IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #2

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After looking at photos of that particular lake, I have changed my opinion. There is no way the girls would willingly go in that murky, disgusting water. If they're in there, someone put them there.

I really appreciate LE's efforts but I'm also hoping they're not putting all their resources in one location. If these girls are NOT in the water, the perp is way ahead in his/her plan........if not already. :sigh:

The picture I saw were current/from and during the search. So, I am sure the lake is more murky, mucky and gross after they have been disrupting the bottom searching it. It may have been more inviting last Friday. IMOO. Does anyone have pictures of this lake prior to the search?
JVM is on and going to speak live with the family
I was reading through the posts (can't remember which page) but someone from/formerly from the area stated that the location where the bikes were found is a stretch of the path that is very secluded due to the fences/tree growth. No one from the lake or highway would be able to see what was going on. Is this the only stretch that's secluded this way or are there other parts of the path that are also heavily secluded
FBI: Dogs detect scent of Iowa cousins near lake

FBI spokeswoman Sandy Breault said the reaction from the dogs Monday night indicated a "strong possibility" the girls had been at the lake, less than a mile from their grandmother's house where they were last reported seen Friday. However, Breault said because there were no reported sightings, authorities couldn't be certain.

Chief Deputy Rick Abben of the Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office said the case was still considered a missing persons investigation. The decision to drain the lake was made to rule out that the girls are not in the water, he said. Once that's done, all resources can be used elsewhere.

jvm states fbi confirms dogs picked up scent but didnt comment any further.
Police reported yesterday or the day before that they were draining the lake to rule out all possibilities that the girls were in the water ... not because they believe they are in the lake. Ruling out the possibility that the grils are in the lake allows them to then focus on other possibilities.

I think the reason they are draining the lake is because they can, easily. It's set up for that and has been done twice before so why not? They have nothing else to go on and I know in other cases even after a lake has been cleared with dragging, I personally always wonder if something wasn't missed when the person remains missing.

So to have the option to drain it and be absolutely sure is a real bonus here IMO.

grandma wylma cook......last words with girls were, dont go very far and dont be gone long because grandma had to leave soon. Claims girls would only be gone 10 or so minutes at a time and not go very far. She saw them go to the parking lot where post office is located.
The picture I saw were current/from and during the search. So, I am sure the lake is more murky, mucky and gross after they have been disrupting the bottom searching it. It may have been more inviting last Friday. IMOO. Does anyone have pictures of this lake prior to the search?

If someone hasn't already posted this part of the update page, it is a live question/answer twitter type area of the local paper's update section.

Three local news sources have combined to take turns answering posters questions, etc. and give live updates with lots of pictures...some before and some after the draining started.

JVM asks question of Misty....could the bikes have been staged at the lake. Mom Misty says it could have happened.
This is so sad. Grandma is saying they never went as far as the lake, but the lady whose husband was out watering that saw them said they went past their house most every day.
FBI: Dogs detect scent of Iowa cousins near lake

FBI spokeswoman Sandy Breault said the reaction from the dogs Monday night indicated a "strong possibility" the girls had been at the lake, less than a mile from their grandmother's house where they were last reported seen Friday. However, Breault said because there were no reported sightings, authorities couldn't be certain.

Chief Deputy Rick Abben of the Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office said the case was still considered a missing persons investigation. The decision to drain the lake was made to rule out that the girls are not in the water, he said. Once that's done, all resources can be used elsewhere.


BBM....sounds like confirmation that all the eggs are in the lake...I mean basket. :banghead:
With a highway so close by I really don't get this train of thought. Theyve already scraped the lake and didn't find anything which leaves a very high probability the girls aren't in there. How about 20% resources going to completing the lake search and the rest on other possible theories.

no LE bashing just a little frustrating that after 4 days, we're still only hearing about the lake.
This is so sad. Grandma is saying they never went as far as the lake, but the lady whose husband was out watering that saw them said they went past their house most every day.

He also said they turn around at the end of the street...which is near the lake, but not necessarily at the lake.
He also said they turn around at the end of the street...which is near the lake, but not necessarily at the lake.

Yes he did, but that is as far as the lake and grandma said they would never go that far.
grandma wylma cook......last words with girls were, dont go very far and dont be gone long because grandma had to leave soon. Claims girls would only be gone 10 or so minutes at a time and not go very far. She saw them go to the parking lot where post office is located.

I wonder if the post office has survelance cameras? It would show the girls leaving the parking lot and which way they were heading....
Here is the article about the dogs being allowed to smell the family.

I would like to know if the dogs ran with one of the family members scent. Meaning someone in the family might of planted the bikes and left their scent behind. OR if all the family members were eliminated because the dogs DID NOT pick up on any of the family members scent. The article does not say. Just that the investigators were pleased with the scents (meaning more than one) the dogs found and that they went back to debrief on it.

Late Monday night, family members of the missing girls were brought out to the lake. Canines sniffed them in hopes of leading investigators to some clues.

“So, we did a walk by them, so they could eliminate us, while they were going to try to pick up the scent from the girls, of both Lyric and Elizabeth. They were given articles of clothing of both children, one for each dog,” said Lyric’s mother Misty Morrissey.

She said the process provided parents with some hope.

“They (the dogs) both picked up scents, followed it for quite a ways and from our understanding authorities were very pleased with the outcome. They needed to go back and debrief and discuss what the movement of the dogs meant,” Morrissey said.

Sure, any locals know which dock?

There is only one really. There is a wooden "dock" of sorts that is like a wooden sidewalk to the lake. Know what I mean? I'm nofisherman so I suck at this description and then the dock you have seen in several photos. They are very nar each other.

Can someone tell me if I'm correct? The lake was dragged....and sonar was used...with no results. Now the lake is being drained 3 inches an hour....nothing seen so far.

That is correct. My opinion of it is that they have nothing else for leads so not only are they being 100% sure but they are buying time to figure out where to go from here.

Sure, where is the old school located?

600 collins ave. off of Evans road.

to everyone asking why the girls were on the streets. evansdale is a very good place, nothing bad ever happens there. when i was young, me, and all the neighborhood kids ran the streets until the street light came on, thats normal for that town. most everybody knows everybody. and the police station is only a few blocks from where the bikes were discovered. we never locked our doors, keys were always left in the cars. you would never expect something like this to happen, especially in the middle of the day time!

Not to mention that much of evansdales side streets do not have sidewalks or curbs. They would have to ride on the road in many areas.

Maybe a local knows if they were floating docks. Does anyone know? The photo looks like it was floating.

I believe it floats. It does appear to have little legs but it's out far enough in the water that the legs alone wouldn't be long enough to hold it up. As the water recedes, the dock is sinking. The dock was not removed the last time the lake was drained so it's not being removed to protect the dock.

From pictures that I have seen, the nature trail around the lake appeared to be compacted dirt, not asphalt as I was originally imagining it to be,


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Some area of the trail are asphalt and some are concrete. Most of it being concrete.

They are taking the dock, but apparently those flip flops are insignificant to LE ???

Also, just curious, but would the tracking dogs be able to pick up scent on Lake Ave. that is recent or would the old scent still be there, from days before the girls went missing.

I cannot imagine those flip flops are related to the search. Maybe the family put them there as something of significance to them. That park was searched by hundreds of people, they couldn't use been missed. Not to mention it was said that lyric was the child with larger feet but Elizabeth was the child wearing flip flops.

I am curious, did anyone check the island in the Myers Lake. It looks like a good hidding place.

The island has been very thoroughly scoured by LE.

Sometimes I wish LE would read our posts and comment on the confusion. "I know our citizen sleuthers have been racking their brains trying to help put two and two together so here is some of the things we'd like to clear up...." not so hard. :)

I've read through several articles, but I haven't found anything that would give insight to how populated the lake was that day (besides the aunt claiming she asked "some people"). If nothing else to provide some insight to a couple things:

Is it possible for them to have gone swimming and not have been seen?
Is it possible someone could have snatched both girls and had enough time to toss the cell phone and take them without being seen?
Were these "some people" in a large group at a certain spot or where they scattered around the lake in different spots?, etc....

I'm not LE but I'll do my best.
It is possible to swim and not been seen. It's not likely because if there was een one person at the lake, they would had likely seen the,.
It's possible they were snatched and not seen. If someone had parked on arbutus and lurked in the wooded area where the bikes were found, they would be able to watch all the way to the end of arbutus trail and all the way to the end of the west side of the lake. If they didn't see anyone coming from either direction, they could have done it.
My guess is people were scattered around. People fish near the dock, play at the playground nearby, walk and ride bikes around the trail. I've never been out there without seeing at leas a few other people ride and walk by. I do typically walk ior bike in the early evening though.

I was reading through the posts (can't remember which page) but someone from/formerly from the area stated that the location where the bikes were found is a stretch of the path that is very secluded due to the fences/tree growth. No one from the lake or highway would be able to see what was going on. Is this the only stretch that's secluded this way or are there other parts of the path that are also heavily secluded

That is the only secluded stretch. Everything else is very open and visible.
Yes he did, but that is as far as the lake and grandma said they would never go that far.

Noted. Didn't realize it was so close to the lake. Thought he was closer to gma's house.
There is a history with these kids being gone longer then needed.
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