Found Safe TN - SLP, 14, Madisonville, Monroe County, 13 Jan 2019 #5 *ARRESTS*

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But what was the question, and from whom? Did local LE ask, why didn’t you bring the video to us that day? Because that would explain the answer, and why they mailed it to the FBI so they could see from a safe distance if it was enough.
But it was the lack of urgency sending that stuff to the FBI if he was so concerned for 'harboring' her. What prompted him to send it then? All the media coverage? Sorry, but I do have to question this.
But what was the question, and from whom? Did local LE ask, why didn’t you bring the video to us that day? Because that would explain the answer, and why they mailed it to the FBI so they could see from a safe distance if it was enough.

Could a missing piece of the puzzle be that “because it was blurry” they felt it didn’t totally speak for itself, and that’s why she wrote that six-page document describing what her life has been like? And perhaps the time it took for her to force herself to write that accounted for some of the two week delay?
It makes me wonder if he is a CSI/Criminal Minds type show fan? Something drove his thought process. He knew enough about rape-kits. He did try to implore SLP to just leave. So much unknown, still imo!

Hm. I wonder if he put other options in front of her to see what options she has and how vulnerable she is.

She had no friends, no LE she could trust, she felt.

Sounds like a perfect victim to me.

Perhaps after being with him for two weeks, the idea of having her was not what he thought. Then he came up with the plan of the FBI.

They could have driven to a mailbox in Milwaukee and dropped the package. A padded envelope would do. No cameras at mailboxes. They could have driven to Minneapolis. They could have driven to Chicago.

Rather, the dramatic trip to MO.
Eh, I'm still very skeptical. They sent a package to the FBI but when the FBI actually showed up at his door, he lied and didn't turn her over. Why? Because he knew that transporting her and harboring her was a crime, most likely. So why did he do it? Why didn't he take her to a hospital or a police station immediately? Why did he hide her in a basement for two weeks and then lie to the FBI?

It's possible his motives were good, but this was a very poorly-implemented and sketchy escape plan involving the transmission of child *advertiser censored*, for heavens sake, and I think he needs to suffer the consequences.
I just keep going back to him having to have that child *advertiser censored* rape tape. He had to have it to view first.
Of interest to me also is that the day he was arrested he had just started his first day at his new Fed Ex job.
Eh, I'm still very skeptical. They sent a package to the FBI but when the FBI actually showed up at his door, he lied and didn't turn her over. Why? Because he knew that transporting her and harboring her was a crime, most likely. So why did he do it? Why didn't he take her to a hospital or a police station immediately? Why did he hide her in a basement for two weeks and then lie to the FBI?

It's possible his motives were good, but this was a very poorly-implemented and sketchy escape plan involving the transmission of child *advertiser censored*, for heavens sake, and I think he needs to suffer the consequences.

Because he had a different plan and it was not what he envisioned. I doubt if telling LE was in the original plan he had
Wow, the wind keeps changing direction in this thread. As a result of new information and new perspectives.

It's all good!

I have to admit my sails have been battered. The twists in this harrowing 'missing person' case have left a good amount of us scratching our heads, soothing our bruises.

So, anyone up for a quiet game of.... That's it! They played games! *No, not those kind silly* They were allowing SLP to de-stress, then write out her life story. All while putting the files together onto that SD. At the same time trying to figure out the best way to get the information to authorities.

Hmmmm, I wonder if they made copies of it all? Just in case nothing happened with that first batch? All MHO
He was worried the video was too blurry. IMO, they were not certain the evidence they had was enough to get RP arrested. But they tried anyway.
At one point BR says he didn't turn the video over to LE because it was too blurry. And yet, he already knew it had been mailed to the FBI in MO. Doesn't make sense.
Is there any chance there's more than one video? This is from page 8 - BBM:

Bryan: Just do not kill yourself
KV if you know someone else you can run away to, do that instead
Show them the recording you got earlier. That at least will give them reason to hide you
KV: Bryan plz don’t leave me like this…
My friends will eventually rat me out to the cops

And also from page 8:

Bryan: Then I guess your only option is to run away and show the people you run to the recording and tell them he's sexually abusing you.

Is this the one that's blurry or does this refer to the audio recording? The words "Show them" are throwing me here because this is prior to SLP getting the video that was apparently clear enough to identify RP.


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I read the defense memo. Unlike the majority, I do not see this man as a "misguided" hero, although his actions did lead to evidence being generated. Why?

1. What 31 year old converses online with a minor child? I have a major problem with that. They had multiple conversations. Clearly she had developed a trust or friendship with this 31 year old adult in order to get to the point she was willing to reveal abuse to him and beg him for help. What adult man is having such indepth conversations with a minor child on the internet?

2. Yes. He suggested a couple other options in the conversation the defense laid out. But he didn't press those extremely viable options. Like going to the hospital to get a rape kit. He didn't urge her to do so and reassure her that with her word and her rapists' DNA inside her, she'd be rescued by police. To me, he suggested them as other options but he didn't seem serious about those options. He didn't cycle back to them. When she begged for help he didn't continually tell her she'd be safe with those options. What he really pressed was video evidence. He really wanted that video.

3. There was audio that, when coupled with her own words, would've been quite enough for her to go to the police and be rescued. He continued to insist on VIDEO.

4. After receiving the video, he didn't simply call the authorities. "Hey, this child sent me this video of her being raped." He didn't immediately call 911. He told her he wouldn't be in trouble for picking her up if she made a video with evidence. And once she made it, he picked her up. However, that shows he believed it was viable evidence. And it shows he believed that the presence of the video would protect him from legal trouble. In other words, he didn't know asking her to make it would be illegal if he could show he was doing it to help get evidence. So he had no reason not to call 911 immediately and give them what he had gotten her to produce.

5. After receiving the video, he picked her up and took her out of state. He has ZERO reason not to drive her to a local LE department immediately, with the video. Instead, he took her across state lines.

6. He waited over 10 days to send the evidence to LE while harboring this minor in his mother's basement. Why?

7. What's this about him saying the video was too blurry?

I find his actions quite suspect. I don't think he deserves a medal for not sexually assaulting her for the days he had her. He could've been quite happy with just the video e got her to generate. He could've been working up to further exploitation.

If he was an 18 or 19 year old young man his actions might be more excusable to me because they're still at that age when there's this magical divide between adults and kids. Where adults and authorities aren't totally trusted.

But this is a 31 year old man conversing with a minor child online for a lengthy time period and insisting she generate child *advertiser censored* before he can help her.

The reaction here and the fact that he appears not to have assaulted her makes me believe he might indeed prevail in mitigating the charge. But I believe the charge was and is viable and necessary.

Just think of the sordid avenues we would be opening up to child sexual exploitation if a defense to encouraging a child to video and send an adult a recording of herself being assaulted, would be viable, under the auspicies of trying to "gather evidence".

I believe the charge is merited.

Finally, I think @MsFacetious mentioned a kidnapping charge would probably be dropped against BR. I didn't see any kidnapping charge. Only one charge - child exploitation. Am I wrong?
No- I think you are spot on and eloquent as usual so thank you @gitana1 - I agree as well. I can't find encouragement in the defense motion yet. I need evidence and the conversations can be viewed differently depending on your viewpoint IMO. I think he was grooming her, I think he hid her very well from his own mother (perhaps using the "your own mother didn't believe you why would mine?) - I posted several threads ago how a friend told me they could hide someone from a parent - you may be shocked but it can be done by someone who has frightened a child (she wouldn't dare leave for fear of being returned to the home she was brutalized in) so she hid herself when he left the basement. I think there is way more to this story IMO.
A few thoughts and questions

1) I am really surprised and shocked that the FBI and others in law enforcement did not find these communications previously. That just does not make sense to me and I look forward to learning more about that as I would think that the search warrants for her social media would have open that up for those in law enforcement that have familiarity with this type of case. Or did they not?

2) I found it interesting that the reports were at one time that her sister found her missing at 5 a.m. And that the phone's turned off at 5:15 and 5:30 near Corbin Kentucky.( putting on my to-do list of putting Corbin Kentucky in between their house and his house but have not done such, has anybody else?) Was it because the message was sent from her to her parents from a burner phone, and the mother came in looking after they got that phone call? The timing of those so close to each other and before most people wake up has me wondering.

3) I did notice what another poster said on the previous thread, about the defense attorney stating that the primary intention of crossing the state line was not sexual. While we may I agree with that, as the previous poster stated, why did they not go into it a little bit more and deny that they had any sexual relations while she was there. I just kind of expected that at the very end, but it did not say that.

4) when and how did the FBI get the letter, and did they approach the parents at that time in any way shape or form. For example, did they go back to the house asking for her hand writing samples to compare to hers from the letter? I wonder what the FBI told the parents, and if they did anything prior to arrest, and when.
Is there any chance there's more than one video? This is from page 8 - BBM:

Bryan: Just do not kill yourself
KV if you know someone else you can run away to, do that instead
Show them the recording you got earlier. That at least will give them reason to hide you
KV: Bryan plz don’t leave me like this…
My friends will eventually rat me out to the cops

Is this the one that's blurry or does this refer to the audio recording? The words "Show them" are throwing me here because this is prior to SLP getting the video that was apparently clear enough to identify RP.
from page 9 same document
the plan was to "attempt to video record the next time her adoptive father raped her"

Well well well, they are saying he is aware of a prior recording the way I read this and came up with a plan to do another recording... Is this how others are reading this? OMG this is terrible IMO (he knew he was subjecting her to another rape to be recorded) - this poor child. JMO

ETA: the word "show" on page 8 implies to me it's a video not an audio - otherwise, why not say listen to the recording? I think there is a lot of backtracking going on IMO.
I read it differently. If you read their chats- he constantly suggests to her to go to a friend's house, to go to LE, to go to the hospital to get a rape kit done. She was naturally scared to death. She kept threatening suicide over and over again- guilt can make you feel pretty crappy, if someone reached out to you and needed your help, and you denied them any- I think he didn't want a young girl's suicide on his conscience for the rest of his life.

She was scared to pieces. Her step father threatened to kill her, wanted to impregnate her, wouldn't allow her to go on birth control! I really think that SP actually want to go far far away from her home- she quite clearly did not feel safe enough to go to LE in that town, her former friends from Georgia- she mentioned she was scared to go to them because they might turn her in to the cops.

Sometimes, there really are Good Samaritans out there- we just don't hear enough about them anymore, due to all the evil that goes on in this world. Also, another damn good reason why we don't hear much about them anymore- because right away, they're judged, their grooming, they're sick- it can never be about them wanting to help a victim- never. There always has to be a sick reason why they go out of their way to help a victim. If you ask SP right now- if this situation unfolded exactly as written? He's probably a hero to her, and she will be forever grateful to him.

He drove her to the FBI in Missouri to drop off her letter to the FBI, the audio and video. I think he really did want this situation to be over with from his stand point, but wanted to make sure that she was safe and sound and out of harms way until RP was investigated and arrested. I don't think he's that stupid- he knew they would eventually track her down to his Mom's house- he was simply buying some time, I think, for RP to be arrested or for LE to investigate what was going on at home, hoping they would find more evidence there, too, to back up SP's story.

As far as why they talked- lots of gamers do- they love to discuss the games, the cheats, etc. All ages are on it, which is something I am not fond of myself, but that's how it is unfortunately.

He wasn't just talking to her about the games. He knew she was underage and talked indepth with her about her personal life. A 31 year old man with a 14 year old kid. It's inappropriate.

I don't believe he's a hero. He seems to be emotionally manipulating a child to get a video of her being harmed. Yes, after her pressured her over and over to get a video and she kept saying she couldn't do it, he finally discussed some other some
options. But it was far from "constantly". And tellingly, he mentioned the police only one time in all that time.

How is it remotely reasonable that a 31 year old adult continually encourages a minor child to be raped on video and send it to him, mentions "running away to a friend's" a few times only AFTER she brought it up first, but only once mentions going to the police for help and never mentions talking to a trusted adult? How is it remotely reasonable that this man doesn't immediately call the police himself, nor calls them at all, ever?

And while he pressures her to get a video, assuring her that that's the way she can be rescued, "foolproof leverage" he's a bit dismissive when he replies to her statement that she will run away, "Run to a friends house and [/i]hope for the best":

This is the defense's best evidence:

12-27-18 Pressing hard and saying he won't help her without video evidence. No mention at all of any other way to get help. Convinced her she will be returned to her abuser without video evidence:

December 27, 2018
Bryan: I didn’t hang up the call got dropped
 And I know you don’t want to do it but I don’t exactly want to see your dad rape you either

Bryan: But we need clear video evidence
KV: Bryan do u understand how hard that would be though
Bryan: yes
 But understand that I can get in a hell of a lot of trouble for harboring you Unless you can prove what he did they will just release you back to him if we get caught
KV: I understand bryan I guess
 As far as needing the evidence goes and u getting in trouble
Bryan: ok
KV: I just can’t promise I’ll get the evidence...
Bryan: Then I can’t promise I can get you away from that 
I hate to say it but I can’t risk getting trouble for you. If you can get that video I can get you out of there but without it you will just wind up back with your dad and I’ll be in trouble
KV: ...I’lltrytogetit

1-4-19 Seems upset she didn't get video evidence. After she says she couldn't do it he says, "There has to be some [effing] way." Goes on to pressure her about getting video. "He's going to rape you anyhow anyhow." Pushes super hard to get video.

Bryan: Just out of curiosity why can’t you just stay in your room and wait for him to get you?
He’s going to rape you anyway, might as well have the phone recording

KV: Bryan I can’t stand it I’ll have a mental breakdown... idfk how

Bryan: ok

KV: There has to be a way
I can’t just stay here bryan I’m begging u plz

Bryan: There is. Be in your room when he comes home and have the phone recording. That way when he comes for you it’s already recording and you don’t have to worry about anything

Bryan: And I can’t help you if we don’t have foolproof leverage against your dad He’s been molesting you for 12 years, KV. If that’ not enough of a reason to get the video then idk what else to tell you

KV: Bryan ur such a if u don’t help me somehow I might as well kill my self like I’ve been planning to do
I can’t get the video I just can’t

Bryan: So I’m an for not risking going to prison for someone I haven’t even met?

KV: IDFK ANYMORE! But u can’t just leave me here!
If u don’t help me I’ll either kill myself or just run away to a friends house cause I can’t deal with this *advertiser censored* but I can’t get the video either
 Idfk what to do anymore
Bryan: “And I know you don’t want to do it but I don’t exactly want to see your dad rape you either”
KV: If u don’t help me I’ll either kill myself or just run away to a friends house cause I can’t deal with this *advertiser censored* but I can’t get the video either
Idfk what to do
Bryan: Good. Run away to a friends house

KV: Damn u bryan

Bryan: At least they can’t be charged with kidnaping if you go to them

KV: I’ll just kill myself

Bryan: Just do not kill yourself
 KV if you know someone else you can run away to, do that instead
 Show them the recording you got earlier. That at least will give them reason to hide you

KV: Bryan plz don’t leave me like this...
My friends will eventually rat me out to the cops

Bryan: And I think some of the laws are messed up too but my opinion isn’t going to matter if they come looking for you and we get caught
Run to a friends house and hope for the best

KV: That’s all the advice u have for me

Bryan: That’s all I can offer
 If I knew something else I would tell you

KV: I’m just gonna kill myself Bryan: so don’t let him take you anywhere
 KV if you’re just going to kill yourself you might as well try running away to a friends house
 you have nothing to lose
Bryan: Then I guess your only option is to run away and show the people you run to the recording and tell them he’s sexually abusing you
KV: So what’s happens between us now bryan
Bryan: Then go to a hospital and get a rape kit
KV hell you could just go to the police after he rapes you and get a rape kit done on you
It’s only a few miles to town
Bryan: Then they will have DNA evidence that he raped you and since you’re a minor it won’t matter if he forced himself on you or not

Bryan: Between the rape charged and having all those guns as a s convicted felon he will be put away for a long f ing time

He mentions having her go to the police - Once.
Going to the hospital for a rape kit - Once.
Running away to a friend's - four times. And ONLY after she suggests it first.
Getting video evidence - six times. "I don't exactly want to see your dad rape you either."

His language is suggestive to me. He seems manipulative and intent on a video.

I am a bit baffled by the insistence that a very adult man who engaged in much more than gaming convos, online, with a minor child, and NEVER calls the police for help, but repeatedly insists the only way he can help is if she records herself getting raped and send it to him, is "a good Samaritan."

I don't see that.

He had so many legitimate ways to help this baby that didn't involve encouraging her to get raped on camera, send it to him and then go pick her up and transport her across state lines to his home.

Child abuse hotline.
"Tell a trusted adult."
Pick her up but take her straight to the police.
Send the video himself to the police anonymously, without picking her up.

Instead, he flatly lies to her and manipulates her to believe she will be returned to him "hope for the best" unless she gets video: "Unless you can prove what he did they will just release you back to him"

"If you can get that video I can get you out of there but without it you will just wind up back with your dad".

That's b.s.

I feel it's in error to scold those of us who are in agreement with the fed's charges, for being the reason there aren't more people who step up to help others.

He could've helped her in so many legitimate ways that didn't involve sending him child *advertiser censored* and then transporting her across state lines where he hid her and lied to the police about her whereabouts.

Oh and anyone who thinks these two weren't avidly reading the news about this case and somehow missed that the dad was arrested for rape, thus he lied about her being there when the cops came to call, should probably think twice.

My two cents.
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I totally agree with all the comments about the defense's response. It was a Defense response and it would naturally be sided towards BR's innocence.

There are definitely inconsistencies between the original complaint and what we saw yesterday, that much I think we can all agree on.

Today's detention hearing will be interesting. I am hopeful that BR's (odd) attempt to assist SLP to get evidence to the FBI is an indication that he was well-intentioned but I respect other's opinions that maybe that wasn't the case.

I am not versed enough in these different laws to understand how much intent plays into this, good or bad.
I am sorry to report that I have not found a time. Just that it was changed from Thursday, to today. Where's a good article when you need one? IMO
Need to find the US District court docket for this district in WI - I will look
Madison man charged with exploitation of Tennessee girl had reached out to FBI, lawyers say
snipped - BBM
Instead, it states that investigators found the recording on Rogers’ computer, which was seized from his home after his arrest.

One more thing about this recording - if they did find it on his computer, why did he not delete it after copying it and sending it to the FBI? Think about that for a bit....
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