2011.06.27 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-nine)

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Now, here's the thing. I believe Hoover when he was talking about LP being the one to suggest big money for the tape. But how did this happen? If selling the tape was pretty much Hoover's first idea (after the now you see it, now you don't explanation)...how did that all go down? Here's the mix: Hoover, LP, and GR. We already know Hoover placed a phone call to an attorney...so does it stand to reason that that person is common to all people involved? We know about the GR connection and we know about the LP connection. So who encouraged LP to call Hoover?

I definitely believe that. No one knows better how to cash in on poor Caylee's death than LP.
I would like to tell the jurors about the searcher debacle, Laura Buchanan, et al., but I really don't think it will be necessary.
Maybe wait awhile, and JB will bring it up himself. Lol:crazy:

I would think that JB would bring in some of the Texas Equasearch workers up to the witness stand to enforce in the jurors mind the area was searched extensively, although I still think Caylee's remains could have been easily overlooked or not found due to the weather. I read something about Laura Buchanan but cannot remember what I read. What was her importance in the search?
I am still creeped out to know that GA & CA held a Meet & Greet to raise money.
That is something new I learned today.

They needed money to fund the Caylee is Alive search while working against the TM and TES volunteer search and instructing DC and JH to do the Move the Body search, since the area was drying out and they needed to check else the game would be up.
I was only able to watch today in bits and pieces. When did Ann Finnell file the motion for the mistrial and ask Perry to begin jury selection with a non death-qualified jury? Was this at the end of today's testimony or did it happen earlier in the day? TIA

HHJP isn't hearing any mistrial motions until the end of the trial, he was pretty clear about that... and it is just a motion to protect future possible appellate issues - no biggie.
I was only able to watch today in bits and pieces. When did Ann Finnell file the motion for the mistrial and ask Perry to begin jury selection with a non death-qualified jury? Was this at the end of today's testimony or did it happen earlier in the day? TIA

She filed the motion mid morning today.

He left it up to her when she wanted him to hear it, narrowed down to Wednesday or Thursday after court. He told her to figure out what is good for both her and the prosecution and let him know.
I definitely believe that. No one knows better how to cash in on poor Caylee's death than LP.
...and interestingly enough, LP was in the thick of things with DC...this references it here:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4149194&postcount=335"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Tony Padilla part 2[/ame]
In December 2008 Det. Yuri Melich and John Allen served the Anthonys with a search warrant. At that time, Cindy stated, "I sent someone there a month ago and nothing was there", referring to the site where the remains were found.

We know that Dominic Casey was the PI working for the Anthonys at that time, so it makes sense that it was Cindy who sent DC to search the woods off of Suburban Drive.
That doesn't change my opinion. By then Cindy know DC and Hoover had conducted their own little search, it would be just like her to say they did it at her request, not understanding the implications. If Cindy's phone records showed she was talking to DC during the time they were searching, the defense would have been all over that today.
I would think that JB would bring in some of the Texas Equasearch workers up to the witness stand to enforce in the jurors mind the area was searched extensively, although I still think Caylee's remains could have been easily overlooked or not found due to the weather. I read something about Laura Buchanan but cannot remember what I read. What was her importance in the search?

Ummm - he tried that and searched and interviewed until he was blue in the face - but anyone who was close said the area was under water....curses - thwarted again.....

He even had a sort of searcher called Laura Buchanan who got caught fudging her reports on that search area - naughty naughty Baez...
I would think that JB would bring in some of the Texas Equasearch workers up to the witness stand to enforce in the jurors mind the area was searched extensively, although I still think Caylee's remains could have been easily overlooked or not found due to the weather. I read something about Laura Buchanan but cannot remember what I read. What was her importance in the search?

He has been searching high and low for 2 1/2 years to find one who will agree with his theory. Laura Buchanan was his best bet, and she turned out to be a liar. Surprise, surprise.
I'm watching Nancy Grace rerun and she's yelling that CASEY demanded to stop the trial by claiming she's crazy. I admit I have little patience for Nancy but seriously...

Nancy really isn't in the best position to yell at other people for making money off the case. Maybe I would find this more tolerable if she didn't keep yelling "tot mom". Never could stand that nickname. I find it annoying and demeaning to Caylee.

I need to read back the last few pages. I did watch Dr Drew and the sub host had the psychic on for about 30 seconds and cut her off?? That was a little odd. He said they ran out of time. Well, I think she's full of it but hours of excruciating testimony today were all about things she said and directions she gave those rather sad PIs on the phone.
That doesn't change my opinion. By then Cindy know DC and Hoover had conducted their own little search, it would be just like her to say they did it at her request, not understanding the implications. If Cindy's phone records showed she was talking to DC during the time they were searching, the defense would have been all over that today.

Yes, so would the SA have. No I think Cindy was just windbagging it while she was still insisting Caylee was alive and off somewhere with someone.
HHJP isn't hearing any mistrial motions until the end of the trial, he was pretty clear about that... and it is just a motion to protect future possible appellate issues - no biggie.

I read that in the Orlando newspaper that he said "he may hear the matter as soon as Wednesday or Thursday." I was hoping that it was another fruitless motion since this jury was selected before this ruling went into effect.
Does anyone know if the DT can cross on rebuttal? I usually just lurk here and don't watch the actual trial?
She filed the motion mid morning today.

He left it up to her when she wanted him to hear it, narrowed down to Wednesday or Thursday after court. He told her to figure out what is good for both her and the prosecution and let him know.

Thanks so much! I am trying to keep up and this is the first day that I missed watching since trial began. My hat is off to those of you with so much knowledge to share!
Does anyone know if the DT can cross on rebuttal? I usually just lurk here and don't watch the actual trial?

I'm sorry I don't understand your question exactly.
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