Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #20

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An Australian man and his American girlfriend have died in suspicious circumstances in Canada, sparking fears they may have been murdered.

Lucas Fowler is reported to be the son of senior NSW police officer, Inspector Stephen Fowler. He was found dead alongside his girlfriend, North Carolina woman Chynna Deese, in British Columbia earlier this week sparking fears of foul play.

Chynna’s sister Kennedy Deese wrote they pair were “homicide victims along a remote stretch of highway in Canada while on a road trip.”

An older style blue mini-van the pair was believed to have been travelling was found at the scene.

Canadian police are looking for anyone who saw the vehicle or offered assistance. They’re also appealing for anyone that travelled the stretch of highway around the time of the discovery to come forward, according to a RCMP media release.



Australian man found dead in Canada

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Thread #15 - Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #15
Thread #16 - Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #16
Thread #17 - Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #17
Thread #18 - Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #18
Thread #19 - Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #20
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Do you guys think the RCMP is going to feel pressured to release the videos to quell all the speculation about whether or not they did it, and their motive?


There's no speculation in Canadian Press that I have seen. We are all waiting for the full investigative report to be released.

The RCMP is respected in Canada (generally speaking) and they aren't pressured to do anything, ever. I believe the RCMP will present a report that makes all Canadians convinced that justice has been done.
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I somehow doubt that was the case. They were bonded friends from childhood. They probably loved each other like brothers, possibly with more depth because they loved each other for who they were, and not because of blood ties.

Whatever happened probably brought them even closer. Imagine witnessing death side by side with someone, that’s a make-or-break experience. There was a point where one of them, if so inclined, could have said “this is too much” and bailed on the other. But they, to quote their coworker, were stuck together like glue.

I imagine there was maybe some despair about what they did, at least in one of them. But the thought of leaving the other could have been absolutely inconceivable.

And the decision to end their lives was likely a mutual one, maybe formed long before they reached Gillam.

JMO. (sidenote, I cringe when people call suicide the “cowards way out”. It’s a real tasteless phrase, to put it politely. JMO JMO JMO JMO)

Certainly they loved one another deeply. I recall @MassGuy commenting awhile back that Kam and Bryer were probably lovers. Well, I also believe this could be true. Probably a shocking statement, but one that actually makes complete sense to me given that they stuck together until the bitter end, and then intentionally went out together.

Perhaps there was also a suicide pact put into place even before the murders, as they drove purposefully to within miles of Hudson Bay, which was the very end of the line for them, both physically and metaphorically. They seemed to know exactly where they were headed, probably picking up maps whenever they fueled up.

I'm definitely not attempting to romanticize this horrible situation, but rather offering up my humble opinion.
Certainly they loved one another deeply. I recall @MassGuy commenting awhile back that Kam and Bryer were probably lovers. Well, I also believe this could be true. Probably a shocking statement, but one that actually makes complete sense to me given that they stuck together until the bitter end, and then intentionally went out together.

Perhaps there was also a suicide pact put into place even before the murders, as they drove purposefully to within miles of Hudson Bay, which was the very end of the line for them, both physically and metaphorically. They seemed to know exactly where they were headed, probably picking up maps whenever they fueled up.

I'm definitely not attempting to romanticize this horrible situation, but rather offering up my humble opinion.
Ha! Not lovers, but kindred spirits.

They both may have had their own motivations, but together they fit perfectly with each other.

They didn’t have to be lovers to be devoted to one another, and committed to carrying out their plan.

I do think they were always going to die by suicide, whether they knew it beforehand or not.
Certainly they loved one another deeply. I recall @MassGuy commenting awhile back that Kam and Bryer were probably lovers. Well, I also believe this could be true. Probably a shocking statement, but one that actually makes complete sense to me given that they stuck together until the bitter end, and then intentionally went out together.

Perhaps there was also a suicide pact put into place even before the murders, as they drove purposefully to within miles of Hudson Bay, which was the very end of the line for them, both physically and metaphorically. They seemed to know exactly where they were headed, probably picking up maps whenever they fueled up.

I'm definitely not attempting to romanticize this horrible situation, but rather offering up my humble opinion.

Not exactly a shocking statement (being gay is not shocking to me), but in my mind, a little irrelevant. The form of their relationship doesn’t seem as important as the gravity of it. Plus, I have one very close friend whom I would literally do anything for, and I’m not interested in being their lover. Intimacy and love doesn’t always have to be sexualized. JMO.
Ha! Not lovers, but kindred spirits.

They both may have had their own motivations, but together they fit perfectly with each other.

They didn’t have to be lovers to be devoted to one another, and committed to carrying out their plan.

I do think they were always going to die by suicide, whether they knew it beforehand or not.

Not exactly a shocking statement (being gay is not shocking to me), but in my mind, a little irrelevant. The form of their relationship doesn’t seem as important as the gravity of it. Plus, I have one very close friend whom I would literally do anything for, and I’m not interested in being their lover. Intimacy and love doesn’t always have to be sexualized. JMO.

They were totally in love with each other. But in a platonic way.
@Grouper I have to you 100% both your comments. (I couldn't quote your one from the previous thread.) You knocked it out of the park and I completely agree. I wondered if suicide was a lingering thought always or it became a fail safe just in case they couldn't make it out. I'm with you on what you said about suicide. It's most definitely not a cowards way out. It can be terrifying, exhilarating and for lack of a better word ballsy. It's your life, no one else's and you can choose to do with it whatever you like. If I'm talking to someone, say a friend or a complete stranger (has happened a few times) and they bring up suicide or past notions of it, I will always ask them please don't let it come to that and don't put your friends and family through something like that, but ultimately, the choice yours. It will be devastating but everyone has free will and I would respect their decision. Anyway, I felt taking their own lives was probably an agreement reached at some point on the road, well after this whole thing had begun. Maybe not even until they reached the woods outside Sundance? Never at any point did I ever think they're going to turn on each other or one will turn himself in. I didn't even suspect suicide really. I thought they just died together during the night from hypothermia facilitated by starvation and dehydration. I mean really, there's no way I would have left that level of friendship out there alone and turned myself in. Then consider this. Given their luck; getting stuck in Cold Lake and getting rescued, making it through a somewhat law authoritative check-point unscathed it makes you wonder if they thought if they could just make it to the Hudson Bay perhaps some new twist of fate would present itself and see them on board a boat or ship escaping to Ontario or Quebec. It sounds a little fantastical but for Kam and Bryer was it? They could still have hope. I know if I was lost with someone in the woods I would probably be suggesting something like that to keep them calm. I get this sense they did have some kind of physical map(s) but not like a topographical map or anything. They perhaps did have some idea how close they were to the Bay but didn't fully realize the scope or distance until there was no more vehicle and were actually walking. Not to mention the woods is just so disorientating and that was why I asked in my comment last night if they ever had any idea where they were whilst on foot. I still think they intended on driving past Sundance to where the road literally ends but something happened. Either they skidded off the road, blew a tire, ran out gas or just fried the RAV's engine (ran it out of oil for example.) Sure they could use the river as a guide and what was left of the road (they probably did) but that hike must have absolutely sucked! Enlightening and beautiful but also dreadful. I'm reminded of this story that went up back in the first days of August about those two German guys who wrecked their canoe and had to hike for 10 days North to Gillam.

Can the fugitives survive the Manitoba wilderness? Ask these German tourists. -
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I personally cannot see them proclaiming their innocence in any videos they may have left behind. How can they possibly explain away 3 “accidental” murders or that they were “framed”? As much as I am interested to see those videos, I also don’t think they should ever be released to the public. I cannot imagine the agony it would cause all of the families.

And I definitely believe the idea of suicide was not a new concept to either of them. Sure, they wanted to escape and get away with their crimes, but I think their Plan B was always suicide. No way were they turning themselves in ever. Just MOO
Certainly they loved one another deeply. I recall @MassGuy commenting awhile back that Kam and Bryer were probably lovers. Well, I also believe this could be true. Probably a shocking statement, but one that actually makes complete sense to me given that they stuck together until the bitter end, and then intentionally went out together.

Perhaps there was also a suicide pact put into place even before the murders, as they drove purposefully to within miles of Hudson Bay, which was the very end of the line for them, both physically and metaphorically. They seemed to know exactly where they were headed, probably picking up maps whenever they fueled up.

I'm definitely not attempting to romanticize this horrible situation, but rather offering up my humble opinion.
I don't think the question about Kam and Bryer being lovers is shocking ... the thought has crossed my mind as well, only because it would help some pieces fit just a little better I guess. But, otherwise, it really is irrelevant in the big scheme of this entire tragedy. Their close bond was actually impressive to me, its just a sad shame the foundation of that bond was warped and toxic.
Also, a suicide pact makes alot of sense .... I believe they both accepted (early on) that this was a very real possible outcome for them. All MOO
I personally cannot see them proclaiming their innocence in any videos they may have left behind. How can they possibly explain away 3 “accidental” murders or that they were “framed”? As much as I am interested to see those videos, I also don’t think they should ever be released to the public. I cannot imagine the agony it would cause all of the families.

If they said or showed something that particularly implicates them in the crimes, it will probably be referred to in the final report. I think it highly unlikely that any of the actual video would be released however. Instead we might see select excerpted written transcripts or descriptions.

MOO, of course.
I am not surprised that suicide was an option for them. I originally thought it was Bryer's idea and he wanted to do it, and Kam being the loyal friend didn't or couldn't live without his friend. But now I'm sure, Kam probably had some serious issues. He could have come from a family or been afraid to express how he felt. Bryer had posted and said somethings that showed some serious red flags and nothing was done. So what hope would someone, assuming I'm correct, would someone had who kept everything inside and put on a positive front. Because I keep looking over the photos of Kam that had been posted. His smiles appear genuine, especially the Instagram photo of him and Bryer.
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@Grouper I have to you 100% both your comments. (I couldn't quote your one from the previous thread.) You knocked it out of the park and I completely agree. I wondered if suicide was a lingering thought always or it became a fail safe just in case they couldn't make it out. I'm with you on what you said about suicide. It's most definitely not a cowards way out. It can be terrifying, exhilarating and for lack of a better word ballsy. It's your life, no one else's and you can choose to do with it whatever you like. If I'm talking to someone, say a friend or a complete stranger (has happened a few times) and they bring up suicide or past notions of it, I will always ask them please don't let it come to that and don't put your friends and family through something like that, but ultimately, the choice yours. It will be devastating but everyone has free will and I would respect their decision. Anyway, I felt taking their own lives was probably an agreement reached at some point on the road, well after this whole thing had begun. Maybe not even until they reached the woods outside Sundance? Never at any point did I ever think they're going to turn on each other or one will turn himself in. I didn't even suspect suicide really. I thought they just died together during the night from hypothermia facilitated by starvation and dehydration. I mean really, there's no way I would have left that level of friendship out there alone and turned myself in. Then consider this. Given their luck; getting stuck in Cold Lake and getting rescued, making it through a somewhat law authoritative check-point unscathed it makes you wonder if they thought if they could just make it to the Hudson Bay perhaps some new twist of fate would present itself and see them on board a boat or ship escaping to Ontario or Quebec. It sounds a little fantastical but for Kam and Bryer was it? They could still have hope. I know if I was lost with someone in the woods I would probably be suggesting something like that to keep them calm. I get this sense they did have some kind of physical map(s) but not like a topographical map or anything. They perhaps did have some idea how close they were to the Bay but didn't fully realize the scope or distance until there was no more vehicle and were actually walking. Not to mention the woods is just so disorientating and that was why I asked in my comment last night if they ever had any idea where they were whilst on foot. I still think they intended on driving past Sundance to where the road literally ends but something happened. Either they skidded off the road, blew a tire, ran out gas or just fried the RAV's engine (ran it out of oil for example.) Sure they could use the river as a guide and what was left of the road (they probably did) but that hike must have absolutely sucked! Enlightening and beautiful but also dreadful. I'm reminded of this story that went up back in the first days of August about those two German guys who wrecked their canoe and had to hike for 10 days North to Gillam.

Can the fugitives survive the Manitoba wilderness? Ask these German tourists. -

I don't have the link at hand, but there was a short video interview with someone from the area that said logging roads, which are only open in the winter when things are frozen, would show up on some maps with no indication that they are closed/unpassable half of the year. K&B may have seen them on maps as wilderness dirt roads that would take them through to Hudson Bay and parts thereof, without realizing until they got there that Sundance was the end of the road figuratively and literally. MOO
I am not surprised that suicide was an option for them. I originally thought it was Bryer's idea and he wanted to do it, and Kam being the loyal friend didn't or couldn't live without his friend. But now I'm sure, Kam probably had some serious issues. He could have come from a family or been afraid to express how he felt. It's obvious Bryer had posted and said somethings that shot out some serious red flags and nothing was done. So what hope would someone, assuming I'm correct, would someone had who kept everything inside and put on a positive front. Because I keep looking over the photos of Kam that had been posted. His smiles appear genuine, especially the Instagram photo of him and Bryer.

In support of this, and everyone else's posts about the reasoning behind suicides - perhaps only one of them was hellbent on suicide, and the other simply could not fathom going on without them.
I’m afraid I might have to contradict myself now.

An interesting piece of the puzzle to me is that they had apparently stayed alive for several days once they reached Gillam and abandoned the RAV.

If they did plan on ending their lives from the beginning, I wonder what kept them alive in that miserable landscape.

So maybe I’m totally wrong. Maybe suicide was not a part of the plan, or at least for one of them it wasn’t.

I honestly don’t know anything, and I can’t decide on one linear thought process regarding what happened to Bryer and Kam. It’s all too strange, really.

And obviously, MOO.
Either way, I do think there had to be some dark thoughts going through Kam's mind. He and Bryer from many sources were very close friends. It is known from what we seen on the media that Bryer was troubled, atleast going back to early teens, and for whatever reason nothing was done. His father wasn't present, and his mother sent or allowed him to go live with grandma.
An interesting piece of the puzzle to me is that they had apparently stayed alive for several days once they reached Gillam and abandoned the RAV.

If they did plan on ending their lives from the beginning, I wonder what kept them alive in that miserable landscape.

So maybe I’m totally wrong. Maybe suicide was not a part of the plan, or at least for one of them it wasn’t.

I honestly don’t know anything, and I can’t decide on one linear thought process regarding what happened to Bryer and Kam. It’s all too strange, really.

And obviously, MOO.
Our earliest speculation was that they knew someone in the area, perhaps a guy from BC who worked at the Keeyask hydro project.

Their encounter with Split Lake band constables may have prevented a rendezvous with that contact, if we accept that speculation.
But now I'm sure, Kam probably had some serious issues. He could have come from a family or been afraid to express how he felt. So what hope would someone, assuming I'm correct, would someone had who kept everything inside and put on a positive front. Because I keep looking over the photos of Kam that had been posted. His smiles appear genuine, especially the Instagram photo of him and Bryer.
SBM. I have thought this as well. I believe Kam was unable to express himself fully, for whatever reason, possibly due to family dynamics. That's why he always put on a good front, seemed "nice", "considerate", "funny", "happy". He never would have revealed himself to anyone the way Bryer did (except, obviously, to Bryer). I also agree Kam's smiles look genuine, however, none as happy as the one he displays in the Instagram photo with Bryer. All MOO.
If they said or showed something that particularly implicates them in the crimes, it will probably be referred to in the final report. I think it highly unlikely that any of the actual video would be released however. Instead we might see select excerpted written transcripts or descriptions.

MOO, of course.

The reason I don’t think anything regarding the video will be included in the final investigation, even if they did confess, is because it gives the impression it was by sheer luck the RCMP initially identified the two as armed and dangerous suspects and embarked on a huge manhunt and by gosh, see what they said in the video, police were right.

I think the general public is interested in knowing the evidence that initially led the RCMP to identify them as suspects and why no other suspects are being sought much the same way as the Crown would summarize it during criminal proceedings. That the two later chose to avoid a criminal trial by the taking their own lives really has no direct connection to why police embarked on the manhunt in the first place, other than the fact their deaths became the reason they can’t be prosecuted.
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