Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #5

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Please no rumors or indicating that you have secret info that others are not privy to.

I was only just reading up about Richard Dorrough a few nights ago, and also thought he was a great fit for MM, the only thing that ended my suspicion was the reporting of him being looked into for further crimes and ruled out against major crimes around Australia, and then his suicide note which indicated he had murdered 3 people, 2 of which are widely known and the 3rd has been identified but not confirmed. but thinking of it now after reading your post there is nothing stopping him travelling interstate for a few nights, abducting, murdering and dumping his victim and then returning home, it is possible his mention of 3 victims could be him confessing to new unknown victims, the Claremont girls.

All in all he is a great fit but I am sure WAPOL and MACRO have looked into him extensively and with him being dead even with the slightest of suspicions they could reveal him as a suspect without the fear of him doing a runner or hiding evidence.

Him being a newly converted Jehovah witness was something I did not know of though, nothing like being preached the word of god from a serial killer! oh the irony.
Maybe someone liked to bush bash their taxi too TIC

Pretty sure, if it is a legit taxi, taking it in covered in crap isnt going to impress the next driver


Possibly, or it may have been someone who didnt own a bucket, sponge and chamois.
Could the perp be Richard Dorrough?

He was connected to the murder of the NSW street-based prostitute Rachael Campbell (murdered on 6-7/11/1998 - body located on 7th). She was found in St Joseph's Church grounds in Rosebery (Sydney NSW) at 193 degrees to where she was picked up (last sighting) in Darlinghurst. Person living in neighbouring property heard what they considered to be a car boot slamming at 2am. NSW police considered at one time that an orange combi van was driven by the perpetrator. Could this indicate that the panelvan linked to Karrakatta rape victim shows Dorrough had 'traveling' accommodation for a purpose? Campbell's body was left with a fitted bed sheet and 2 blankets.

Ultimately, he was not convicted of Rachael Campbell's murder; he did not fight his DNA was linked to her, nor that bite marks were his. His defense lawyer played the smoke and mirrors game and raised issues about Campbell's ex who happened to be her pimp on the night she was murdered. DNA evidence is not the be all and end all by any means !

Dorrough had bitten her many times - forensic dentistry matched his teeth to bite marks on her body. He used a knife - stabbed her various times. He also attempted to strangle her.

Did he flee Sydney immediately after Rachael Campbell's murder and murder a WA street-based prostitute Lisa Brown (ex Northbridge) on 10 November 1998 ?

Could Dorrough by MM? Have a look at this Channel 7 news item posted on youtube. The rear hairline is very similar to MMs, including how he has long bits on each side of his (rear) hairline just like MM ! His body size and height are about right also. Could the WA police have been attempting to match Dorrough as MM hence the CIA doc release in August 2008 which must have been very close to when his DNA first collected in Queensland was uploaded to the OZ DNA database???


Also interesting to me is that NSW police nabbed Dorrough via DNA after his DNA was collected in Qld after he was charged with murder (by motor vehicle accident but escaped conviction) and his DNA was uploaded to the Oz DNA database in 2008 - he was then charged with the 1998 murder in January 2009 and extradited from WA early January 2009. Also interesting to me is WA media early 2014 predicted there was going to be a break in the Claremont case which WA police denied; and Dorrough committed suicide in August 2014. The Davey inquest held in April 2016 ; news reports detail how he was or had converted to Jehovah Witness and found it difficult dealing with his past history. Details at the inquest showed he had attempted to take Davey onboard HMAS Geelong but was refused permission to board with her. What a strange thing to try?

At first glance, I'd have to say that Dorrough is unlikely to be the CSK, considering he would've been 18 at the time of the murders and didn't actually live in Perth. Also, if he confessed to 3 then why wouldn't he confess to then all in his suicide note? It's a possibility that the ship he was posted to came alongside in Fremantle for all four victims, but this is extremely unlikely. He would've also had to have hired a vehicle whilst on shore leave, again very unlikely.

He was also in Darwin at the time of JR and CG's murder and in Melbourne when SS disappeared and when Karrakatta rape occurred. So, overall I'd say the chance of Dorrough being the CSK is zero. He would need to have been posted to four different ships at once which is impossible.

Unless you think he drove there from all the above listed spots , committed the murders and then drove back?
Yeah his established time line doesn't fit whatsoever, but the fact he was 18 at the time means nothing, his known first murder was when he was 19.
Yeah his established time line doesn't fit whatsoever, but the fact he was 18 at the time means nothing, his known first murder was when he was 19.

How many 18 yr olds were driving a brand new VS Commodore station wagon in those days?
I'm not saying it was him I'm merely saying ruling someone out based on being 18 is silly. for the sake of your question, not many, but I'm sure some had access either by employment, parents or rental. Yes in this case it is extremely rare, but it is possible.
A lot more students left school at 15 than they do today. A printing apprentice that left school at 15 would be into their 3 year of apprenticeship. If the printing apprentice was doing night printing at say a newspaper, they would be earning double time. Some apprentices do 12 hour days in say, the printing trade.
The same goes with an apprentice chef. Living home with their parents they could easily afford a VS Commodore.
So in all fairness, it is still realistic. 18 years of age is pretty brazen at that age though.

How many 18 yr olds were driving a brand new VS Commodore station wagon in those days?
I'm not saying it was him I'm merely saying ruling someone out based on being 18 is silly. for the sake of your question, not many, but I'm sure some had access either by employment, parents or rental. Yes in this case it is extremely rare, but it is possible.

I think in general it's silly to rule out someone just because they're 18, but when you consider the facts of the Claremont case, I think it's pretty silly to think that an 18 yr old was the CSK.

-drove a brand new VS Commodore
-links to screen printing
-intelligence to plan and execute what seems like flawless murders
-familiarity with the dump locations
-knowledge of forensics and police procedures
-not brag or tell anyone about the crimes
-intimidating enough to threaten and subdue 4 women

Hardly sounds like an 18 year old kid?
Maybe someone liked to bush bash their taxi too TIC

Pretty sure, if it is a legit taxi, taking it in covered in crap isnt going to impress the next driver

Its not impossible, infact, iirc, one of the early POI was described as having a dirty looking taxi, one would assume he handed it over to another driver without issue all the time.
Are you starting an argument for the sake of arguing? I already said I don't think he is the CSK, I'm not sure how clear I can make that, I'm simply suggesting that ruling someone out for being 18 doesn't make sense. there are plenty of teenagers whom have murdered and kept it quiet, whom have moved on to become serial killers it hardly sounds like your typical 18 year old, not all 18 year olds are typical.

An 18 year old could have access to a brand new car, although owning it may be unlikely
An 18 year old could have a family member with links to screen printing, the link does not confirm the person worked in screen printing by any means as he link could extend beyond simply working in screen printing.
An 18 year could indeed have the intelligence to plan and execute such murders, there are plenty of stupid people whom have gotten away with multiple murders.
Why could an 18 year old not be familiar with the dump sites, please explain? and keep in mind there is no evidence to suggest the CSK was familiar, this is simply an assumption, he may have just drove till the tank was half empty and found a place to dump the body.
There is nothing stopping an 18 year old from having a general knowledge, we are talking about an 18 year old, not someone with a mental imapairment.
I'm sure there are plenty of 18 year old's who wouldn't need to brag about murdering someone if they did not want to be caught.
At 14 I could have intimidated and subdued women very easily, I was 5"11 and 95 KG, I see no reason why others couldn't, keeping in mind there are fully grown adult men that couldn't even do it, it's a matter of size and demeanor, not age.

An example of a teen who was only caught because one victim was lucky enough to escape.

Harvey Robinson, 17

Harvey Robinson is one of the youngest serial killers currently sitting on death row. Robinson raped and killed three adult women in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in the early 1990s, when he was 17 years old. His fourth victim was raped and beaten but managed to escape before Robinson could finish the job. Robinson was 19 when he was caught by local police after being identified by the escaped women.

No doubt an 18yr old could do it, just not that 18yr old as he was in other places so theres no point getting too upset or dwelling on it, with all due respect, it does nothing more than take the thread off track...
Did you actually read my post? I agreed with you (in general), but considering the known facts of the Claremont case any reasonable person surely would not think the CSK was 18, lol.

It seems to me you have a pretty high regard for your average 18 year olds intelligence, life experience, planning ability and overall maturity, let alone their ruthlessness to commit such crimes and then not confide in anyone about them.
You are talking about your typical 18 year old, I was talking about the non typical 18 year old, my partner just informed me after asking what I was doing that her auntie was murdered by 17 & 18 y/o brothers who were only caught after 21 years due to one of the brothers confessing and trying to pin it on the other brother that had committed suicide.

I said from the get go I doubted this guy was the CSK, evidence suggesting he was else where is the conclusion for this, nothing to do with him being 18 at the time, and there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest the CSK wasn't 18 (I'm not saying he was) but we don't have a clue how old he was.
Characteristics of serial killers

Serial murder has been described as deliberate, premeditated, and sexually predatory in nature, with a lack of interpersonal conflict and provocation (Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004: 338). The characteristics of serial killers - their behaviour, actions and motivation - are diverse, intricate and include cross-cultural variations (Folino 2000: 740).

When a motive is ascribed to the killing in serial murder it is usually characterised as either sexual or psychological gratification (Egger 1998). Sex is used by the serial killer to achieve power and control over their victim, as opposed to sex being an end in itself (Egger 1998). In a study of 494 known serial killers across the United States, almost two-thirds were motivated by the thrill of power or sexual sadism (Fox & Levin 2005).

International research has found a number of common characteristics among serial killers and their murders:

serial murder is predominantly committed by white/Caucasian males of moderate to high intelligence (Aki 2003; Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004; Fox & Levin 2005; Rule 1986 cited in Holmes & DeBurger 1998)
serial killers are usually aged in their mid-twenties with a mean age of 30, and the typical age range between 25 and 40 years (Aki 2003: 17; Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004; Godwin 1999)
serial killings are usually intra-racial (Hazelwood & Douglas 1980; Hickey 2006)
serial killers are more likely to act alone (Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004)
serial killers most commonly use strangulation or beating as a means of killing (Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004)
male serial killers are more likely to use strangulation, stabbing, ligature weapons, hands or feet (beating), cause injury to victim's head and genitalia (anus), bind victims and sexually assault victims (Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004: 336)
female serial killers are relatively uncommon - an overseas study of 200 serial killers found 12 to 17 percent were women (Hickey & Holmes 1991)
female serial killers were motivated by a need for financial security, revenge, enjoyment, and sexual stimulation (Hickey & Holmes1991; Riedel 1998)
female serial killers who act alone are more likely to use poison as a method of killing (Kelleher & Kelleher 1998)
serial killers usually premeditate their crimes, frequently fantasising and planning with detail, including the specific victim (Ressler, Burgess & Douglas 1988)
serial killers are likely to use similar event locations (but different physical locations) for their crimes, move the body from one location to another and dispose of the body in remote locations (Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004)
Do you mind clarifying this comment?

How would you know this?
Are you saying police divulge sensitive information about the case to an interested member of the public (that being yourself)?
On MAP - you have previously claimed he had been ruled out and then reneged (well actually, you just denied you were the poster who said it even though we know it was you). Now you're back saying you're in the know?
Apart from BC claiming there is DNA, do you have any other source that there is DNA?

Sure thing. I have asked re a lot of POI`s & got the idea all I named are ruled out. The usual suspects. Naturally I didn`t name some that have come up lately. ( For example ML)They don`t give out much info hey. But I deduced they actually might have no one for this. But I guess they have DNA. Unless the CSK gathers beer cans from one random bin & leaves them at a couple of spots to lead coppers off in a different direction. To make it look like he was at both scenes. Just speculating. But hey it does look like they have DNA & not from beer cans. Most likely from clothing, and car fibres. Yep MAP has been ruled out. And SR & PW. I wondered for yonks how they can just rule a lot of guys out. Then came the news that there was linkage between Karrakatta & CG. Then it fell into place that they have dna.
Not to mention ruling out Dixie, there is no confirmation of DNA having been found but common logic would dictate this is the reason for being able to eliminate suspects and POI's.
Police must have a DNA string to gain a profile off, surely? They must know what they are looking at. So why haven't they come out with a profile? And why haven't they run an Ancestry DNA query?

While police may have ruled POIs out. There may well have been two or more people involved in this, and the DNA does not match any of the current POIs. So while, say Dixie wasn't here for all the cases, there is nothing to say he may have been there in other incidents.

Ive still got my money on more than one person. Maybe the VS Commodore fibres are of a secondary vehicle, not involved in the actual crimes.
At first glance, I'd have to say that Dorrough is unlikely to be the CSK. It's a possibility that the ship he was posted to came alongside in Fremantle for all four victims, but this is extremely unlikely.

It is my belief that a maritime theory was investigated, however it proved unfruitful. No direct Navy connection was associated with it.
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