Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35

Where do you think BL is right now?

  • Mexico

    Votes: 50 7.1%
  • Cuba

    Votes: 12 1.7%
  • Canada

    Votes: 20 2.8%
  • Carlton Reserve, FL

    Votes: 98 13.8%
  • Somewhere else in FL

    Votes: 166 23.4%
  • New York

    Votes: 24 3.4%
  • Somewhere else in the US

    Votes: 306 43.2%
  • Somewhere else in the world

    Votes: 32 4.5%

  • Total voters
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Veering a bit OT here, but ...

TOS actually applies to private discussions as well so, it's not so much that they are allowed, it's moreso that we don't have access to read or monitor what is being discussed in private. The only time we could or would get involved is if a member of the private conversation used the Report feature to send us a copy. (IOW, it's generally hands off but if someone in the private/group discussion was harassing, verbally abusive or threatening, a member can involve us by Reporting).

If there are more questions in this regard, please use the Report feature to enquire or PM a Mod or Admin and we'll try to clarify.
Understood. Thank you
As for who walked away when, I was specifically talking about what the sister was saying in her interview that had to do with Brian possibly returning to Florida during the trip.

ABC Exclusive: Full interview with Brian Laundrie's sister on Gabby Petito

The sister was saying "that's what he did when he is..." and we were trying to figure out if she was talking about a habit Brian had or a one-off when she said this.

Question: So you didn't know that he came back without the...?
Cassie Laundrie: I assumed he flew back, because that's what he did when he is - actually I don't want to say that.
Questioner: No problem. No problem.

The friend you mention, she'd probably know, too. It's just weird that none of the media is talking about his possible 8.17 trip of Brian's. Maybe it has more to do with the case than we could ever imagine.
Wow! that is super interesting. I missed it before, thank you for posting that.

If only she had been encouraged to finish the sentence!

I can think of a lot of possible ways to finish it myself, all conjecture, opinion, etc.:

"that's what he did when he is...

- tired of driving"
- using"
- angry"
- busy"
- having a crisis"
- in a hurry"
- in the middle of a break-up"
- missing our parents"

The possibilities are intriguing. Anyone have any other theories about how that sentence would have ended? What does the phrase, "because that's what he did when..." mean? That whatever "what he did" happened multiple times?

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Forgive me if this has already been covered forty thousand threads ago, but..

Does anyone know if it has been reported that the 'supposed' flight that BL booked to go back to FL for a week was something that had been booked for a while?

I wasn't sure if this was always part of the plan, or whether it was booked last minute after the Moab incident.

I continue to wonder about this flight by BL to/from Florida. Has anyone found any confirmation that he actually did go to Florida? Where was GP this entire time? In a hotel w/o food? Where was the van? Does anyone know if there was a storage place or was this contrived by BL as part of the ruse? Did GP actually tell her family that BL went to Florida? Why did it take a week to offload a storage place as she doubtfully had any household goods? Where was this place?

Now I wonder if he actually took the van and did some driving around to get his head together after the Moab debacle! Was GP covering for him? Was she actually deserted by him?

MOO And if all this has been covered, I humbly apologize. I have been reading along and do not believe these items have been adequately resolved in my mind.
That is correct. Even the location of the food in the intestinal tract can indicate time of death. But, all the studies I've read on this pertain only to freshly discovered corpses.
After a few weeks decomposition, I'm not sure it would somehow be miraculously preserved. I've not researched my last sentence so I'm just speculating.. but..

Apologies for the subject matter:

I’d wondered the same thing—if they’d be able to tell anything about a timeline, after that much time had passed.

Any possibility of using DNA to identify what someone ate as a last meal? I’m grasping at straws. I know decomposition destroys DNA.

Just my speculations and questions
Full disclosure, I work in the mental health, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and child welfare field and internet stalking and trafficking is an important piece of what we assess for. As such, I was recently part of a training by the FBI and Homeland Security that went into depth about how these apps are used to target people and they gave brutal examples. I am in no way placing judgment on Gabby's use of the app, I simply have just been baptized in how very, very bad people can target others through those apps and they would never know until it is too late.

The speculation I referenced was more the "are we sure GP & R were just friends" stuff that is popping up here and there.

I consider it lurid and unnecessary not because they were two girls but because there is ZERO to suggest that GP was anything other than desperately in love with BL, to the point of being unable to see his abuse for what it was/or accepting it in order to be with him.

It seems against logic that a person trying to frame up her life and livelihood as 1/2 of a pretty, sparkling, adventurous couple traveling alone for months and doing the van life thing would be seeking outside romantic connections (with men or women) at the same time.

Stranger things have happened, but there's nothing to suggest that was the situation here at all.
I completely agree with this. She would not be the first or last young person (or older person, tbqh) to be codependent and/or otherwise ill-equipped or unable to put rational thought and appropriate boundaries in their proper place above romantic ideals and desperate love or need/desire for love.

Add to that the often insidious way that an abusive partner can erode those poor boundaries and sense of self even further over time, and you have a very suckered-in mark.

And family can often not know (or not he in the habit to know) how much or how far to intervene, especially if the abuser-victim combination creates a sort of privacy wall around themselves.

It's also super-confusing because even in good partnerships, there's always some accommodating of quirks or doing things you don't totally appreciate. That's the nature of partnership. It takes a lot of wisdom and maturity to even just be aware that things are turning complicated, nevermind to speak up or effectively seek help. Those changes are so easy to miss when you're inexperienced or insecure or even just lulled into quiescence. Are you still in the place where it's ok to accommodate something...or have you, without realizing it, jumped onto a path toward becoming a boiled frog?
I respectfully would like to point out that the above is opinion. IMO, it's parsing syntax to say that he's "only" wanted for bank fraud. Bank fraud is the only charge that has been made public at this time. We do not know if there is a sealed warrant for other crimes. He is a POI in a murder.

"We don't know" is precisely the point I'm making in that I'm pointing out what is publicly known and what isn't. What is publicly known is that he's wanted for bank fraud only, which anything beyond what is publicly known is speculation. If you think there's other sealed warrants that would be speculation and not fact. I for instance think they may have a lot of digital forensic evidence or are in the process of getting it, but my thoughts on that are speculation and not factual.
I do think it's important to remember on this board to remember that he's only wanted for bank fraud at this time. I'm also discussing this in the context that he and his family seem to be doing a lot of self-harm possibly due to poor legal representation where for instance it's been asked if the family lawyer could himself face charges. It's been the actions of him and his family that have made him look guilty rather than any specific evidence from the crime scene that has come out.

Refusing to speak/invoking the 5th amendment certainly looks guilty to casual observers (and may indicate exactly that!), but as a legal matter no inferences can be drawn from that fact. It isn't evidence of anything, legally speaking, can't be used in court, can't be used as the basis for legal action.
This is the height of being disrespectful to the situation, IMO. Dog the bounty hunter at the home uninvited, walking to the home and pausing for the media cameras.

(Stills from video at link below.)
View attachment 314611 View attachment 314613 View attachment 314612

I agree. This is a cheap publicity trick by a washed up guy. (He's no good without the wonderful late Beth Chapman. She had all the brains in the family)
This post has only one basic purpose and that is my hope that when I finish writing it and do hit POST that I will be able to “let
go” of the anger I have each time the dates are discussed in which BL was reportedly home. The image in my mind of him sleeping comfortably, in his parents’s home, in the bed he and Gabby shared, with clean sheets, air conditioning, home cooked meals, warm showers and all the comforts of home; with Gabby’s body left alone, out in the wild, wide open spaces, with all the elements and wildlife to further disgrace it, just builds a fire in my belly that I need to come to grips with… Thanks for the opportunity to put it somewhat peacefully here… so I can leave it.
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