Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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So let me get this right - presumably to get your top Gold Coast lawyer at your house before the police arrive you have to arrange this the night before right -so the guy has time to get there and all. Oh and you dont't always stay at the same address, so what do you tell the guy on the phone the night before ,' nah mate come to Brookfield mate, thats where I'll be' Is this what you have to do ??
Wow so many emotions to watch out for today. The funeral was such a moving and poignant tribute to a wonderful mother and friend. So glad the community was so supportive - it is really heartwarming. I think Allison was a symbol for mothers everywhere just someone who tried to keep everthing together for her family and ensure the happiness of her gorgeous girls. That was simply her most important role and you can tell she revelled in caring for them

But I can tell you if my husband ever moved on and was with someone else and even if this occurred when we were together as an affair of some sort and then I had been murdered - my ex would beg and beseech my parents to allow a poem or some sort of outward sign that he respected both myself and my family at my funeral. I think the fact that GBC remained silent throughout the service is telling at the very least.

And although initially my parents would be devastated by my ex's actions and the thought of him abandoning me there is no way they would deny him to recognise his grief. I think the ABC's parents would be the same. Never in a million years would someone who had such a huge role in someones life not utter one word at their childrens mother's funeral. There would have to be a reason for this.

I cannot imagine the ABC's parents silencing anyone. Their mantra has been we believe she was precious and can only hope she touched your life. So I cannot imagine them not wanting her hubby to play a part ---unless their was some kind of doubt to his genuineness.....

I hate my ex...dont talk to him, delete any emails/txts etc off him...he didled me out of thousands and refusers to pay...he even squirms out of child support...but....should he die tomorrow, and I was able to attend the funeral...I would speak on his behalf about our good times...and how the kids used to follow him around when they were little...reminding me of little ducks...i would speak of the good person he was... of something funny that happened...and I would feel it was my job....unless of course his family requested I not attend.

One only needs to remember Lady Di's death and how Prince Charles acted, attended etc...met the coffin, directed the children....etc...
The middle B-C child was very much a mummy's girl, very clingy to Allison, today must have been very hard for all 3 girls.

I was told today that cause of death is definitely strangulation and unless toxicology reports provide some physical evidence it may be a while before an arrest is made as most evidence is circumstantial.

We've been discussing what information could have triggered police to act so quickly - I was told that GB-C's lawyer was at the house when police arrived! GB-C told police that the kids were at home that night and one of the children said they weren't.

Strangulation fact?

If so IMO a woman is not a prime figure in this.

Not strong enough to sustain that strength whilst resisting a fighting victim.

Only GBC has those wounds mirroring that fight with scratches and bruises some of which were on his shoulders *which apparently was tried to be excused by 'only mossie bites'
So let me get this right - presumably to get your top Gold Coast lawyer at your house before the police arrive you have to arrange this the night before right -so the guy has time to get there and all. Oh and you dont't always stay at the same address, so what do you tell the guy on the phone the night before ,' nah mate come to Brookfield mate, thats where I'll be' Is this what you have to do ??

Otherwise known as the WWGBCD way of doing things!
didnt someone mention masons earlier? they really look after their fellow members and very powerful with members in high places, maybe they have provided the lawyer services?

Yes, I think there is a masonic connection somewhere, but am not sure.
Strangulation fact?

If so IMO a woman is not a prime figure in this.

Not strong enough to sustain that strength whilst resisting a fighting victim.

Only GBC has those wounds mirroring that fight with scratches and bruises some of which were on his shoulders *which apparently was tried to be excused by 'only mossie bites'

Last night I referenced the Maria Korp case.
Weak male having the mistress act on his behalf. I'm really starting to wonder if it's a similar scenario.

Strangulation could be achieved by a weaker female if assisted by another party pushing the victim down or even the female straddling the victim.

After reading an article last night from someone who knew GBC at school then he could well be the "if you loved me you would do it" type.
The allegation that Allison went for a walk was initially provided by GBC. This was later amended again by GBC to state she was in front of the television when he last saw her. This has been reported throughout the various threads of this forum and links to MSM. The walk theory is therefore redundant in this matter and needs no further exploring.

But even when I get my hair done nicely.. If I am having a huge argument with someone I would still head outside for air and walk it off... That said I wouldn't go for a run or do anything strenuous.. Buy a walk doesn't do too much damage...

GBC's beard
Aside from the fact GBC has grown this beard in the three weeks since Allison's 'disappearance' (with various suppositions of covering scratches, because his counsel said to do it etc) I would be most interested to find out whether he regularly grows beards or is clean shaven.

In his role as principal of a real estate franchise, one would presume he would maintain a clean shaven, professional appearance at all times. As such, his persistent inability to locate a razor, even on the day of his wife's funeral, distinguishes his behaviour as most out of the ordinary.
Hey guys.. Just throwing it out there... What about...

GBC and ABC's marriage is on the rocks... Everyone knows... Their families knows.. Maybe he had moved onto another women.. Who knows how long it was going on for. Staying together in the same house for the sake of the kids.. For the time being. Sleeping in separate beds. It was over due to perhaps infidelity which would explain the hatred of ABCs family towards GBC.

On that night.. ABC is watching the footy show .. Getting ready to go for her walk.. They have an argument and she storms out of the house to get some air and ,go for a walk.. And he goes to his bed.. Alone. This seems to fit with his alibi of. Both the footy show and going to bed? Perhaps might also explain the arguing that some of their neighbors have rumored to have heard. If I woke up the next morning and cannot find my partner and their bed was unslept in... Then I would call
000 immediately as I would of thought they were in an accident and are lying injured somewhere.

On ABCs walk.. She heads down to the roundabout...? Looking at the maps it could be a significant walk.. And I think I saw a petrol station near the roundabout? Or shops.. She could of been getting a drink/snack... What if she unfortunately gets hit by a car? The driver then panics and disposes of her? Or.. What if there was attempted abduction.. That could explain the screams that were Also rumored to of been heard (although I read here that they were from a party.. And I'm not sure of their location in regards to the roundabout.. I don't want to loose all my writing going back to find it!)

This could explain the police attention around the roundabout.. Could of been a scene of an accident or abduction.. Or nearby which may of had the culprit driving through the roundabout.?

I dunno..while I agree GBCs beaviour is suss as hell.. But given the tension and scenario it definitely looks bad... And some people act crazy guilty without doing anything wrong.. I am kinda similar... I guess initially I thought of someone's quote here "if it looks like a ducks, sounds likes duck, then it's a duck...".... But I dunno.. I see my above scenario as entirely plausible....? If the police said to GBC that your a likely suspect... Or gave off that feeling... Then the police may think he would jepordise any location in attempting to help search around for ABC. It would make me call a lawyer immediately as well.

That said.. I have taken the time to write it down.. Please go ahead and pick it apart hehe.

Ps. I dont know anyone personLly involved and I'm from another state.. And this is purely putting my thoughts out there for discussion. :)

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Not likely in that area....not too sure what state your from but Brisbane is like a big country town...everyone knows everyone...or knows of someone that does...especially the case for the teenage kids growing up and EVEN MORE SO THESE DAYS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA LIKE FB...and Kenmore/Brookie is not the area where you do that stuff.... Moggil road is like the start of a dead end road....ask any young kid what its like growing up out there..BORING, NO PUB TRANSPORT, OLDIES EVERYWHERE, KIDS ARE ALL IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS...YAH CANT GET AWAY WITH NOTHING...perfect for bringing up well adjusted kids...
Hurriedly obtaining the sevices of the big guns admits guilt IMO
Would he be "admitting" guilt this early in the piece?

I'm thinking out loud here, my head has hundreds of things going thru it at the moment :)

It certainly makes him look guilty, however it is well known that statistics indicate if a spouse is missing, the partner is the first suspect the police will zero in and investigate. This could explain why he got his lawyer involved so early ... and it might have been a very wise move on his part (at the cost of making him look guilty).
Thought of you and your tow-ball interest late last night when someone here posted a screen-cap of police re-enactments last night showing a 4xwheel towing a trailer. Did you see it?

No I didnt Laserdisc10....Im stuck over here on a different timezone in the land of the 'free'. Cant even watch sunrise or my beloved AFL lately...somehow all aussie tv is blocked! but I can see if someone can provide me a link thru here...oddly enough...(so homesick)
It certainly makes him look guilty, however it is well known that statistics indicate if a spouse is missing, the partner is the first suspect the police will zero in and investigate. This could explain why he got his lawyer involved so early ... and it might have been a very wise move on his part (at the cost of making him look guilty).

It's almost as though you overheard a conversation that my husband and I just had.

He says he would do the same thing because "those bastards would try and pin it on me"
No I didnt Laserdisc10....Im stuck over here on a different timezone in the land of the 'free'. Cant even watch sunrise or my beloved AFL lately...somehow all aussie tv is blocked! but I can see if someone can provide me a link thru here...oddly enough...(so homesick)

Page one of this thread - post #3

There has been some discussion since on whether it is infact a ute instead of car and trailer combo.
You be the judge.
Strangulation fact?

If so IMO a woman is not a prime figure in this.

Not strong enough to sustain that strength whilst resisting a fighting victim.

Only GBC has those wounds mirroring that fight with scratches and bruises some of which were on his shoulders *which apparently was tried to be excused by 'only mossie bites'

OMG - there was a picture put up a few threads back - I had the most horrible thought when I saw it; the washing basket picture - but I thought it was my eyes/ poor quality picture..

I think when the press said there was a suspected accomplice, and a former colleague had got themselves a lawyer - at around the same time, you put two and two together and get 5! now I think the suspected accomplice may not be a female ( well work colleague female)
Regarding the possibility of having used trailer ... don't you think the media would have reported that the police also took a trailer, if there was one in the property, or do you think he hired one? Is there a trailer hire place open 24/7 nearby?

Im sure the c21 or a mate has one...propably just laying around out at the front of their house? all servo's in the area have hire trailers...they are not even locked thinking is that he would just knock one off if he needed to...he would NO WAY use his own....IMHO he aint dumb...then just drop it off at the end of the night???

but I could be wrong....I just got a hunch thats all...

and your right I guess...the cops would have said "everyone, check your trailers in case they have been moved thru the night" if they thought he maybe they have found something else...???
That's right, and the guy was reprimanded by QPS Media by twitter for not keeping the embargo unit 5 am. At the same time, CM released their story about the road blocks at about 23:45 (which I read) but was pulled a few minutes later (also reprimanded by QPS Media?). The police had gagged the media until 5 am about their plans.

You know, I'm far more interested in BrookieLocal's saying the lawyer (gun lawyer, criminal lawyer) was on the premises when the police arrived. Whether or not this is true will emerge later

Police and media have stated GBC alerted police to Allison's alleged 'missing' status at approx. 7 am/7.30 am

As far as we're aware, the children had not spent the night at home. Whether or not this was the case will come out in the wash later

When the police arrived, GBC allegedly told police the children had been home all night and the kids allegedly contradicted him. Whether or not this occurred will come out in the wash later

So picture the hypothetical scene:

* police arrive in response to a summons by a husband who claims his wife has not returned from her walk

* police are surprised to find a criminal lawyer is already physically present and is advising/representing his client

* police ask the husband when he last saw his wife

* husband claims he last saw her at approx. 10 am the night before. Claims he went to bed. Claims he last saw her sitting in front of the tv. Claims he awoke to find her missing. Maybe he claims she sometimes took an early morning walk. Maybe he forgets to mention she'd planned an early start in order to attend a day-long conference

* police ask the children if they've seen mum that morning

* kids say no -- they only just got home after spending the night at a sleep-over

* police turn to the husband and make a show of studying their notes. They say, ' You told us you'd been home all night with the children'

* Police then turn to the lawyer and ask when he arrived on the premises. Maybe the lawyer replies that's confidential information

* Police ask the lawyer if he's a personal friend of the family? Could this explain his unusual presence? When did he arrive at the home and for what reason?

* Lawyer declines to reply

* Police ask husband for description of allegedly missing wife and whatever clothing she may be wearing

* Husband is quite explicit re: the details

* Police ask how he could know these details if he last saw his wife at 10am the previous night

* Certain observances were made and noted by attending police

* The presence of a criminal lawyer in the home of a woman who's perhaps half to a quarter of an hour late from what's claimed to be her regular morning walk indicates to police that something's a little off about this story when combined with observances they've made and noted. They very swiftly swing into action and the media takes up the story

The other thing that intrigues me is when was the lawyer first contacted?

What was relayed to him that caused him to regard the matter as one of such vital urgency that he jumped up, showered and dressed and made his way to the client's home?

What was relayed to him that convinced him it was worth getting to the client's home at sunrise?

Did the client himself decide he needed to summon a criminal lawyer?

Or did he confer with one or more others who convinced him he needed immediate representation by a criminal lawyer?

What convinced the one or more others that a criminal lawyer was necessary, first thing in the morning and before police had even been contacted?
OMG - there was a picture put up a few threads back - I had the most horrible thought when I saw it; the washing basket picture - but I thought it was my eyes/ poor quality picture..

I think when the press said there was a suspected accomplice, and a former colleague had got themselves a lawyer - at around the same time, you put two and two together and get 5! now I think the suspected accomplice may not be a female ( well work colleague female)

The Media stated a female ex collegue had hired a lawyer.
I'm always being told "google is your friend"

Maybe in this case it's GBCs worst enemy because his computer shows proof of him googling the legal reps details.
OMG - there was a picture put up a few threads back - I had the most horrible thought when I saw it; the washing basket picture - but I thought it was my eyes/ poor quality picture..

I think when the press said there was a suspected accomplice, and a former colleague had got themselves a lawyer - at around the same time, you put two and two together and get 5! now I think the suspected accomplice may not be a female ( well work colleague female)

IMO if there was an accomplice, I believe it would have been after the fact (cover-up only).
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