Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #124

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a 22 year old does not dump an operating car, that has insurance, tags all paid for by someone else. The tags were still on it, the car started and drove home. This left her with option of driving nothing. What would be sooooo compelling to do that?

Amy did not leave and let Casey use her car for another week almost.

IM CONFUSED :waitasec: by what you are saying about AMY??
anyone know what time/day amy posted the myspace comment about the stolen money?
It was the night she got home from PR - July 15th, at somewhere around 11:30 at night.

In the past 10 hours, she had
returned from vacation mode in Puerto Rico
discovered that Casey had stolen a check
discovered that Casey used the check to wipe out her bank account
gotten the call of doom from Cindy
gotten picked up by Cindy and driven to Tony's (that must have been fun)
taken the ride of shame back home with Casey in the car (that must have been really fun)
learned that Caylee had been missing for a month

Go to the myspace thread - there's a link in there somewhere.
Not in a million years would Crasey do anything so selfless. No, no, no.

Who did Casey give Caylee to? All this other mumbo jumbo needs to be canned. There is no reason, NOT give a sketch of Zah nanny.
Oh, and tell us whose body was in the trunk and back yard.
Hahahahaha~ WE have a winner! I love your typo!! PERFECT! CRASEY!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

On various cases here...we have typos that seem to stick. This is a great one!! I think you just got that title for the Caylee case.

Not in a million years would Crasey do anything so selfless. No, no, no.

Who did Casey give Caylee to? All this other mumbo jumbo needs to be canned. There is no reason, NOT give a sketch of Zah nanny.
Oh, and tell us whose body was in the trunk and back yard.

She's listed 1 name we know of...and now there are 4 or 5 more that LP mentioned tonight. It's a focused systemic dismantling of the lies about the "who" in Casey's mind that you have to eliminate to get to "where". She's already said she doesn't know where Caylee is. So circle back to WHO, because even the family says they're "watching" somebody. See what I'm saying? You get past "who" can move on to "where", and from there "how"... and finally "what" happened to Caylee.

I'm not an LP fan by any means. But this is the track he's going on and it's a smart one, IMO.
IM CONFUSED :waitasec: by what you are saying about AMY??

Casey dumped the Pontiac on the 27th, it was later in July before she had Amy's car while Amy was in PR. Casey was carless.
And I am also at a loss of how Casey may have pulled this off without leaving a trail of evidence.

Another thing that I keep getting hung up on is how the heck is CA smart enough to pull this off? I'm not sure many authors could pull off this plot. Without getting people confused. WAIT! We ARE confused. :confused:
a 22 year old does not dump an operating car, that has insurance, tags all paid for by someone else. The tags were still on it, the car started and drove home. This left her with option left of driving nothing. What would be sooooo compelling to do that?

If you had a mother trying to force your hand, get a grand child home, that you couldn't produce.

If that mother/grandmother told "said 22 yr old" over the phone she's sick of the theft of money etc, and she's reporting stolen gas, cc theft, theft of checks from a grandparent/great grand parent and wants baby Caylee home NOW, and will report the car stolen, if Casey doesn't bring Caylee back home NOW!

If I couldn't produce my daughter and that was a condition to not have my paid for car/insurance etc reported stolen, yeppers bet your sweet bippy I would unload that car. jmo of course
I like it, except for the timeline. When would this phone conversation have taken place?
I think Casey was there when the Gas cans were stolen. But I dont think she broke the lock on that shed..
Another thing that I keep getting hung up on is how the heck is CA smart enough to pull this off? I'm not sure many authors could pull off this plot. Without getting people confused. WAIT! We ARE confused. :confused:

she had a little help but not from a person:

31 days.



If you can find it, can you please give me a post reference from HWSNBN's dad? Thanks!

Sorry, but I'm not sure where to find those old discussions, maybe around thread 50 or so? The letter to WS was posted briefly and then removed per request. You could probably get more info on that from one of the mods if you send a pm.
Something that has me wondering now. Amy. Ok - we know Casey was a thief - that's a given. I don't remember seeing that she stole from anyone OTHER than family before. All her theft came from family. Yet the minute Amy gets back from PR she accuses Casey of serious theft. We have talked that to death. I do believe that Amy's police report would have been with Orlando PD and not Orange County Sheriff. At that, Orlando PD - if Amy (or her bank) wanted to press charges - they would have. They wouldn't have waited for anything. Now I kinda remember saying Amy wasn't going to press charges as "she was in enough trouble" or something to that effect - but why do that? Amy's myspace that night eminated a tone of that she was PO'd royally. Why not press charges? What diff does it make if "her kid is missing" or not? Now she is playing the sympathy card - with not pressing charges? Being that it is with a different LE agency altogether - why wasn't something charged? It would have added to her bail at the very least? If she was stealing from "friends" why haven't other friends and acquiantances come forward saying "Yea, she stole from me too?" I don't think she was stealing from friends - she had an image to uphold. I think that's why she used the term "nanny" rather than babsitter or day care - the term nanny implies "class - wealth - affluence". My hinky meter always went off when thinking about this theft around Amy. I'm not saying she didn't - just that from all we have uncovered - we have never found where she stole from her friends - it was always family.

This is somewhat off-topic, yet on topic (if that makes any sense). :)

I have a friend in AZ who's going through a nasty divorce. Her ex-husband evidently accessed her bank account online using her SSN, and transferred $1900.00 out of her account to his account, and then went into the bank and withdrew the money from his account.

When my friend confronted the bank with what had happened, the bank replaced the money in my friend's account and began their own investigation. My friend was told that the bank would handle it from that point, pressing charges against the ex-husband when they finished their investigation. This happen the first part of June, and the bank has yet to press charges against the ex-husband. When my friend inquired, the bank said the investigation was still ongoing and that investigators on the state level were also investigating. So, it looks like this sort of thing takes some time.

If Amy's bank is handling the theft in the same manner, it might be a while before charges are made.
Have we ever found out what day Ricardo went to PR and when he came back? I kinda think we can surmise that he didn't come back on the 15th with Amy or Casey would have picked them both up. Any ideas anyone?
I think that Casey is talking with LE and the Bounty Hunters and they are putting it all together,(I think they are all playing dumb). I got a feeling them Bounty Hunters have showed up for a reason. It not just to protect Casey.

IMHO, I don't think CA has to play. Man, I've gotta quit being ugly.
G'nite. I have a splitting headache. Time to cuddle my new dog and get some rest. He is already snoring. LOL
The Pontiac was dumped. We don't know who was driving it.

So those who the media reported on saying Tony picked up Casey from the Amscot are not viable?
Seriously, how many missing persons reports were issued in the immediate area during the last 2 months? Isn't anybody else looking for someone and thinking maybe they could have been in the trunk of that car?
when would this phone call have taken place

If we go ahead and believe George from Greta interview (which on phone call, I think we have to--police have phone records) casey talked to mom on the 24th, George found the cans, saw casey and no Caylee...Cindy calls Casey, perhaps last call Casey took She ditched the car shortly thereafter. jmo of course.
It was the night she got home from PR - July 15th, at somewhere around 11:30 at night.

In the past 10 hours, she had
returned from vacation mode in Puerto Rico
discovered that Casey had stolen a check
discovered that Casey used the check to wipe out her bank account
gotten the call of doom from Cindy
gotten picked up by Cindy and driven to Tony's (that must have been fun)
taken the ride of shame back home with Casey in the car (that must have been really fun)
learned that Caylee had been missing for a month

Go to the myspace thread - there's a link in there somewhere.

Exactly. There is not "something about Amy" or Ricardo, or Tony, or anybody for that matter....

There is simply.

Something about Casey

If you are buying into anything else that this crowd of liars are feeding you ....I have a beautiful bridge I can sell you....after I tell you to jump off of it.
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