Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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I wish JR wasn’t such an incoherent, poor witness to events, but what can you do?

If what she says is true, we have a pattern of unfaithfulness with Chad. It also shows a new nastiness from him, if he blamed completely justified suspicion and jealousy on “Tammy being off her meds.”

It also makes me wonder if we have some unknown witnesses to this behavior from Tammy’s side. She might’ve confided in friends.

If this AZ woman exists, I hope Justin tracks her down.

As to another question someone asked, David Warwick is MG’s boyfriend/SO, I think.
Something has been bothering me for awhile and I couldn't pinpoint it until this morning as I was re-reading IP's notes to LE and I think there is another reference to it but I am still looking.
In IP's notes to his Ex-wife, NP, he states, her (meaning MP) UNCLES (plural) have her so wrapped up.
So, I know AxC would be one of the Uncles mentioned but do we maybe have another player hiding behind the scenes as in maybe LVD and AxC other brother, AdC ??
Uncles (again plural) is mentioned elsewhere also.
I know we can't bring his info here but this has been bothering me since I heard / read these reports.

I thought this was the IP ‘her uncles want her to move to Ammon’ commentary...?

If so, I thought we had more or less groupsource decided in earlier threads these people were Adam C and Charles...?

Also wondering if, though I don’t recall this specifically being mentioned, Ammon was brought into things because AdC and his family live there? ‘As long as you still trust the Coxes, we are hoping you’ll go with Adam and not sketchy Summer and Janis’ sort of thing?

haha, yes I especially remember when Chad told that reporter in Hawaii that everything would be clear when the story worked through the legal system. I cannot think of one case where a perfect story was revealed in court that made sense and exonerated the suspects.

Coincidentally I was watching Forensic Files recently... a reporter querying some plainly guilty suspect trying to look innocent, as he walked handcuffed into the courtroom... ‘no I can’t explain it, Miss. it’s just too complicated... you’ll see eventually.’

GUILTY, and suspect never took the stand in his own defense to attempt to ‘unwind’ the complications either.

it’s an easy dodge IMO; and should be equally easily assumed to always be a lie.

I am stunned. I have actually done my best to NOT read MBP's statement because I knew I'd have trouble stomaching it. I'm enraged by the casual way she invokes Tylee, as if Tylee would have been shrugging off her own murder at the hands of her family. Shrugging off her own murder and dismemberment. Shrugging off her brother's murder. You don't get to do that, Melani! There is no version of events where that's ever gonna be OK or where there's "too much drama" over the murders of your neice and nephew. For the love of God, Melani!! Muster some tiny amount of decency!

again, I cringe imagining what this was like for Tylee and JJ unfolding in real time. These are real situations, not hypothetical.

These children Melani claims to love are dead.

I hope they went peaceably and drugged so they didn’t know what was happening.

I’m terrified we will find out they were not.

There is some MSM mention of CV contacting AdC that implies that AdC had tried to intervene when CV first brought up her potential mental health issues. I believe this was covered in news that printed the text of an email CV sent AdC when he began fearing for his life.

So when I saw "uncles have her so wrapped up" I took it to mean that Adam and Alex have her conflicted and confused about Lori, as in an emotional tug of war, with her uncles being on opposite ends of the rope, regarding Lori.

As I suggest above, I thought Ian was referring solely to the uncles agreeing with Brandon that JC, SS, and BC are nuts; and thus these uncles would be AdC and CV; but you could very well be right.

I've been thinking since I first saw how MP discusses LVD that Lori is her Mother Figure and was more the child Lori wanted than Tylee because Melanie mirrors her.

I think we can guarantee that because Lori also calls Melani ‘intelligent’... good grief.

Dateline to air special on Daybell developments including interview with Melanie Gibb | East Idaho News

The show also includes interviews with Lori’s friends, David Warwick and April Raymond, and reporters Nate Eaton and Eric Grossarth.

BBM- have we heard from him before?

He’s either April’s boyfriend or MG’s, IMO.

I'm trying to recall. Who was it that stated that CV was closer to the dog than JJ was?

I read/saw it here, just trying to recall who said that.

that nasty person would be JC, Lori’s mother. She as good as said that Bailey was Charles’ vanity pet, and that JJ ‘really didn’t need’ him. Appalling liar IMO, diminishing both JJ and CV.
I agree and why would anyone anywhere want to rub shoulders with Chad knowing he is married to a woman who has defied a court order to produce her children, has hidden or done away with them? Chad had a lot of enablers wearing blinders around him. Probably still does.

.. and this small thing *cough* of how they feel now knowing all the time he was having the bodies of two children buried in his yard.. which isn't even touched on in some interviews

I wish JR wasn’t such an incoherent, poor witness to events, but what can you do?

If what she says is true, we have a pattern of unfaithfulness with Chad. It also shows a new nastiness from him, if he blamed completely justified suspicion and jealousy on “Tammy being off her meds.”

It also makes me wonder if we have some unknown witnesses to this behavior from Tammy’s side. She might’ve confided in friends.

If this AZ woman exists, I hope Justin tracks her down.

As to another question someone asked, DW is MG’s boyfriend/SO, I think.
Yes he is being interviewed Monday.

Here is a link to a blog belonging to the guy ES whose interview we are discussing. Wasn't Chad discussing Church of the Firstborn in one of his documents? Certainly he believes in Multiple Mortal Probations as he wrote a book on it.

The book

The blog

Doctrinal Essays
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I agree and why would anyone anywhere want to rub shoulders with Chad knowing he is married to a woman who has defied a court order to produce her children, has hidden or done away with them? Chad had a lot of enablers wearing blinders around him. Probably still does.
I don't think his associates believed that the children were dead. IMO they bought Chad's lies that the kids were safe and that he and Lori had a legitimate reason for keeping them hidden. Anti-government types frown upon state's interference and distrust MSM in general. Most of his defenders have quickly changed their tune once the children's bodies were found. They admit they have been conned. I think parts of Chad and Lori's families might be the only ones still supporting them.
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During MBP tv interview, she never mentioned her trip to Hawaii in October. LV was there during October. This happened before she married Chad. I can’t imagine they talked about the beautiful weather. The kids were missing. This information was released today.


Moreover, she created an impression (purposely IMO) that her contact with LVD was limited to few visits until she moved.

From interview (SBM, BBM):

Eaton: Did you visit Lori in Rexburg before you moved there?
Melani: I did I think on a weekend. My ex, Brandon Boudreaux, and I have 50/50 custody, and so anytime it wasn’t my time with my kids, I was a wreck and just missed my kids. I tried to go hike in Arizona or go on a trip, and I did go visit Lori for a weekend up there (in Rexburg). She said, “Just come. Try out somewhere new and come see if you like it up here.”

So if I saw Lori, she was still moving in and getting situated, so I didn’t spend a lot of time over there. I did see some of their things, and she had a room set up perfectly for Tylee and JJ, and it didn’t seem strange to me.

Eaton: There are going to be people that say when they get together with relatives, the talk instantly turns to our kids — soccer games, piano recitals, whatever. So when you actually would see her, did that sort of conversation ever come up? I could maybe understand a day or two but if you’re going on weeks, and you haven’t seen them, did you say, “Where’s JJ been?” – especially because he has special needs?
Melani Right. Yeah. So she would tell me things like, one of the neighbor boys next door, I forget his name, but she would tell me all his friends and how funny they were. JJ was very high energy, and sometimes he’d be in other people’s space, and I think sometimes that bothered some other people, so she would say, “These are the friends that are not judgmental, and they’ll just let JJ come in.” She said that he loved his school there.”

ETA: I guess HI trip would explain why she missed her divorce proceeding. This would also be an indication of her priorities (her own children vs being with LVD in HI)
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.. and this small thing *cough* of how they feel now knowing all the time he was having the bodies of two children buried in his yard.. which isn't even touched on in some interviews

Yes, quite odd that horrible discovery hasn’t been mentioned in some interviews. Of course MBP says in her letter that Tylee is probably wondering what all the drama is about. No MBP - she is wondering why she was murdered and buried in someone’s backyard.
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Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
27 mins ·
GIBB TO TESTIFY: New information appears to be in this list of witnesses filed by Brandon Boudreaux’s attorney.

“Ms. Gibb will testify regarding her knowledge as to Preparing a People, Mother’s involvement with Preparing a People, Ms. Gibb’s conversations with Mother (Pawlowski) regarding the attempt on Father’s (Boudreaux) life, Mother’s beliefs, Mother’s travel to Hawaii in October to spend time with Lori Vallow-Daybell.”

Other witnesses include Teresa Boudreaux, Brandon’s mother.

Many of the exhibits have seen in media reports but number 48 says “responses from Daybell children.”

The next hearing is set for July 1.

So much new unknown evidence to be presented, hope we will have a chance to see it - will there be media coverage? This is a custody case and it's on the same date as CD's hearing :confused:
Just read MBP Facebook post that is on EIN Twitter. Now deleted from FB I note. So I will try and copy pasta the text into here. Don't know if anyone has done that yet.

'My cousins are beautiful souls.' Melani Pawlowski releases message expressing love for JJ and Tylee | East Idaho News


Courtesy Melani Pawlowski

Melani Pawlowski, a cousin of Joshua “JJ” Vallow and Tylee Ryan, posted the following message on Facebook Wednesday evening. She granted permission to share the post.

I don’t have words for the horrific details our family was informed of last week. It is unfathomable, and it doesn’t feel like real life. We’ve been trying to process all of this while in absolute shock as we never could have seen this as the outcome and still have so many questions.

While I feel so many emotions as I scroll looking at pictures of my cousins, I am grateful for so many who have prayed, hoped, and believed with our family. Thank you for the messages of comfort and love which overcome all the more negativity that is going around.

Thank you to those who have honored JJ and Tylee with kindness. My cousins are beautiful souls who both radiate love towards others and whom had a zealous passion for life.

I know Tylee and JJ know how I feel already – but I want to share for so many who didn’t have the blessing of being able to be a part of their lives. And especially in gratitude for those who have expressed heartfelt empathy and who have chosen to love our family without judgment and to lift us up through this.

Tylee was one of the wittiest, spunkiest individuals I’ve ever had in my life. She didn’t let what people thought get to her. If you knew Tylee, she would probably be giving the biggest eye roll at all the drama unfolding in the media. To anyone using this terrible situation to express their hate and blame on others, she would probably tell you off- because she was the sassiest thing ever and wasn’t afraid to say how she felt.

Tylee loved to have fun and didn’t draw into drama, but would use it as a platform for her comedy. Boy could she make others laugh! She went through a lot of hard things in her life, and she didn’t deserve what happened to one does. I truly wish she could go on live television and tell her story, rather than anyone else who has and will in the future- just know..the stakes are set high from that girl:)

I know I could never measure up in that regard – as we’ve all seen, I’m horrible on live television and I would rather not do it ever again or to have to talk publicly about the trauma my family has gone through. I was always so impressed with Tylee’s ability to express herself and communicate well – I wish she was here to clear up all the confusion for us; she would do it better than any of the rest of us could.


Courtesy Melani Pawlowski
JJ was a ball of energy and high spirits! He wanted to be on the move constantly, doing something active, or going somewhere with his cousins or siblings. He loved my oldest son, and he wanted to be with him morning, night, and day. He trusted Braxy, and would walk hand in hand with him as we took Disneyland Trips together, went to water parks, beaches, jungle gyms…anything to keep all the busy kiddos entertained.

JJ bravely went on Guardians of the Galaxy all because my son and I wanted to go on it and he didn’t want to be left out on the action. JJ reached out to everyone with his love, but nothing was more special than his bond with his siblings Tylee and Colby who just adored him.

Our family has been grieving with one thing after another, we’ve suffered many betrayals and it feels as if only the Savior could understand. But I know others know similar grief and I believe we go through these experiences to learn and be able to comfort others. Thank you for any who can find it in their hearts to withhold negative feelings and to just exhibit love♥

While trying to mourn through this most devastating event our family will probably ever have to endure, the public continues to criticize and twist information, others are trying to capitalize on this tragic event for their own gain, and all this distracts from these two precious babes. Some have and probably will continue to edit out truths to their own advantage for the story they want. Bottom line is, that this is our family…you can speculate all you want, but no one has all the facts.

Clearly I don’t have all the details..we are all just doing the best we can. Without having knowledge or actual evidence to the contrary, we chose to go with what we hoped and believed. I couldn’t go back and say anything different- it was what I knew…it was what I experienced.

While wanting to have every answer and all the missing puzzle pieces, I know the Lord knows all and He has a way of healing and making things right in His time. I’m grateful it is His job to judge, not ours.

I cannot process this pain and hurt alone, so I have no choice but to give it to the Lord and say ‘take this’. I can’t possibly understand why things have happened or why people make the choices they do. Life will never be the same. No one can tell me how I feel, what I know, or what I believe- only God and we know what we have individually experienced. We never know what other people are going through, or the pains they’ve endured.. so just be kind

I believe that would make JJ and Tylee smile down from heaven- let’s love others like the Savior would and remember these two sweet angels forever♥
I don't think his associates believed that the children were dead. IMO they bought Chad's lies that the kids were safe and that he and Lori had a legitimate reson for keeping them hidden. Anti-government types frown upon state's interference and distrust MSM in general. Most of his defenders have quickly changed their tune once the children's bodies were found. They admit they have been conned. I think parts of Chad and Lori's families might be the only ones still supporting them.
I guess they must have believed him because they were duped by him but as time went on and no children appeared, their hinky meter should have been going off. Most complete strangers thought they were dead. I hadn’t thought about them being anti-government but that could have influenced their decisions. JMO
Yes, quite odd that horrible discovery hasn’t been mentioned in some interviews. Of course MBP says in her letter that Tyler is probably wondering what all the drama is about. No MBP - she is wondering why she was murdered and buried in someone’s backward.
She is sick, sick, sick. Like this part "I wish she was here to clear up all the confusion for us; she would do it better than any of the rest of us could."
Girl, there is no confusion. She and her brother, who according to you both had a "zealous passion for life", are dead and it is on their mother.

Moreover, she created an impression (purposely IMO) that her contact with LVD was limited to few visits until she moved.

From interview (SBM, BBM):

Eaton: Did you visit Lori in Rexburg before you moved there?
Melani: I did I think on a weekend. My ex, Brandon Boudreaux, and I have 50/50 custody, and so anytime it wasn’t my time with my kids, I was a wreck and just missed my kids. I tried to go hike in Arizona or go on a trip, and I did go visit Lori for a weekend up there (in Rexburg). She said, “Just come. Try out somewhere new and come see if you like it up here.”

So if I saw Lori, she was still moving in and getting situated, so I didn’t spend a lot of time over there. I did see some of their things, and she had a room set up perfectly for Tylee and JJ, and it didn’t seem strange to me.

Eaton: There are going to be people that say when they get together with relatives, the talk instantly turns to our kids — soccer games, piano recitals, whatever. So when you actually would see her, did that sort of conversation ever come up? I could maybe understand a day or two but if you’re going on weeks, and you haven’t seen them, did you say, “Where’s JJ been?” – especially because he has special needs?
Melani Right. Yeah. So she would tell me things like, one of the neighbor boys next door, I forget his name, but she would tell me all his friends and how funny they were. JJ was very high energy, and sometimes he’d be in other people’s space, and I think sometimes that bothered some other people, so she would say, “These are the friends that are not judgmental, and they’ll just let JJ come in.” She said that he loved his school there.”

ETA: I guess HI trip would explain why she missed her divorce proceeding. This would also be an indication of her priorities (her own children vs being with LVD in HI)
Depending on when the visit(s) to Lori took place, MB(P) also lied about the room set up. Vis a vis the statement from the Nanny.
She is sick, sick, sick. Like this part "I wish she was here to clear up all the confusion for us; she would do it better than any of the rest of us could."
Girl, there is no confusion. She and her brother, who according to you both had a "zealous passion for life", are dead and it is on their mother.
At least Lori’s friend April (from Hawaii) said during an interview what MBP should have said: They both should be brought up on murder charges.
I guess they must have believed him because they were duped by him but as time went on and no children appeared, their hinky meter should have been going off.

I hadn’t thought about them being anti-government but that could have influenced their decisions.

I think you are right, in that anybody's "hinky meter" would eventually go off. But... the couple was not only anti government , but also involved in a Mormon fringe group(s).

Mormon fringe groups are usually polygamous and despite their self image as self reliant pioneers, also have a long history of welfare fraud. Thus, there are needs to hide children regarding polygamy centered custody disputes, or conversely, shuffle children around to support welfare filings in multiple jurisdictions.

Then factor in that it is common for Mormon fringe groups to maintain isolated compounds or communities. Their fringe group was apparently not part of the polygamous compounds in US, MX or Canada.

But, the concept of having access to remote compounds is not unusual for the sub culture. Likewise, some people may have ties to more than one fringe group, and by extension, have access to different isolate communities.


The couple's associates live in a world where "oppressive" government agencies are everywhere and constantly plot against families "In the know". They also live in a world where children frequently disappear only to re-appear later and a world where entire families escape into compounds for various reasons - then resurface no worse for wear.

Thus, hinky meters were very slow to activate.
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Oh really? I had no idea who he was. Just assumed it was a random friend who came forward. Associated with JR says enough though. She has a rather dubious back story herself. Maybe not in the cult but still tangled in the web of weirdness.

Yes I take what JR says with a huge grain of salt. She was 100% behind CD in the beginning and saw the children in a light filled room, total denial about what had actually happened. Now, all the sudden, she turns on him. I'm thinking she is in it for her 15 minutes!
In the most technical sense, perhaps, but thinking of him or referring to him that way would not be customary in my family (among adult nieces and nephews of the blood-related aunt). Might sound verbally taxing but those folks will always be (e.g.) "Aunt Winifred's husband Walter". or just "Walter". I'm non-LDS, American, and raised in a southern state, so maybe one of those things is informing my take on the custom?
I agree that normally I would refer to anew spouse of an Aunt simply by his first name. But, when Ian first met Aunt Lori, she was already married to Chad, or at least they were “a couple” as Charles was already dead and Tammy’s existence likely unknown to Ian.
.. and this small thing *cough* of how they feel now knowing all the time he was having the bodies of two children buried in his yard.. which isn't even touched on in some interviews

To be fair, these interviews are edited and we have no idea what they said and how much of it. I think this guy is also totally bonkers but I don't think we can blame him for what may well be the show's editing. I've seen about 4 videos with him now from Court TV and none of them have the same clips.
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I think you are right, in that anybody's "hinky meter" would eventually go off. But... the couple was not only anti government , but also involved in a Mormon fringe group(s).

Mormon fringe groups are usually polygamous and despite their self image as self reliant pioneers, can also have a long history of welfare fraud. Thus, there are needs to hide children regarding polygamy centered custody disputes, or conversely, shuffle children around to support welfare filings in more than one jurisdiction.

Then factor in that it is not unusual for Mormon fringe groups to maintain isolated compounds or communities. Their fringe group was apparently not part of the polygamous compounds in US, MX or Canada.

But, the concept of having access to remote compounds is not unusual for the sub culture. Likewise, some people may have ties to more than one fringe group, and by extension, have access to different isolate communities.


The couple's associates live in a world where "oppressive" government agencies are everywhere and are constantly plotting against families "In the know". They also live in a world where children frequently disappear only to re-appear later and a world where entire families escape from the world into compounds for a variety of reasons- and then resurface no worse for wear at a later date.

Thus, hinky meters were very slow to activate.
Thank you for all of this information! I’ll have to do more research into all of this.
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