CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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I suspect there will be more lewd charges. I either read somewhere or heard in the press conference that they haven't fully interviewed the offspring yet because they were protecting their mental health while they're getting their physical health taken care of. MOO
I wholeheartedly agree. I believe the worst is yet to come in this case as far as what we know. As hard is that is to believe and stomach.
The shots I saw were much more close where you could see the bumpy pores, maybe it was the lighting or angle but
they were distinct. Thanks you OSU for trying,

Here’s another photo I found. The facial bumps are a bit more noticeable in this shot. Looks like he has some on his chin also.



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Considering the frankly shocking level of abuse of 12 children, and the one lewd act case, I think it's unfortunately extremely unlikely that sexual abuse of more than one of the children wasn't taking place. I simply cannot imagine that being a one time thing. I think we will be hearing a heck of a lot more in the weeks to come. Absolute disgrace.
Not sure if this was already posted?? [emoji15]

‘David Turpin’s father, James, the children’s’ grandfather, said from his home in Princeton, West Virginia, that he did not believe the reports about the abuse.

“I’m going to talk with the children, find out the real story on this as soon as I can get a call through to them,” James Turpin told The Associated Press.’


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:stormingmad: ARGHHHHHHH!!!!

James Turpin. You vicious horrible man.

Keep this monster away from these children. My god. I JUST signed back in like 10 minutes ago and now I'm angry. Again.

I'm taking 10 minutes...
Could she be the mother of the baby??

If you're asking could the minor involved in the lewd act be the mother of the 2-yr old baby----highly, highly unlikely. (See upthread discussion, too.) First, the charge would be rape (not lewd act) if it resulted in a pregnancy. Second, the charge is concerning a lewd act with "a minor under 14." If these charges are based on the interviews, thinking, then, such a minor would specifically have to be one of these four female minors under 14: an undernourished (far from fertile) 12-yr old (said to be developmentally the size of a 7-yr old), an 11 yr old (who'd have had to get pregnant at 8 or 9), one a few years younger than that, and one a baby of 2 who would most likely not be reporting a lewd act.

If any of these were mothers of a 2-yr old baby, it'd have to go down in Guinness, I think.

ETA: Went back and retead your post to be clear--if you're asking if the 17-yr could be the mother of the baby, then I'm thinking that would've resulted in a rape charge not a "lewd act" charge...
I really hope they keep the "grandparents" away from these victims. Can any of our lawyer friends can tell us if they would have legal standing to claim custody? Please say no. I want these victims traken care of by people who give three and a half hoots about their happiness.

GITANA! Please give us hope on this! :heartbeat: Argh!
GITANA! Please give us hope on this! :heartbeat: Argh!

Seeing as I read here earlier today that the children are already “Freed” for adoption, that would signal that they are definitely not looking to relatives for kinship foster care. It wouldn’t stop one of them to move to adopt though. These children need to be far far away from these people. MOO . This man is literally denying their abuse, which is MORE abuse.
OSU!!!!! :loveyou: Yes much better.
Next question:
How does a reasonably healthy 57 yr. old man acquire enough bags around the eyes to take a trip around the world?
Could she be the mother of the baby??

I think she could be. I doubt she was allowed to mother the baby, but if it is her child, we may have the motivator for her heroic actions. That baby would soon want to be more independent.
Seeing as I read here earlier today that the children are already “Freed” for adoption, that would signal that they are definitely not looking to relatives for kinship foster care. It wouldn’t stop one of them to move to adopt though. These children need to be far far away from these people. MOO . This man is literally denying their abuse, which is MORE abuse.

Yep. How much proof do they need? This is just awful and getting worse.

Thank you, Spice. I hadn't seen the information about the adoption - already!
Considering the frankly shocking level of abuse of 12 children, and the one lewd act case, I think it's unfortunately extremely unlikely that sexual abuse of more than one of the children wasn't taking place. I simply cannot imagine that being a one time thing. I think we will be hearing a heck of a lot more in the weeks to come. Absolute disgrace.

I worry that the mentally impaired girls/boys would not be considered credible witnesses to sexual abuse. I don't know
though. I agree that there was probably much more than we know about.
Siblings of House of Horrors mother reveal how she was kidnapped to secretly elope with her 24-year-old high school sweetheart at age 16 and said she wanted to have a 14th child days before arrest:

So L’s mother didn’t protect her either, but encouraged a relationship with a grown man behind the father’s back when she was just 16 years old because he was a “Christian”. L’s father didn’t protect her either but instead said “go live your life, you made your choice” after this man KIDNAPPED a minor and drove her across the country and state lines.

There it is. The generational abuse.

Are you kidding me?

I think people underestimate how frightening Disney is, too. It’s not just overstimulating, it’s just no kind of fantasyland, at least for me. Disney movies would put me in a panic as a child. I can’t watch them as an adult. I get terrible nightmares from them, too. I don’t find Disney benign or happy at all.

I agree, the stuff of nightmares!

Damn, I studied art and didn't see Fantasia until my 20s, in the is a gorgeous work of art, and the classical sound track enhances the piece. It is unmatched.

That said, our fairy tales are quite scary and I never "got" a theme park based on them. (?)

Give me Coney Island NY or Seaside Park NJ any day.

If you look at the original drawings of Walt Disney you can see the genius artist, pencil to paper, What it has become is a blow up doll and castle...

How Disney is appealing is beyond me, but I can't speak to experiences. There are many happy families who enjoy DL, but it is a controlled joy. And that is part of it.
This is going to sound picky, but something's been bugging me and my ears perked up at the hearing yesterday when DT's atty mentioned correcting/confirming DT's date of birth. Media keeps reporting him as "57" - but he's actually an October bday in 1961 per public records. Correct my math here, but doesn't that mean he's still 56 for nine more months? He will turn 57 in 2018?
Siblings of House of Horrors mother reveal how she was kidnapped to secretly elope with her 24-year-old high school sweetheart at age 16 and said she wanted to have a 14th child days before arrest:

Thanks for link, Artisticx

From link.

He said another child had planned to go with the 17-year-old but turned back because she was frightened of what her parents might do to them.

Oh, I'm afraid to open that link now after reading that line!

(Not that the link is bad. Just that Mom is such a monster!)

Not a Dr. 😊 wouldn’t she have to stop breastfeeding to get pregnant. Just my opinion that is why the young one is healthy.
Hey Everyone,

I think we can all agree that the Turpin's homeschooling does not resemble one iota of what real homeschooling is about right?

If you want to discuss homeschooling as it directly relates to the case then feel free.

As far as debating homeschooling in general? No please. Let's stop this right now.

Homeschooling is not a true crime topic. The way the Turpin's homeschooled their children is a true crime topic.

Thank you,

So glad to see some family members talking sense:

'I hope they suffer as much, if not more, than those kids suffered,' Teresa said in their extensive, exclusive joint interview.

'I hope they torture my sister for the rest of her life.
'I have four siblings now instead of five,' she added. 'She is off my family tree, she is dead to me. I couldn't care less about speaking to Louise ever again.'

And Billy Lambert added: 'I think they should get life. That's not just spur-of-the-moment anger, I'm not changing that view.'
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