CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #22 *ARREST*

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This is a hypothetical question...Let's say the nurse from ID really did dispose of the phone and maybe sent the texts under PF's directions but didn't actually participate in the murder. She goes to LE to report what she knows. Could she cash in on the reward money?

Idk but that would be an audacious move, if she sought the reward, imo.
I’d assume those three solicitation charges would weigh the scales in her favor, right? Unless she’s the solicited one and their only proof is her word.

But I think they’ve got some kind of other evidence, communications or a separate cooperating witness, that supports the three solicitation charges. MOO.
I am hoping by now they have alot of technical data, phone records, computer records etc. JMO
Regarding the open mines out here (I couldn't reply to the previous thread after it was closed) I'm thinking that he may have went away from his area & Cripple Creek to Divide Colorado, which sits on the north slope of Pikes Peak on U.S. Highway 24. When you take a ride through Divide on this highway you can literally SEE many old open mines from the road, cut deeply into 'the lay of the land', just sitting there with old wooden boards supposedly closing the openings. It would be very easy to walk or drive up to one and remove the boards.

I agree. I don't think Cripple Creek/Victor is a viable area. It's all private property, most of the area where the old mine shafts are is owned by the currently operational HUGE mining corporation, and even the smaller private property owners in that area are very vigilant about trespassers these days. I could certainly be wrong but it just doesn't seem that accessible to me.

Divide is a better bet as you say. I also feel very strongly about the areas around Guffey and down toward South Park, Park County, and the Fremont County line. Lots of open mine shafts, lots of open land, lots of cattle grazing, and not so many people. And most importantly, photos from PF's now-defunct FB look to me like they were taken in this area. You seem familiar with the area, @NoeticSoul, what are your thoughts?

I've posted this map before, but the areas I'm thinking of on this map are the Fourmile, Guffey-Micanite, and Black Mountain historic mining districts, as well as the surrounding grazing and forest lands.
I would say so. Texts & calls back & forth, perfectly time stamped.
Tighten your saddles, I think it possible P is gonna make the nurse look like the perp, the jealous, scorned woman that hated K.
MOO - P isn’t saying a word. I have a friend who’s favorite quote is “ What you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.”
I think CB said (regarding PF and KB's relationship) that they were loving towards one another ONLY because PF had baby K.

I believe she was afraid of what he might do if he knew LE thought him responsible for the murder of KB. That's the ultimate control, right? Killing the baby.

Her comments about them having a loving relationship were only to keep the baby safe until he was arrested.

I soooooo agree. Just like Laci Ps mom, Sharon. She had nothing but glowing things to say about Scott. But, the look in her eyes spoke volumes, IMO. Surely, LE had advised her to not “rock the boat”. Moo
I was not clear as to what was being withheld from PK. I thought it would be the stuff on Jan 29 laying out the charges and evidence. Now I am of the mind that it was the stuff at the recent hearing dealing with what the 5 charges were. And there was a big deal made about the charges not being read, only handed out. Everything is clearer now. I don't know what the big deal is about violating his constitutional rights, he will know the charges eventually. The prosecution might be just trying to get more time for the investigation. IMO

And the comment by the police chief as to they are narrowing down the search means someone has told them where to look for the body.IMO

I agree.

In regards to the 2 murder charges one where PK is the suspect and the second that involves others. Just seems they are covering their bases, they are going to get him either way.
I was not clear as to what was being withheld from PK. I thought it would be the stuff on Jan 29 laying out the charges and evidence. Now I am of the mind that it was the stuff at the recent hearing dealing with what the 5 charges were. And there was a big deal made about the charges not being read, only handed out. Everything is clearer now. I don't know what the big deal is about violating his constitutional rights, he will know the charges eventually. The prosecution might be just trying to get more time for the investigation. IMO

And the comment by the police chief as to they are narrowing down the search means someone has told them where to look for the body.IMO

It’s the arrest warrant affidavit that is being withheld. That’s the document that details the probable cause that led a judge to sign the arrest warrant. It’s a foundational document in the case. Right now the defense attorney only has the charges, without being given the evidence to back up those charges.

Again with that word “eventually”. Colorado law dictates that evidence is to be turned over to the defense as soon as practical. Not “eventually”. Not “when WE decide in our great wisdom that it’s okay for you to have it.”
This to me is very interesting. They must have some reason for placing baby K with CB in a different state. It could be as innocent as keeping her away from the media spotlight or something about CB (disability, age, etc.). I don’t want to even think it is a more sinister reason and relates to some sort of dysfunctional home life.

I think one factor is she beat the Fs to court over custody. The Fs May have felt “we have her”, not thinking they needed to legalize things. In the meantime, the B family had the ball rolling.
Investigate this man and his wife before deciding their words are unbiased and truthful.
There have been several people who have stated he took the baby to work with him. I don't doubt that he had other people watch her when it wasn't convenient for him.
And now that we know he had another women in his life for that long, I find it hard to believe they were a happy couple until very recently.
I just can't see how Kelsey would have missed the signs. She must have known something was up, although since she didn't live with him neither one may have known what the other was doing. Maybe that's how she wanted it. She seemed pretty independent to me. Imo
Re. the bolded bit : Hmmmm..... Alone with her for 20 years. Must have forged a very close bond ?
What is concerning is that even if SF gets custody of the baby, is she (SF) going to fight tooth and nail to keep the little one from seeing the other family ?
What if SF thinks that somehow the Berreth's 'destroyed' her son's life (i.e., if she feels he could be innocent).

It was in baby's best interest that the state stepped in and gained custody because it was not in the baby's best interest to keep her from seeing her maternal grandmother. One would have to have the maternal instincts of a rock to believe otherwise. JMO
I’d assume those three solicitation charges would weigh the scales in her favor, right? Unless she’s the solicited one and their only proof is her word.

But I think they’ve got some kind of other evidence, communications or a separate cooperating witness, that supports the three solicitation charges. MOO.

I agree.
I agree. I don't think Cripple Creek/Victor is a viable area. It's all private property, most of the area where the old mine shafts are is owned by the currently operational HUGE mining corporation, and even the smaller private property owners in that area are very vigilant about trespassers these days. I could certainly be wrong but it just doesn't seem that accessible to me.

Divide is a better bet as you say. I also feel very strongly about the areas around Guffey and down toward South Park, Park County, and the Fremont County line. Lots of open mine shafts, lots of open land, lots of cattle grazing, and not so many people. And most importantly, photos from PF's now-defunct FB look to me like they were taken in this area. You seem familiar with the area, @NoeticSoul, what are your thoughts?

I've posted this map before, but the areas I'm thinking of on this map are the Fourmile, Guffey-Micanite, and Black Mountain historic mining districts, as well as the surrounding grazing and forest lands.
Let’s not forget LE made a specific request to Truckers to be wary and on the lookout. Why is that? We now know there are more people involved. The sphere is widening, first Idaho Nurse, so thinking of overlapping circles.....I wonder if there is something there? MOO speculation....
Let’s not forget LE made a specific request to Truckers to be wary and on the lookout. Why is that? We now know there are more people involved. The sphere is widening, first Idaho Nurse, so thinking of overlapping circles.....I wonder if there is something there? MOO speculation....

Did LE say that? I thought it was her aunt who was married to a trucker or something
I think one factor is she beat the Fs to court over custody. The Fs May have felt “we have her”, not thinking they needed to legalize things. In the meantime, the B family had the ball rolling.
IMO Social Services coordinated the baby pick up during the arrest - I don't think the families did anything other than CB agreed to take custody temporarily - as Gitana has told us, there is a mandatory hearing time upon the government taking the child. They held the hearing to confirm the placement of the baby temporarily if I understand the process in CO.
I think one factor is she beat the Fs to court over custody. The Fs May have felt “we have her”, not thinking they needed to legalize things. In the meantime, the B family had the ball rolling.

You might be right. Law enforcement seemed to help the B family’s case as well and I could see them giving advice to CB. I think it even surprised a lot of people here too (happy surprise) that they put her in CB care vs keep her in her home with SF. I just hope she remains with CB. I can’t imagine their pain should they potentially lose both KB and baby K.
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