Baez no longer represents Casey--it's finally legal

BBM I'm not really worried about Cheney Mason falling for Casey's con's because Mrs. Mason, imo, looks like a real Southern woman and Southern women don't play that! Southern women are very protective over their men. Casey's not going to put anything past Mrs. Mason, imo. Mrs. Mason is watching her like a hawk, trust me! :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh:As a southern gal who doesn't keep her hubby on a short leash and who also feels hubby is a big boy and can look out for himself, I have different reasons for not worrying about Cheney Mason being manipulated by FCA. :floorlaugh:

CM's been around the block many times before as a criminal defense attorney and has seen plenty cons in his day. Mason, probably wasn't nearly as easy to manipulate as FCA might have thought, and I feel she has surely learned this by now.

BTW, I never bought his "grandfatherly" comments. He was doing and saying the right thing for his client and may not have even been sincere at all. He was more than likely trying to gain public sympathy for the "small" "fragile" client who was facing the death penalty and would later sit in that "small" lowered chair. Strategy.

I feel he also used this case as the perfect opportunity train his sucessor,LF in practicing criminal law in a very high profile case. Wow, look at the exposure and appeal experience she is getting from this.

I don't expect to see anything but business as usual from CM or LF from here on out. He did have his indulgance of a victory shooting the bird but that gives me no indication of what he thinks of her.

Incidently, this is sure different than Baez, who probably did buy her story at first, whatever that was, and who wore his emotions on his sleeve (even chastising her publicly once(stop acting like a two year old). :what:

All JMO........JMO.........
So now that Jose has officially resigned as attorney for FCA, he is on HLN doing commentary? I agree! They have stooped to an all time low! If they continue to have him on as a regular, they will lose me totally. I can't stand to look at that guy or listen to any bs that comes out of his mouth. What in the world is HLN thinking?

Is JB really doing panelist duties on HLN? I haven't sat down to watch in so long. I feel conned when I watch them sometimes.
I'd rather see JB hosting one of those "World's Dumbest" shows on TruTV. You know, where they get screwups like Tanya Harding and Danny Bonnaducci to throw in their juvenile commentary.
Reminds me of my favorite southern belle joke:

Two Southern ladies, Maribelle and AnneMarie, were sitting on the porch drinking mint juleps. They have the following conversation, best imagined with an upscale Southern drawl:

Maribelle: AnneMarie, do you see this huge diamond ring?

AnneMarie: Yes.

Maribelle: My husband bought this for me.

AnneMarie: Isn’t that special.

Maribelle: Do you see that Jaguar in the parking lot?

AnneMarie: Yes.

Maribelle: My husband bought that for me.

AnneMarie: Isn’t that special.

Maribelle: And you know that mansion I live in?

AnneMarie: Yes.

Maribelle: My husband bought that for me.

AnneMarie: Isn’t that special.

Maribelle: What did your husband buy for you, AnneMarie?

AnneMarie: My husband sent me to finishing school. That’s where I learned to say, “Isn’t that special” instead of “b&^#h.”

Now isn't FCA special???? LOL
I bet KC sure is mad seeing JB on HLN and getting paid to be on TV when she isn't....smoke coming out of her ears
I would rather sit in a bathroom stall with someone who has eaten 100 Taco Bell Burritos with flaming hot sauce than listen/watch Jose Baez. Yeah, it's that bad!

Glad I wasn't watching HLN. :floorlaugh:

El nauseabundo olor hace que mis ojos agua. LMSGAOWRAOTFADW JAJAJA LOL
BBM I'm not really worried about Cheney Mason falling for Casey's con's because Mrs. Mason, imo, looks like a real Southern woman and Southern women don't play that! Southern women are very protective over their men. Casey's not going to put anything past Mrs. Mason, imo. Mrs. Mason is watching her like a hawk, trust me! :floorlaugh:

The thing regarding Mason is that to me - this "handling" of FCA is all about his huge ginormous ego. I think he was doing a huge slow burn all through the trial because Baez was in the lead chair - it was Baez who was making all the statements, and everytime Mason opened his mouth in the press, he was shotdown.

We heard after the fact how hard Mason tried, and how much he wanted to be in on this trial, long before he was actually accepted on the team. I think his sharp remarks about Baez being "off" the team on the last day of the trial is his way of getting some "payback" for not being the team "star". I also think there is a huge amount of animosity between Baez and Mason. Now Mason is making sure the world knows "he" is in charge and I also think Mr. Mason may just find out one of these days that he will walk right into that big ego of his and fall smack back on his professional butt. All IMO of course.
El nauseabundo olor hace que mis ojos agua. LMSGAOWRAOTFADW JAJAJA LOL

OMG!!!:what: Are you allowed to say that on WS??????

Just kidding - I have no idea what you said besides some thing was big time nauseous... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :woot:
OMG!!!:what: Are you allowed to say that on WS??????

Just kidding - I have no idea what you said besides some thing was big time nauseous... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :woot:

It means "That horrible stench is making my eyes water!" LOL
wonder w/ JB gone, will we see even MORE video diary entries somehow leaked online?? especially with her march birthday coming upon us soon...with him out of pic, i do have to wonder if she will do herself in...its only a matter of time before she slips up and either steals something,scams someone( watch out church!) or tries to "sedate" someone or something( her dog i really worry about) ..but that is JMOO.nothing more nothing less.
i do like the comments on the southern women/ not tolerating any nonsense. however w/ JB gone, i can't help but worry about mrs. mason's well being and sanity...but that is just me.
I bet KC sure is mad seeing JB on HLN and getting paid to be on TV when she isn't....smoke coming out of her ears

I hope so. I've said it before and I'll say it again....JB is a bucket o' slime but he's not a babykiller.
Not sure if this has been discussed, but is Baez looking for a big payoff interview by disassociating himself from the felon.
1:45 pm Fighting the Prosecution's "Fantasy of Forensics"
- Jose Baez & Andrea Lyons

Speechless, that's what I am.

Fantasy, is that what they teach in science and forensic classes for what 8 to 12 years, fantasy. It is all a fantasy, I guess when you have to defend your client against the fantasy but if the shoe is on the other foot does it become scientific forensics.????
1:45 pm Fighting the Prosecution's "Fantasy of Forensics"
- Jose Baez & Andrea Lyons

Speechless, that's what I am.

Fantasy, is that what they teach in science and forensic classes for what 8 to 12 years, fantasy. It is all a fantasy, I guess when you have to defend your client against the fantasy but if the shoe is on the other foot does it become scientific forensics.????

I can't believe they would foolish enough to imply that because they accidentally won thanks to a derelict jury, that it somehow means their methods were sound...I invite anyone to try their nonsense and try to make lightening strike twice.
I can't believe they would foolish enough to imply that because they accidentally won thanks to a derelict jury, that it somehow means their methods were sound...I invite anyone to try their nonsense and try to make lightening strike twice.

I found a few articles online that are backing up the Fantasy. I will post a few. Only read a bit of them because I am in a hurry to see my grandkids.,8599,2077937,00.html

There are more of the same. Ugh!!!:maddening:
You know, I feel very sorry for anyone who goes to any of these events? I really want to know what kind of people go to these events? I wish we could get a list of the people who do... that way I know to never hire them for anything.
I found a few articles online that king of backing up the Fantasy. I will post a few. Only read a bit of them because I am in a hurry to see my grandkids.,8599,2077937,00.html

There are more of the same. Ugh!!!:maddening:

Well, just remember - those who are in forensics or using forensics want to know just what kind of nonsense they will be hearing from the defense in the courtroom and be ready to rebut it.:great:

Lawyers and forensics specialists may be attending these seminars for entirely different reasons that you suspect. How does that saying go - hold your friends close, hold your enemies closer? Something like that - basically interpretted to mean - know as much about them as possible.:seeya:

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