2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

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OMG! Caylee knows what happened to her and she can wield lightning. She didn't strike her mommy, the jurors, the courthouse or the defense team. Maybe she wants us to know that justice was properly served for her.

So many different ways to interpret a sign.

I choose to believe the heavens are pizzed...Both Jupiter and Zeus have spoken..JMHO
If it's a sign from beyond, I read it mean:
"I am here, watching this. Don't forget what happened and where I was left for 6 months. It was right here in this spot!"

If not, it's a hugely strange coincidence.
My word. I just posted yesterday that I was going to sit back and wait for Karma to strike. If this is in fact true, it sure didn't take long.

storms rolling in to the Anthony's neigborhood

What a beautiful angry sky that is!!
That's how I'm feeling, too. And all of this fits with the weird sense I've been having for some time that everything to do with this case has meaning in a bigger picture. I even sensed before the verdict that it wasn't going to be what we thought; I didn't understand why that would be, but I felt it clearly, just as I felt that the choice of Baez as her lawyer, against all odds and reason, was somehow part of this larger plan.

I know this makes me sound like some kind of flake, but I am only reporting my *feelings* about it. I don't claim to know anything for sure; it's just my intuition.

I'm not a chemist, and neither do I know how to use a divining rod.

You know collective energy directed at the same point can be a powerful thing. With so many people being upset right now, directed at Casey and her family (and the jurors), it just makes you wonder if the universe isn't responding to that. On the flip side, collective good energy can do powerful things as well.
There is a severe storm in my area now. I am west of the Anthony home by many miles, but the storm came from the east. The weather today has been unusual for this time of year. The sky has been overcast all day. I had rain when driving to work at 5 AM. It is very rare for rain in the morning in July. We get daily afternoon rains, but normally it is clear skies until the rain hits. It really does feel like the heavens are weeping.

There is a low out in the Gulf - looks like it will head towards us up here in North Florida, but you should get some rain from it over the next few days.
Lightening hit the wrong target. But I get the message.
[image removed for space]
storms rolling in to the Anthony's neigborhood

I just came in from mowing because it looked like it was gonna start storming.....I had been inside about 15 minutes and standing in the living room looking out the side windows to the front of the house was pitch black. Looking out the french doors to the patio and back yard was bright sunshine. Very eerie feeling and then I see this thread?
And FTR - Lightening is destructive... and not a sign of anything good.
That's how I'm feeling, too. And all of this fits with the weird sense I've been having for some time that everything to do with this case has meaning in a bigger picture. I even sensed before the verdict that it wasn't going to be what we thought; I didn't understand why that would be, but I felt it clearly, just as I felt that the choice of Baez as her lawyer, against all odds and reason, was somehow part of this larger plan.

I know this makes me sound like some kind of flake, but I am only reporting my *feelings* about it. I don't claim to know anything for sure; it's just my intuition.

I'm not a chemist, and neither do I know how to use a divining rod.

If you stayed in a Holiday Inn last night that's good enough for me. Sometimes when we are emotionally invested in something we do sense things. It happens. jmo
"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra"

Anybody know what I am referring to?

(oh and just for the record - in our speech we use near constant metaphors to express ourselves)
If there was something found linking FCA to the site, could she be charged with improper disposal of a body?
Didn't the lights go out in court the first day of jury selection? Anyone remember? I could be wrong, my brain is fried after this trial.
I think it's a sign that a demon will be released back into society. The acquittal has made this demon better...stronger...faster...even BIONIC! Those who have contributed to the acquittal will have hell to pay. So if you know these people you better move out of the way!

It's no coincidence that Johnny Cochran who was the "brains of the defense" suffered and died of brain cancer. I believe Robert kardashian would still be here today had he not been on that defense team. Shapiro suffered some tragedy as well.

Juror #6 has balls enough to state to the media that he seeks $50,000 for an interview? Seeking to get rich off an innocent murdered little girl that received no justice? No shame what. so. ever.

Casey may make some money but it won't last. She'll be broke and living with her parents within 3 years tormenting them to hell. It's bigger...stronger...faster...BIONIC! Oh just wait for the emotional explosion when Casey comes home and just does away with Caylee's belongings including cleaning that free standing mirror in her room that still has Caylee's hand print. Cindy won't clean that mirror because to her it would be like washing Caylee away. Casey? It's her room and the mirror is dirty. Period. I can hear that demon now, "The mirror is f'n dirty. Caylee is dead and she ain't comin' back, GET OVER IT!"

Hmph. Cindy and George will be fighting each other trying to choke the crap out of that lovely daughter of theirs.

God does not like ugly and He ain't too crazy about pretty either.

VERY well said!!! :)
WOW when you work in my business you see allot of weird phenomenons. This is a restless soul IMO. Why that exact area? Why that exact tree? Why on this day. The odds would be trillions to one against it.

Thank the good Lord or who/whatever you want.....I'm glad Caylee is that ^^^one^^^.
If it's a sign from beyond, I read it mean:
"I am here, watching this. Don't forget what happened and where I was left for 6 months. It was right here in this spot!"

If not, it's a hugely strange coincidence.

So many coincidences in this case it makes my head swim.
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