UK - Healthcare worker arrested on suspicion of murder/attempted murder of a number of babies, 2018

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From Marantz link above

The case has been called on. Prosecuting barrister in the case, Nicholas Johnson QC, will also be appearing at this hearing via videolink.

Letby faces eight counts of murder and 10 of attempted murder
Lucy Letby was first arrested in Chester in July 2018. She was rearrested the following year, then again in November 2020, when she was charged with eight murders and 10 attempted murders, in relation to the deaths and non-fatal collapses of 17 babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital.

For one of the babies, a girl, Letby faces a charge of attempted murder and murder.
THE trial of Chester healthcare worker Lucy Letby could be held in Manchester and last up to six months, a judge said today (Friday, January 22).

Both prosecution and defence teams agreed, the court heard, that in the event the case proceeded to trial, it should not take place in Chester, due to the high-profile nature of the case.

They agreed it was important for Letby to receive a fair trial.

The judge, Mr Justice Ian Dove, said while it was not possible for him to order any future trial to take place in Manchester, he said the possibility of holding a trial there "should be explored on a relatively urgent basis".

Trial of Chester healthcare worker Lucy Letby could be heard in Manchester
Discussion has now turned to a trial date.

A date in January 2022 has been proposed by Justice Dove, but he added that could change depending on further case management hearings.


The judge has confirmed that Letby will not be arraigned today on the charges she faces.

She will enter her pleas to the charges on a future date.

LIVE: Lucy Letby in plea and trial preparation hearing at Chester Crown Court
sorry Marantz, we crossed in the post there.... long time until trial but plenty of preparation needed, so probably makes sense for no pleas today.

What are your thoughts on this? Surely if she were intending to plead guilty then she would have given an indication as to that and they would have taken a plea today? She has after all, said that she wants a "resolution" as soon as possible.
What are your thoughts on this? Surely if she were intending to plead guilty then she would have given an indication as to that and they would have taken a plea today? She has after all, said that she wants a "resolution" as soon as possible.

My best guess is that her legal representative has told her to delay.

Mainly I think because there are so many charges to answer and her lawyer needs time to go through each case individually with Lucy and they do have time on their side, with the trial being 10 months away.
There may be a possibility that Lucy will admit to some negligence in one or two cases and plead not guilty to the remainder.
all MOO
I’m also not in the group of ‘she couldn’t have done this’, never judge a book by its cover works both ways, just because someone looks lovely, sweet, kind, caring. A monster can be lurking beneath the surface, they are just luckier in that they don’t ‘look’ like someone capable of murder. If she looked differently would people think she was capable of this? Appearances mean nothing, and people who are as callous as to commit these acts in their place of work against tiny defenceless babies don’t ‘look’ a certain way. I’m sure everyone thinks she’s lovely because that’s the image she portrays. Sometimes those who seem overly ‘nice’ are the ones with something to hide. I believe she is very clever and has everyone who knows her fooled. MOO
Possibly January 2022 trial? Christ, I wasn't expecting it to be so far off.

Me neither! I cannot imagine what this will do to her if she's not guilty of this (well, I can but I don't really want to). There were a couple of posts deleted which mentioned her current state and if they are anywhere near true (I have no reason to doubt them) then she could be in an absolutely terrible state by January.

I've said before that on the one hand I hope she's done this, today's events make me lean even more towards that feeling. Depressing though that is.
Possibly January 2022 trial? Christ, I wasn't expecting it to be so far off.

Me neither! I cannot imagine what this will do to her if she's not guilty of this (well, I can but I don't really want to). There were a couple of posts deleted which mentioned her current state and if they are anywhere near true (I have no reason to doubt them) then she could be in an absolutely terrible state by January.

I've said before that on the one hand I hope she's done this, today's events make me lean even more towards that feeling. Depressing though that is.
Some of the nastiest people I know are the ones who everyone thinks is lovely. I went to school with them and know their nasty side, no one would believe me if I said what these people had done to me back then. Because they are friends with everyone, constantly post ‘inspiring’ quotes on SM and everyone comments how pretty they are on their photos.

People only show what they want you to see. JMO
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