IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #32

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Originally Posted by georger
After persistent reports by KCRG reporter Beth Malicki of dna evidence in the Collins-Cook case
http://www.kcrg.com/ I called KCRG (five minutes ago) and 'somebody' who would not identify themselves in the news room at KCRG issued the following statement:

"If you want to believe the internet vs. us, I can tell you we have spoken to law enforcement and there "is" dna that was collected in the Collins-Cook case."

I asked, "Where was that evidence was collected and why hasn't law enforcement to my knowledge confirmed such evidence?"

The KCRG spokesperson said: " law enforcement has told us all along that they do have dna evidence in the case, as we have been reporting for weeks. And it is my understanding some of that evidence was collected at 7-Bridges when the girls were found. "

I asked the spokesperson if I could post this news on the internet and he replied: "You are free to post whatever you want on the internet. The internet is full of lot's of "stuff". "

I thanked the KCRG news person and am now posting this . . .

Please contact Beth Malicki at KCRG for further details on the dna law enforcement has in the Collins-Cook case. http://www.kcrg.com/news/newsteam

Thank you.

:cheers: I knew it I think MK is responsible I hope the dna matches & the collins/cook family can have peace!! I guess that best justice of all is too know where he's rotting at!

KCRG DID NOT SAY TONIGHT that the dna evidence LE has in the Collins-Cook case involves or points to Mr. Klunder, in any way...

The KCRG report tonight merely says: "law enforcement has dna evidence in the Collins-Cook case" .... and nothing more.

But, KCRG evidently has some kind of confirmation from somebody in law enforcement, that dna evidence of some kind was recovered in the Collins-Cook case. The report tonight by KCRG's Beth Malicki was very clearly stated.

Thanks -
I think the key to this statement is bolded above. HE wants to know. Which is what is important really...but it will certainly be interesting to see how they respond to the whole connection.

They are going to struggle in how they reveal the yes or no connection of MK to E&L. If they come out and say "we were able to determine that MK is NOT considered a suspect in this case" everyone is going to want to know HOW they determined that...not that they are going to answer any specifics, but people aren't going to buy "well, his cell phone records don't indicate to us he was in the area". My first thought would be "Come on...he's not stupid, he could have intentionally left the phone at the hog lot all dang day...you better have checked into more than that".

What does that leave? DNA? Blood evidence? Ballistics? There would be a reveal of what they DID find with E&L if they are going to admit they have more than cell phone proof.

I am not holding my breath for Smock to say much of anything. They've been tight lipped so far and I have a feeling if he's not a match they will say as much. I have a feeling the statement will be very short and sweet:

"After our investigation we have determined that MK is NOT connected to the abduction of E&L. Due to the ongoing investigation, we are not willing to compromise any additional details regarding this case and how we were able to eliminate MK as a suspect - thank you". And he won't answer any questions the reporters throw at him digging for more.

JMO of course...but I think they will do what they are doing today...waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to give them another break.

If it is determined that MK is not connected to E&L's case then LE cannot reveal anything that might compromise an ongoing case. Believe me, I wish they could, but they can't. They would still have a case they are still working on, but who ever stated that they need to make it known to the public that if he is not connected then I think it would be LE's duty to inform the public there is still someone out there at large and they need to take measures to protect their children.
Originally Posted by georger
The KCRG report tonight merely says: "law enforcement has dna evidence in the Collins-Cook case" .... and nothing more.

But, KCRG evidently has some kind of confirmation from somebody in law enforcement, that dna evidence of some kind was recovered in the Collins-Cook case. The report tonight by KCRG's Beth Malicki was very clearly stated.

Thanks -

Respectively snipped by me.

It seems KCRG is arguing with themselves re. DNA. The report on the website says it's a secret. It also says that Klunder's DNA is in the national database and he would have already been ruled it??

"Investigators have kept secret whether DNA evidence was found with Elizabeth's and Lyric's bodies.

If the killer's DNA was found, it would be standard procedure to compare the profile with a national database of DNA of known offenders. As a registered sex offender and felon, Klunder’s DNA is included in that database."


I wish I'd been able to watch Beth Malicki's report. These internet reporters can't keep their crap straight. :banghead:
Respectively snipped by me.

It seems KCRG is arguing with themselves re. DNA. The report on the website says it's a secret. It also says that Klunder's DNA is in the national database and he would have already been ruled it??

"Investigators have kept secret whether DNA evidence was found with Elizabeth's and Lyric's bodies.

If the killer's DNA was found, it would be standard procedure to compare the profile with a national database of DNA of known offenders. As a registered sex offender and felon, Klunder’s DNA is included in that database."


I wish I'd been able to watch Beth Malicki's report. These internet reporters can't keep their crap straight. :banghead:

I cant find any video of tonight's KCRG news at ten. But all of eastern Iowa saw and heard it.

I just hope the report is correct and Klunder's dna can be compared with
dna they found at 7-Bridges or elsewhere.
I don't think phone records and gas records are going to be sufficient. There is a reasonable chance he was in evansdale that day, even possibly at Casey's getting gas on camera, yet he might not be their killer. I'm really hoping there is some sort of DNA evidence in this case that will nail the perp that is responsible.

IIRC, Klunder has no murders on his rap sheet until Kathlynn, assuming she was murdered by him.

He should have attempted murder of one of the three year olds since he choke that child and threw her in a trash bin, but I don't know how the charges were worded. If I remember correctly there was statement made that he thought he had actually killed the child.
I cant find any video of tonight's KCRG news at ten. But all of eastern Iowa saw and heard it.

I just hope the report is correct and Klunder's dna can be compared with
dna they found at 7-Bridges or elsewhere.

Thank you George for the info and for all your posts! :seeya:

One thought I just had, if they do have DNA from L&E's case, then I guess we can rule out any associates <cough/clears throat> that have prior felony histories, for example - drugs, etc.
Thank you George for the info and for all your posts! :seeya:

One thought I just had, if they do have DNA from L&E's case, then I guess we can rule out any associates <cough/clears throat> that have prior felony histories, for example - drugs, etc.

The KCRG story needs to be confirmed, imho. Hopefully other sources have
matching information from law enforcement officials, directly. Anyone can
call these media sources and ask. I plan to do that tomorrow - hopefully
others will also. This needs to be a community effort. This needs to be clarified
and confirmed if possible!


"Convicts who&#8217;re guilty of many aggravated misdemeanors in Iowa will have to submit a DNA sample after July 1, 2013. That&#8217;s when the bill Governor Terry Branstad signed into law today goes into effect."

"Representative Clel Baudler, a Republican from Greenfield who is a retired state trooper, has been trying to pass this law since 2003."

I am so glad this retired state trooper kept pushing for this.
I cant find any video of tonight's KCRG news at ten. But all of eastern Iowa saw and heard it.

I just hope the report is correct and Klunder's dna can be compared with
dna they found at 7-Bridges or elsewhere.

Just to clarify - I wasn't saying that you misheard or were lying. I believe you! I wish I had watched the news at 10 so I could have heard with my own ears! I just get frustrated when reporters can't get their stories straight.

I hope they have dna too! The problem is whether or not they will be able to compare it to the right person. Maybe Klunder's that guy. Personally, I'm hoping it's him because I don't want to think that there are two sickos like him so close to each other in Iowa. I know that's probably naive of me...
We did? I'm not being snarky, just wondering if I missed something. I know there were a number of other people hinted at as suspects, RSOs in particular, but I don't recall this guy being one of them. It's entirely possible I missed it though.

I am referring to the week the Dayton girls were kidnapped.
So much info came out that week; he grew up in Waverly (not far from 7 Bridges),had a criminal history, had been in prison etc for kidnapping multiple individuals, domestic violence charges, RSO and the list goes on.

Why does the article indicate LE just asked for info on him this week?
Maybe it's the wording in the article; it's all so "nonchalant".

Most of us were seeing red flags.
Not saying "this is the guy", but quite a strong possibility. I would think they would have been all over this.
This is NOT related to our girls, but it is another example of a who should not have been free to commit another crime:

A Parkersburg man has been arrested for allegedly giving a Waterloo teen marijuana and having sex with him.

DLS, 52, of 1 0 4 R***** St., was taken into custody Tuesday at his home on two counts of distribution of marijuana to a minor and four counts of third-degree sexual abuse.


According to this article, he has a history of bad acts with boys.
UPDATE: Police look for link between Dayton kidnapping and cousins' case


"Klunder's name didn't come up during the investigation into the girls' disappearance and deaths."

"Up until last Monday, his name wasn't on the radar. We didn't have any reason to believe he was in this area. Now we are trying to see if, in fact, he was, if there's evidence he was here," Smock said.

"We are having to do a lot of things through subpoena and court order, which is normal, but it depends on how quick people get that information back to us. I know everybody is on pins and needles wanting to know something," Smock said.

more at link

I am referring to the week the Dayton girls were kidnapped.
So much info came out that week; he grew up in Waverly (not far from 7 Bridges),had a criminal history, had been in prison etc for kidnapping multiple individuals, domestic violence charges, RSO and the list goes on.

Why does the article indicate LE just asked for info on him this week?
Maybe it's the wording in the article; it's all so "nonchalant".

Most of us were seeing red flags.
Not saying "this is the guy", but quite a strong possibility. I would think they would have been all over this.

Ohhh gotcha, thank you! I definitely agree a number of people started making connections as soon as they girls in Dayton were kidnapped, and it's so frustrating that he wasn't (as far as we know) looked at before now. Nonchalant's a good description.
I have tried to be supportive of LE when some posters were concerned about the lack of updates by LE. I believed LE, FBI and DCI were working diligently on this case, and even wondered if LE might have had a suspect they were building a case against.

But now I'm wondering if I've put too much faith in their ability to solve this case. How the heck was Klunder not on anyone's radar? The abduction of two children at the same time is rare. It seems that someone would have checked databases for RSOs who had committed similar offenses. And yet LE was unaware of Klunder.

I don't believe Klunder was involved in our case, but I feel the fact that he was unknown to LE means this investigation has been flawed from the beginning. Who else has been overlooked? What info is out there that LE has failed to uncover?:stormingmad:

I thought the participation of the FBI and DCI meant all possible steps would be taken. Obviously I was wrong. JMO

If Klunder isn't our guy, I sadly believe this case will remain unsolved unless someone confesses. And this is a complete turnaround for me.
I have tried to be supportive of LE when some posters were concerned about the lack of updates by LE. I believed LE, FBI and DCI were working diligently on this case, and even wondered if LE might have had a suspect they were building a case against.

But now I'm wondering if I've put too much faith in their ability to solve this case. How the heck was Klunder not on anyone's radar? The abduction of two children at the same time is rare. It seems that someone would have checked databases for RSOs who had committed similar offenses. And yet LE was unaware of Klunder.

I don't believe Klunder was involved in our case, but I feel the fact that he was unknown to LE means this investigation has been flawed from the beginning. Who else has been overlooked? What info is out there that LE has failed to uncover?:stormingmad:

I thought the participation of the FBI and DCI meant all possible steps would be taken. Obviously I was wrong. JMO

If Klunder isn't our guy, I sadly believe this case will remain unsolved unless someone confesses. And this is a complete turnaround for me.

I'm right there with you. I think it also means that they don't have a suspect that they are keeping an eye on like many here have suggested. I think they don't have a clue as to who is responsible.

I am almost to where I am really hoping it is Klunder just for the sake of having closure and not having this be another unsolved crime for years to come.
I'm right there with you. I think it also means that they don't have a suspect that they are keeping an eye on like many here have suggested. I think they don't have a clue as to who is responsible.

I am almost to where I am really hoping it is Klunder just for the sake of having closure and not having this be another unsolved crime for years to come.


Me, too.

If it does turn out to be Klunder, one big question (who did it) would be answered and the case will be closed. But so many little questions would remain unanswered.

Me, too.

If it does turn out to be Klunder, one big question (who did it) would be answered and the case will be closed. But so many little questions would remain unanswered.

If Klunder is responsible, we will know that the murders were not "revenge" killings, that there is no connection to drugs, that the families are 100% not involved (we should already know that), that the children were lured (same as the Dayton case), that they may have been lured with the offer of earning some money, that they were restrained with zipties, that they were separated after they were abducted (note distance between bodies of 50 feet at 7 Bridges), that they were easily abducted by one person given Klunder's size ... many questions will be answered. If there are no signs of a cause of death, we might even know that the euthasia air gun was used.
Originally Posted by georger
After persistent reports by KCRG reporter Beth Malicki of dna evidence in the Collins-Cook case
http://www.kcrg.com/ I called KCRG (five minutes ago) and 'somebody' who would not identify themselves in the news room at KCRG issued the following statement:

"If you want to believe the internet vs. us, I can tell you we have spoken to law enforcement and there "is" dna that was collected in the Collins-Cook case."

I asked, "Where was that evidence was collected and why hasn't law enforcement to my knowledge confirmed such evidence?"

The KCRG spokesperson said: " law enforcement has told us all along that they do have dna evidence in the case, as we have been reporting for weeks. And it is my understanding some of that evidence was collected at 7-Bridges when the girls were found. "

I asked the spokesperson if I could post this news on the internet and he replied: "You are free to post whatever you want on the internet. The internet is full of lot's of "stuff". "

I thanked the KCRG news person and am now posting this . . .

Please contact Beth Malicki at KCRG for further details on the dna law enforcement has in the Collins-Cook case. http://www.kcrg.com/news/newsteam

Thank you.

KCRG DID NOT SAY TONIGHT that the dna evidence LE has in the Collins-Cook case involves or points to Mr. Klunder, in any way...

The KCRG report tonight merely says: "law enforcement has dna evidence in the Collins-Cook case" .... and nothing more.

But, KCRG evidently has some kind of confirmation from somebody in law enforcement, that dna evidence of some kind was recovered in the Collins-Cook case. The report tonight by KCRG's Beth Malicki was very clearly stated.

Thanks -

I never said MK was responsible just that I hope he is!!
If Klunder is responsible, we will know that the murders were not "revenge" killings, that there is no connection to drugs, that the families are 100% not involved (we should already know that), that the children were lured (same as the Dayton case), that they may have been lured with the offer of earning some money, that they were restrained with zipties, that they were separated after they were abducted (note distance between bodies of 50 feet at 7 Bridges), that they were easily abducted by one person given Klunder's size ... many questions will be answered. If there are no signs of a cause of death, we might even know that the euthasia air gun was used.

BBM :tyou: Good post! I think if it is him LE will show everything they have. This will be a case study for the books. Praying for justice for our girls!
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