GUILTY VA - Yeardley Love, 22, UVA student, beaten to death, Charlottesville, May 2010 *civil trial 2022*

bolded by me.

His grandson has killed a person and all he cares about is whether he will graduate or not? WTF? I can't even think of a word to describe this kind of attitude!

I bet there's a big white elephant in their living room that no ever talks about....
bolded by me.

His grandson has killed a person and all he cares about is whether he will graduate or not? WTF? I can't even think of a word to describe this kind of attitude!

It's his grandchild, what do you expect? And he was questioned right after it happened, so he likely didn't even believe his grandson did anything. If your relative is accused of something, are you going to automatically believe he or she is actually guilty right away?
My opinion on this murderer? He has been apologized for, covered by his parents for all of his wrong doings, entitled to do as he please without any repercussions throughout his elite life, all of his rages were covered up and overlooked by both parents and school, and he probably thought that Daddy would get him out of this too. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves. His parents should have put a stop to his crimes a long time ago.
It's his grandchild, what do you expect? And he was questioned right after it happened, so he likely didn't even believe his grandson did anything. If your relative is accused of something, are you going to automatically believe he or she is actually guilty right away?

And in one sense you are correct, he was probably in shock, but his comment is typical of someone in denial:

When reached by telephone, Huguley's grandfather, George Huguely III, said: "He was a wonderful child, and he was going to graduate. Hopefully he will be graduating. That's all I can tell you, okay? I'm sorry."

Notice the use of the word "was", I have a fifteen year old grandson and I can tell you he IS a wonderful child, IMO grandpa is trying to avoid "the white elephant" that his grandson became, deep down he knows the truth he is just in the first stage of greiving for the grandson that he thought he knew, of course this is JMO>
I am guessing that his lawyer will try to make a deal for a lesser charge than 1st Degree Murder. The best deal I could see would be 2nd Degree murder. There is no way you can call this Manslaughter as he went to her place in a rage- likely after he read a "final break up leave me alone" e-mail. He obviously has anger and alcohol issues based on the boat, party and cop incidents and he lost it and went crazy. The girl probably knew he was a threat but figured that she would be graduating and out of there soon enough.
Interesting insight into the culture maybe

George Huguely was clearly a young man with problems. To what extent they were manifested, and how, remains to be seen. Given my relationship to some of his friends, I've heard things, but all that'll trickle out in due time. For now, let's say this: To leave any human being the way he left Yeardley that night requires both deep-seated psychological problems and a severe emotional detachment.

Diagnosing those issues and their source is someone else's job, but having lived vicariously through a number of friends playing Division 1 lacrosse, and having seen the lifestyles firsthand, it's not hard to see how that culture of excess may have exacerbated whatever problems this kid was facing.

George Huguely may not have felt "entitled" to date Yeardley Love regardless of her objections (that conclusion's too easy) but it's entirely conceivable that lacrosse's entitlement culture, filled with excess, enabled him to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism, and without any social repercussions, burying his "issues" deep inside. And make no mistake, whatever happened the night of Huguely's "altercation" with Yeardley Love, some sort of substance abuse contributed to that "emotional detachment" referenced above.

Witnesses have said he'd been seen drinking all day, and don't be surprised if the police report reveals that there were drugs in his system that night. And whatever the case, really, it all points to the same problem, where lacrosse is at least tangentially complicit.
Has COD been released? Also, have they released any details from her autopsy as of yet? Thank you in advance.
Has COD been released? Also, have they released any details from her autopsy as of yet? Thank you in advance.

It has been said that her autopsy results will not be released for several weeks and no specific cause of death will be determined till then.

All we know I think is that her head was repeatedly slammed against the wall and she was found "severely beaten", her face down on bloody pillow with right eye swollen shut and bad bruising to one side of face apparently caused by "blunt force trauma"

A friend of Huguely's who played lacrosse with him in summer leagues told the Daily News that Huguely "partied really hard and when he was drunk or f----- up, he could be violent. He would get out of control."

Huguely was described by the summer league teammate as "obsessive," constantly texting and calling Love, to the point that people close to her worried about the relationship.

Pleasants said no protective order had been filed in the local magistrate's office.
A former Virginia student who was friends with both Love and Huguely described a disturbing incident in which Huguely recently reportedly attacked Love, then had no recollection of it the next day, which precipitated their final breakup. "He was really messed up and punched a window of a car on the way over to her apartment that night," the friend said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of consideration for Love's family. The friend said Huguely had been seen breaking bottles at another party before Love's death and had told people he was going to her apartment to get Love back.
bolded by me.

His grandson has killed a person and all he cares about is whether he will graduate or not? WTF? I can't even think of a word to describe this kind of attitude!

When I read this comment I thought the same thing. Then I started thinking maybe the Grandfather is in shock. Here he thinks his grandson is doing well playing lacrosse and about to graduate college and the next thing the Grandfather knows his grandson is arrested for murder. Because truthfully, he had one arrest. He was drunk and had to be tasered. The article didn't say anything about him hitting the officer just that he was yelling he was going to kill them. (unless I missed that part.) That's a big leap to murder. His friends said he was violent when he had been drinking, I doubt his family had seen that part of him. So I can honestly see his family's shock and them thinking hopefully he will graduate. Meaning I wish time could turn back and things be back the way they were. JMO
In Texas public high schools, one of the mandatory programs is on dating violence. IDK if private schools have this requirement or other states. Does anyone know?

My state does not have this program, I wish they did.
Ok, this is probably a WAY, WAY, WAY longshot but I will throw it out there so those more knowledgeable than I can give me some feedback:

- the shirt Morgan Harrington was wearing the night she disappeared was found in the same neighborhood Love lives in, correct?
- Morgan may possibly have been seen with some UVA athletes after she was locked out of the concert (they were identified as basketball players, I believe) but so many of her actions that night are unaccounted for it is possible she ran into other students from UVA that night, other athletes
- given his level of violence his attack on YL is probably not GH first offence of this sort (not saying he has killed before, just that he has probably seriously injured someone in the past - maybe, probably)

Could he be a possibility? Should he at least be looked at as a possible suspect? Or are there reasons he should be ruled out?

Thank you!

My opinion on this murderer? He has been apologized for, covered by his parents for all of his wrong doings, entitled to do as he please without any repercussions throughout his elite life, all of his rages were covered up and overlooked by both parents and school, and he probably thought that Daddy would get him out of this too. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves. His parents should have put a stop to his crimes a long time ago.

I disagree. Only because he confessed so quickly. I think he's remorseful, not that it matters much now. A beautiful young woman is dead.
Ok, this is probably a WAY, WAY, WAY longshot but I will throw it out there so those more knowledgeable than I can give me some feedback:

- the shirt Morgan Harrington was wearing the night she disappeared was found in the same neighborhood Love lives in, correct?
- Morgan may possibly have been seen with some UVA athletes after she was locked out of the concert (they were identified as basketball players, I believe) but so many of her actions that night are unaccounted for it is possible she ran into other students from UVA that night, other athletes
- given his level of violence his attack on YL is probably not GH first offence of this sort (not saying he has killed before, just that he has probably seriously injured someone in the past - maybe, probably)

Could he be a possibility? Should he at least be looked at as a possible suspect? Or are there reasons he should be ruled out?

Thank you!


Oops! I made a mistake. It seems MH's shirt was found near GH's apartment and not near YL's apartment as I originally stated. My apologies for the confusion. Again, I may (probably am) way off-base, but wondered if I was the only one whose antenna went up when this guy was arrested earlier this week regarding a possible involvement in Morgan's case - even if it is proven to be wrong... Just wondering...

Thank you.
When I read this comment I thought the same thing. Then I started thinking maybe the Grandfather is in shock. Here he thinks his grandson is doing well playing lacrosse and about to graduate college and the next thing the Grandfather knows his grandson is arrested for murder. Because truthfully, he had one arrest. He was drunk and had to be tasered. The article didn't say anything about him hitting the officer just that he was yelling he was going to kill them. (unless I missed that part.) That's a big leap to murder. His friends said he was violent when he had been drinking, I doubt his family had seen that part of him. So I can honestly see his family's shock and them thinking hopefully he will graduate. Meaning I wish time could turn back and things be back the way they were. JMO

Thanks, you do have a point here. People under stress and in shock will say things that seem weird to the outside observer--you just don't know where their minds are going when they speak. Grandpa may have been caught off guard,and graduation may have been the topic of the day until this happened...

I think grandpa may have chosen not to see the bad side of his grandson. GH may have had "only" one arrest, but the family certainly could see how he acted: his drinking, violence, and behavior problems. I've seen this kind of denial myself; they just ignore, deny and make jokes about the individual's behavior.
Early reports said YL and GH had an off & on relationship for about a year & a half. It would be interesting to know the status of their relationship the night Morgan was taken. Also, have any of the Lacrosse players or friends of GH resided in the area that Morgan was found murdered?
To address recent posts from JennaBelle and fhc:

I don't think you're entirely off-base in thinking there may be a connection between this murder and Morgan Harrington's. Although I can not now provide a link, I distinctly remember references on the MH threads to UVA students and Anchorage Farm -- some living on and others partying on -- that property over the years. MOO.

Does anyone else remember that?
To address recent posts from JennaBelle and fhc:

I don't think you're entirely off-base in thinking there may be a connection between this murder and Morgan Harrington's. Although I can not now provide a link, I distinctly remember references on the MH threads to UVA students and Anchorage Farm -- some living on and others partying on -- that property over the years. MOO.

Does anyone else remember that?

I do remember references to this. Also, it seemed in the last press conference that LE alluded to this, minus the athletic and UVA angle. It was in the last carefully scripted p.c. asking for info from locals that might have seen anything. iirc
Early reports said YL and GH had an off & on relationship for about a year & a half. It would be interesting to know the status of their relationship the night Morgan was taken. Also, have any of the Lacrosse players or friends of GH resided in the area that Morgan was found murdered?

I guess it's possible that GH is a repeat offender but this seems to me like a crime of passion -- no mitigation implied by that term -- likely with alcohol as a contributing factor. The accounts I've read suggest that GH had a particular interest in/focus on YL; this appears to be a targeted crime.

There are broader questions here, of course: the way in which student athletes who bring money and prestige to programs and schools are protected despite their (and their schools') best interests; whether or not there are at the college level athletic "cultures" that inherently condone or even promote unhealthy attitudes towards women, non-athletes, etc. My guess is that, given the investments elite sports programs make in their top student athletes, little will change after the hand-wringing but perhaps this will prove a bellwether case and good will come of it.


Ok, this is probably a WAY, WAY, WAY longshot but I will throw it out there so those more knowledgeable than I can give me some feedback:

- the shirt Morgan Harrington was wearing the night she disappeared was found in the same neighborhood Love lives in, correct?
- Morgan may possibly have been seen with some UVA athletes after she was locked out of the concert (they were identified as basketball players, I believe) but so many of her actions that night are unaccounted for it is possible she ran into other students from UVA that night, other athletes
- given his level of violence his attack on YL is probably not GH first offence of this sort (not saying he has killed before, just that he has probably seriously injured someone in the past - maybe, probably)

Could he be a possibility? Should he at least be looked at as a possible suspect? Or are there reasons he should be ruled out?

Thank you!


I think this is extremely far fetched. It appears to be similar to a domestic violence situation, where the girl apparently broke up with him and that led to this situation. I don't see anything to suggest he was randomly attacking women he didn't know.

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