Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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It does appear those who fly sure have a genuine love for it. And yes a simulator appears to be common. Who knew? I didn't. Much learning in the past few days for sure. I just like to ride planes and occasionally jump out of them.

I don't want to jump out of them but I think it would be cool to have a sti I mean simulator.
Courtney Love:

It seems that, alas, it was a false alarm.
Spin magazine says that her sighting has, in fact, already been discounted.
The singer has been explaining why she got involved.

"Yeah, I went to the satellite site and just uploaded tons and tons of pictures. I saw an article asked people to help search on so I decided to give it a shot. I figured a plane would still be leaking some fuel so I searched for signs of an oil slick. I found one and there appeared to be an object nearby. I don't know if it is the plane or not, but I figured I'd do my part and bring some awareness to the site, for the sake of all the families involved. I hope they find the plane, I pray they're still alive, it's sad and my heart goes out to all those involved. It's the least I can do. I really doubt aliens took it. It's got to be somewhere. I'm a little obsessive."

we should send her a forum invite.

[ame=""]Mario Balotelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Department of Civil Aviation Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman confirmed the men DID NOT look Asian. Asked what they looked like, he replied: "Do you know Balotelli (the famous Italian footballer). They look like Balotelli."

How does this official mistakenly identify the two Iranian passengers as looking like Balotelli?

The link is gone but posts are on the first thread.
From Associated Press // Canadian Press Monday March 17, 2014 [[ BBM ]]


~ dropped OFF Radar by Vietnam

~ Last Data Transmission WAS from the Ground

~ Pilot Home being checked a Second time

~ That the Home Simulator was ONLY taken now

So what does anyone make of that News report and info ???

LOL Hubby came home for a late lunch. He just asked me "have you and your "friends" come up with a plausible theory and did you locate the plane yet" :floorlaugh: humor helps along the way.

Haha! I was talking to my 4 year old about it earlier (she saw it on the news) and I said "it's a real mystery".

She replied "just like on Scooby Doo?"
Has anyone posted this article yet?

A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

It makes a lot of sense...

Wanted this posted again.I said this in my post,there is a simple explanation.I think it is wrong how the pilots and passengers are being scrutinized,they are all victims.I can not believe the stuff I am reading here it is disappointing coming from so many intelligent people that I count on to think rationally and logically.
Please do not bash me for my opinion and know I am not bashing all of you,I just expected better from here.You would never treat a missing child or person case this way.I am sorry if I offended anyone but this is really bothering me that this has turned into crazy speculation.
Ok,I am running away to hide.
It was her!!!!!!!!!

Has Courtney Love found the missing jet?

She's known more for her headline-making ability than those in the area of search and rescue, but singer Courtney Love has created a storm on Twitter by claiming that she may have found the missing Malaysian flight MH370. The singer posted a series of images on her Twitter timeline that she claimed could be of the missing aircraft, the search for which has entered its second week.

Read more at:

What's hilarious about this is that people on Reddit found this first (I believe even CNN reported that). Tomnod had it tweeted. WS had it somewhere back there a couple threads.

Now I did not go to the link to see if she claimed to have found it before anyone...but still I find it funny that it is getting so much attention.

BTW- That pic with the possible wreckage and floating debris has been examined and dismissed.

ETA- OK I just went and looked. :giggle: she posted it on March 17th at 3 am or so... like 2 days after everyone else had seen it!
Glad she is interested and involved, but I hope she is taking no actual credit for "the find".
Ahhhhh Good ole Courtney never fails to amuse me :)

Off to listen to "Doll Parts" ;)
From Associated Press // Canadian Press Monday March 17, 2014 [[ BBM ]]


~ dropped OFF Radar by Vietnam

~ Last Data Transmission WAS from the Ground

~ Pilot Home being checked a Second time

~ That the Home Simulator was ONLY taken now

So what does anyone make of that News report and info ???


I think they're a little late in their reporting. JMO

OR...they have news that other media doesn't. Strange tho, that the pilots have supposedly been cleared but now the Pilot's home is being checked a second time? Hmmm.

ETA...I just noticed the date on that article is yesterday, the 17th. lol
I don't want to jump out of them but I think it would be cool to have a sti I mean simulator.

LOL It would and I know I would be horrible at it but it would be fun to try. Oh the free fall is just the best if your ever inclined to sky dive.
Haha! I was talking to my 4 year old about it earlier (she saw it on the news) and I said "it's a real mystery".

She replied "just like on Scooby Doo?"
LOL, my 6 year old loves Scooby Doo as well! IF ONLY this could be resolved as easily as a Scooby Doo mystery, in 1/2 hour or so!
I'm sorry but I'm laughing. Hard. My bad. No disrespect intended.

No apologies needed. Personally, I have to come up with or find something to grin at after 9 threads of 'no news.' Lowers blood pressure. :D
Wanted this posted again.I said this in my post,there is a simple explanation.I think it is wrong how the pilots and passengers are being scrutinized,they are all victims.I can not believe the stuff I am reading here it is disappointing coming from so many intelligent people that I count on to think rationally and logically.
Please do not bash me for my opinion and know I am not bashing all of you,I just expected better from here.You would never treat a missing child or person case this way.I am sorry if I offended anyone but this is really bothering me that this has turned into crazy speculation.
Ok,I am running away to hide.

Don't run away. Your entitled to an opinion. I just see this like say a murder case. You start with those closest and work your way out. Rule people and things in or out. It is such a mystery all options are being considered :seeya:
Does anyone know if there is any map which shows the COMPLETE circle of the "arcs"? (not just north and south, but west as well)?

***would the aircraft have enough fuel to get to the west-side of the arc, in Africa? (going straight westwards past the Maldives and keep going west?)

is this it? [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10[/ame]
Can i just say I like Brooke Baldwin (CNN), and she doesn't dress distracting-ly like so many others do. You can actually focus on her words. Rather than thinking the whole time, 'it must be so uncomfortable sitting in that position (one leg crossed over another) for so long with such a tight dress on....which is what I'm always thinking when I watch FOX). JMO.

LOL! And the men are always sprawled out all over the couch..........jmo
Mario Balotelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Department of Civil Aviation Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman confirmed the men DID NOT look Asian. Asked what they looked like, he replied: "Do you know Balotelli (the famous Italian footballer). They look like Balotelli."

How does this official mistakenly identify the two Iranian passengers as looking like Balotelli?

The link is gone but posts are on the first thread.

I thought he may have gotten his Italian footballers mixed up, but I'm not sure, Malaysia loves its football.

Speaking of football (soccer) LFC RT'd a tweet the daughter of the chief steward Andrew Nari had posted. It was something like "Daddy, Liverpool are winning, come home so you can watch the match, you never missed the match before" (posted during the Man Utd v LFC match 2 days ago) I'm a Lifelong Liverpool supporter, and a bit over emotional right now! This got me big time :(
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