GUILTY NC - Harmony Creech, 11 mos, Spring Lake, Aug 2007

Reading the new findings.... :banghead: Seems my gut instinct back in post 48 were right! I hope she is let to *ROT* if that baby died by her neglect or abuse! :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar :furious:
Do you SEE another scenario?! I don't.
Did you all look at her photos on MySpace? Two albums. Ten photos of herself and family, another album was 25 screen caps from Final Fantasy XI, an online role-playing game. She participates as ChellBell.

Now, check this out --

A "Chellbell" was buying gameplay stuff for Final Fantasy as recently as Oct. 18. May not be her, but I've not found an online community yet, of any kind, that permits users to have the same screen names. So, if that was her buying stuff for her FF character, the question you ask then is this -- how could you do ANYTHING, much less play your little MMORPG, while the body of your infant is laying in the attic above you?

I can't make post-partum fit this. I've lived twice now with women in the throes of post-partum depression, and they were doing well if they could get out of bed or answer an e-mail.

No. Something's wrong here, something doesn't make sense.

I updated my blog entry about this, but again, you guys know most of it already.

This would be a person that had no attachment. I could see it being her.
Did you all look at her photos on MySpace? Two albums. Ten photos of herself and family, another album was 25 screen caps from Final Fantasy XI, an online role-playing game. She participates as ChellBell.

Now, check this out --

A "Chellbell" was buying gameplay stuff for Final Fantasy as recently as Oct. 18. May not be her, but I've not found an online community yet, of any kind, that permits users to have the same screen names. So, if that was her buying stuff for her FF character, the question you ask then is this -- how could you do ANYTHING, much less play your little MMORPG, while the body of your infant is laying in the attic above you?

I can't make post-partum fit this. I've lived twice now with women in the throes of post-partum depression, and they were doing well if they could get out of bed or answer an e-mail.

No. Something's wrong here, something doesn't make sense.

I updated my blog entry about this, but again, you guys know most of it already.

This would be a person that had no attachment. I could see it being her. And HAS to be her that put her child in the attic. HAS to be! Otherwise, she would have known the child was missing and did not report it. IT WAS THE MOM and NO kind of depression did this act! We might find there were other reasons if it goes to trial. NO matter what...I am still sickened by this.
You know, I thought I was in a bad mood because my team lost tonight, but NOW I'm in a really bad mood. This sucks. I'm sorry, but there's no way this woman should ever be able to see the light of day again.

This comment from Ron from under the beautiful, smiling picture of Harmony touched me:

June 17, 2007 11:37 PM
i'll take credit for that lil one
This is perfectly fine here---this is the DISCUSSION forum, the other one is for info and family support ONLY.
Please take ALL discussion of this case to the missing/located discussion forum, this one is for info and support only.

I am going to lock this thread until I have time to move all the discussion to the other forum.
This is perfectly fine here---this is the DISCUSSION forum, the other one is for info and family support ONLY.

:waitasec: But that topic *is* in the Missing and Located forum?! Did someone else already move it and you didn't know? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

:doh: ETA: NM, I see the differences in the forums! :crazy:
SeriouslySearching said:
KatK said:
Reading the new findings.... :banghead: Seems my gut instinct back in post 48 were right! I hope she is let to *ROT* if that baby died by her neglect or abuse! :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar :furious:
Do you SEE another scenario?! I don't.

Now? I don't really, but when I posted that "ETA" on post 48, I only knew what the "mother" had claimed and could believe it, if only just. I hope the link stays good on that, if not, I mean the post with the pink candle in it.

She obviously knew. The grandmother would know. This child's last photo was given to LE when she was just months old..not her 11 months age.

I cannot wait to hear the defense stategy on this one. Mother had PTSD. My left underside.

She is every bit like the mother of the Duckett baby. Takes them out to spite the men. Our world is better without women who can become mothers like them. How do we prevent it?

I dunno that her mother knew, (ETA: I mean Johni Michelle Heuser's mother!) maybe, but I could see her not knowing. She might have believed the baby wasn't feeling good and was sleeping, so let the child be. She might not have come over a lot, some grandparents are like that, they visit if invited, and see the grandkids if their offspring brings them, otherwise they don't seek out their grandchildren. This news could be new to her too. Time will tell I guess.
Hello?! They FOUND the child in the attic after items were removed from her room. How do you find the mother could not know?! The mother is squarely in this. She was, according to most media posts,...the last person seen with the baby. The tale will come when they find out how long the baby has been dead...but sounds like to me...had been more than a few hours...maybe months.
Hello?! They FOUND the child in the attic after items were removed from her room. How do you find the mother could not know?! The mother is squarely in this. She was according to most media posts...the last person seen with the baby. The tale will come when they found out how long the baby had been dead...but sounds like to me...had been more than a few hours.

The "her" in that sentence is the grandmother..... (You know, Harmony's mother's mother?) Easy! :truce: ETA: I'll ignore the rude tone the poster who addressed me used, and the fact they were assuming I'm stupid, but I did notice it. I know it's because they are upset.
Here you go: Police said Harmony's mother, Johni Michelle Heuser, told investigators she found the girl dead in her crib several weeks ago. Police said Heuser concealed her daughter's death out of fear and did not tell anybody.

*drools and tries to interpret the monitor* ETA: Nah, I'm not that stupid, though you are making me out to be so.
Darn right I am upset!!! This man has been fighting a war for ALL of us in America and he returns to find his child dead because of some stupid &itch! You better believe I am upset! Another child is dead and a father who longed to just MEET his child cannot. Instead...he gets to bury her.
Darn right I am upset!!! This man has been fighting a war for ALL of us in America and he returns to find his child dead because of some stupid &itch! You better believe I am upset! Another child is dead and a father who longed to just MEET his child cannot. Instead...he gets to bury her.

So you get to bite my head off and treat me as though I am stupid in a rude way, why? *eyebrow* The first time in the topic I could forgive, the second, you could have read the new posts before posting. Maybe you went on a fact hunt and posted without seeing the new post before submitting, maybe. Still...

ETA: I'm telling you here, person to person. I am not going to make a bigger fuss of things beyond just telling you you've "stepped on my toes".
Yeah, I don't attribute this one to post partum anything. I think this is another case of children getting in the way of online gaming.

I also think "leroy" is shadowninja, who she appears awfully close to in her pics. His comments are interesting too because if I didn't know any better I would think he's the boyfriend.

How was she supporting herself and the children? Were they in gov't housing? Is that allowed if you aren't married? (sorry, not being moralistic here, just wondering how the gov't handles that now)

Ugh, I could spit nails.
Maybe I got caught in the switch between melding the threads...but I don't know. If so...sorry Kat. I could not read everything if it was not there which when I went back I did see things I had not read before.

I don't mind saying that anyone that would respond to the mother in a positive way is going to draw my ire. There is no way she did not know what happened to this child and it is obvious...she covered it up when the father was coming to visit. So who ELSE was in in it..becomes the question. Her family obviously...if they are at all close. Everyone that has a new baby wants to welcome them. Did her family not live close enough to do so? Did she lie to them, too?

Steve was so right when he mentioned Trenton Duckett. She is obviously that type of person. I regret the likes of them EVER had children.

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