Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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That is an unfair statement and you have nothing to back that up with. Metallica and Pantera’s music is totally different; at least to me it is. I like Metallica’s music, however, Pantera’s not so much. To say someone is looking for lots of attention - I don’t get that?
I want to live in a country that I can wear what I want to wear w/o someone assuming I'm looking for attention. Wouldn't you want that as well?

For God's sake ,yes I like our country and I like being able to wear what I want.I know what I'm talking about when it comes to bands like these -I am saying a girl wearing a mini, boots and a Pantera shirt at this show is great looking and is not shy and fading into the woodwork AT ALL.She is looking to be noticed and have a good time and that's great.The extreme-ness of Pantera has nothing to do with costumes like Kiss and Gwar.
sorry but im spending time right now doing research, is a new thread going to be opened any minute because i dont want my post getting lost
I don't believe a new thread will be started for another 5-6 more pages. I think they like to keep the threads at 20 pages/25 posts to each thread getting a total about 500 post a thread. Of course the threads do run over many times.
What if when the friend called ... Morgan was with the abductor and TOLD to say, "Don't worry I'll find a ride" (or whatever exactly she said". That could explain the lack of argument etc.

After that the perp had her remove the battery so that it wouldn't ping or ring.
truthful lies,

excellent point about morgan's petite stature! as a viking amazon former rugby player concert going mom of 4, i have harped on my 2 teeninsy daughters that they must take extra care to give wide berth to strangers and really be aware of their personal space when in public. we should all do that really, but lightweight girls/guys are much easier targets and can be snatched into a car in a nanosecond! i speak from personal experience about being grabbed and pulled into a vehicle (and i was a rugby player at the time), so i'm pretty paranoid about it.

i also want to make a point about heavy metal concerts and concert tshirts. the point has been made that it is the norm to wear concert ts to other shows and i heartily agree. morgan's pantera shirt would have been seen as cool, if anything. music has contributed so much to my life and i view it as a "saving grace" for many disenfranchised kids. most "metalheads" are good kids.

can't count the number of concerts i've attended in the last 40 years, but i will say that the only one where i saw attendees acting hostile toward each other was at a csny reunion concert a couple of years ago in which the band spewed anti-american crap. many of the metal bands are known to be super patriotic.

my cellphone ring was pantera's "respect" before i recently changed it to the isley brothers "who's that lady". my purse has concert/band patches on it and they are johnny cash, pantera, and coheed and cambria. lol, it's a conversation starter for sure. hopefully, the general public doesn't view that as a character flaw. we are all athletes, my kids are leaders and high achievers....and pretty nice well rounded, i think

i've met awesome kids and adults at all of the concerts i've attended and we're usually front and center of the mosh pit at the most heavy metal. been to everything from lamb of god, all that remains, pantera to gnarls barkley, andrea bocelli, gwen stefani, nirvana, guns n roses, norah jones, john prine, kid rock, the band, lynyrd skynyrd, justin timberlake, forever the sickest kids, allison krause, led zep, dixie dregs and even myllie(sp?) cyrus!

morgan had a wide variety of music taste from manilow to pantera. that was displayed in her room at home and i view that as a strength and kudos to her parents for supporting that about her.
omgosh! i just thought of something else. i have seen some "unsavory" characters at concerts....and those were some of the photographers! no offense intended to the legit and good concert photogs!

there have been crime cases that involve photographers luring girls for the promise of fame and fortune. morgan's brother is in the fashion world of new york (i think) and perhaps she was enamored with that??

i dunno...just throwing that out there to bat around
For God's sake ,yes I like our country and I like being able to wear what I want.I know what I'm talking about when it comes to bands like these -I am saying a girl wearing a mini, boots and a Pantera shirt at this show is great looking and is not shy and fading into the woodwork AT ALL.She is looking to be noticed and have a good time and that's great.The extreme-ness of Pantera has nothing to do with costumes like Kiss and Gwar.

I’m sure that I am reading too much into your statement “looking for lots of attention”. Not intended to offend you. I just see it as someone that has self-confidence and likes fashion.

Who wants to wear what everyone else is going to be wearing? Not me… I see nothing wrong with what she was supposedly wearing (jmo).

I am being too sensitive here. We all want the best for Morgan and her family. I for one will defend Morgan and her family.
I’m sure that I am reading too much into your statement “looking for lots of attention”. Not intended to offend you. I just see it as someone that has self-confidence and likes fashion.

Who wants to wear what everyone else is going to be wearing? Not me… I see nothing wrong with what she was supposedly wearing (jmo).

I am being too sensitive here. We all want the best for Morgan and her family. I for one will defend Morgan and her family.
I agree 100%! What one is wearing has NOTHING to do with being a good and or decent human being. I myself have dressed in a wide array of "costumes" many times for the shock effect that could/would be illicited and it has not a thing to do with my ethics or my morality, but more to do with my sense of having a good time and BEING unique.

Regardless what she had on, even if she appeared there completely nude, she did not deserve to be abducted (if that is indeed what happened). The clothes don't make the man, and the cover of the book does not tell the whole story. The details are INSIDE and the outer garments often times do not reflect this.
She's a 20 year old beautiful girl, I think what she was wearing was very appropriate for a top notch concert like Metallica. I really don't think it had any bearing on her disappearance.

I still think that the reason she left the concert when she did could have some relevance here. She had apparently been looking forward to this for 6 months and then gets shut out before Metallica go on. If it had been me I would have been on the phone to my friends shouting "DO something", not "oh well, nevermind, I'll try to find a lift home".

In my experience of concerts and other theatre venues, the 'out of the concert' door does not lead straight out of the building, but into a foyer where there are usually seats and toilets and even sometimes bars. Is this not the case at JPJ? If there were she could have sat there in the safety and warmth while waiting for her friends.

I wonder if there was some tension that night with her friends and when she got shut out it was the last straw and she thought "sod you, I'll find my own way home, I don't need you, and I'll pretend I don't care about the concert". I know I've had this attitude before in situations with my friends.

I'm also wondering if her being overdrawn was a result not of spending too much on groceries but of her putting some money aside in order to 'disappear'. I really hope so 'cos this would mean that she is somewhere safe. JMO
I THINK the poster meant that Metallica and Pantera have female fans.
BUT they have MANY male fans.
Have you ever heard the music or seen a concert by either group? I have, and Pantera is a hardcore metal band that has a fiercely loyal, devoted following. Most are males. I think maybe the poster meant that by wearing the Pantera shirt, it would appear that Morgan was trying to get attention like "Hey, I know my stuff" "I know my metal music"
A way to impress the guys so to speak.

well put kelly, i was just thinking about how to say the same thing. pantera is really hardcore and wearing it sort of gives the message that after this metallica concert one is not going to go home and rock out to 'NSync :crazy: i guess over all it doesnt mean much about why or how she is missing, but i do think it says something about how she wanted to be percieved mho

ETA: the reasons for choosing the outfit that she did can only be known by her.
I'm also wondering if her being overdrawn was a result not of spending too much on groceries but of her putting some money aside in order to 'disappear'. I really hope so 'cos this would mean that she is somewhere safe. JMO

I wondered that too.

I can see her wanting to run away. Her parents obviously love her deeply and are constantly concerned about her welfare, but at 20, she may have found that oppressive rather than helpful. If she had planned to leave and her friends found out about it, maybe that's why they took the keys. Then she stormed out anyway.

I hope she's somewhere safe and didn't just immediately storm into more trouble, though, if something like that happened. :praying:
What if when the friend called ... Morgan was with the abductor and TOLD to say, "Don't worry I'll find a ride" (or whatever exactly she said". That could explain the lack of argument etc.

After that the perp had her remove the battery so that it wouldn't ping or ring.

Plausible, but reports of her being seen alone in the next 42 minutes suggest to me that she was not with anyone, nor hurrying away from anyone. Better explanation to me is that what we're hearing isn't the real conversation that took place (e.g., with an angry tone, as posted by others recently?).
well put kelly, i was just thinking about how to say the same thing. pantera is really hardcore and wearing it sort of gives the message that after this metallica concert one is not going to go home and rock out to 'NSync :crazy: i guess over all it doesnt mean much about why or how she is missing, but i do think it says something about how she wanted to be percieved mho

Thank you for clarifying-that is all I meant-Pantera are drunk, macho, strip club owning metal players(I know Darrel is dead blah,blah blah) I TOTALLY agree even if MH went to the show wearing a bikini she should be safe. Since we were micro analyzing everything even speculating that she is anorexic I threw my two cents in.Obviously with no new info. coming in we are reduced to this type of picking apart every tiny detail we do know.
I know people talk about her running away and starting over, but isn't that really hard for her to do? She's close to her family, I can't imagine her turning on the tv and watching them live through this. I would think that she would need money and how would she use her ss n#. I would think this would take months of planning. Does anyone know how well she was doing in school?
Whew! I just spent the last four days reading all 6 threads! I was caught up in some other cases and missed this at first.

My own opinions after reading them:

1) My feeling is she never made it to the concert. Or, if she did, she got sick, went out and went to her car - either MH had a set of keys in addition to the other set or friend took her out, and reentered, with another ticket they bought that night, or, there was an extra ticket from the group originally bought (IIRC somewhere early on it was said DH bought 6??) and when they came out after the show, DH was dead, they freaked, threw out purse to set it up as aduction and the friends disposed of the body. I really lean toward not getting there at all.

I think the sitings maybe be of the other girl DS, and some of them of someone else altogether. If DH were really inside, I think there would be more sitings, and there would be pictures. I can't get around the no pictures of her from that night. If any existed, surely LE would have released one to show exactly what DH looked like that night and what she was wearing.

But, of course, I do have questions, that others share:

1) why no pic of exact Pantera shirt?

2) Why did her father state she frequently took battery out of phone? Who does that?

3) I don't think guy who says he saw them arrive is credible, over the saying he saw girls with no mention of the guy

4) I can't believe no cameras at venue. Amazing and astounding if true. And if there are, why no photos anywhere of DH.

5) When did DH last use ATM card?

Then again, I can't see her staging disappearance for some reason.

All in all, this is so amazing. So much is unknown and something just seems off.

Again, all is just my opinoin. I would much rather hope DH is alive and just took off and wil be found safe and well.

hello rosie, good questions! but your idea of morgan going out to the car and when they came out she was not alive and they panicked and hid her somewhere and put the purse somewhere that it would look like an abduction, i havent thought about that angle. that would be that shortest straight line to connect the dots. i continue to dwell on the friends possible involvement because something just feels so off about them to me... i watched an interview of her friend ss and the way she spoke of what happened was weird, one comment was that if they knew what would happen then they wouldnt have done IT...hmmm... what is IT? but it appears that the parents and le continue to back the friends so either they really do believe them or they just dont have the evidence that they would need to go after them... :confused: her not making it to the concert at all seems possible too. i guess until someone can come up with concrete proof i.e. pics then who knows....i wonder what the friends cell records contain??? and the dad had bought 9 tickets and only 6 went..., not sure what link that is i will have to dig but i cant surf right now...
omgosh! i just thought of something else. i have seen some "unsavory" characters at concerts....and those were some of the photographers! no offense intended to the legit and good concert photogs!

there have been crime cases that involve photographers luring girls for the promise of fame and fortune. morgan's brother is in the fashion world of new york (i think) and perhaps she was enamored with that??

i dunno...just throwing that out there to bat around

yeah - i could see one of them claiming that they could take her to meet the band or some other any rate it is something new to feels like we just keep re-figuring the same word problem over and over again trying to get a different answer ... aarrrhg! we so desperately need a fact or a clue...eventually this case is just going to go cold if they dont release some more info...morgan deserves to be found and at this rate she wont be:curses:
Maybe Morgan just recently obtained the smoking habit, smoking will also make you lose weight. Although I don't find it relevant as to why she lost weight. I lost 85 pounds once and I did it by eating healthy and exercising. I do however understand that other things could help explain why she went outside.
Also I have drank 2 to 3 beers before and got sick and I wasn't anorexic and I thought at the time I had a pretty good tolerance to alcohol. So what I'm trying to say is there could be many factors that brought on her now being missing, it doesn't have to mean shes anorexic.
At the rate this is going next someone will say maybe she was prostituting.
Edited to say I'm not trying to sound rude and I'm sorry if I came off this way, it's just that the poor girl is missing and has been missing for sometime now. I just feel for her, she's somewhere being tormented in some way even is its only tormented by not being able to go home and all we can do is speculate on her body weight. It just sounds wrong to me I guess. Especially because now we've moved from her drinking (which is totally normal for her age and I don't see anything wrong with it) to she has an eating disorder.

You're right, Heroine. I realize I did go overboard with this, and I apologize. The last thing Morgan needs now is speculation about her personal life that has nothing to do with finding out where she is now. I agree we definitely need some more info to go on. Now I'm worried with this new 16 year old girl Casey missing in VA. I'm wondering if there is a serial predator out there.
Crozet is before Charlottesville by several miles - if you're coming from Roanoke or Harrisonburg. If you are coming from Richmond, Crozet is after Charlottesville.
Crozet is before Charlottesville by several miles - if you're coming from Roanoke or Harrisonburg. If you are coming from Richmond, Crozet is after Charlottesville.

From JPJ arena to the market where she was reportedly sighted at 10:30 is 15.4 miles, a straight shot west out of C'ville on Ivy Road/250 or one exit past and then backtracking a bit on I-64. It's toward the blue ridge mountains, before you get to Afton and Shenandoah National Park/Skyline Drive. Undoubtedly more than you wanted to know.
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