ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 16

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ok yeah, i saw the tow truck on the video towing that away. I was under the impression that belonged to LE.

So 5 cars out front. That's crazy.
Yes confirmed 5 in the article, I updated my other post too upthread.

It is crazy, especially if all 5 were home and had a friend or BF over, that could be up to 10 people. Perp had intimate knowledge or intel to know that wasn't the case. Even if X and E were a surprise he must've known more than just looking through windows. MOO, JMO speculating...

ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 15

<modsnip: snarky>

In the case of the map, IF LE wanted business video, they'd go ask for it. In the same way that they wouldn't list a street and then extend beyond it, hoping people caught onto the difference. They are not being coy; they're quite specifically asking for those streets for good reason, and I explained that in a previous post, how and why they'd work outwards. If you notice, ALL of the map extends beyond the boundaries mentioned because otherwise the shape of the map would be a non-symmetrical hyperbola. They blew out a square of the map, probably a map program they used, but regardless, they made a square and told you where to look. That part isn't a mystery imo.

As for wanting all the data to find what they're looking for, it's easier to start with a smaller pool and work outwards. In the same way that they start with close associates, most likely to have committed the crime instead of interviewing everyone in Moscow,ID, they would look for what they knew had to be in the smallest area. Then they could work out from there. Pretty simple.
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No, the house is built on the slope, so the second floor sits directly on the ground.


Floor plans reveal layout of house where killer knifed University of Idaho students to death: report
I believe (first pic after video in your link), the tall window with blinds down is a bedroom (X) above another bedroom directly below. and @ivyvanmad
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I can't answer for them. What do you think the reporters know that we don't?
I don't think they know anything. I am just perplexed as to why what I think is a very important question is not being asked of LE at these press conferences.
I know this could potentially sound so dumb but if someone was somehow in the bushes and it was dark is it possible that they couldn’t fully see the layout of the house so just presumed it was two levels from what they could see from the back?

Also why is there no detail from X&E’s night - seems like intentionally withholding information as something must have happened there. Unless I’m missing something we seem to have extensive information about the two girls but not about X&E, who saw them etc
Have A question Does Murdering 4 people qualify As A Mass Murder? Also, Can’t imagine The perp breaking into A house occupied By Atleast 6 people That we know Of, In Fairly condensed neighborhood IE Apartment building etc.. In A college town full of young adults on A Saturday nite, And Not leave A spec Of Evidence, not be seen By anyone, It’s Saturday nite I know it’s cold but young adults are up late partying coming home, How is It Possible, Maybe It happened from inside a roommates boyfriend Or This is the just Dumb Luck If there’s No DNA , fingerprints or anyone noticing a suspicious person lurking about Suspiciously… Trying to figure out what happened Is driving Me crazy, I do wish LE would release some info as long as it doesn’t compromise there investigation, Also I thing We Have A Mole in MPD release tidbits
Maybe it is making too much of the Snell video but in addition to the mispeaking about female vs person he also says "two additional people were found" and then corrects to the two per floor statement. Does this mean that the unresponsive female they were called for was found with someone else? ie, X with E?
"Unresponsive" would apply one of the murdered students.

The term "unresponsive" is rarely used for someone who has fainted etc. Although the police log refers to the person "unconscious", it does call it a homicide. There is no indication on the police log that they responsed to a roommate who had fainted.

22-M09903 Homicide

Incident Address: 1100 blk KING RD


Disposition: ACT

Time Reported: 11:56

Cad Comments:

Complaint of unconscious person. Officers and EMS responded. Coroner and detectives notified. Report taken.
Have A question Does Murdering 4 people qualify As A Mass Murder? Also, Can’t imagine The perp breaking into A house occupied By Atleast 6 people That we know Of, In Fairly condensed neighborhood IE Apartment building etc.. In A college town full of young adults on A Saturday nite, And Not leave A spec Of Evidence, not be seen By anyone, It’s Saturday nite I know it’s cold but young adults are up late partying coming home, How is It Possible, Maybe It happened from inside a roommates boyfriend Or This is the just Dumb Luck If there’s No DNA , fingerprints or anyone noticing a suspicious person lurking about Suspiciously… Trying to figure out what happened Is driving Me crazy, I do wish LE would release some info as long as it doesn’t compromise there investigation, Also I thing We Have A Mole in MPD release tidbits
we don't know for sure what there is. if a person hasn't committed a crime before, it's likely they wouldn't be in the system. it was a party house so there was probably mass amounts of dna all over.
30 minutes in she asks about
1 Weapon connection to ROTC
I participated in college ROTC for a period of time.

We were not issued any Kabar like knives (as say, bayonets) since there are just too many opportunities for injury when mounted on a rifle:

- Stabber or stabbee not paying attention, slip or fall with a bayoneted rifle, somebody screwing around- it happens, improper carrying of a bayoneted rifle etc.

Some ROTC participants may have carried their own Kabar like knives as general purpose field knives during training, but I think even these could be banned by some NCOs if they felt such a knife constituted an unissued weapon.

In the end, it is probably not unheard of for ROTC cadets to own Kabars (most, however, would not). But... they are not likely to be issued one. Likewise, it is probably not unheard of for say, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, or Agricultural majors to have one as well.
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and father Steve's answer to question two makes me think there has been some confusion about unconscious or unresponsive female.

( that the survivor room mates didn't physically see the unresponsive /unconcious victim but were worried that somebody had passed out because they were unresponsive to calls and texts. )

no idea how a perp locks a room from outside or why the survivors didn't try the door handle

BBM there are some door locks that are locked from the inside. So you turn the lock while inside the room, then step out in the hall, shutting the door behind you and the door is now locked. The perp could have done that, if the doors had that kind of lock, and then the surviving roommates would have been locked out.
Maybe it is making too much of the Snell video but in addition to the mispeaking about female vs person he also says "two additional people were found" and then corrects to the two per floor statement. Does this mean that the unresponsive female they were called for was found with someone else? ie, X with E?
I understand that to mean there was an unresponsive female (maybe one of the two surviving roommates) and police attended to her and THEN found the 4 bodies. This could mean imo, one of two things: the roommate saw a body and fainted or the roommate saw a blood trail and fainted.
BBM there are some door locks that are locked from the inside. So you turn the lock while inside the room, then step out in the hall, shutting the door behind you and the door is now locked. The perp could have done that, if the doors had that kind of lock, and then the surviving roommates would have been locked out.

thanks so much Mtnhiker

I'd heard a commentator ( might have been News Nation) say that the victims' doors may have been locked but News Nation didn't give a source for that & I hadn't personally seen a close-up shot of the doors.

Maybe something that a reporter could confirm with the letting agent who already provided media with ground plan sketches in the early days after the crime.
BBM there are some door locks that are locked from the inside. So you turn the lock while inside the room, then step out in the hall, shutting the door behind you and the door is now locked. The perp could have done that, if the doors had that kind of lock, and then the surviving roommates would have been locked out.
I can lock my bedroom from outside and anyone try it, it’s pretty commen
Not in my opinion.

Where can we see the full interview because the clip itself says nothing about the non-responsive female being on the second floor. Only the tweet caption does. Is there a link to the whole interview?

It also says when officers arrived 'they addressed that issue' and *then* found 2 deceased people on the second floor. I interpret that (my speculation only) as the non-responsive person being dealt with was possibly outside, and then LE proceeded to the second floor to find out why that person had gone into shock/was non-responsive/maybe fainted.

IMO the non-responsive person was not one of the victims. MOO.

Edited: Fixed the quote from 'they dealt with' to 'they addressed'
I’ve always thought maybe the unresponsive person was one of the surviving roommates, after she saw something terrible upstairs and ran back out. I just can’t see one of them finding E or X lying there, and miss the blood, and the fact that two people were killed in that floor, not just one. Wouldn’t you go up tot he person and try to wake them, or at least go try to find their significant other? I also can’t see someone knifed to death, laid out on the floor, and reported to 911 as simply an “unresponsive person”. I really think someone fainted after seeing the scene. Also because they’ve always stated that the 911 call was made from a roommate’s phone (not necessarily by that roommate) and it was apparently passed around as multiple people spoke with 911.
This is my best effort at a transcription of the video:

“911 call came in for an unresponsive female, an unresponsive person. And so when officers arrived they addressed that issue and then as well two additional people were found.”

(Video is spliced here)

“Two individuals were found on the second floor and two individuals were found on the third floor.”

JMO He accidentally let it slip that the unresponsive person was a “female”. He wasn’t supposed to say that. That’s why he immediately corrected himself by saying an unresponsive “person”.
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