2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Ynotdivein - I'm begging you - please tell me where the trial thread goes - I saw nothing this afternoon except for the first 15 minutes and the last 10 minutes and listened a friend who is in a true grieving process for the rest of the time. I really really need to read the trial thread - please!

Deep calming breaths dear... *hands LG a brown paper bag*

The trial threads get moved up to Stickie-ville, and here's a link:


wow....ICA was having a major meltdown!! Had to be forced to leave!! HLN was showing it!!

Anyone with a police scanner from the Orlando area?
If so could you moniter it for EMS calls to the Orange County Jail?
ICA may have a meltdown.
That "...travesty of justice..." line that Baez spouted was straight out of the mouth of his hero/mentor - Geraldo.

Two peas in a pod - laughingstocks that no one will EVER take seriously.

:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:


I wonder if JB will go looking for a vault to open once he finds out his law career is down the tubes?
u would think her attorneys would have worked harder on a plea deal based on accident in the beginning instead if they truly believe all this. was ICA really so stubborn to take this to court or did JB sell her the aquittal story. thats quite a chance to take when facing 1st degree murder and declining to testify to set the record straight

My bet is CM begged her to plead.
I'm predicting a "Susan Hayward" moment for Casey this evening or sometime tomorrow. She will collapse in her cell, require medical treatment, need to be rushed to hospital, etc. In the last moments that Casey appeared on camera in the courtroom, she was trying to make herself ill. Casey craves attention right now, and she will find a way to bring this to fruition tonight or tomorrow. jmo

Yeah, what the heck was that all about?

It's kinda funny, ok, it's iornic, that for all the chatting she's done, talking behind her hands with the lawyers at the Defense table, the jail videos where she complained that no one was letting her talk or she wasn't in charge......she didn't bother to take the stand and tell her story.
Can someone direct me where I can listen to Bill S. live and his comments about the trial. I've gone to the WFTV website but I can't find it.

Thanks so much!

i lost feed at that moment and I missed that particular moment on HLN ....wonder if anyone has a clip....very last few moments in the courtroom...Hopefully there was a kc cam that was kept on during that whole exchange....she was talking quite animated...appeared to be trying to distract herself reading something and drinking while the guard was attempting to get her to move toward the door....I saw she then engaged one of her ATty's in conversation but missed the rest.

Bill S said that closing will be equal time for both sides but the state can decide how much time to use first and how much to save for after the defense closes.

I did not get if this is always this way or just because this case had a rebuttal
Three years...a gazillion hearings, a gazillion shenanigans by the defense, the Anthonys all over the airwaves with their shenanigans and lies...all the craziness, the torture of the slow wait to justice...the blood, sweat, and tears of all of Caylee's Angels, Heros, and Warriors working hard day in and day out (which includes all of us on WS)...and in two days, TWO DAYS, Caylee is FINALLY getting justice!!!!

I can't believe it. Two more days and it FINALLY goes to the jury. I almost didn't think this would EVER happen! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself without this case to obsess over - I know my husband is happy to get me back - but everything has been worth it to FINALLY to get to this stage!!!!!

Two more days...after three LONG years...*love and hugs to everyone*
I would like to personally thank CA for her lies on the stand, she has so illuminated the subject of premeditation with her clumsy lies that the Jury will be dazzled by it.
You don't need to lie for an innocent person Cindy.

I was just thinking that googling "neck breaking" or "alcohol" could be prompted by something quite random (I google some pretty weird stuff on a regular basis) and if I was in that jury I would dismiss it as irrelevant since there is no evidence that anybody broke their neck or died of alcohol poisoning here. But I would not dismiss it as irrelevant if someone in the family thought it was important enough to lie about. I would wonder, what does she know about the significance of those searches that I don't?
Sorry guys, hubby and I had to go out and just got back. I see the result of the rebuttal about CA. Is she facing any repercussions for lying or did her "Possibles" and "I might haves" save her?
I think the guard was inches away from cuffing her.
I posted but deleted....I felt a bit sorry for ICA for a momet, but I came to my senses.
I'm predicting a "Susan Hayward" moment for Casey this evening or sometime tomorrow. She will collapse in her cell, require medical treatment, need to be rushed to hospital, etc. In the last moments that Casey appeared on camera in the courtroom, she was trying to make herself ill. Casey craves attention right now, and she will find a way to bring this to fruition tonight or tomorrow. jmo
Dadgummit, Bette! There you go again. So I have to add.

Then she will stand up, put one hand on her waist, push her hair back with the other hand, and stare balefully into the distance. Right??????

Love Susan Hayward

And wouldn't that mean that waaaay back in the beginning, Cindy already had doubts about the Zanny story that Casey was giving her so started looking for 'reasons'/'excuses' for Casey, maybe hoping if she dropped this pool ladder excuse into Casey's lap (like she's dropped other hints that Casey ran with) that Casey would admit to all of it being an accident.

If Cindy's mind was already thinking of possible scenarios just a week or so after she found out Caylee was "kidnapped", then it stands to reason she was thinking in her mind that Caylee was probably dead.

this quote^^^ is from the trial thread, if that's ok ?

I'm stunned. The realization that Cindy Anthony started the cover up almost day 1 is something I NEVER believed before. All I can say is O-M-G.
The nagging thought has always been in the back of my mind that the trunk was too clean . . . but honestly, I never wanted to go there because it ment the cover up started in the very first hours . . . Now I have to accept that that is what happened.

Words don't do justice to the shock I feel rite now.
I for one am THRILLED that I will not have to be at work during closing arguments. I hope that the jury comes back with a verdict on July 4 - that would make for one amazing holiday. All those fireworks for Caylee!
I'm predicting a "Susan Hayward" moment for Casey this evening or sometime tomorrow. She will collapse in her cell, require medical treatment, need to be rushed to hospital, etc. In the last moments that Casey appeared on camera in the courtroom, she was trying to make herself ill. Casey craves attention right now, and she will find a way to bring this to fruition tonight or tomorrow. jmo

^^ This photo doesn't look like she's trying to make herself ill!! She turns it on and off like a freakin light switch.
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