Witnesses: Quotes, statements, interviews, testimony and video *No Discussion*

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As he sat with his son at a fast-food restaurant the morning of the boy's death, Harris responded to an anonymous post on the social media platform Whisper in which a user says she's tired of being married with kids, Stoddard said. Harris responded that he misses having time to himself and said his wife gets upset when he goes out with friends.

"I love my son and all, but we both need escapes," Harris wrote in his response, Stoddard testified.

Here's the transcript of Ross' interview describing his morning up until he saw Cooper:

starts at about :33

Ross: I woke up, normal day, my wife and I, we were in bed together. She left work at approximately 7:15. I left the house with Cooper at about, it was about 8:30, yeah, about 8:30. And, the plan was I was going to take him to Chik-Fil-A in Vinnings, which I did, and, umm, we got breakfast, and me and him do that at Chik-Fil-A in Vinnings, approximately 2-3 times a month together, like we have our daddy/son breakfast together, and, after I, after we eat breakfast I usually take him across the street to the daycare which is at The Home Depot, and then I'll go to work, which is at an alternative location, which I don't work in the big ____ I work in an annex office office which is on Cumberland, 2600 Cumberland Boulevard. It's just the annex office of the big building, it's where my team works.

And, ummm, we were leaving Chik-Fil-A, I put him in his car seat, he gave me a kiss on the check, like I always do, I always put him in his car seat, I make sure he's strapped in real tight, according to all the regulations that we watched, on youtube and everything, I strapped him in, I tightened him up, I gave him a kiss, he gave me a kiss, what i do every time, it is my routine, I let him know that I love him, I give him a kiss, 'cause if, 'cause I do that if for some reason, God forbid, we are in an accident, I want him to, and if I died I want him to have a memory of me, you know, telling him every time the last time he sees me that I love him, and I give him a kiss, and just, today was just, careless, I got in my car, and instead of going from here to here, I went straight to work which is I turned onto Cumberland, and I drove down Cumberland Boulevard, I went to work as if he wasn't even in the back, and I probably didn't even hear him because he falls asleep really easily when you drive the car. And that was it, then I went to work.

Stoddard: What happened at work?

Ross: I had a normal day. Normal work day, had my meetings, umm.

Stoddard: What time did you get to work?

Ross: About 9:30. I do not clock in.

Stoddard: You get to work and then what do you do?

Ross: I go straight to my desk and I sit down, and I check my emails, and have banter (???) with the guys that I work with, that's pretty much what I have, I have a morning meeting at 10:30, ummm, soo, yea, the day is going good, ummm, lunch time rolls around, I got some guys that I work with across the street, they came and picked me up, ummm, we went to Publix, ate lunch, they took me back, and dropped me off, ummm ... ummmm [long pause], and then I finished the work day and then, we had plans to go to a movie, the 2 guys I went to lunch with, we had plans to go to a movie at 5:00, which is where I was going, I was gonna try to get there about 4:20, 4:30, just to kind of beat the, if there is an after-work crowd trying to go to the movie or anything like that, I thought I'd get there a little early, and, as i was turning, as I was driving down, ummm, whatever that road is right there by , [Stoddard: Akers-Mills?], Akers-Mills, ummmm, I was driving down Akers-Mills when I caught a glimpse of him in my, when I looked to my right to change lanes, and I caught a glimpse of him in the back and I thought I was seeing things, and I saw him, then I lost it.

Jaynie Meadows - Day 10, Part 4 (LadyJustice2188)

IGNORE ALL ASTERISKS - WS is placing them any place I have double spaces and it's driving me nuts.

She's currently 21
She lives in Middle, GA and she is in school.
She knew him as Ross.
They started talking to him in May 2013 - she was 18 then.
Met him through 'a dating site' when she had just turned 18 - first time on a dating site.
She just went through a breakup.
They were using "Scout" to talk.
It started with him messaging her first - she cant remember what he said, but it was friendly.
He called her that day and they talked for 3 hours.
He said he was 25.
It was a month before she knew his real age and that he was married
They talked via phone, text, and KIK
Pictures were sent back and forth - sexual as well. Ross sent her several videos - one was sexual.
Three videos of him playing songs. "Red Jumpsuit Apparatus" was her favorite song.
She fell in love with him. He said he loved her, too.
They didn't meet up because she was an 18yo kid and she was sketched out.
He didn't tell her where he worked.
After a month or so she became attached.
Played a game called Two Lies and a Truth: I'm married, I have a kid, and his age - all 3 truths
She reacted: "Taken aback"
Usually texting from 5am to 5pm and then calls after 7pm or 8pm
Boring asked if the talk still included sex even once she knew he was married: Yes
August 2013 she met him - he was in her town
She was in the store, picking out stuff for a friend that just moved into a dorm.
They kissed. Didn't go any further. He had to leave to get Cooper. She was 18.
Last and only time they were in contact.
Continued to say they loved each other for months.
He said they were having problems - he and LH. Financial, their families didn't get along. They fought about nit-picky stuff for the most part.
Boring asked if Ross described his marriage as "falling apart" over the months that you knew him? Yes
Did he also talk about his son? Yes
Did he talk about his son in a great way? Yes, he said how much he loved him and sent pictures
Could you hear Cooper on the phone in the background? Yes
Discuss bluetooth
Cooper babbling - Cooper could hear her, too
CFA? Yes, he and Cooper would go there a lot
Before daycare? Yes.
Drive thru? More inside. But drive-thru, too.
You stopped responding? Yes. She wasn't a "large fan of the sexual stuff". After March 2014 she got in a relationship with someone else. So it fell off.
She would respond negatively to the pics. Or not respond. He would get upset with her and "ask why I didn't like it, I guess."
They still said they loved each other.
Exhibit 413 - Binder of messages between them - December 2013 to June 2014 - some are only his side of the conversations - first part through April only his side.
Exhibit 414 - a picture she recovered from her computer and turned over to Boring
Exhibit 415 - a picture of her from a chat
Kilgore states "same objection"
@ 22:05 She's discussing how her phone ran out of storage and she had to back it up to her computer.
She could not find the phone
She had screenshots - most illegible
Cooper pics on there - he was young
She says he complained about LH once a week, then says changes it to "once every other week."
Boring: Did he say that he wanted to be with you?
JM: Yes, he would say that if the situation was different he would be with me instead of her.
Boring: Did he ever say 'if it wasn’t for Cooper, he would leave LH?'
JM: Yes.
March 2014 she got BF
Boring: How did RH react to that?
JM: He wasn't very happy about it, but then again the guy I was dating wasn't really the best of the bunch, so.
RH would get upset when she would cut off communication or shut down the app. At one time he said he had moved on. Boring asks if RH had moved on.
JM: Not that I could tell.
He would call and text her during his work hours
Boring: Did he contact you on 6/18/2014?
JM: Yes.
@ 25:20 - going through messages - early ones are only RH's side
Page 2 @ 1:39am - he says "I love you, Jaynie Meadows" - no date given
Page 2 - no month, but the 20th of 2013 at 6:30am "I love you"
12/26/13 @ 4:22pm "I love you, Jaynie"
12/30/13, Page 3, Boring states there is sexual talk from RH and that he continues to sex talk to her through 2/14. 3/14, 4/14. No quotes given.
1/19/14, Page 6, 5:17pm "I love you, honey"
String of message abt Cooper on 1/19/14 - Cooper was sick. "Worst Cooper poop. Ever. Ever" "I almost died"
@29.38 JM talks about RH's loss of hearing - but no problem on bluetooth. She says bluetooth helped with his hearing problem
2/20/14, Page 13, he says, "I want to see you. I guess you really didn’t want to talk to me again. Never called me back."
Boring - insinuating that JM is not responding and RH is getting upset. Kilgore objects to the leading - Judge sustains.
JM says the contact between them was getting less leading into June 2014
2/21/14, Page 14, "Come to Athens. I miss you.
3/5/14, Page 17, "I love you" "Honey" "Talk to me" "You're gone"
She concedes that she has responded "but it was four hours later"
Her side of the convo is still missing, but she says this is around the time she is dating someone else.
3/8/14, Page 18, no quotes, but he wishes she would talk to him and is wondering if she has received any of his texts.
Discussion about her and her new BF and her BF had found out that RH was messaging her. Her new BF wasn't happy. RH was upset because JM cut him off.
3/9/14, Page 18, "tell you how sorry I am and that giving you up isn't easy."
3/28/14, Page 21, "my manager has issues"
Boring: Is he talking about 'I don't know how to fix me' and misses you and wish he could have sex with you?
JM: Yes.
3/29/14, Page 22, discussion about her leaving him - "you dropped me so fast with no explanation."
5/4/14, 7:44pm - "get up here."
Boring: Did he tell you before that his wife's not here and he wants you to visit?
JM: Yes.
5/5/14 - "hi" "well, you are officially off that radar." she says she did not respond. She had cut off the KIK app on "the 8th"
5/9 - "??"
5/10 - "and you're just gone with no explanation."
5/11 she tells him to call her
@38:49 she is discussing how they usually talked on his work phone. He told her to block her # if it was on his personal phone.
Boring: Did he ever send any pictures of his wife to you?
JM: Yes.
Exhibit 414 - picture of LH
JM admits that she would get mad at RH if he was with LH - @40:00
5/18/14, Page 43, "you're gone again" she had cut off KIK again
5/20/14, Page 43 they are talking again and he asks her, "where have you been?"
They are talking about how her phone has been off
5/23 - he messaged her "hi" and she did not respond
5/28/14 - she messages him "hey, call me when you see this"
RH: "What's wrong?"
JM: "A lot, but you never called, so"
RH: "Honey, you dropped me and don't talk to me for weeks at a time. I can't drop everything at work and call you."
JM: "You used to"
RH: "Well, Jaynie, you gave up on me without explanation so I moved on. It hurt."
JM: "You moved on? What does that even mean? What now? You're done with me?"
RH: "No, I'm not done with you, but I accepted that you don't want to talk to me."
Goes no without quotes
Boring asks her if they are talking about whether or not he cares about you - yes.
5/29/14 at 10:41pm JM: "Because you honestly don't care anymore. You don't leave your phone on. You don't care."
RH: "I do care. I care a lot. I really care about you, but I'm afraid you are going to leave again or I'm going to f …."
She says she was dating someone else during this time.
June 2014 - she says they had continued to message and call during this time.
6/2/14, 6:09am RH: "Morning" - she had cut off the KIK app again.
6/9/14, 7:27am RH: "?" - KIK still off
6/11/14 he messages again (unknown) - KIK still off
6/13/14 she responds to him, "Do you hate me now?" RH: "Babe, not at all. I just miss you."
Boring: And does he ask if you miss him?
JM: Yes. If you ever turned on your phone you would know.
6/15/14, Page 52 (last page) RH tells her his AC is out. She sends him a pic, Exhibit 415, and he sends her one back of him sitting in the house with no AC.
6/16/14 - no messages between them - she didn't respond to his last message on the 15th.
6/17/14 RH: "Well, you're gone again. That makes me sad."
6/18/14, 5:46am - he messages her again, but it is not read into the record.
Her last pic of Cooper was April or May 2014.
Pass the witness to Kilgore.
Day 10, Part 5 (LadyJustice2188) – 48 minutes
Kilgore, Cross of Jaynie Meadows
Kilgore moves mic closer to her.
Kilgore commends her on being a “pretty good sport” and notes that she has made a couple of statements to the police department, spoken with Kilgore’s team, and the DA’s team.
1.*** July 9, 2014 – her first interview with Det. Murphy and that was a phone interview.
2.*** July 17, 2014 - Det. Murphy came to Madison, GA to interview her in person.* Stoddard was not there, only Murphy.
3.*** A year later she met with Kilgore and his investigator in Eagonton (?).
4.*** And she has met with the prosecutors – no details or dates given.
MK: I want to first go over a statement that Mr. Boring went over quickly. And what you said was … Did Ross tell you: ‘If it wasn’t for Cooper, he would leave LH?’
JM: Yes.
MK: Have you had a chance to actually listen to what you told the detective, though?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you would agree that’s not exactly what you said, is it?
JM: It’s basically what I said.
MK: Okay, but you would agree that what Ross indicated to you was that, he would leave LH but he had Cooper?
JM: Yes.
MK: And that he loved that baby more than anything?
JM: Yes.
MK: And what Ross expressed to you was, he wouldn’t do that to Cooper?
JM: Yes.
MK: He wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that boy that much?
JM: Yes.
MK: And is it fair to say during the entirety of the time that you and Ross were friends? Let me clear that up. You all were very good friends, right?
JM: Yes
MK: In fact, you referred to him regularly as your best friend?
JM: Yes.
MK: And because that’s kind of how it felt?
JM: Yes.
MK: Because you all chatted regularly? Not every day necessarily, but regularly, right?
JM: It was every day.
MK: Okay. And you all talked on the phone a lot?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you talked about a lot of personal things?
JM: Yes
MK: And you all talked about family?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you had a lot of things going on in your life as well?
JM: Yes.
MK: That were difficult for you?
JM: Yes.
MK: You have a medical condition --
JM: Yes.
MK: -- that was a topic of discussion for you all, right?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you’ve expressed that Ross was supportive?
JM: Yes.
MK: He offered encouragement at a time when you needed it; is that fair to say?
JM: (nod)
MK: And not to embarrass you or anything, but there were some emotional – you had a period where you had some emotional problems as well; is that fair to say?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you have expressed that Ross was kind of a best friend through some of those times as well?
JM: Yes.
MK: Is that accurate?
JM: Yes.
MK: Are you upset with me?
JM: (shakes head) No.
MK: You talked about the fact that Ross indicated that they had - he and his wife argued about things?
JM: Yes.
MK: And that was a topic that you guys talked about that on occasion as well; correct?
JM: Yes.
MK: Do you recall that – you’ve indicated that it was just kind of light stuff?
JM: Yes.
MK: Just kind of family stuff, like couples argue about?
JM: Yes.
MK: And I believe you said that Ross would send you pictures of Cooper?
JM: Yes.
MK: Send you pictures of he and Cooper doing things together?
JM: Yes.
MK: On vacation?
JM: Once.
MK: Do you know where that was from?
JM: The beach.
MK: And did you get a picture when they were at a Braves game?
JM: Yes.
MK: Would these come to you by way of text messages?
JM: Yes.
MK: That’s how you would get photographs?
JM: Most of the time.
MK: Would some of the times be email attachments or something?
JM: Not so much, no.
MK: Primarily if you got a photo of Cooper it was through a text?
JM: Yes.
MK: Ross had conveyed to you that his wife had, if not caught him cheating, certainly, suspected it; is that fair to say?
JM: She did catch him.
MK: She did catch him? And that’s something that he talked to you about?
JM: Yes.
MK: And did he tell you, 'Don’t send anything else on FB because I don’t want her to see it?’
JM: I never sent anything on FB.
MK: Did he tell you he was going to have to sort of change his ways a little bit because his wife was upset with him?
JM: Not that I remember.
MK: You were specifically asked if Ross had ever suggested to you in any way that Cooper was holding him back; and he never did that, did he?
JM: Not that I can recall.
MK: And you were specifically asked did Ross ever talk about what his life would be without Cooper?
Boring – object – just to ask him clarify, ‘asked by who?’ – talking about a lot of different conversations.
MK: That’s fair. Detective Murphy specifically asked you that; didn’t he?
JM: Can you repeat the question?
MK: Yes. You were asked by Detective Murphy if Ross had ever said anything to you about what his life would be like without Cooper?
JM: Not that I can remember now.
MK: You don’t remember. Well, then, I’ll ask you directly: Ross never said anything like that to you; did he?
JM: I meant that to my answer. Sorry. I didn’t understand the question, but, yes, that was my answer.
MK: Oh, I got you. You don’t ever recall Ross saying anything like that?
JM: No.
MK: Now, we’ve got a lot of chats. Did you get a chance to look through all of this?
JM: Yes.
MK: It’s fair to say a lot of it is kind of sort of mundane chit-chat, really?
JM: Yes.
MK: And then there is a lot of discussion about your BF?
JM: Yes.
MK: Mr. Boring asked you a few things about time period that I want to go back to, which is the end of May and June of 2014.
(Passes binder – discuss pages)
May 28 @ 9:25am
MK: And you say ‘call me when you see this?’
JM: Yes
MK: Would it be okay with you if we just read through that together? You read JaynieMayDarling and I’ll read BamaXH; would that be okay?
JM: Okay.
MK: So start with ‘call me when you see this’
JM: ‘Call me when you see this. Hey.’
MK: @9:26 Ross says ‘what’s wrong?’
JM: ‘A lot but you never called, so’
MK: We’re still on May the 28th at 10:13. Ross says, ‘Honey, you dropped me and don’t talk to me for weeks at a time. I can’t drop everything at work and call you.’
JM: ‘You used to.’
MK: ‘Well, Jaynie, you gave up on me without explanation so I moved on. It hurt.’ At 10:24, what is your response?
JM: ‘You moved on? What does that even mean? What now? You’re done with me?’
MK: At 10:24, his response is, ‘No, I’m not done with you but I accepted that you didn’t want to talk to me.’ And your response is?
JM: ‘Okay, I’ll just go. Sorry I even bothered.’
MK: And his response is, ‘Jaynie, don’t do that. You just disappeared and wouldn’t respond to my texts.’ And you say?
JM: ‘Sorry’
MK:* At 11:02, on May the 28th, Ross says, ‘Did you all have a fight?’ How do you respond to that?
JM: ‘No, not exactly. We’re just so different. I don’t feel like me anymore. I want to be loved on every chance I get. I want to feel wanted and he doesn’t do that. I keep a lot of things to myself and I have never held my tongue until now. I’m always so afraid to make him mad or something. Something that I hardly ever talk like I want’
MK: It’s now 12:19 the same day, keep reading.
JM: ‘We just got a puppy but he is so hypocritical about it. One minute it is ours, the next it is mine because I wanted it. Then it’s his because it’s his house.’
MK: And at 12:25?
JM: ‘I just never feel good, ever. I’m not good enough, ever. And now that we do have the puppy, I feel like I’m stuck.’
***** Discussion/overview of meaning of puppy stuff.
MK: And at then at 12:26, he says, ‘You’re never stuck, honey. You can always leave at any time.’ And at 12:28, how do you respond?
JM: ‘No, I fought so hard for the puppy.* If I left, I’m scared he would kill it or something. Please just call soon’
MK: ‘I will, babe, just let me get back from lunch.’ And at 1:43, you say, ‘okay.’ The next day at 10:15 in the morning, you say, ‘Ross?’
JM: It’s 10:15 at night.
MK: Sorry, at night.* And then you say, ‘hey’ and he responds a few minutes later and says, ‘hey, Jaynie.’* You say, ‘hi.’ He says, ‘What’s up, babe?’ If you’ll pick it up there at 10:39 on May the 29th.
JM: ‘I don’t even know why I text you. Never mind.’
MK: And he says, ‘why? I’m right here.’
JM: ‘Because you honestly don’t care anymore. You don’t leave your phone on. You don’t care.’
MK: And he says, ‘I do care. I care a lot. I really care about you but I’m afraid you’re going to leave again or I’m going to f-up you and Austin.’ And this is at 10:41. So at this point in time, you and Austin are still together?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you tell Ross, ‘He officially owes me a grand.’ And Ross says, ‘A grand? Why? Babe?’ And you say, ‘What?’ He says, ‘Why does he owe you a grand?’ - and you make reference to drugs.* I assume you meant that your BF was having some problems with drugs?
JM: Yes.
MK: And he says, ‘Jaynie that is insane. Get your money back and leave. Just cut your losses and leave. That is bad, J.’ And now we are on to May the 30th at 12:36, you say, ‘Call me when you can.’ He says, ‘Okay.’ ‘Babe’ and then there’s a question mark. Do you see that?
JM: Yes.
(JM shakes her head and mouths ‘please stop’ to the prosecution table @20:15)
MK: And then on May the 30th at 12:42, he sent you a picture? And can you tell who that is a picture of?
JM: It’s a guy he’s having lunch with.
MK: And he says, ‘lunch’ and you say, ‘yeah.’ And then at 1:36, you say, ‘still waiting’ – is that because he hadn’t called you back?
JM: I guess.* I don’t remember.
MK: And then on June the 2nd, he texts you, ‘morning’ early in the morning, and he gets those signals – well, actually there’s no messaging for about a week. And that brings us up to June 9th. Would you agree that on June the 9th and June the 11th it looks like there is a system message that says your phone has been disconnected; is that right?
JM: Yes.
MK: On June the 11th, again he says ‘hi’.* And then on the 13th, you respond back, ‘hey’. Do you see that?
JM: Yes.
MK: Alright. So there’s not a whole lot of – after he didn’t call you back from lunch, there’s not a whole lot of talking from May the 30th until June the 13th when you say, ‘hey’. On June the 13th, he says, ‘hey babe’.* You say, ‘what’s up?’ He says, ‘Busy as S at work.’ You say, ‘fun.’ He says, ‘Eh, what’s new with you?’* This is at 2:38 in the afternoon, Ross says, ‘what’s new with you?’* You say, ‘I’m working until Sunday. Staying here with my boss.’* Were you doing some sort of in-home care? Like a care-giver-type thing?
JM: Yes.
MK: Then on June the 13th, at 2:36, Ross puts dollar sign, dollar sign meaning you are going to make money, right?
JM: (she nods)
MK:* Is that fair to say?
JM: Yes.
MK: And you say, ‘mm-hum, it’s nice to finally make money.’ And then on June the 13th at 2:49, what is it you ask Ross?
JM: ‘Do you hate me now?’
MK: He says, ‘Babe, not at all. Miss you.’* You say, ‘yeah’.* He says, ‘Do you miss me?’* And what do you say at 2:54 in the afternoon?
JM: ‘If you ever turned you phone on, you would know I do.’
MK: What does he ask then?
JM: ‘How’s Austin?’
KM: Okay, so this is June the 13th he’s asking how Austin is. You would agree that certainly if you all had been talking on the phone, he probably would know that you and Austin were still together, right? Is that fair to say?
JM: I don’t remember.
MK: Alright.* So what do you then tell Ross at 2:56 on June the 13th?
JM: ‘He keeps telling me that I’m going to fall back in love with him.’
MK:* Ross says, ‘Are you all still together?’ And you say …
JM: ‘I guess.’
MK: And Ross says, ‘You’re still living with him?’ And this is all the same conversation on June the 13th. What do you say to him?
JM: ‘Well when I do something that makes me happy or something bad happens, I don’t want to call him, I don’t want to tell him, because all I feel like is a burden. And, yes, mostly.’
MK: And then he says – this is at 2:59 on the 13th - he says, ‘What grade did my paper get?’* What’s he talking about there?
JM: He helped me write a paper.
MK: You were taking a class.* Where were you in school?
Boring objects – relevance.* Judge allows it over objection.
MK: And you say, “a hundred, probably.’ Is that right?
JM: Yes.
MK:* He says, ‘LOL, I better have.’ You say, ‘um-huh.’* And now we are on the 13th at 3:12 in the afternoon.* He says, ‘you rang, wtf?’* You say, ‘um-huh.’ He says, ‘You still taking summer classes?’* You say, ‘Heck no, no.’ He says, ‘Just working?’ You say, ‘If you could call me, that would be great. Please. Ross?’* And we’re now on June the 13th at 6:39 in the afternoon.* He says, ‘I can in a bit. I’m leaving the house at 7:45.* I’m doing the moonlight ride tonight.’ Do you see that?*
JM: Yes.
MK: And then what do you respond to him at 6:40?
JM:* ‘I don’t know what that is.’
MK:* And he tells you, ‘It’s a midnight bike ride downtown.’ This is on June 13th.* You say, ‘Oh, okay.’* Now we are at June 13th at 11:56pm and what do you text him?
JM: ‘You still haven’t called.’
MK: He said, ‘I called on my way and it went to VM.’ Did you take that to mean voice mail?
JM: Yes.
MK: Okay, now it’s midnight and the early morning hours of June 14th and you say what?
JM: ‘Hey.’
MK: Yeah, right before that line.
JM: That’s not that night.* That’s 3:30 in the afternoon. The other one is 3:30 in the morning.
MK: On the 14th.* June the 14th at 3:30pm.
JM: I said, ‘You could’ve tried harder.’
MK: And then you said, ‘hey.’* And then he responds back on the 15th in the early morning, ‘Hey, doll, sorry I was out with friends.’ And you say, ‘yeah.’ And he says, ‘Why are you awake, or you aren’t. Night, babe.’* And that next morning at about 12:05, it says, ‘hi’ and you say, ‘hey.’ He says, ‘What’s up, babe?’* You say, ‘Folding clothes, you?’ He says, ‘lunch.’ You say, ‘fun.’* He says, ‘I’m full.’* You said, ‘um-huh.’* Now we are to the afternoon of the 15th and he says, ‘AC is out at my house.’ And you sent a picture.
JM: Yes.
MK: You say, ‘pigtails and AC’ and he said, ‘No fair. No!’ and he sends you a picture of him in what looks like shorts?
JM: I couldn’t tell you.
MK: Okay.* And he says, ‘No AC - dying.’* That was on June the 15th.* Then on June the 17th, he says, ‘Well, you’re gone again, so sad.’* And on the morning of the 18th, about 5:46 in the morning, he sends you one line that says, ‘morning’. Right?
JM: Yes.
MK: And so what we’ve gone over there is basically the extent of the messaging that you all had from May the 28th till the 18th, right?
JM: Yes.
MK: And Ross had told you previously, on the phone, that his marriage had been getting better in the last couple of months?
JM: I couldn’t tell you that whole-heartedly.
MK:* Do you remember telling the police that?
JM:* Not right off the bat, no.
MK:* Okay. Do you think maybe if, overnight tonight we had you listen to your interview with the police, that might help you remember if you said it or not?
JM:* I don’t know.
MK:* You don’t know if it might help you remember?
JM: (shakes head)
MK: It sounds like – well, if we listen to the 28th until June the 18th, sounds like you all were kind of on the outs there, doesn’t it?
JM: Through KIK?
MK: Yeah.
JM: Sure.
MK:* Ross didn’t know if you were still dating Austin?* Ross didn’t know if you were still living with him?* He didn’t know about any of those things, right, according to what we just read?
JM:* Just through texts, yes. That doesn’t mean he didn’t call every day.
MK: Okay.* Well, I mean, we’ve just read through there.* Are you now saying that he was calling every single day during that three-week period?
JM:* I can’t tell you every day, no.
MK: Alright, you’ve indicated that Ross talked about Cooper all the time, right?
JM: Yes.
MK:* And you certainly agree that he worried about Cooper when he was sick?
JM:* Yes.
MK: He bragged on him --
JM:* Yes.
MK: -- and talked about how great he was? *And you’ve indicated that Ross - do you remember sharing with everybody that there was a video from the phone – a little Halloween carnival at the daycare –-
JM: Yes.
MK: -- and Ross sent you a copy of that?
JM: Yes.
MK:* And you indicated that Ross wanted to be with Cooper for everything that he did?
JM: Yes.
MK:* And you indicated that Cooper was his life; is that fair to say?
JM: Yes.
MK: And Mr. Boring brought to your attention something about Cooper having a particularly bad poop, apparently, that was mentioned in this messaging.* And other than complaining about the poop, you’ve never heard Ross say anything bad about Cooper, ever, have you?
JM: I mean, he might have gotten mad about having to stay home with him, but, I mean, it was never like angry. It was more just like irritated.
Identify Exhibits 416 and 417
416 is a smaller picture and 417 is the larger picture of the same thing
JM identifies it as messages between JM and RH. Screenshots from old phone that she had saved on her computer.
Kilgore objects – witness has handwritten notes on the exhibits – Judge allows.
She says that the texts must be before September 2013 because phone was backed up in September 2013.
These are screenshots that she kept.
JM: I don’t know what the first one says for me, but afterwards, from him, it says, ‘It just made me realize how unhappy I can be sometimes. If he wasn’t in the picture, I would’ve probably left L by now.’ And I said, ‘Left L?’ That’s Leanna. And he said, ‘Yes.’ And I said, ‘Oh.’ And then I said, ‘But that isn’t a reason to stay with someone, Ross.’ And he said, 'And then I started thinking about how much I actually like you. I know, but it’s hard, Jaynie.’

39:00 - Boring and JM discuss how she would get upset when he wouldn’t pick up immediately, about how Ross would get emotional, work phone/personal phone, if messages are missing then they have been deleted.
Kilgore objects.

Boring: Did he tell you that you were the only one?
JM: Yes
B: Did he tell you there were no other girls?
JM: Yes
B: Did he tell you, during this relationship, that this was real for him?
Kilgore objects (might be form of the question but I can’t hear MK). Boring offers to rephrase it.
B:* In his conversations with you did he express to you that this was just some fantasy thing or that he truly, truly felt the way that he was telling you?
Kilgore objects (I think it’s form of the question – and I can’t make out what the judge says).
B: Did he tell you how he felt?
J: He told me he loved me every day.
B: Kilgore asked you about the fact that you were best friends, right?
J: Yes.
B:* How old were you when you met?
J: I was 18.
B: And he was helping you with papers and things like that?
J: Yes.
B: Did you have a boyfriend at the time?
J: Yes
B: How old was he?
J: He was 30
B: Did he have a wife?
J: Yes.
B: Did he have a kid?
J: Yes.
B: But he loved you and you all were best friends?
J: Yes.

MK: You all didn’t have any plans to be together, did you?
JM: I mean, we talked about it.
MK: You never told the Cobb County Police Department or me or anyone from the DA’s office that you all had plans to be together, did you?
JM: It’s not like we formed a plan and planned it out, no, but I mean, he talked about it.
MK: When is the first time you have told somebody about it - that you talked about plans for you all to be together? Is it today; right now?
JM: I guess.
MK: Well, the fact is you are really upset with Ross because you found out that you weren’t the only woman that he was texting with; isn’t that true?
JM: It doesn’t change what I’m saying, though.
MK: Okay.

43:20 – Boring tries to dismiss her. Kilgore announces he is not done.

MK: I’m showing you what has been marked as Defendant’s 71. You know what that is, don’t you?
JM:* Yes
MK: Is that a letter that you prepared for Ross and asked me to give to him?
JM: Yes
MK: And you handed that to me or emailed it to me sometime after he was arrested?
JM: Yes
EXHIBIT 71 moved into evidence – no objection
MK: And in this letter you very clearly tell Ross that you “know from a very close stance how much you adored Cooper,” Isn’t that true?
JM: Yes.
MK: And that’s because in the entire time that you knew him, during these long conversations over a long period of time that we’re talking about, that is the only thing that he expressed regarding Cooper is how much he loved him, and adored him, and cared for him; isn’t that true?
JM: I don’t know how to answer that for every single conversation that we ever had about Cooper. Ross got mad about Cooper but it was never him being angry at him, per se, it was more him being irritated for something happening. But I can’t tell you it was always happy, and fun, and giggles, and sunshine.
MK: You never told the police that, did you?
JM: About everything being sunshine and giggles?
MK: That Ross got angry with Cooper? Angry about Cooper?
JM: No, because nobody asked.
MK: You had two meetings with detectives, you had a meeting with the defense lawyers, you had a meeting with the District Attorney’s office, and nobody asked that question?
JM: They never asked me if Ross ever got angry or anything else like that at Cooper.
MK: Nobody asked you that? Is that your testimony?
JM: Not that I can recall right at this very second.
MK: You’re upset with him, though; aren’t you?
JM: No. What happened is terrible, but I don’t – I’m just answering how I’m, like, as truthfully as possible.

JM excused.
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