Why no news? January 2011

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I truly believe that Terri has something to do with Kyron going missing.

Me too and it's making me cranky. I can only imagine what the locals think. Reading everyday for news and knowing she is still free. There is a big difference knowing you can go outside, and not being able to even if you wanted to.

This boy looks just like my son, and just about had it up to here. I feel really bad for saying this, but I don't even care if it's a trumped up charge anymore, as long as she pays for what she did.

I am sick and tired of these people getting away with stuff. I don't know if she murdered him, but I know she is responsible. That's just as bad in my books and should pay with her life. I'm glad you guys have the death penalty.


Now on vacation until there is news. So I don't bring you guys down with me. =(
Me too and it's making me cranky. I can only imagine what the locals think. Reading everyday for news and knowing she is still free. There is a big difference knowing you can go outside, and not being able to even if you wanted to.

This boy looks just like my son, and just about had it up to here. I feel really bad for saying this, but I don't even care if it's a trumped up charge anymore, as long as she pays for what she did.

I am sick and tired of these people getting away with stuff. I don't know if she murdered him, but I know she is responsible. That's just as bad in my books and should pay with her life. I'm glad you guys have the death penalty.


Now on vacation until there is news. So I don't bring you guys down with me. =(

Even if Terri's involved, the chance of her getting the death penalty, or even life in prison without parole is very slim. If she killed Kyron, it most likely happened on June 4th so his body is very decomposed by now. LE might not be able to determine if it was a premeditated killing (which it needs to be to get the death penalty) and her high profile lawyer will get the charges down to manslaughter or 2nd degree murder. Also, due to Terri being a woman and not the stranger sex predator murdering type like Richard Allen Davis (murderer of Polly Klaas) or Alejandra Avila (murderer of Samantha Runnion), and that only 34 people are currently on Oregon's Death Row, I would be very surprised if she ended up there. Also, since Terri is Kyron's stepmom, how would they prove kidnapping charges if she took him from the school to somewhere else where she killed him?
I am having a hard time seeing how LE can prove anything against TH, unless someone comes forward with inside information. As stated in above post, even if Kyron is found deceased, cause of death may not be able to be determined, much less forensics pointing to any one person. And we pretty have to rule out that anyone can swear they saw her leave with him, or we probably would not be sitting here, waiting for an arrest.

I think LE is going to end up having to try a circumstantial case made up of every little tidbit they can find to try to show that no one else would have done this; not that no one else could have, as I think almost anyone could have taken him that day. They may have to parade people who can tesitfy that TH said negative things about Kyron, show emails, find fault with with alibi, try to tie in the pings (although not of much use if he is not found). I think they really need to find Kyron...this is getting scary.
I am having a hard time seeing how LE can prove anything against TH, unless someone comes forward with inside information. As stated in above post, even if Kyron is found deceased, cause of death may not be able to be determined, much less forensics pointing to any one person. And we pretty have to rule out that anyone can swear they saw her leave with him, or we probably would not be sitting here, waiting for an arrest.

I think LE is going to end up having to try a circumstantial case made up of every little tidbit they can find to try to show that no one else would have done this; not that no one else could have, as I think almost anyone could have taken him that day. They may have to parade people who can tesitfy that TH said negative things about Kyron, show emails, find fault with with alibi, try to tie in the pings (although not of much use if he is not found). I think they really need to find Kyron...this is getting scary.

The evidence you mention in your second paragraph is extremely circumstantial and will never hold up in court on its own. If LE found Kyron's body and it had forensic evidence linking Terri to the crime, although since Terri is his stepmom, her lawyer could argue that it's normal for her DNA to be on him, then they could use the emails, negative things she said on Kyron, and texting to show her true character. Remember, juries can only find Terri guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I think it's very likely that Terri was involved but due to LE not having any forensic evidence, I'm not 100% "Terri did it"

Also, since you can't be put on trial 2x for the same crime, if LE goes ahead now and puts Terri on trial before finding Kyron, and she is acquitted and then, later Kyron's body is found, then they can't put her on trial again. Even if Terri did kill Kyron, she probably isn't a danger to the public so it's not like LE has to worry about her snatching a random child and killing again. I really think they should wait until they find Kyron before they put her on trial. You only get one chance.
I agree that a circumstantial case such as I described would not be a strong one...and that without findind Kyron would be unlikely to be enough. I really think too many theories have been floated in this case to proceed without finding Kyron. Even in the December article, the 6-month mark, Staton was talking about all of the possibilities that COULD have happened, leaving room for the defense.

Even if the prosecutor can prove TH lied about everything...defense can probably find a string of people to claim TH has always been a liar, yet she had never killed anyone before. Even if they can prove she disliked Kyron...defense can say she disliked lots of people who are still alive and well. I am just baffled and can only imgaine how LE and the family feels.
The evidence you mention in your second paragraph is extremely circumstantial and will never hold up in court on its own. If LE found Kyron's body and it had forensic evidence linking Terri to the crime, although since Terri is his stepmom, her lawyer could argue that it's normal for her DNA to be on him, then they could use the emails, negative things she said on Kyron, and texting to show her true character. Remember, juries can only find Terri guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I think it's very likely that Terri was involved but due to LE not having any forensic evidence, I'm not 100% "Terri did it"

Also, since you can't be put on trial 2x for the same crime, if LE goes ahead now and puts Terri on trial before finding Kyron, and she is acquitted and then, later Kyron's body is found, then they can't put her on trial again. Even if Terri did kill Kyron, she probably isn't a danger to the public so it's not like LE has to worry about her snatching a random child and killing again. I really think they should wait until they find Kyron before they put her on trial. You only get one chance.

They convicted Scott Peterson without ever knowing how Laci died, nor did they have a lot of physical evidence to show the jury. And as they were married and living together, his lawyers could even explain away the hair found in the pliers in his boat. And SP got the death penalty. I think of that case every time I wonder if Terri can be arrested and convicted without a 'smoking gun' so to speak. Sometimes telling a lot of lies and otherwise acting suspiciously inappropriately after a "loved one" goes missing does seal your fate. Not always, but it's not impossible.
The part I think is different from SP case, even if Kyron is found, is that Kyron was last seen in a crowded place; that leaves his abduction open to all kinds of possible suspects, even if TH seems the most likely. I know LE is trying to nail down every last person who was in Skyline on June 4th, but I doubt they will be able to do so, absolutely, and that may leave enough doubt right there.
I remember when Kyron's board used to move at the speed of lightning. Now, it's just a couple of posts every few hours. I guess it's going to be like this until something major happens or until the divorce hearing in 2 months. :( We're not talking about a case that's 30 years old, but one that is "only" 7 months old and was major news in Portland just a couple of months ago. It seems like the case just changed overnight from being red hot in the media to cold.
Maybe there is no news because the divorce and search for kyron are so dependent on one another that someone other than TH being guilty just "can't" be possible.

I agree -- it does appear that the divorce and the search for Kyron ARE dependent on one another.

But we do not know the real answers as to WHY - we can only speculate.

I wonder:

If Kyron would NOT have gone missing, would Terrie and Kaine be going through a divorce now ? ?

Everyday, I look for news that Kyron will be found . . I hope they find him soon !

I don't think the divorce and the investigation are dependent on one another...the divorce action is not going to reveal any news about Kyron. We know we won't hear from TH. At most, the divorce might provide some insight into the murder for hire allegation, but only if Terri challenges it...
One (more) thing I find odd with Kyron's case...no citizen searches that we have heard of, even after 8 months without him being found.

I know, LE discouraged it and all that, but in most other cases, we've heard about search groups organizing themselves and just going out and looking. Maybe it's not a great idea, but in any case, it is hardly ever LE who ends up finding anyone

It almost seems as though LE has cowed this whole town in some way, no one talks and no one searches. And Kyron is missing...
Is there ANYTHING we haven't discussed yet about this case? Or something that we did discuss that deserves a rehashing? I just don't like how no developments = no posts here. I'm going to read old posts from Kyron's forum to see if there was anything we discussed back in June or July that might be good to talk about again, with new perspectives.

Edit: Wow. I'm reading old posts and there was a poll taken back in early July. 56% believed that there would be an arrest that week in Kyron's disappearance. 7 months later, and there's been no arrest, no conclusion, and no Kyron.
One (more) thing I find odd with Kyron's case...no citizen searches that we have heard of, even after 8 months without him being found.

I know, LE discouraged it and all that, but in most other cases, we've heard about search groups organizing themselves and just going out and looking. Maybe it's not a great idea, but in any case, it is hardly ever LE who ends up finding anyone

It almost seems as though LE has cowed this whole town in some way, no one talks and no one searches. And Kyron is missing...

Where would you even search? He could be anywhere. I really thought that he would be found this last summer. Oregonians are outdoors people and they are everywhere when the sun is shining, and even when it isn't. If he is no longer alive he must have been hidden very well or he would have been found by now.
First, apologies. This is totally OT. But it's a lesson in the dangers of online forums lacking moderation and strict TOS. Thanks, again, for providing this sane site.


Now, back on topic. Sorry.

I think this is a good reminder that this family has a lot going on and it is very volatile situation. TH and KH are going through a public divorce, DY is under extreme emotional pressure and you never know what will trigger a bad response. Thanks for posting this reminder.
I don't think the divorce and the investigation are dependent on one another...the divorce action is not going to reveal any news about Kyron. We know we won't hear from TH. At most, the divorce might provide some insight into the murder for hire allegation, but only if Terri challenges it...

Yes I agree! The two cases are definitely intertwined but if Terri doesn't speak at the divorce hearing, doesn't try to fight for custody etc, then none of the intersecting issues will come out. I suspect that's why Kaine/his attorney agreed to postpone until March and didn't push for an earlier date. They know she isn't going to contest anything and won't get additional information from her testimony. They might as well wait and hope they find Kyron first. At least that's what it looks like from my seat.
Where would you even search? He could be anywhere. I really thought that he would be found this last summer. Oregonians are outdoors people and they are everywhere when the sun is shining, and even when it isn't. If he is no longer alive he must have been hidden very well or he would have been found by now.

I suspect he's in the water at Sauvie. :cry:
The only people that would be able to find him are expert divers. That's what most people around me think anyway.
I think Kyron's body was most likely dumped into the ocean (or any body of water) like Natalee's body most likely was. :(
Unless something breaks, the next news (or no-news,, <sigh>) will be on Feb 1 when Staton appears at the Mult Cty Commissioners Mtg to present his update on the Task Force. Just recalling what he described as the Outcomes he expects from the Task Force by Feb 1, here they are from his writing:

Outcomes for this task force include (to be completed by February 1, 2011):

Determination and assessment of investigation direction
Aggressive pursuit of high priority leads
Assessment and recommendation of further investigative resources needed for investigation
Provide Sheriff with case review and recommended steps and/or strategies to further the investigation
Analysis of total resources allocated for this investigation
Analysis of number of investigative hours completed on this investigation
Assessment of cost associated with ongoing investigation



Sounds like a lot of tallying and accounting for and figuring out where to go next.
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