2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Please please please let HHJP's threat to JB about working tomorrow (Sat) come true. He has said things in the past and let it go. Hope he hold JB's feet to the fire this time.

They usually work Saturday's.....I hope he makes them work Sun., Mon., etc. Get this done already.
As the judge said, what did he exclude? The defense has had years with some of this information and defied the judges orders about the reports over and over again. Knowing that it would penalize Casey for something her lawyers did, the judge did NOT exclude it, but did give the PT time to take additional depos.

He is offering JB the exact same remedy. Unfortunately, JB wants it out, he does not want to take depos b/c he knows there is no fixing this. Cindy lied, Dr. Spitz went too far calling Dr. G's work shoddy.

As the judge said, it should be NO SURPRISE to anyone that the PT would ask someone at Gentiva about Cindy being at work when she flat out lied and made stuff up about her timecards not really being accurate. That's what the rebuttal is for. JB has a lot of nerve talking about getting a computer expert to look at this when he used those records and they stipulated that they were accurate.

It should be NO SURPRISE to anyone that the state would call a witness to defend not opening the skull. And to question this Dr.'s qualifications is laughable. The state only had one pathologist on the witness list, and it would look like she was trying to cover up a mistake if Dr. G testified about it. So they are calling an unbiased, highly qualified expert to inform the jury about the procedure.

As for the saline wash of the skull, that was in the report, they are just going to rebut Dr. Spitz's assertion that it is brain matter.

I think the judge has done an excellent job of bending over backwards to be more than fair. It might not be "equal" for the state, but he is guarding Casey's rights to such a degree that this will never be overturned. He knows that her lawyers are certainly not doing it! And he can't force her to have a better lawyer, so he has to look out for her.

It is frustrating to see JA get blasted for the same crap JB gets away with, but I know in the long run it is in the interest of justice.

Heck, we non attorneys knew .....how could Baez NOT know? Strike that.:banghead:
WFTV is playing part of Cindy's testimony about who used their home computer - she said 'even friends of Casey's used it'. So did she meet some of Casey's imaginary friends??!!
National Enquirer is supposed to do a story on ICA.
She is tellimg inmates she is pregnant thinking will save her from the DP! She is tying her shirt to show the jury her "pseudo" aby bunp!
I think that's why she got a mental health eval.
Who in the same position would be concerned with their shirt. I have no doubt, I would be in a straight jacket by now.

How thoughtful, ICA giving us a fashion show. Why would her attorney's allow this? The ICA fashion show just proves to the world that she is only concerned about herself. I would love to tie that knot around her neck.:banghead:
Bill Sheaffer saying Cindy is getting dangerously close to a perjury charge and successful prosecution against her, but her medicine excuse is one "out"--she's close but not there yet, in his opinion.
We can also blame CA for today's delay. Had she not "changed" her testimony, this situation would have not come up.
IS has Krystal on. Please!!

It makes me sick to my stomach watching her over and over again..why are they doing this, and they that desperate to fill air time. They are giving her exactly what she wants, air time to spew her lies. She asked to be on Vinnies show yesterday they did not seek her out. I rest my case!

That woman no more had thousands of dollars to give away than I do.
Let's just get on with it!! I hear the 'welcoming committee' is preparing for Miss Anthony's arrival..

She said something that would not include the DP.

I am posting what was said. I am not giving my opinion.

This is going to shock some, but I wouldn't be surprised if the judge gave the jury an 'out' by instructing them to consider '2nd degree'. There may be a few jurors that still can't reconcile the 1st degree charge (for whatever the reason) and it would prevent a hung jury.
People on WFTV are saying that ICA mouthed "I wish you had" or "son of a b&#%" after her dad's testimony about committing suicide. Anyone have a link?

NG played that clip last night with a body language expert trying to analyze what she said- he couldn't - she was mumbling something knowing the camera was on her of course..
Who in the same position would be concerned with their shirt. I have no doubt, I would be in a straight jacket by now.

IMO, respectively, she does not get it. It is all about her,IMO.
As the judge said, what did he exclude? The defense has had years with some of this information and defied the judges orders about the reports over and over again. Knowing that it would penalize Casey for something her lawyers did, the judge did NOT exclude it, but did give the PT time to take additional depos.

He is offering JB the exact same remedy. Unfortunately, JB wants it out, he does not want to take depos b/c he knows there is no fixing this. Cindy lied, Dr. Spitz went too far calling Dr. G's work shoddy.

As the judge said, it should be NO SURPRISE to anyone that the PT would ask someone at Gentiva about Cindy being at work when she flat out lied and made stuff up about her timecards not really being accurate. That's what the rebuttal is for. JB has a lot of nerve talking about getting a computer expert to look at this when he used those records and they stipulated that they were accurate.

It should be NO SURPRISE to anyone that the state would call a witness to defend not opening the skull. And to question this Dr.'s qualifications is laughable. The state only had one pathologist on the witness list, and it would look like she was trying to cover up a mistake if Dr. G testified about it. So they are calling an unbiased, highly qualified expert to inform the jury about the procedure.

As for the saline wash of the skull, that was in the report, they are just going to rebut Dr. Spitz's assertion that it is brain matter.

I think the judge has done an excellent job of bending over backwards to be more than fair. It might not be "equal" for the state, but he is guarding Casey's rights to such a degree that this will never be overturned. He knows that her lawyers are certainly not doing it! And he can't force her to have a better lawyer, so he has to look out for her.

It is frustrating to see JA get blasted for the same crap JB gets away with, but I know in the long run it is in the interest of justice.

Thanks button not enough!
He'll probably find a way to weasle out of it and the Judge will give him the benefit of a doubt and we'll move on.
Many of the items of clothing Casey has been provided with for this trial have obviously been SIZES too big for her. In terms of fit, we saw gaping at the neck and shoulder seams sitting down on the deltoid area of the upper arm. To the point of someone on WS commenting that the one sweater- the wrap-around number - appeared to have been left behind by Andrea Lyon!

It has occured to me that rather than purchasing these many garments new, female members of the defense team may have been bringing in items from their own wardrobes? Because if purchasing them new, no one would continue to purchase incorrect sizes again and again, would they?

Casey appears to be doing what she can to make the clothing articles fit better. Psychologically, I guess it just indicates that she is interested in presenting herself in an attractive manner to the world.

I cannot imagine why her defense team would continue to provide her with ill fitting clothing items. Pehaps there is indeed a known trial tactic that advises dressing the defendant in clothing that is too big in order to make them look small and defenseless, I don't know.

But in this case, it just made the defendant tie weird knots and fuss and fuss with the provided clothing all day long!
It's been said the oversized clothing was done intentionally, along with lowering her seat so much, to make her appear small/childlike/vulnerable.

There are videos from hearings in April where ICA is sitting in the same types of chairs and she is not lowered like she has been on trial here.
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