Found Deceased OH - Quentin Ellcessor, 4, non-verbal autistic, Kenton, 22 Oct 2020

I am a next door neighbor. I am not the neighbor that was mentioned. This is breaking my heart. Not one single sighting of him. We had terrible storms late this afternoon and search stopped at 4 pm. Those of us in the neighborhood are emotionally exhausted. It's been hot the last 2 days and now Saturday is only 43 degrees and low 34. We HAVE to find him today. A parents worst nightmare.

Do you live next door to the grandmother or the mother?
Sorry for no updates. I am mentally exhausted. Still no sightings of Quentin. River has been searched several times again today. Dogs were brought back out behind our houses. People are posting google maps of their house and ours together and people are assuming we are the nextdoor neighbors that told him to go back home. I am scared that some vigilante group is going to show up at our house. The rumors going around are crazy. I got into a huge altercation with volunteer searchers and a cop and a city guy. The Chief of Police literally hung up on me. We have had probably thousands of civilian "volunteers" coming onto our properties on our street. This was day 3 and at this point it's looking like recovery mode. These volunteers now seem to be gawkers and attention seekers. They've come into our yards/private property. Looking in cars, garages, boats etc. They damaged a neighbor's gate. Our yard and the boys grandparents house is about 20 feet apart. I lost my cool when one of the civilians was looking in my nextdoor neighbors (boys grandfather) boat poking around. That was the last straw. I had people come up on me in the pitch dark out of my backyard. I had no clue they were even in my yard. It's kind of freaky to have all these strangers in our yards without knowing they're there. None ask permission. The police continually check our yards several times a day and today our trash cans were checked twice that I know of. This is day 3 and I think they need to keep these civilians out of here at this point. I'm scared that if one of them finds a body, that they will photograph him and post it online or something. I'm just totally sickened by all of this. FBI is now running things and you won't be seeing updates by the city. I'm so glad fbi took over. I still don't understand why they didn't seal off our yard and the boys yard. If it's a crime scene, it's totally been trampled by thousands :/
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City of Kenton Government
Day 4 (Sunday, 10/25) volunteer search party announcement:

I'm sure this was due to my altercation more than likely. I'll give more details on that later on.
I have seen people suggesting that the neighbor who told him to go home should face child endangerment charges. Which I don't believe is possible under Ohio law. But I certainly can see where people are passionate about that guy. I'm sorry you've gone through that.

We have taken him to the door to parents/grandparents every time he's showed up here.

Is he frequently outside without supervision? That's not safe for any 4-year-old.
I have seen people suggesting that the neighbor who told him to go home should face child endangerment charges. Which I don't believe is possible under Ohio law. But I certainly can see where people are passionate about that guy. I'm sorry you've gone through that.

Is he frequently outside without supervision? That's not safe for any 4-year-old.
In early articles the mom talks about how he likes to hide in cars that look like hers. Made it sound like he’s run off at least a few times.
In early articles the mom talks about how he likes to hide in cars that look like hers. Made it sound like he’s run off at least a few times.
In one of the City's video updates, the PIO says that they have found Quentin in the past when he's wandered off. I don't think she mentioned the number of times but it did sound to me like it was more than once. MOO
Sorry for no updates. I am mentally exhausted. Still no sightings of Quentin. River has been searched several times again today. Dogs were brought back out behind our houses. People are posting google maps of their house and ours together and people are assuming we are the nextdoor neighbors that told him to go back home. I am scared that some vigilante group is going to show up at our house. The rumors going around are crazy. I got into a huge altercation with volunteer searchers and a cop and a city guy. The Chief of Police literally hung up on me. We have had probably thousands of civilian "volunteers" coming onto our properties on our street. This was day 3 and at this point it's looking like recovery mode. These volunteers now seem to be gawkers and attention seekers. They've come into our yards/private property. Looking in cars, garages, boats etc. They damaged a neighbor's gate. Our yard and the boys grandparents house is about 20 feet apart. I lost my cool when one of the civilians was looking in my nextdoor neighbors (boys grandfather) boat poking around. That was the last straw. I had people come up on me in the pitch dark out of my backyard. I had no clue they were even in my yard. It's kind of freaky to have all these strangers in our yards without knowing they're there. None ask permission. The police continually check our yards several times a day and today our trash cans were checked twice that I know of. This is day 3 and I think they need to keep these civilians out of here at this point. I'm scared that if one of them finds a body, that they will photograph him and post it online or something. I'm just totally sickened by all of this. FBI is now running things and you won't be seeing updates by the city. I'm so glad fbi took over. I still don't understand why they didn't seal off our yard and the boys yard. If it's a crime scene, it's totally been trampled by thousands :/
I'm so very sorry you've been caught in the middle of all of this. It must be a nightmare for you at this point. Unfortunately, I believe folks get caught up in the passion of the hunt and forget they are trampling around on private property. It's not okay to enter into property without permission from the owner. It's not okay to make hasty judgement calls or assumptions either, which I'm reading a lot. I think perhaps the volunteer searchers need to be gathered up and briefed on what they should or shouldn't be doing and perhaps organize under the guidance of LE/FBI authorities. The whole process of volunteer search can be a double edged knife; compassionate and commendable, but at the same time it can be obstructive if not done properly. Please know that your input is deeply appreciated here. Be safe, and hang in there!
Sorry for no updates. I am mentally exhausted. Still no sightings of Quentin. River has been searched several times again today. Dogs were brought back out behind our houses. People are posting google maps of their house and ours together and people are assuming we are the nextdoor neighbors that told him to go back home. I am scared that some vigilante group is going to show up at our house. The rumors going around are crazy. I got into a huge altercation with volunteer searchers and a cop and a city guy. The Chief of Police literally hung up on me. We have had probably thousands of civilian "volunteers" coming onto our properties on our street. This was day 3 and at this point it's looking like recovery mode. These volunteers now seem to be gawkers and attention seekers. They've come into our yards/private property. Looking in cars, garages, boats etc. They damaged a neighbor's gate. Our yard and the boys grandparents house is about 20 feet apart. I lost my cool when one of the civilians was looking in my nextdoor neighbors (boys grandfather) boat poking around. That was the last straw. I had people come up on me in the pitch dark out of my backyard. I had no clue they were even in my yard. It's kind of freaky to have all these strangers in our yards without knowing they're there. None ask permission. The police continually check our yards several times a day and today our trash cans were checked twice that I know of. This is day 3 and I think they need to keep these civilians out of here at this point. I'm scared that if one of them finds a body, that they will photograph him and post it online or something. I'm just totally sickened by all of this. FBI is now running things and you won't be seeing updates by the city. I'm so glad fbi took over. I still don't understand why they didn't seal off our yard and the boys yard. If it's a crime scene, it's totally been trampled by thousands :/
Wow that sounds like a nightmare, please be careful when dealing with these people.

I agree with the other poster who said LE needs to educate volunteer searchers on the do's & don't s - although one would think it would be common sense.

Update us again as you find time, be safe!!
I hope the boy is okay and found somewhere safe to wait for help.
If you have children or adults with autism or other conditions that make them prone to wandering, there are precautions you can take. I am not blaming the parents in any way, just offering this information in case someone needs to know. You can put sensors on the doors and window and there are GPS programs too. If anyone needs more information about this, let me know. If we can protect one person, it's worth it.
Secondly, does he have a favorite song or tv show? Can the searchers play it on a speaker as they are looking? A lot of kids with autism or kids in general will be scared of searchers or think they are in trouble.
I have seen people suggesting that the neighbor who told him to go home should face child endangerment charges. Which I don't believe is possible under Ohio law. But I certainly can see where people are passionate about that guy. I'm sorry you've gone through that.

Is he frequently outside without supervision? That's not safe for any 4-year-old.
He is never ever without supervision. He just takes off. He is so fast. It's unreal.

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