ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 9

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IMO The killer probably had something to drink to "help" him/her thru this horrible event. If all four were targeted IMO the common thread was fraternities and sororities and anyone who was refused membership or was kicked out should be questioned. This had to have been (IMO) well-planned. What would happen if the killer started his rampage and two roommates showed up? IMO
The were all killed in bed. It's hard to think of a scenario where two showed up mid event and ended up in bed.
The importance of whether or not all students or only some of them were found in their beds is a critical piece, I feel. The motive was either targeted at one of the students or all of them... if the perp went to each bedroom and committed the attacks, then all 4 were intended targets. If one of the students, let's say Ethan, got up to investigate a noise (murders of the 3rd floor girls) and came face to face with the killer and was murdered due to collateral damage and Xana being awake at this point caused her demise, this would tell us that not all 4 were the intended victims. This really makes a big difference from the investigation stand point in my opinion.
I feel like that is critical as well. I heard that EC & XK were asleep on the couch which have not been released but then again it could be rumors. I keep wondering about the dog. It was reported that the girls took him out and then came back in. Where was the dog the entire time? Did he whine to go outside again & did he sleep with the girls? It was about 8 hours before the police showed up.
I'm very much looking forward to the presser tomorrow... Definitely will be new and useful information as they called it almost immediately after the last presser. Just please, if you're reading this, remember that there will likely be some information that is meant to throw off the killer. The pressers are one of the only ways they can directly communicate with the killer, and they are very aware of that.
Ted Bundy functioned pretty well
Not a mass murder, killed a single victim at a time. Ne was about control and killing. I question if continuing to kill equates to "functioning pretty well". Killing is not functioning and will eventually lead to being caught. If the perp in the Idaho killings is a serial killer and not a crime of passion, he will be unable to quit killing and will be caught. Just like Bundy.
Did we get any updates today? New information or sleuthed out anything good? Been working all day and having a hard time keeping up with the threads. :)

Nothing new that seemed important to me.

There’ll be a press conference tomorrow at 1 pm Pacific Time. (It was announced a couple of days ago—so there’s no reason to think there’ll be anything extremely new in it.)

LE elaborated a little more on the subject of the sisters who supposedly found a strange man in their car, yesterday. Mainly that ‘unfounded’ just means that LE didn’t find any evidence, not that they necessarily disbelieve the story.
Yeah, I doubt it's a female either. Had a top of mind thing going on. Why did the perp lock the doors? To help prolong his get away time? Ensure the victims died? Something else?
I keep thinking more and more it is someone who knew them well. They knew the pattern of the household, how to navigate the dog, the house layout, and how to get in and get out. They were pissed about something, planned it, and carried it out.
Depends on location services selected and apps etc. If logged in and app has location services, your location is tracked to 10-20 ft. Apps can use wifi locations and gps Stores track blue tooth and wifi Mac address and depend on third party services to provide information on who you are. Stores might want to track how much a person visits a store and where they look in the store.
Goodness! Whatever you all are talking about NEVER google "youtube keyhole satellite surveillance " let alone wander down the garden path of gunshot triangulation or sweeping areas with a false mobile connection that transmits to a tower without interruption yet collects the data of what devices requested access to those towers without a warrant. Carnivore surveillance.
So my question is, how far can the FBI take these investigation methods without a warrant and will/can/was it used in this circumstance?
That is very interesting if true. They don't know exit or entrance? So no bloody trail/footprints left behind by the killer? How is that actually possible. Ugh I just thought... maybe too much blood all over to differentiate an actual trail? :(

Maybe perp had on a hazmat suit and booties even.. but that would extremely planned out. Douglas Garland wore a hazmat suit for his triple abduction/murder and didn't leave one spec of hair of DNA evidence at the home of a bloody assault. So hard and sad to believe that it's possible to not leave a trace.
I’ve wondered if the suspect entered the apartment while all inhabitants were out, then laid in wait.
Not to downplay that there was no apparent "trail" left (i.e. blood) by the killer that we are aware of, doesn't really mean much to me. Maybe they, like some have speculated here, had on shoe coverings or simply took off their outer garments after the murders and left them in the house (maybe they were very generic clothes bought online or at Target months before, who knows) or put the soiled clothes in a bag and carried them out? Had clean socks on underneath or something. They clearly didn't want to be found by leaving a trail and thought that part through, as far as it seems. So, it just doesn't seem like there's any info from that that's very relevant, other than (1) the killer didn't want to leave a trail and (2) it was premeditated to some extent. MOO
I posted under another comment--- sometimes when people are killed by stabbing, the murderer will carve something such as initials or a hateful word, into the skin of the victim. The autopsy report would have noted it, if it was the case in this instance.
Are those reports public?
Or maybe one victim was brutalized much moreso than the others? Or something was different/unique with one in some twisted way. Or something left in that room indicated that individual being the target.
If one person was the target, why not find an opportune time for just that person?
One victim was back in town visiting so it was a brief opportunity. And the others got in the way. Maybe.
There's speculation on these threads that the killer changed clothes. Perhaps they didn't change OUT of their clothes after the killings, but INTO some clothes? Just talking basics of a shirt, pants, and some kind of footwear. Wouldn't it be easier for them to bring something like a Hazmat suit, for example (and really I don't know if a Hazmat suit would do it; I'm just using an example) and slip into that afterwards, rather than a shirt, pants, and another pair of shoes or boots that they'd have to lug around trying to get out afterwards? Or maybe they had something like that on to begin with, and they could slip it off afterwards?
There's speculation on these threads that the killer changed clothes. Perhaps they didn't change OUT of their clothes after the killings, but INTO some clothes? Just talking basics of a shirt, pants, and some kind of footwear. Wouldn't it be easier for them to bring something like a Hazmat suit, for example (and really I don't know if a Hazmat suit would do it; I'm just using an example) and slip into that afterwards, rather than a shirt, pants, and another pair of shoes or boots that they'd have to lug around trying to get out afterwards? Or maybe they had something like that on to begin with, and they could slip it off afterwards?
Yes, they could wear coveralls and then burn the coveralls if they wanted to be completely thorough, but someone would have likely seen them doing this in such a populated area. Not necessarily, but this further points to it not being a student of U of I. Most likely slightly older and living on his/her/their own.

Concerning the dog in the CS apartment, owned by Kayla and another person (paw prints would be presumably bloody, or possibly muddy)

Why didn't anyone hear the dog going berserk?

Either roommates inside or neighbors outside the house?

Could the killer have let the dog out? Was the dog normally leashed when out?

Could the killer have let the dog back in?

Could the killer have locked the dog in a bathroom or spare bedroom during the murders?

Are there paw prints of the dog following or chasing or confronting the killer?

Are there paw prints of the dog protecting one or more of the victims?

The dog may not be able to talk, but his tracks might speak just as loud.

All moo.
What if girls let dog out when they got home and the dog ran off? That is why they called J so many times as he co-owns the dog. Girls can’t find dog so leave slider open a smidge hoping doggie comes back. Dog doesn’t come back soon but killer does come in. Dog is located later that day on-site by LE and is taken to animal services until picked up by responsible party.
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