FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 #3

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Which means there probably ARE leaks as you'd expect, but for some reason even the media isn't playing that hand? So contrary to typical

There are so many supposed leaks, who knows what to believe. Probably why NG can't keep up!! Last week GMA was trying to get interviews with neighbors and...(not typing initials)
There are so many supposed leaks, who knows what to believe. Probably why NG can't keep up!! Last week GMA was trying to get interviews with neighbors and...(not typing initials)
Interesting that the leak indicated there would be action at that address.
I dont really think this is going to be a patient perp. I have no reason based in fact or reality of course, but It just feels more personal than a patient perp. More like a business partner or an affair ....an affair with a business partner. Something that was really good that spun violently out of control and the perp couldnt bear to be the losing party or had too much to lose if their relationship was terminated...all moo..

Or too much to lose if their relationship was exposed.Maybe Dr has the goods on someone. jmo She spoke the truth. Not everyone likes the truth.(being told)?
There are so many supposed leaks, who knows what to believe. Probably why NG can't keep up!! Last week GMA was trying to get interviews with neighbors and...(not typing initials)

We need some of the leaks to make their way to WS. We all are sitting on the fence and can't figure out what side to jump off :fence:
yup...lol. I always suspect everyone too :)

eta: sorta like the movie Murder on the Orient Express.

I think that is being far more open minded rather than centering only on one person.

I think the suspect could be one of many people. The list of potential suspects could be very long.

Personally though, I don't believe her husband is involved nor do I think this is the work of a hired hit man.

Other than those the possibilities are endless for me at least.

I still think it could have been someone from the neighborhood who thought they were still all on vacation. They could have jimmied the door open and not even realized Dr. Teresa was inside. When she saw him of course she would scream and he would most likely tell her to STHU. I think that could have been the voices that were overheard. And other stranger home invaders have also used bludgeoning weapons like hammers to kill their victims.

What Sheriff Scott says about this not being random doesn't impress me much since I cant count the cases where other LE has said the same only to learn when the case was solved the offender didn't know the victim/s at all.

And really he could mean anything when he said that. People do target/select homes to invade and a lot of them will case out places where they think the owners are away. That may be specifically targeting a particular home but still the offender can still be a stranger to the victim. They may have picked this home for two reasons. Thought the owners were still away and it was the largest home in the neighborhood, and had a fence they could climb over and once over it they wouldn't be seen.

Of course it could be a co-worker/supposed friend or a personal relationship with someone that went sour or even a family member of a patient where Dr. Teresa's medicine did not save them. It may even be someone from the medical community.

The forced entry makes me believe more that either it was someone from the neighborhood that planned to go in and rob the place or even a stranger that had seen what they believed was a large home with no one home.

The jimmied door causes me to pause when thinking it was someone she knew. Dr. Teresa would have had ample time to call 911 since it only takes seconds if she heard the door jam being burst open. It seems more like he quietly jimmied the door open, and surprised her in the kitchen. He would probably still have the hammer in his hand, and when she shrilled/shrieked/screamed or whatever is when he struck her with the hammer.

All I know is I thought for sure when this overly dramatic Sheriff spoke out a suspect would be arrested soon but that has not been the case. And really at that time when he first said it he would really have no way of knowing whether it was random or not. Until they get the evidence back of who is involved he cant honestly say with 100% certainty who the murderer will turnout to be.

I keep going back to her sister though. When asked if she had a suspect she said she couldn't comment on a suspect. Then went on to say Teresa spoke the truth. Not everyone likes the truth. I really feel she does suspect someone and that was a hint to the motive. That's my reason for thinking not random or burglary. Not just what the sheriff said. jmo
Are you serious? I tried once and it went haywire on here for days. Sure was not intended. But, in relation to all of the posts yesterday, the media was indeed sitting out on Jarvis yesterday. It appeared that they were expecting something to happen as well.

Yes, quite serious. And hoping you won't be scared off by one or two who seem bent on silencing you.
Or too much to lose if their relationship was exposed.Maybe Dr has the goods on someone. jmo She spoke the truth. Not everyone likes the truth.(being told)?

Exactly and it seems that she may have had A LOT of relationships that she fronted for such as the supplement companies -- any one of them could be shady imo...or needed her more than she needed them...and then there is the strangeness with the church that was going to be the recipient of the acct. and then for no reason was removed...and there have to be more...like the "preferred" doctors that refer back and forth between each other... Im not accusing any of these people -- just pointing out that she was involved with so so many people that no wonder LE is probably up to their eyeballs in her professional relationships.
Mckazpm, have you heard any confirmation from neighbors that someone from the sheriff's office told neighbors that a hammer was used to murder Teresa? In my opinion, the damage to the side door was not caused by a hammer. It's more consistent with a crowbar or large pry bar.
I keep going back to her sister though. When asked if she had a suspect she said she couldn't comment on a suspect. Then went on to say Teresa spoke the truth. Not everyone likes the truth. I really feel she does suspect someone and that was a hint to the motive. That's my reason for thinking not random or burglary. Not just what the sheriff said. jmo

Maybe Dr S had been sharing some inside info abt one of her co-workers. Becoming aware of some dealings going on she may not have liked and told her sister who , what and where. Things you tell you sis and no one else...
I think that is being far more open minded rather than centering only on one person.

I think the suspect could be one of many people. The list of potential suspects could be very long.

Personally though, I don't believe her husband is involved nor do I think this is the work of a hired hit man.

Other than those the possibilities are endless for me at least.

I still think it could have been someone from the neighborhood who thought they were still all on vacation. They could have jimmied the door open and not even realized Dr. Teresa was inside. When she saw him of course she would scream and he would most likely tell her to STHU. I think that could have been the voices that were overheard. And other stranger home invaders have also used bludgeoning weapons like hammers to kill their victims.

What Sheriff Scott says about this not being random doesn't impress me much since I cant count the cases where other LE has said the same only to learn when the case was solved the offender didn't know the victim/s at all.

And really he could mean anything when he said that. People do target/select homes to invade and a lot of them will case out places where they think the owners are away. That may be specifically targeting a particular home but still the offender can still be a stranger to the victim. They may have picked this home for two reasons. Thought the owners were still away and it was the largest home in the neighborhood, and had a fence they could climb over and once over it they wouldn't be seen.

Of course it could be a co-worker/supposed friend or a personal relationship with someone that went sour or even a family member of a patient where Dr. Teresa's medicine did not save them. It may even be someone from the medical community.

The forced entry makes me believe more that either it was someone from the neighborhood that planned to go in and rob the place or even a stranger that had seen what they believed was a large home with no one home.

The jimmied door causes me to pause when thinking it was someone she knew. Dr. Teresa would have had ample time to call 911 since it only takes seconds if she heard the door jam being burst open. It seems more like he quietly jimmied the door open, and surprised her in the kitchen. He would probably still have the hammer in his hand, and when she shrilled/shrieked/screamed or whatever is when he struck her with the hammer.

All I know is I thought for sure when this overly dramatic Sheriff spoke out a suspect would be arrested soon but that has not been the case. And really at that time when he first said it he would really have no way of knowing whether it was random or not. Until they get the evidence back of who is involved he cant honestly say with 100% certainty who the murderer will turnout to be.


Great post! I agree with everything... If I had to guess based just on the little we know right now I would say it was a burglar that she recognized, hence the fight and the perps need to silence her. But I am sure there is probably much more to this that hopefully will be brought to light soon. I also am doubtful that the husband has anything to do with it...but then again anything is possible...lol. Back to the Murder on the Orient Express theory...which may be closer to the truth as there may be multiple people that had motive...moo
Someone’s earlier post was questioning which door was jimmied – on news clips, it’s the door on the south side of the home which is adjacent to the garage (to its right if facing home) and pretty close to the front corner of the house. The house itself is on the east side of Jarvis facing west. By going to the Lee Co. Property Appraiser’s site, you can get a Bldg Footprint (Bldg Plan) and that door would appear to go directly into the garage where the smaller bay was. The perp would have proceeded into the house from inside the garage. Most homes w/ an alarm system also have a sensor on that interior door from their garage – this system had to have been in some way entirely disabled that morning.
I am familiar with this general bldg plan used in a lot of Fla homes over the last decade – directly behind the garage should be the laundry/utility room, and then probably further along that south wall are the two children’s separate bedrooms with at least one bath. This is as you go back along the right side. Perp would have had easy access to the kids’ rooms first. (A thought just creeped up about yet another motive?) The master suite is likely on the exact opposite (north) side of the house, with Master BR and Master bath taking up that entire left section front to back. The kitchen in these is usually where you see the bay window smack in the middle of the floorplan, opening into the screened patio/pool area. Family room to the right of it, far back section. Formal living room and office generally near the entranceway.

Building Footprint from Lee County Property Appraiser Site (not sure this pic will post - if it doesn't you can find it online at the Lee Co Prop Appr website.)
I wonder if we would be able to find a virtual tour of this home from when it was on the market before?
IDK if we have heard where that door went into. Only that there wasnt a camera there. jmo

That is weird. The garage side door is a very vulnerable entry point. Once in the garage you have access to the attic. Going through the attic you can get to the other half of the house and exit through an additional smaller ceiling access. Most bigger family homes have at least that one more access. You can also work yourself through the utility door from the garage and then into the kitchen.

Perhaps they felt safer because of the fence and did not install a camera on the South side.

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