CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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When a child's life has been threatened, I've personally found LE to be incredibly reactive to the point of immediately filling out a police report so that the mother can use it to obtain a protection order. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever if KK had taken PF's threats about her children to her local police they would have reacted immediately and also would have alerted the WP police.

I don't believe PF threatened her children. I think that is a flat-out lie and just one of many out of KK's mouth.

I think you're right. She could have dropped the info off at the police station, got in her car and disappeared for a few weeks until he was in custody. Anything other than participate in a murder.
To what? Do you think that her pleading guilty to a tampering charge is some mic-drop moment? It is not. JMO

I think I have made it clear that I do think it is a "mic-drop" moment.

I would never protect a murderer from an investigation by tampering. That goes against everything I believe in. And therefore in my books she is not a good person.

I would never stand by and let someone else be murdered, no matter what threat was made. I would protect my family and I would protect the potential victim. That is where I stand.

I am that person, who has no problem going and knocking on a suspected drug dealers door and telling them off for selling to elementary school students, and reporting them to a local detective. hearsay evidence is good enough

We all have a responsibility as fellow citizens to look out for one another. So yes tampering with evidence in a murder trial to protect a murderer is a mic-drop moment for me. But it clearly isn't for you, and that's okay.
She was speaking to her friend in confidence when she alleged that he had said that. What reason would she have to lie to her friend? And what reason would you have to give HIM the benefit of the doubt that he would not have done that, and that she would make it up? Seriously, who was the murderer?

I was speaking in terms of PF's defense. The reason KK told her friend would be to set up PF to take the fall. We don't know what the real relationship is between PF and KK. PF's attorney might portray KK as a jilted lover jealous of KB. She may have set up the murder of KB herself and it was a hired hit. She certainly has money to hire herself a top-notch attorney.

There are a lot of things we don’t know for a fact. We actually know very little at this point. Not enough to crucify the woman. Not enough to declare her an innocent victim, either. I’m just presenting possible scenarios. No more far-fetched than opinions that had KKL disposing of the body and cleaning up the crime scene. JMO
Well, in your opinion, only you don't know enough to crucify her and that is fine.

Many of us, in our opinions, know enough to crucify her, and that is our right to do so. I'll tell you what- if my daughter was killed in such a manner and another woman knew it was going to happen (come on, think we're witless lemmings here?) and did nothing about it, then took her phone with her to destroy it, you think I would need more evidence to crucify this woman? I don't know how poor Kelsey's family is staying so classy and silent- I would be fuming and have a hatred and rage towards both PF and KK. I don't discriminate. Only difference between the two- one was planning the act, while the other ignored the planning. So yeah, I am crucifying her- I think of her little baby who will never feel her loving mother's arms around her again, her parents who lost a daughter, her brother than lost his sister. I could never look them in the eye and tell them not to crucify her, she did nothing wrong- for God's sake, she had her phone and was willing to destroy it, instead of turning that monster in!

You can defend her all you want, fine by me. I can skip over or ignore people's comments I don't agree with and be respectful about it. But I will not change my mind on this woman- she is just as sick and evil as the jerk that killed Kelsey- both are monsters.
Also I can't wait to find what all is contained between the text conversations of KK and PF. Any reasonable person has to think that if he was talking to her about a murder plot that alot of other things had to be said in regards to it. I hope he wasn't smart enough to only communicate these things via phone conversation. will be very interesting to see all of that come out
I would try to pin the murder on KK if I was PF's defense lawyer.

As in KK premeditated the murder and brought in PF after the act. KK set up witnesses prior in Idaho who would state that PF had solicited KK. The scenario would be that KK came to CO, murdered KB, and then brought in PF for the cover up. KB's remains being somewhere disposed of by KK on her way back to ID. PF on learning of the murder added detail. Plus one could assume that KB knew of KK while alive, maybe not as PF's love torn long term lover but as his rodeo and horse associate. All KK would need to do if acquainted and on good terms with KB would be to get in in her car and soon thereafter drug her for killing in a safer zone, KK as a nurse having ready access to potent pharmacy. Not saying thinking this occurred but what could be a line of defense for PF.

I am reading from 20 pages behind and have at best read 40% of KB posts in the many long threads.

PF's defense might try something like that.
Regrettably, I have to agree with you. But, then again, taking out KK? We're supposed to be "outraged." I highly doubt KB would agree to "take out" anyone. She was of purer countenance. I hate typing this, but KK lacks any moral fibre whatsoever. She KNEW what PF was planning. I know that sounds cruel, but KK IS a CRUEL person despite what she would like to project now. She had NO compunction in seeing KB murdered. She KNEW it was going to happen sooner than later and ONLY thought of herself! Sorry, she is a b****. I have NO sympathy for her. I just can't help it. Does she deserve to die. NO! But she didn't care enough about another mother do to anything about it. She deserves no sympathy or empathy.
A simple drive away from the area by KB could have taken her away from harm. But she didn’t. Nor do I blame her in any way whatsoever. Just making the point that saying something is “simple” doesn’t mean that it actually is. Real life is always more complicated.
Why would KB leave the area when she didn't know the father of her baby was plotting her murder?
She likely had no clue he wanted her dead, and may have wanted to remain in the area so baby K could see her father PF.
The sonic visit was reported in MSM- you would have to go back many threads. A video was shown of the drive through. Local tv station reported it. It was never picked up by the big networks, leading many on here (me included) to believe that either 1. they used the wrong video footage. The one they used was not the one supplied by sonic. 2. They couldn't get enough verification ie from LE in addition to their source from sonic. 3 They got led down the wrong path.

So we will see on Feb 19, where the truth in that lies, but it was reported by local tv stations initially.

Not really a solid foundation on which to state the case that it proves she wasn’t really scared, though. Right? (Not saying you were the one doing that specifically)
A simple drive away from the area by KB could have taken her away from harm. But she didn’t. Nor do I blame her in any way whatsoever. Just making the point that saying something is “simple” doesn’t mean that it actually is. Real life is always more complicated.

Kelsey wasn’t aware of a clear and present danger.

KK had that knowledge.

I will never, not in a million years, condone not only her inaction, but her participation (no matter how limited).

Kelsey is dead.

A child is without a mother.

Parents are without a child.

Countless people have been affected by this.

Life is too precious to look the other way.
People react differently to stress, grief and depression.

Some overeat, some starve themselves because they have a lump in their throat and a dark pit of nausea in their stomach so they can't eat. I am one of the latter. Cortisol levels go sky high from stress but don't trigger appetite.

Yeah, I can't eat when I'm stressed either. But I've seen people eat an entire bag of potato chips for comfort.
If she was indeed eating because of stress then I imagine she will be doing a lot more of it in the coming months. Imo
I think you're right. She could have dropped the info off at the police station, got in her car and disappeared for a few weeks until he was in custody. Anything other than participate in a murder.

In addition, had she been concerned about her life being in danger she could have backed that up by giving her attorney or pastor a sworn statement that if anything happened to her or her children it was because PF had threatened them.

There are many paths KK could have chosen had she wanted to be moral and try to stop a murder she had forewarning of.
Sadly she chose to be an accomplice.

and to be fair...if KK had stood up like a grown woman and OWNED her part I would have had a bit of respect for her. But no...she sniffle like a lil baby..poor me poor me....while KBs family is standing there? no. That's a hard no.
To what? Do you think that her pleading guilty to a tampering charge is some mic-drop moment? It is not. JMO
Really? KK is now a known felon. It doesn't matter if she never does one day in jail. Good luck getting a job. She will never be a nurse again. By the time this trial is over she is going to be accused of murder by the defense as well. It is worst than a mic drop moment. It is a life altering moment.
A simple drive away from the area by KB could have taken her away from harm. But she didn’t. Nor do I blame her in any way whatsoever. Just making the point that saying something is “simple” doesn’t mean that it actually is. Real life is always more complicated.

KK could have went to the police when she learned PF committed a homicide. Instead she moved the victim's phone with intent to make the phone unavailable. KK made her real life complicated - it was her choice.
All Nurses in Colorado and back up to Idaho need to be aware of what KKL has done and if they see her trying to get another job in the Health field they need to Sing like the Canary. To make sure no one ever has to have her as their care taker. MOO. And bless sweet Baby K and all her family as they go through this case.
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