Caylee Is Not Findable - FACT?

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I don't think LE has found her. They would be opening themselves up for a huge liability if someone was hurt while searching after LE found her. While they wouldn't post a photo of her remains in the paper, they would still announce that they had found her. If for no other reason than to stop people from searching unnecessarily, it would be announced.

I lean towards the dumpster theory. People have discounted it, saying that "dead weight is hard to handle" but many dumpsters have side opening doors, about chest high. IIRC, Caylee was about 35 lbs. Casey was well strong enough to lift her chest high.

I wonder if they had the cadaver dogs at the dumpster at Amscot.
When did this thread change from a "Can Caylee be Found" thread into a "Question TM and TES's Motives" thread?
I donated money to TES not for a particular search, but for them to use AS THEY SEE FIT, to carry out their mission of finding LOST PEOPLE.
If you donated money to the American Lung Association because a loved one had cancer, would you demand to see how each penny was spent if a cure was not found within your time frame? I hope not. Same principle applies here, IMO.
We still don't know exactly what LE knows, or what they have told TM. I feel more than certain that LE and TM want Caylee found just as bad as the rest of us.
It is easy to misdirect anger. AT LEAST ONE person knows where Caylee is, and it IS NOT TM!
Gardenhart: I never said Egypt wasn't entitled to her opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. There are many on this board that do not know what goes into a search effort like this, so before everyone goes on bashing Tim and TES they should understand what's involved. There was even endowendo about what he did with the 70K. I am just reminding everyone here, that there is only one person who knows where Caylee is, and her family apparently doesn't believe she is lying. They have also NEVER thanked any of the searchers for their efforts thus far, that I know of and they continue to make their daughter out to be the victim.

I just think we are losing focus here when we are questioning the good heartedness of Tim and TES. He did his best and HE is entitled to his opinion, don't you think Gardenhart? It's his opinion that Caylee will not be found. He bases that opinion on months of searching for her. He never states for others to STOP looking for her.

Searching has been occurring for months by several groups. People may or may not be aware of that. People think that it's TES job to find everyone. It's not. I think they are experienced enough to be able to make the call that Caylee may not be found.
It's the topic of this thread, IMO. I no longer believe or trust TM and I don't think it's necessary to dissect his words to find hidden meaning. I don't think he has any particular inside info to say that she won't be found. I personally doubt she will be found anytime soon and yeah, the family is not cooperating but this was the case from the get go. I see no reason for TM to continue to say she won't be found. She will or she won't. But unfortunately his words carry weight and he should be more responsible with them. He doesn't know for a fact she won't be found. And that's what he said. That's what he said, and I think it is wrong. That's my last comment on this subject because you're right, it's all been said before.

(Bolding is mine)
You are so right, and I would like to add that then TM went on to completely contradict himself and say she may be found. Why is this guy even appearing on NG about this case?
When did this thread change from a "Can Caylee be Found" thread into a "Question TM and TES's Motives" thread?
I donated money to TES not for a particular search, but for them to use AS THEY SEE FIT, to carry out their mission of finding LOST PEOPLE.
If you donated money to the American Lung Association because a loved one had cancer, would you demand to see how each penny was spent if a cure was not found within your time frame? I hope not. Same principle applies here, IMO.
We still don't know exactly what LE knows, or what they have told TM. I feel more than certain that LE and TM want Caylee found just as bad as the rest of us.
It is easy to misdirect anger. AT LEAST ONE person knows where Caylee is, and it IS NOT TM!

If you go back to the opening post of this thread, you'll see it started out with the implication that TES has/had alterior motives .
Have they taken cadaver dogs to Lee's yard? That's only a mile away from home.
I think perhaps they have found something to link to Caylee that points to her never being found....and we just dont know it...
say like......
clothing with decomp on it......
more of Caylee hair with the death band.....some place else besides the the dumpster, in the back yard, on one of the searches....etc.......or somewhere else....that would leave them to believe she is dead and would be hard to find the *rest of her*.....

my gutt says.....LE and FBI have enough but not *all* but enough say Caylee is dead....we just dont know the rest of the story yet.....could be that KC did tell someone and they came forward and know how she died and what happend to the body afterwards.....or they found some kind of writtings of KC that said what happend.....
I just hope we all get to hear during the trial....and then understand it....maybe then we can put the puzzle together......
I've never heard of such a thing, though. If they had her remains, they would (and should) be given immediately to the next of kin after they are done examining them. Now, perhaps they are still running "tests" so that they have to avoid showing their hand, yet, but I've never heard of LE withholding remains that could be given a proper burial.

They can and will withhold the remains physically if they are pertinent to the investigation. They can be withheld until the trial is over. It rarely happens, but it can be done (think of it this way they find her, the skeletal remains show cause of death, they give them to next of kin who cremates the remains, the trial ends in a mistrial or experts change and the the ability to examine the remains is now gone). Like I said, rarely needs to be done but they can withhold them from the next of kin until the conviction is in place.

That being said though the family would be notified. Not to mention Casey's defense team would have a right to examine them. I am not really following all the comments about LE and prosecuters having some piece of evidence that is going to surprise the Anthony's. They cannot surprise them at trial, the evidence has to be shared and their witness lists have to be provided in advance.

I don't think they have found anything of Caylee's. I think TM is emotionally exhausted by this case and like many of the players involved should stay away from the media. It is not serving any of them well.
I don't think LE has found her. They would be opening themselves up for a huge liability if someone was hurt while searching after LE found her. While they wouldn't post a photo of her remains in the paper, they would still announce that they had found her. If for no other reason than to stop people from searching unnecessarily, it would be announced.

I lean towards the dumpster theory. People have discounted it, saying that "dead weight is hard to handle" but many dumpsters have side opening doors, about chest high. IIRC, Caylee was about 35 lbs. Casey was well strong enough to lift her chest high.

I wonder if they had the cadaver dogs at the dumpster at Amscot.

I weigh 100lbs soaking wet and carry 50lb bags of dog food around all the time (volunteer work). I can get one up to shoulder height and could definitely lift one into a high dumpster. Add in adrenaline and motivation, I don't see this being a major hurdle for her to overcome.
IF they had found her body, I don't think that LE would be able to keep her remains from the next of kin. However, if they were able to drag their feet and keep those remains from being positively identified until right before trial then, there is a chance that they have found her. That is a theory I have kicked around, that LE has something, but they are waiting to begin identification even though they are sure that it is Caylee.
Tim Miller is not a dumb man, but it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the likelihood of finding the remains of a small child somewhere in Florida 6 months after her death and with no real information as to her location is nil. Being that he spent more on this search than he collected in donations, he's wise, IMO, to move on. Or he could waste $200,000 in other people's donated money to look for baby teeth in the thick muck in the bottom of a randomly chosen river while smiling pretty for the cameras. Then people would think he was a hero. Go figure. :waitasec:
Tim Miller is not a dumb man, but it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the likelihood of finding the remains of a small child somewhere in Florida 6 months after her death and with no real information as to her location is nil. Being that he spent more on this search than he collected in donations, he's wise, IMO, to move on. Or he could waste $200,000 in other people's donated money to look for baby teeth in the thick muck in the bottom of a randomly chosen river while smiling pretty for the cameras. Then people would think he was a hero. Go figure. :waitasec:

While I agree with your reasoning of why TM would stop searching, my problem is with him stating this on a national forum like NG, pretty much overtly discouraging further searches by others....He is the "expert" and his words carry weight.......just because he has given up, doesn't mean others should. MOO
(Bolding is mine)
You are so right, and I would like to add that then TM went on to completely contradict himself and say she may be found. Why is this guy even appearing on NG about this case?

I am disturbed as his last comments before "she won't be found" were "I will stay as long as it takes to find her" Doesn't anyone else see the hypocrisy in his statements? Next thing you hear is that he's holding training sessions in a bar owned by the Anthony's attorney and accepting donations from questionable sources. All the money donated to him seems to be giong for his travels as he jumps from search to search to searfch without every COMPLEING any of them. moo. He may be sincere, but he's like a feather in the wind. Blow on him and he changes directions and focus.
Remember when they mentioned on Nancy Grace that Casey was watching TV with the guards when they were showing LP search the river? Nancy said that Casey looked and turned and went into her cell. Don't you think that if she had dumped Caylee in that river she would have been more interested in seeing what they had found? I'm just hoping that Leonard isn't wasting his time and money searching in the wrong place. It's so sad because in Florida with all the lakes and alligators there are so many places to dump a body.
While I agree with your reasoning of why TM would stop searching, my problem is with him stating this on a national forum like NG, pretty much overtly discouraging further searches by others....He is the "expert" and his words carry weight.......just because he has given up, doesn't mean others should. MOO

I agree. I really wish TM wouldn't have said that. They found Chandra Levy a year later, I know she was an adult, but there would have to be some remains left. Maybe it's wishful thinking
Remember when they mentioned on Nancy Grace that Casey was watching TV with the guards when they were showing LP search the river? Nancy said that Casey looked and turned and went into her cell. Don't you think that if she had dumped Caylee in that river she would have been more interested in seeing what they had found? I'm just hoping that Leonard isn't wasting his time and money searching in the wrong place. It's so sad because in Florida with all the lakes and alligators there are so many places to dump a body.

Even if Casey dumped Caylee's body in BP, and there's nothing to indicate that she did, it's not likely any part of her will be found.
I respect everyones opinions on what Tim Miller said about not finding Caylee but I also am disturbed that he said "she Can't be found". He should of never said that in my book. Theres no such word as "can't". Nothing has to be impossible. He could of said "it is very hard to find the remains but nothing is impossible. His daughter was found in due time. What would he say when LP comes back and just happens to find her- duhhhhhhhhh which I hope happens, and yes it is like looking for a needle in a haystack but we can hold onto that 1% chance. How many searchers listened to him last night and said "well maybe hes right, lets stop searching". I bet a few- I disagree totally how he quoted it, his choice of words were NOT in the best interest. Look at the ones he did find after years, so why say that about finding Caylee, that she CAN'T be found?
Remember when they mentioned on Nancy Grace that Casey was watching TV with the guards when they were showing LP search the river? Nancy said that Casey looked and turned and went into her cell. Don't you think that if she had dumped Caylee in that river she would have been more interested in seeing what they had found?

I first heard it that the guards noticed what she was watching and asked her to go back to her cell, and she turned and did without comment. Later I didn't hear the guard part mentioned.

I think she would be agreeable to the guards if they did ask her to leave first. You or I might demand to watch because we want our daughter found. She, however, was probably thinking "I don't want them to see me watching it too closely, lest they realize I'm nervous because that's the right location." Or alternatively, not react because she wants them to keep looking in the wrong spot. I guess she was thinking "Dont react" to cover her own youknowwhat, rather than thinking about Caylee.
Of course I want Caylee found, but I have no problem at all with Tim stating that she can't be. Someone has to be the voice of reason and, as mentioned above, Tim is the expert. Just because people don't like the message doesn't make it wrong.
Of course I want Caylee found, but I have no problem at all with Tim stating that she can't be. Someone has to be the voice of reason and, as mentioned above, Tim is the expert. Just because people don't like the message doesn't make it wrong.

It also does not make him right. We found a body two years ago that had been missing for over 20 years..............Those words may come back to haunt him.

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