maybe there is a grain of truth in that?

"I dont know where Caylee is right now" translates to "I dont know where her body ended up"

She said "beach" several times has anyone checked any bodies of water by Sawgrass/Blanchard Park?

June 27th is when the car gets abandned at Amscott and she texts AH she got rid of the smell! This is another fishy day to check into.

My question is this...if the gas gauge didn't work or was faulty - then why didn't George the all mighty fixer and keeper of the cars fix it???
My question is this...if the gas gauge didn't work or was faulty - then why didn't George the all mighty fixer and keeper of the cars fix it???

Seems out of character doesn't it?:waitasec:
If I remember correctly, Casey slept at Tony's house the night before.

So she has to wake up early to rush home and pick up her 'brat' before George goes to work. She might have been annoyed that her morning was spoiled and maybe when she arrived home she & George had a confrontation about her lifestyle.

Now she's looking forward to spending the day with Tony after he gets home from school BUT now she's stuck with that annoying kid.

I bet she was in a real foul mood that morning. Angry that Caylee was cramping her style and her parents kept bothering her about being more responsible.
My question is this...if the gas gauge didn't work or was faulty - then why didn't George the all mighty fixer and keeper of the cars fix it???

if recollection serves me correctly GA "towed" it to some repair place where someone named (can't remember the names--but KC told TonE the names)--I also don't think KC would have left the car long enough for GA to "fix" the car...
June 17th is when she sees ZG at the sawgrass.
She has said the last time I saw Caylee was with ZG. Maybe there is a grain of truth in that?

As I mentioned on the June 17 "pings" thread
I don't think she was at Sawgrass that day (based on the pings).

Which brings us back to the question of where she got the ZG-Sawgrass connection...:waitasec:
This may be a dumb idea, but let's say George and Cindy were willing to actually try and find the child (her body). Can they determine how many miles Casey put on the car (assuming it was Caylee in the trunk) and there for determine a radius in which to search in??

Like I said, it may be a dumb idea, I have no idea how long Casey actually had the car or if they even have any idea how many miles were on it. I'm just thinking...

No its not dumb - but doubtful they recorded mileage - Fear NOT - Caseys cell phone addiction is going to do her in - they know where she
was and when by the cell phone pings - just like a few other murderers
remember Scott Petersen ?

My question is this...if the gas gauge didn't work or was faulty - then why didn't George the all mighty fixer and keeper of the cars fix it???

Replacing a gas gauge is a huge and expensive undertaking and is not a 'do it yourself at home' project. Most people wouldn't bother with it in an older model car, they'd keep track of their mileage instead.
Replacing a gas gauge is a huge and expensive undertaking and is not a 'do it yourself at home' project. Most people wouldn't bother with it in an older model car, they'd keep track of their mileage instead.
<I bolded>

LOL that's exactly what my husband does with his older Chevy truck. The gas gauge went belly up about a year ago and he sets his trip each time he fills up. Must work fine, he hasn't run out of gas yet. :)

And yes, it is a big undertaking. I don't remember the exact estimate he was given to repair it, but it was NOT a cheap fix.
<I bolded>

LOL that's exactly what my husband does with his older Chevy truck. The gas gauge went belly up about a year ago and he sets his trip each time he fills up. Must work fine, he hasn't run out of gas yet. :)

And yes, it is a big undertaking. I don't remember the exact estimate he was given to repair it, but it was NOT a cheap fix.

its a tremendous pain in the errrrrrrr ahhhhh ummmmmm......neck

you need to remove the tank in most cases... and then you end up replacing
all kinds of other things fuel pump, straps, fuel filters cable, gauges...
then you see all kinds of other problems such as rust and corrosion (depending on where you live)

get a little notebook.... fill it and keep records

Hi everyone :) First post here...So bear with me...

My thought has always been that, (just like my thoughts on Madeleine McCann as well) that Caylee was not intentionally murdered by her mother or anyone else, but rather that her Mother Casey is just downright selfish, putting her own needs above her childs basic needs...

I believe that she was so into having a good time that she put that above Caylee, and if she wanted to go out , well nothing was going to stop that from happening not even a (then) 2 year old.

I believe Casey drugged Caylee be it with Chloroform or something else to knock her out, whilst she had a good time....But something went terribly wrong one day, too much was given ? Caylee fell ? or something else that caused her resulting death, and then rather than come forward and ADMIT to being a loser mother , a negligent mother than unintentionally killed her child, she set about covering her tracks and getting rid of the body..
Perhaps even in that month that she didnt report Caylee missing , Caylee was still alive but in a coma ? perhaps she left it a month to report her missing so that the trail would go cold.

I think at least one other person if not more know what happend to Caylee and I think they will be Casey's undoing
Looking at many of the photos of Casey and Caylee like this one

I really do not believe she intentionally murdered her, and I do believe that she did love Caylee and that Caylee loved her mummy too.

I do not understand how she can be so cool and calm about her daughter being missing , except that in her own twisted reasoning she feels she didnt do anything wrong....and that is why she can remain so calm and composed all the time.

I have two children one just a bit older than Caylee and one just a big younger, I would not be able to just *go about my business* the way Casey did, I wouldnt be able to act so calm and composed and talk to people and say "Im doing okay today" like in this video

I wouldnt be able to sleep or eat or stop crying .. i certainly wouldnt be able to show a mouth full of pearly whites like what seems to be Casey's tradmark (although I have to say I do love her teeth LOL) But most every pic of her she is flashing those pearly whites !

Anyway its just my thoughts and I hope I have put this in the right section..

I do hope with all my heart that little Caylee is found, and sadly I do believe that she is dead, but its my deepest hope that she is found and laid to rest properly...
I havent worked out the parents yet, seems a very ODD BALL Couple to me..

Seems out of character doesn't it?:waitasec:

Me Think's You 2 Are On To Something Here..:clap:

Ya know I never thought about it at all....:bang:
if recollection serves me correctly GA "towed" it to some repair place where someone named (can't remember the names--but KC told TonE the names)--I also don't think KC would have left the car long enough for GA to "fix" the car...

Hey Zoey,

I am almost positive that that whole scenario was another of Casey's lies. The car was in the tow yard this whole time and she was telling Tone this while he was in NY....
Hi everyone :) First post here...So bear with me...

My thought has always been that, (just like my thoughts on Madeleine McCann as well) that Caylee was not intentionally murdered by her mother or anyone else, but rather that her Mother Casey is just downright selfish, putting her own needs above her childs basic needs...

I believe that she was so into having a good time that she put that above Caylee, and if she wanted to go out , well nothing was going to stop that from happening not even a (then) 2 year old.

I believe Casey drugged Caylee be it with Chloroform or something else to knock her out, whilst she had a good time....But something went terribly wrong one day, too much was given ? Caylee fell ? or something else that caused her resulting death, and then rather than come forward and ADMIT to being a loser mother , a negligent mother than unintentionally killed her child, she set about covering her tracks and getting rid of the body..
Perhaps even in that month that she didnt report Caylee missing , Caylee was still alive but in a coma ? perhaps she left it a month to report her missing so that the trail would go cold.

I think at least one other person if not more know what happend to Caylee and I think they will be Casey's undoing
Looking at many of the photos of Casey and Caylee like this one

I really do not believe she intentionally murdered her, and I do believe that she did love Caylee and that Caylee loved her mummy too.

I do not understand how she can be so cool and calm about her daughter being missing , except that in her own twisted reasoning she feels she didnt do anything wrong....and that is why she can remain so calm and composed all the time.

I have two children one just a bit older than Caylee and one just a big younger, I would not be able to just *go about my business* the way Casey did, I wouldnt be able to act so calm and composed and talk to people and say "Im doing okay today" like in this video

I wouldnt be able to sleep or eat or stop crying .. i certainly wouldnt be able to show a mouth full of pearly whites like what seems to be Casey's tradmark (although I have to say I do love her teeth LOL) But most every pic of her she is flashing those pearly whites !

Anyway its just my thoughts and I hope I have put this in the right section..

I do hope with all my heart that little Caylee is found, and sadly I do believe that she is dead, but its my deepest hope that she is found and laid to rest properly...
I havent worked out the parents yet, seems a very ODD BALL Couple to me..


If KC intentionally chloroformed Caylee, even if she didn't intend to kill her, that intent is enough to support murder.
Legally, it is the intent to do the specific act that results in death; not the intent to kill that satisfies the intent requirement for murder.
@Themis - but isn't chloroform to sedate/knock out ? not to kill ? even if it was chloroform maybe it was a drug - sleeping pill or something in her drink or food ?

I could be stepping on confused ground here as we have different laws in Australia, ie we don't have First Degree Second Degree etc , Capital Cases and so on.

Don't get me wrong, I think Casey is Guilty as sin, but I don't think she purposely murdered her child, premeditated ..
The two facts that do exist :

ZG was looking at the sawgrass apts on 6/17


KC says "the last time I saw caylee she was with ZG"
My newest theory is…and it could be true so please tell me your thoughts but be nice to me. &#61514;

Chloroform could have easily been bought…at Fusion. I live in a city where you can buy anything, including GHB (date rape drug) which people use to come down from other drugs or in small quantities to ‘relax’. I could see KC buying a bottle (like a pop bottle size of Chloroform) and keeping it in her room. She probably tried it out on Amy the night Amy woke up wearing different pants and was told she was ‘hiding money’ etc.

June 15th – HUGE fight at the Anthony house – KC does bring Caylee to bed to piss off Cindy…later in the night KC is so mad and annoyed she Chloroforms Caylee to get her to be quiet or out of anger about the fight and Cindy threatening to get custody of Caylee. She texts with Tony and talks on the phone with him for hours…then realizes Caylee is not breathing. She cannot revive Caylee. Morning comes, and Cindy goes to work. Shortly after KC comes out crying to George about what happened. She really didn’t mean to kill Caylee, just drug her to go to sleep (). George for a number of reasons decides to cover with KC…but he HAS to go to work! If he is late or doesn’t show for work it will be on record and he HAS to do the normal routine…he moves Caylee to the back yard into the sand box. It took him 3 days or so to figure out after what to do/when/where to move the body etc.

He loved his granddaughter with all his heart, but KC is his only daughter and he did what he thought was best at the time to protect her.
I think the biggest obstacle in this whole scenerio is the total inconsistancies with what happened after CA got home from the visit at the nursing home. We have CA giving this creepy testimony at the bond hearing about how she "heard" them, and acts very suspicious to the point where you know she is hiding something. You have GA giving such a detailed acounting as to the afternoon's events that it is obvious he is lying. Her cell pings prove he is a liar. She didn't leave the area til 4pm, not 1pm as GA wants us to believe. Then, the elusive phonecall to kc at 745 am 6/16. A 2 minute call from the A home. Why are they calling her if she is in her bed asleep as CA said at the bond hearing??? Why in the interview on Greta with TL's roomie, did the roomie refuse to answer when Greta asked him if kc stayed the night of the 15th? He just stares at her like, you are crazy if you think I am gonna answer that question.

I think we would have a lot going for us if we could get a definate answer as to where kc slept that night.

A better question would be, why is everybody covering that information up?
Can I ask, as I havent read it anywhere as yet , what GA gave in evidence ? is that common knowledge yet ?
Am I right that he testified *against* his daughter ? which helped lead to her arrest for murder ?
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