CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #58

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I thought about that, too! Put SF on after CB, then follow up with CB2 to get things back on track. The contrast would be very enlightening, IMO.
Am I the only one who's sad that @GoJacks won't be there when SF takes the stand?

Then again, it might be a precious waste of his time and the medias.

"I plead the 5th".
So what’s the deal with PF’s father? Is he deceased or divorced or just absent?
Feb 18, 2019
Friends saw Patrick Frazee as doting father and hard-working rancher; possible motive for Kelsey Berreth killing revealed

Frazee was born in Colorado Springs, according to the county jail log. He grew up in Florissant on his family’s ranch and has headed it for years. His father is deceased; his 64-year-old mother lives on the ranch. A brother, Sean, works as a Colorado Springs police officer, and a sister, Erin, lives in Larkspur.

Wow, this is hugely helpful, SteeltownG!

Thanks so much for taking the time to put this handy reference list together...saved it to favorites!

Is there a way to get that it pinned to the 1st page of every new Thread here, anyone know???
You can either PM a mod or alert on your post and ask it to be stickied to the beginning of the next thread. Good idea! MOO
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@GoJacks How difficult was it to get a seat Friday? How early did you have to get there?

Just curious
Not difficult at all. Lots of empty seats. (and the court room isn't very big, so I was surprised)

I imagine on KK day it will be harder, lol.

Am I the only one who's sad that @GoJacks won't be there when SF takes the stand?

Then again, it might be a precious waste of his time and the medias.

"I plead the 5th".

Oh, I'd love to see her take the stand. I wonder if we will be given a heads up at all of when each person is taking the stand.

I think we all knew CB was taking the stand first, and I've seen CB2 is next.

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Am I the only one who's sad that @GoJacks won't be there when SF takes the stand?

Then again, it might be a precious waste of his time and the medias.

"I plead the 5th".
Well, I would think she would have to answer most questions.
If they ask her, "How did you view your son's relationship with Kelsey?"
Or about her own feelings towards Kelsey I don't see how she could avoid answering.
If they ask her about whether or not she witnessed the fire they could offer her immunity and then I don't see how she could get out of answering.

Jury selected for Patrick Frazee murder trial, opening statements begin

Ashley Porter, one of Frazee's defense attorneys, said no murder weapon has been found, Berreth's body hasn't been found, and the only blood jurors will see is "tiny, minuscule spots of blood under the floor boards." She added that Frazee has cooperated with law enforcement, gave his phone, and took pictures in the nude so investigators could see any marks on him.

Wait, what???

Sitting on my hands and chuckling! :D
I can't imagine anyone being conscious after being struck so hard that the teeth come flying out.
I think he put all his strength and effort behind it and struck her in the head, which would have resulted in the blood spraying everywhere.
If she had been able to move anywhere throughout the house there would have been a trail of blood instead of just footprints.

All it would take is one hard swing.
I don't think he followed her throughout the house hitting her repeatedly in the head.


This is one of the things that is incredibly distressing to think about.

All of us here hate to envision the violence and brutality of the murder itself.

But it bears thinking about, because it speaks to PF's utter viciousness, and what KB suffered at his hands.

My hope is that she was knocked out after the first blow, and felt nothing after that.

Hope is a feeling, though.
Feelings aren't Facts.

I don't think that's what happened.
I absolutely do not think that KB was killed with a single blow.
In fact, I'm almost certain that there were repeated blows.

There's too much blood splatter, and what KK described she walked into in no way fits with a single strike.

"Blood everywhere."

It's horrific to think about, but I think it's important to acknowledge the brutality of PF's actions and the pain he inflicted upon KB.

He's Evil Incarnate.


*ETA: @MassGuy offered the best explanation r/t the blood splatter and likely murder scenario w/ the bat that I've heard so far. Tagging him to see if he can post that again for the group.
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I have a feeling there is more to this whole thing than has been brought out.
I'm upset KK won't be held more accountable.
Join the club.

We have bigger things to worry about right now, though:

What is most important is that PF be held accountable.

He swung the bat.

He must, must, MUST pay for that.

There'll be plenty of time and opportunity to Monday morning quarterback about the state's decision to offer KK that sweetie beauty of a deal.

But it ain't Monday yet, folks.

Stating the obvious: It's Sunday. Gameday.

The home team, led by DA May is locked in battle against PF.

That's the only thing I'm focused on right now.

Well, that and the Pats vs Ravens game. Kickoff at 8:20 pm tonight.

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This is one of the things that is incredibly distressing to think about.

All of us here hate to think about the violence and brutality of the murder itself.

But it bears thinking about, because it speaks to PF's utter viciousness, and what KB suffered at his hands.

My hope is that she was knocked out after the first blow, and felt nothing after that.

Hope is a feeling, though.
Feelings aren't Facts.

I don't think that's what happened.
I absolutely do not think that KB was killed with a single blow.
In fact, I'm almost certain that there were repeated blows.

There's too much blood splatter, and what KK described she walked into in no way fits with a single strike.

"Blood everywhere."

It's horrific to think about, but I think it's important to acknowledge the brutality of PF's actions and the pain he inflicted upon KB.

He's Evil Incarnate.

Yes, I wouldn't doubt that he hit her in the head more than once. He would have wanted to make sure she was dead.
He would have had the perfect opportunity to take a full swing with all his might since she was blindfolded and she could not see what was coming.
I just think the whole thing took place in the living room, and she would not have been capable of running from him through the house trying to get away from him. I think wherever the blood was found under the floorboards was where she fell and lay there to die.

He made sure she was vulnerable so she couldn't fight back.

I suppose when to put SF on the stand depends on what they plan to ask her.

I think they do have to take care how they approach her (even if she is hostile). Her son may be a murderer, but she is likely to “lose” him to the prison system and (hopefully) will never see her grandchild again. So there could be some sympathy for her, at least when questioning begins.

CB’s testimony is probably the jury’s first intro to the troll-house and the family’s treatment of KB. More than likely they have not spent months delving into the information. If they had, and admitted it, they wouldn’t be on the jury. Coming across too aggressively to a mom could make the jury more sympathetic and more inclined to believe her answers.

I would wait until as many negatives as possible are revealed before putting her on the stand. But before KK, who knows how close she was to the fire scene (and possibly other events).

I really don’t have a clue, I’m just thinking out loud about scenarios.

Yes, I wouldn't doubt that he hit her in the head more than once. He would have wanted to make sure she was dead.
He would have had the perfect opportunity to take a full swing with all his might since she was blindfolded and she could not see what was coming.
I just think the whole thing took place in the living room, and she would not have been capable of running from him through the house trying to get away from him. I think wherever the blood was found under the floorboards was where she fell and lay there to die.

He made sure she was vulnerable so she couldn't fight back.


This is what I hope happened and I hate thinking about it and try not to. I hope the first hit knocked her unconscious and she never knew or felt anything else. I don't doubt though that he struck her over and over. He's vile and monstrous and his hate and rage had built up so he wanted to make her death the worst possible. There's no explaining the loathing I feel for this monster. He isn't human...grrrrrrr
I said before and I'll say it again- he was trying to set KK up for the fall. I mean really, drag the garbage can down the street and do what with it, exactly? Put it in front of one of the neighbor's houses until trash day?

When I think about it- his DNA would be all over that condo, just from visiting Kelsey and the baby. So his fingerprints wouldn't be suspect there at all.

How convenient that he wanted this done at Kelsey's condo and tried to get KK to do the deed three times, each time, she didn't go through with it. KK's prints would have no business being in Kelsey's condo, they weren't friends or related. I sincerely doubt that KK had latex gloves on when she handed Kelsey the coffee, right? Do we picture KK wearing latex gloves while arriving at Kelsey's door, holding a bat or a pipe in her hands?

PF in my eyes, wanted a 2 for 1- murder of Kelsey with KK in jail for life for her murder. He figured he'd be rid of them both and free to move on to his next victim, I mean hooker, in line.

Scum bag.
yes, Yes, YES!!!
I really think he was getting KK to do it because then if anything happened SHE would take the fall....and I think he's hoping for that now. At least that he can wriggle out of a conviction because of KK being the "jealous mistress" with KB being "in her way" because PF is so (reaching for barf bag) desirable.

and seriously...drag the garbage can down the street? why so everyone and their security camera see KK doing that? um YEAH! Hey give KB a poisoned that has your fingerprints all over it. Or beat her with this metal that you KB and KK fight and all of KKs blonde hair goes flying all over KBs condo...sure, yeah.
Jury selected for Patrick Frazee murder trial, opening statements begin

Ashley Porter, one of Frazee's defense attorneys, said no murder weapon has been found, Berreth's body hasn't been found, and the only blood jurors will see is "tiny, minuscule spots of blood under the floor boards." She added that Frazee has cooperated with law enforcement, gave his phone, and took pictures in the nude so investigators could see any marks on him.

Well, this is one time where the decorum order comes in handy.
Including the possible prohibition on mental images of PF.
yes, Yes, YES!!!
I really think he was getting KK to do it because then if anything happened SHE would take the fall....and I think he's hoping for that now. At least that he can wriggle out of a conviction because of KK being the "jealous mistress" with KB being "in her way" because PF is so (reaching for barf bag) desirable.

Noooooooo! He is going to flip and blame every thing on KK?! That is absolutely diabolical.
I suppose when to put SF on the stand depends on what they plan to ask her.

I think they do have to take care how they approach her (even if she is hostile). Her son may be a murderer, but she is likely to “lose” him to the prison system and (hopefully) will never see her grandchild again. So there could be some sympathy for her, at least when questioning begins.

CB’s testimony is probably the jury’s first intro to the troll-house and the family’s treatment of KB. More than likely they have not spent months delving into the information. If they had, and admitted it, they wouldn’t be on the jury. Coming across too aggressively to a mom could make the jury more sympathetic and more inclined to believe her answers.

I would wait until as many negatives as possible are revealed before putting her on the stand. But before KK, who knows how close she was to the fire scene (and possibly other events).

I really don’t have a clue, I’m just thinking out loud about scenarios.

I try to be compassionate, even for suspects' family members during a time like this. I know it's a horrifying and shocking experience for these families, and their pain is enormous when it's their loved one that is the murderer- they get practically no understanding at all in the public or community. They get those looks and comments in public for the rest of their days. With social media, it's hard for them to even move away, someone always finds them.

That said, going by what Cheryl said on the witness stand, I have absolutely not one shred of sympathy for her or that family- the granddaughter of a "hooker", in granny's eyes, she and her son wanted so called custody of? That same mother she tossed that "hooker" on her tail when she found out she was pregnant with this child they allegedly wanted custody of? The same woman who was shunned and made to go out on the deck outside when the sister came over to visit?

If I am on the jury listening to all of this- my usual sympathy for some suspects' families would be shot to hell. If anything, who would have blamed Kelsey if she didn't take the baby and run as far away as she could from those classless, cold hearted monsters. That's a family I wouldn't go near with a ten foot pole.
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