CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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For the first time (honestly) in my life....I am at a complete loss for words.
...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... .......

Never noticed before but I wonder why the other girls weren’t lined up too? She just picked a few. The daughter who escaped wasn’t lined up...

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Marfan Syndrome was my first thought when I saw the father. If any of the kids (oldest son?) do have it they’re very, very lucky that the malnutrition didn’t cause deadly heart complications.

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I thought the same especially the oldest daughter.
LT pregnant with #13


LT holding 1 yo #1 - I notice baby Jennifer looks similar to the #13 baby we have all been questioning as being LT. Looks like she has light haired babies that do in fact develop to darker haired children as they age. Also notice apparent Disney obsession 29 years ago.



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Apparently there was quite a stench in the house. Maybe their clothes smelled so awful they couldn't wear them to court.

Their house is a crime scene. No way they’re retrieving clothes.

The court probably has a closet of used clothes attorneys can hand to their clients. They get washed and returned, ready for the next prisoner. The clothes probably get into the closet from Goodwill.
I have to disagree. They looked emaciated. A 30 year old was so malnourished she appeared no more than 14 in the “Thing” photos.Not one of the 7 adults or 5 younger children in that photo look remotely their age. In the renewal videos you can clearly see muscle wasting and absolutely pin thin arms and legs. They have no fat pads on their cheeks. They are robotic and their gross motor skills appear poor. MOO. Not one of the 7 adults appeared their ages, their growth had been stunted from decades of abuse, same with all of the younger children with the acception of the baby.

It may have escalated even more post those photos, but the abuse was already visible, chronic, and very extreme at the time they were photographed. A poster here literally zoomed in and circled clear bruises and indents in wrists and ankles , likely left from restraints. A 17 year old appeared to be 10 years old. The cops were stunned. The medical professionals were crying. In those photos, they are clean because they are in public. It is an act. The photos and trips were used to facilitate a picture of normalcy on Facebook to family members that were not allowed to visit. They look like cancer patients in matching clothing out for an outing at Disneyland, emaciated, pale, dark circles under their eyes, forced smiles, through haunted eyes. If you knew their ages in those Disney photos and in the wedding renewal video would you have thought they looked well fed and in line with their developmental milestones?

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Everything I could say and more.
The parents, Fellows said, showed no signs mental illness. Investigators have no details as yet on any religious organizations connected to the case, the captain said.

Fellows didn't provide many new details about the conditions in the house, only saying there was a "very foul smell" and the home was "extremely dirty."


I can not imagine the odor.
Did you happen to notice the photo of Louise's mother in the latest DM article? She has a very, very strange body habitus. It really does look like a genetic...something


The mother looks stick thin and likely anorexic. The younger two children also look too thin. Look how mother-Louise-next child stand with their arms - just like Louise's children were taught to stand for photos. Grandma had food issues, passed to Louise, passed to Louise's children.
oh wow I didn't see you have a link?

that makes sense...LT sexually abused by dad, mom was trying to get her out of there, dad gets mad his pretty play thing left him and disowns her..then he moves on to the younger sisters.

Makes sense that she's mentally stunted and is childlike.

As for DT I truly wonder if he's on the autism spectrum and was never able to function "normally" and understand societies rules and norms. People with autism often view and the understand the world very differently. LT might have been the only girl to ever give him attention. I wonder where, when how they met?

With LT, she might have had a whole slew of mental issues she going on she never dealt with and just continued to fall further and further into la la land..while DT didn't have the right social skills or appropriate understanding to deal with her or kids or anything else.

its also been said that people who are abused and have children sometimes begin to act out when their own children hit the ages they were when they began to be abused. Wonder if that came into play here?

When I watch that Vegas video I just keep watching the eldest daughter. She looks so happy and is having so much fun dancing and singing. She actually had a good rhythm going and seemed more musically inclined than the others. Her singing voice sounded good too.

Itd be awesome if she could get some music and dance therapy.

I see the video so differently. The first time I watched it, I thought she was the one trying the most desperately to seem happy. She didn't look happy at all. She wanted to seem happy. Maybe trying to get the others to follow her example, to avoid punishment later. I don't know. Learning after I watched, that she is the oldest...completely floored me. I feel the same way watching it again. I would not be shocked learn that she was abused worst of all and is the most medically fragile right now.

(I do hope she gets wonderfully therapy, as you mentioned.)
In Aus. we have 4 & 5+ bedroom homes for challenged people to live an independent life. A qualified nurse tends to medications and carers clean, cook and supervise outings for banking, shopping and excursions. There is supervision 24/7.

I’m thinking this would be perfect that these children are together and to assimilate them into society and school.
These 13 children living in a 4 bedroom home would have slept together, possibly in the same bed. They will miss each other’s closeness I’m sure.

:grouphug: God love these sweet souls.

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That’s sort of what I had in mind, except maybe 2 houses that size next door to each other. One for the adults, to get them used to independence, do their own cooking, picking out curtains, having friends over for movie night...and the other for the younger kids with folks who model healthy parental behavior.
Siblings of House of Horrors mother reveal how she was kidnapped to secretly elope with her 24-year-old high school sweetheart at age 16 and said she wanted to have a 14th child days before arrest:

They abused all of the children,and they all appear malnourished and abused in those photos, (except the baby) but from the moment I laid eyes on the oldest girl, I felt that she was the scapegoat , THE most hated by her parents. She was so so emaciated.

Agree 😰
In 2013 at their vow renewal spectacle, Elvis the Preacher goes on and on about them being married for 28 years. It's 2018, 5 years later, which means they've now been married for 33 years (or 32 years since it's not quite their anniversary date yet). The oldest daughter is 29 years old. How could she have been born 2 years before they got married?

Rocco, one of us is confused. Married about 32 years now, oldest child is 29 ... born about 3 years after they wed. Is my math wrong?
Rocco, one of us is confused. Married about 32 years now, oldest child is 29 ... born about 3 years after they wed. Is my math wrong?

The post I replied to said: "IIRC, they had a baby two years before they got married."
I have to disagree. They looked emaciated. A 30 year old was so malnourished she appeared no more than 14 in the “Thing” photos.Not one of the 7 adults or 5 younger children in that photo look remotely their age. In the renewal videos you can clearly see muscle wasting and absolutely pin thin arms and legs. They have no fat pads on their cheeks. They are robotic and their gross motor skills appear poor. MOO. Not one of the 7 adults appeared their ages, their growth had been stunted from decades of abuse, same with all of the younger children with the acception of the baby.

It may have escalated even more post those photos, but the abuse was already visible, chronic, and very extreme at the time they were photographed. A poster here literally zoomed in and circled clear bruises and indents in wrists and ankles , likely left from restraints. A 17 year old appeared to be 10 years old. The cops were stunned. The medical professionals were crying. In those photos, they are clean because they are in public. It is an act. The photos and trips were used to facilitate a picture of normalcy on Facebook to family members that were not allowed to visit. They look like cancer patients in matching clothing out for an outing at Disneyland, emaciated, pale, dark circles under their eyes, forced smiles, through haunted eyes. If you knew their ages in those Disney photos and in the wedding renewal video would you have thought they looked well fed and in line with their developmental milestones?

So perhaps I'm off on my timeline here but she wouldn't have been 30 in the Thing photo would she? Wasn't this taken at least 5 years ago if not more?

I'm no longer debating our point as we've agreed to disagree:). I'm asking an honest question as to the timeline of these photos as I can't seem to find dates on these photos.
The mother looks stick thin and likely anorexic. The younger two children also look too thin. Look how mother-Louise-next child stand with their arms - just like Louise's children were taught to stand for photos. Grandma had food issues, passed to Louise, passed to Louise's children.

I agree there ended up being food issues for sure but couldn't it also be genetics?

I wonder if both David and Louse have some developmental delays or developed a mental illness during their time together. Something is so strange about this situation. I can’t put my finger on it but I am highly interested in the psychology of David and Louise.

I have that same feeling. I posted before that I think there is a dark secret in this family, and it is likely incest. It is just unfathomable to keep all those adult children captive for so long - whatever for? Why? The oldest looks extremely emaciated in every photo and has been starved for many years. JMO all 13 were born normal and their deficits are the result of neglect and abuse.
The post I replied to said: "IIRC, they had a baby two years before they got married."

Ahh ... gotcha. I remember reading that earlier , too. I don’t think it was correct. Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my cofusion, but thanks!
The fairy tale theme is hideous. The pictures of the couple at there vow renewals -D looks like he is channelling a Prince Charming persona. No wonder they had to get married in Vegas - anywhere else they would have raised all sorts of suspicions.

Then in other photos you have L in her Snow White finery. And its almost as if the kids lived like, Cinderella treated so poorly. Dungeons/slavery feature heavily in fairytales. In actual fact D&L are more like the wolf and the evil stepmother.

I seriously doubt that they took the kids to Disney - the kids were never rewarded - it makes more sense that D&L went and then photoshopped the brood in. David was an engineer he would be computer literate able to use photoshop - this would give them even more satisfaction that they were fooling everyone about their idyllic life.

Based on the photos that I've seen, and doing some side by side comparisons, of the photos, I do think that the kids did go to Disney, but I believe, that it was likely, that it was only on one occasion, or possibly two, and it was b/c family, from out-of-state, had come to visit. They could not allow family to see how they lived/or condition of their home... so, where else for good, ole fashioned, family fun, for everyone? Disney.

The following, I'm about 90% sure about:

*I'm pretty sure that the the dad's parents, along with a sibling (and their family), came for a visit, sometime, on, or before, the posted Disney photo of, August 20th, of 2011.

*There's a Disney photo of the Turpin family, w/a paternal sibling, in addition to the sibling's spouse, and children, uploaded on August 20, 2011.

*There was also a photo taken of the Turpin family, w/the paternal grandparents, at a theme park, photo-op type spot, and uploaded on Oct. 30, 2011.

*There is a Dec. 11, 2011 photo, of the parents & siblings, with all of the family dressed in red. In this photo, the children are younger, than in the photos uploaded in August, and October, of 2011. I don't think it was about "reminiscing" either. I believe they may have just chosen random photos, in an effort to pacify folks who asked about the family.

In the July 17th, 2012, Disney photo w/ the character, Jasmine, I'm thinking it's possible that this is a different trip. It looks as if some of the children are a bit taller, in addition, the males' hair appears to have been trimmed. Although, it could be day 2 of the parent/sibling Disney trip, w/different camera angles, and/or the boys could have gotten a trim, inside Disney (the Orlando park offers hair cuts at an old fashioned barber shop).

*Not about Disney, but , take a look at the photo with the Thing 1-12 shirts. The one with them standing. Thing 12 has a heckuva bandage across her forehead. Just wondering what the story is, behind that bandage.

Just some ramblings, as I've been studying on this family today, and trying to unearth some new info/photos, and the like.
So perhaps I'm off on my timeline here but she wouldn't have been 30 in the Thing photo would she? Wasn't this taken at least 5 years ago if not more?

I'm no longer debating our point as we've agreed to disagree:). I'm asking an honest question as to the timeline of these photos as I can't seem to find dates on these photos.

She is 29 today. I’m not sure if that photo is 2015 or 2013, . Either way she would have been 24 and looking 14.
If you're asking could the minor involved in the lewd act be the mother of the 2-yr old baby----highly, highly unlikely. (See upthread discussion, too.) First, the charge would be rape (not lewd act) if it resulted in a pregnancy. Second, the charge is concerning a lewd act with "a minor under 14." If these charges are based on the interviews, thinking, then, such a minor would specifically have to be one of these four female minors under 14: an undernourished (far from fertile) 12-yr old (said to be developmentally the size of a 7-yr old), an 11 yr old (who'd have had to get pregnant at 8 or 9), one a few years younger than that, and one a baby of 2 who would most likely not be reporting a lewd act.

If any of these were mothers of a 2-yr old baby, it'd have to go down in Guinness, I think.

ETA: Went back and retead your post to be clear--if you're asking if the 17-yr could be the mother of the baby, then I'm thinking that would've resulted in a rape charge not a "lewd act" charge...

I was thinking that the lewd act could have been performed on any of the girls, considering that the oldest was 29, it could have been one (or some, if not (and hopefully not) all) of the older girls, beginning when they were <14.
They were definitely at Disney. Those photos were taken by the photographers that are stationed in those specific areas. I have the exact same photos with my family.

I don't think the kids were taken and allowed to enjoy Disney, though.
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