Nancy Grace 9/16/09.

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can't do the multiple post quote I will just wing my responses.

1. Both parents seem to have taken someone's advice about "cleaning up" their appearances, guess they can't please everyone.

2. It isn't "necessary" for Misty to submit to any more truth tests because it is quite clear she isn't going to change her story again. She's withholding information or hiding something, I think everyone is clear on that point. I say line up every person who had contact with Haleigh in the 30 days previous to her disappearance and hook each up and allow them to clear their name. The truth is there to be discovered, I have not lost hope in that.

3. Whoever said that Ronald making a public appearance in the effort to bring attention to Haleigh being missing is wrong in my opinion. Waste of time? I don't care if he is the devil himself, bringing attention to his child is not a waste of MY time and I will listen every second that he speaks with the hope that THIS time we might hear something new or uncover a clue.

New investigators, new interviews and recent arrests renew my soul. Because as long as they are looking there is a chance that Haleigh could be found.
They need to give Misty a shot of sodium pentathal, that will surely get the truth out of her...:banghead:

During her sessions with TM, she claims she has a cloudy vision of possibly 4 people in the MH before HaLeigh went missing, give her truth serum and let's see where that goes...Someone has HaLeigh and she needs to be returned to her family...Although, I'm not sure where HaLeigh should be living...she along with Jr. are in some really dangerous terrirory and I don't just mean the area...IMO :furious:
Ron doesn't believe it's necessary for Misty to go under hypnosis again to clear her mind...(or clear things up, I guess..)

Sorry, just heard it was on and now they're on commercial

Thanks for solidifying my beliefs in your knowledge of this crime, Ron.

It's not necessary? Geesh.

They need to give Misty a shot of sodium pentathal, that will surely get the truth out of her...:banghead:

During her sessions with TM, she claims she has a cloudy vision of possibly 4 people in the MH before HaLeigh went missing, give her truth serum and let's see where that goes...Someone has HaLeigh and she needs to be returned to her family...Although, I'm not sure where HaLeigh should be living...she along with Jr. are in some really dangerous terrirory and I don't just mean the area...IMO :furious:

And here-in lies the problem. I believe that Misty was telling Tim Miller exactly what she thought he wanted to hear. " okay maybe there was 4 people in the house"..."I just can't make out who it was, it was all like a dream" I don't know if I believe she was in the house personally so any names she gives out will be another brick on the house of lies she is building.

Where is Misty these days anyway?
A boutonnière?

You mean the button he had on with his missing daughter's picture on it? :rolleyes:

ETA - A picture. This screenshot was taken off the youtube video that Patty was kind enough to put up for us. (Thanks Patty)


It is clearly a button with HaLeigh's picture.

This is just my opinion....that man in that Screen Cap looks hostile and very, very angry. I would be afraid to meet him in a dark alley. :eek:
They need to give Misty a shot of sodium pentathal, that will surely get the truth out of her...:banghead:

During her sessions with TM, she claims she has a cloudy vision of possibly 4 people in the MH before HaLeigh went missing, give her truth serum and let's see where that goes...Someone has HaLeigh and she needs to be returned to her family...Although, I'm not sure where HaLeigh should be living...she along with Jr. are in some really dangerous terrirory and I don't just mean the area...IMO :furious:

I'm sure those 4 people will turn out to be whoever is at the top of Ron's chit list at the moment.
No tit for tat here...Personally, I prefer he not plea to some imaginary person for Haleigh's return when he knows full well that he is the one responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh...JMO..

Not exactly sure what you're implying. If you mean because he put her in the situation with Misty... even if you blame him for that, you're not in his head so how do you "know" he knows what happened, who took her, or if she is alive or dead. If you're implying he "did" something himself. So far there are no facts to indicate that or at least anything that came out on Nancy Grace. I thought we were discussing Nancy Grace's show LOL?
Re: My BBM of the first "text" definition


And since I know the rebutal will be... he's in control of Misty, he should make her do more tests, etc. IMO Misty can hold her own and don't think for one minute RC controls her.

Thank you for your post, however I have to disagree. The Greta interview was the main interview that clearly showed Ron was in control of Misty to me. Even the interview last night showed Ron was in control IMO with the answers that are bolded.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you. Back to you, Ronald Cummings. You say that no more communications with Misty Croslin`s family. What is Misty Croslin telling you? Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.

GRACE: Do you believe that she will try again to undergo hypnosis in order to clear her mind regarding that evening?

CUMMINGS: I`m not sure. I don`t think so.


CUMMINGS: Because I don`t believe that it`s necessary.

GRACE: Back out to Ronald Cummings. Ronald, you said that -- you just told us that her going under hypnosis is not necessary. Since she has flunked polygraphs don`t you want to get to the bottom of what happened.

CUMMINGS: Of course I want to get to the bottom of what happened, Miss Nancy. But I don`t know if hypnosis is going to do it. They`ve already tried to hypnotize.

GRACE: Are you of the mind that you should try anything?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

If Ron would answer NG with something like "I or we talk with Misty all the time going over the timeline and trying to trigger her memory, we talk/have talked for hours about this", would be better than "I don't know, I was at work", "I don't know I wasn't there". If he was trying to help, he would be taking to LE every chance he got and we know from LE statements they had wanted to talk with him and weren't successful until just recently. It can't be a time factor as he is not working or searching, so why was he stalling LE? Does it prove guilt "no", but I am at a loss; how anyone could not at least consider this suspicious? Take a poly Ron (you pick the person):praying:, I would love to see anyone who needs to be cleared - CLEARED.

Without getting into why RC answers questions the way he does other places, on Nancy Grace last night, when he answered the way he did, I wondered if there was a reason he chose the word "necessary". From my post above:

Maybe, just throwing things out I think might be possible, "not necessary" is because whatever Misty was holding back has now come out with the arrest of her brother or involved her family. Or Misty has said "you make me do that and I swear I'll run...". Or maybe he truly believes Misty, right or wrong, and feels that it's no use to run these non-perfect tests on a person with her messed up way of thinking (for lack of better words).
And here-in lies the problem. I believe that Misty was telling Tim Miller exactly what she thought he wanted to hear. " okay maybe there was 4 people in the house"..."I just can't make out who it was, it was all like a dream" I don't know if I believe she was in the house personally so any names she gives out will be another brick on the house of lies she is building.

Where is Misty these days anyway?

okay I am freaked out right now.....I did not do I just posted that i didn't know how to do a multiple post
I'm sure those 4 people will turn out to be whoever is at the top of Ron's chit list at the moment.

I can agree with that....As I said I think Misty is blabbering information she thinks people want to hear.
Without getting into why RC answers questions the way he does other places, on Nancy Grace last night, when he answered the way he did, I wondered if there was a reason he chose the word "necessary". From my post above:

Maybe, just throwing things out I think might be possible, "not necessary" is because whatever Misty was holding back has now come out with the arrest of her brother or involved her family. Or Misty has said "you make me do that and I swear I'll run...". Or maybe he truly believes Misty, right or wrong, and feels that it's no use to run these non-perfect tests on a person with her messed up way of thinking (for lack of better words).

Being an uneducated middle school drop out does not affect you being able to tell the truth, to sit and enable Misty and rationalize that she has a messed up way of thinking is such a horrible disservice to Haleigh- and even more so that lets say Ron thinks like that, he left his kids with someone like her-

Ron knows where his daughter is and what happened but he would rather protect himself and Misty then own up to where his baby girl is-

I notice when Ron shows up at Miz Nancy's he's armed with his mouthpiece and the questions seemed rehearsed - (or rather the answers do) And in contrast, when Crystal comes on she's alone and gets hammered like there's no tomorrow. Karma, Miz Nancy, is a bee-otch. :)


I loved your comment. I was thinking the same thing. Here's how I see it. I think Ron retained counsel because he was getting hammered with tough questions he could no longer answer or didn't want to say the wrong thing. So, he brings along the lawyer to NG. As for Crystal, I don't think she had ANYTHING to do with this and goes on NG thinking she'll just answer what is asked. However, because she is not very educated and didn't really know the in's and out's of what was going on at Ron's house when he had the kids, she looked bad. Not because she didn't care but who's really going to tell her. I don't see her and Ron going for coffee or talking about the kids other than pick up and drop off issues. NG has NO idea what it's like to be in a divorced situation or a relationship where the parents aren't cordial. I guarantee you, when my kids were at their dad's when they were little, I didn't have a clue what was going on. It's only that they're older do I know every thing I need to know because THE KIDS can tell me. But NG was WAY OUT OF LINE on that interview, IMO!
Being an uneducated middle school drop out does not affect you being able to tell the truth, to sit and enable Misty and rationalize that she has a messed up way of thinking is such a horrible disservice to Haleigh- and even more so that lets say Ron thinks like that, he left his kids with someone like her-

Ron knows where his daughter is and what happened but he would rather protect himself and Misty then own up to where his baby girl is-


There has been much discussion on the tests generally and Misty specifically which I don't feel I need to go into in this thread. But we can just agree to disagree on all aspects of the testing.

I'm still not understanding how some know Ron knows what happened to his daughter. Since I haven't read the Theory or Rumor thread* I'm not sure how come it's presented this way outside of those two threads, esp. the NG thread??? I took a break from posting, maybe I missed some critical facts.

*In a long time

I loved your comment. I was thinking the same thing. Here's how I see it. I think Ron retained counsel because he was getting hammered with tough questions he could no longer answer or didn't want to say the wrong thing. So, he brings along the lawyer to NG. As for Crystal, I don't think she had ANYTHING to do with this and goes on NG thinking she'll just answer what is asked. However, because she is not very educated and didn't really know the in's and out's of what was going on at Ron's house when he had the kids, she looked bad. Not because she didn't care but who's really going to tell her. I don't see her and Ron going for coffee or talking about the kids other than pick up and drop off issues. NG has NO idea what it's like to be in a divorced situation or a relationship where the parents aren't cordial. I guarantee you, when my kids were at their dad's when they were little, I didn't have a clue what was going on. It's only that they're older do I know every thing I need to know because THE KIDS can tell me. But NG was WAY OUT OF LINE on that interview, IMO!

NG acted like a demon from hell in that interview she had with Crystal. What NG did that night to Crystal was so abusive and over the top that I am surprised that Marie didn't step in and put her in her place. She was probably too shocked to say a word. I don't know what dog NG has in this race, but in my opinion she is petting the wrong dog.
GRACE: Are you of the mind that you should try anything?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

I wish NG would say to Ron, "would you be willing to take a poly?"Then pause for the answer. The answer to that question would be interesting.
GRACE: Are you of the mind that you should try anything?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

I wish NG would say to Ron, "would you be willing to take a poly?"Then pause for the answer. The answer to that question would be interesting.

He would just say, I already did Miss Nancy, passed with flying colors!~:innocent:
The only thing I can say about this latest NG........I don't think it was necessary.
GRACE: Are you of the mind that you should try anything?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

I wish NG would say to Ron, "would you be willing to take a poly?"Then pause for the answer. The answer to that question would be interesting.

Why? He's taken a LE poly. They've moved him to the bottom of the list... They called Misty back for additional Poly(s) but not Ron IRRC. So I would assume that could be a reason NG didn't ask a question that I would think has a logical, simple answer IMO anyway.
He would just say, I already did Miss Nancy, passed with flying colors!~:innocent:

Maybe the simple answer is that is true and NG know it. If he didn't pass with flying colors wouldn't LE have done additional polys on him like they did with Misty???
GRACE: Are you of the mind that you should try anything?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

I wish NG would say to Ron, "would you be willing to take a poly?"Then pause for the answer. The answer to that question would be interesting.

NG will never ask that question because I am sure she has been told by RC's attorney that this is a question that can't be asked. I would love for RC to take all tests that Misty has taken i.e., poly, voice stress and hypnotism and then we can all see how he fares. Betcha he does the same or worse than Misty, if that is possible. It will never happen. It is Misty's designated role to take the brunt of all suspicion and blame.
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