SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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Yes yes yes thank you....oh idle chit chat is right cuz Travis didn't know he would be slaughtered....ugh she is evil

Her words will seal her fate.....

EXACTLY. Seems Mrs. Eisenstein slipped on her lip gloss, I guess.
BBM~ Jealous. :blowkiss:

I wish I could just drink 1 glass of wine. But, nope, not me. It's all or none. That's why I don't bother.

Ooohhhhhh! Chiquitita poquita! You are getting massaged? i'm jelly!

I'm making photo albums for my students and pressing DD's elementary graduation dress. So, blehhhh.

But I do gots me some wine......:toastred::needdrink:

Sorry I didn't answer you back yesterday....Jane was a friend and we have a site justice4jane....

I dont mean to butt in do you mean Jane Bashara?
Why is the other thread closed? I'm confused.

:dunno: Who knows... this thread is slow as molasses for me.
Anyone else, besides me still having problems with the site.

:( I really miss the old days when WS worked properly, without laaagggsssss.
OMG...."Click-Clacks" as they were called in the East. They lasted about 1 year in the market until they started breaking and thowing shrapnel in people's eyes. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I loved those and we had to sneak them into school to play with them at lunch. They were dangerous as all heck and many a busted knuckle, but oh what fun!

How did we survive our childhood. :floorlaugh:

Right......our Mom's had wooden spoons and we were all click-clackers.


Just Dreadful.

I'm pretty new to HLN and I don't know the talking heads all that well. I had written off Vinnie Politan as a goofy game show host (thanks Callisto :) ) until this morning. He said something to the effect that the jurors need not feel the terrible burden of causing a person's death if they decide on the death penalty. They are not deciding this, CMJA decided it when she chose to commit a capital murder in a DP state. The jury is only deciding if the law requires that that penalty be given in this case.
BBM~ Jealous. :blowkiss:

I wish I could just drink 1 glass of wine. But, nope, not me. It's all or none. That's why I don't bother.

1 glass of wine is for losers. Kidding. Having been in recovery for many years, I know I can't have just one. Neither would I want to. Either I pass out like a drunken ho, or I don't drink. Crazy, I know! But FrayedKnot can have my supply. Lol
Well now - I am watching Dr. Drew and they are showing part of the interview.....
Interviewer: "What were the last words Travis said to you?"
Jodi: " I don't remember theeeee, it was just idol chit chat, the pictures you know.. oh no, that one's good we'll keep that we'll delete that one... it was just COMMON STUFF ...."

:waitasec: I thought she TESTIFIED TO:
The comment about a 5 year old can take better pics - then the last words being 'F-in kill you bi$ch.'

Hummmmmmm - interesting slip up there!

If it came off that way then it was selective editing on HLN'S part.

The question was about the last words BEFORE she claims that the camera fell.

Please report to watch Katie on Dr. Drew in 20 min or so- she'll reveal a lightbulb moment.
He's actually good today, of course they don't start the chemo until tomorrow and it will run for 48 hours. MM, I am worn out. I have moments when I lose my chit....but not in front of him.

Kyle, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Yes, Jane bashara

I'm so very sorry. For you,Jane and all those who loved her. Lovely lady from everything I read. Cant wait til Bob's Trial.

I have very mixed feelings about this. I guess we should hold you a wwelcome party. You can bring the wine, waffles, wholewheat bread, watermelon, weiners and water.

Oh Gauntlet, you're just taunting me, vvhat vvith your fancy schmancy vvorking vv key. Don't make me get out my klackers! :floorlaugh:
Does anyone know what happened to kadiecoolady court observers threads? TIA
:dunno: Who knows... this thread is slow as molasses for me.
Anyone else, besides me still having problems with the site.

:( I really miss the old days when WS worked properly, without laaagggsssss.

Yes, but I have been blaming user hostile mobile/tablet forum-viewing software.
What the heck is up with Jodi's cause of wanting DV victims to document their abuse? Uhh...say what? If you care so much about DV, why don't you encourage victims to leave?

So in the rare circumstance that a victim has to kill their abuser in self defense, you want them to be covered? Sounds legit.

....and Survivor T-shirt!!??.....I am reminded of her "other" prop....the Travis' T-Shirt. She is so original.
Love Love Love these family stories tonight. I was the middle of 5 girls and we had some wild crazy times. We are happy smiling old ladies in 50's and 60's and look back in awe. Our dad was a total ladies man w/us and we so loved and used that attention lolol. Our wonderful mom put up with so much and tried to rein us in. Dad is gone now but mom is turning a happy 90 in two weeks :)

I agree. It is fun to look back and laugh. Sometimes it was complete INSANITY with nine kids - don't know how my mom did it! The plus side, with so many kids everyone came to our house to play because there was always someone to play with and my mom saved a ton with hand me down clothes! Of course, it was different then. On weekends/summer, eat breakfast, do chores, go outside and play and don't come back until you were hungry or it was getting dark. We lived in the country so although it can happen anywhere we weren't worried about being kidnapped or anything.
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