CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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I think some people truly believe that the prosecution is getting the raw end of the deal with this plea agreement, but I really do not believe this to be the case.

I think the fact that KK was quickly located and taken in shows that they've had her from the get go; I think they laid out for her exactly what they could and would do to her if she didn't cooperate, and I think that's why she did. I do not believe this woman has a moral compass or a heart, I don't think she talked because she felt bad. She only talked because she knew what the alternative was.

I also believe they have the phone and purse. I think KK has been pinpointing where the body could be, as I believe that is the only reason they would search a landfill; landfill searches can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and usually are not done for things like a purse or phone.

This broad has been talking since the first day LE approached her. Whatever she gave them made them certain enough of KK's death and PF's involvement that they were able to arrest him on 12/21 without a body. They've been hanging onto her since then, weeks and weeks and weeks of negotiations...she gives them a bit, they verify it, then move on to the next.

This is not a blind plea deal where KK said, yeah well I know some things, and I'll tell you what they are at trial if you give me a deal. LE and the DA already know absolutely everything they need, and it's all been verified, and only then was she allowed to actually plea to the charge they gave her.

DA May sounds like an ultra ethical, super on-top-of-it DA; I am excited to see what he delivers on 2/19. Hopefully people will be a tad less upset, but I do understand why the outrage today. She's disgusting.
Love your post. Especially about KKL talking to LE only because she knew the alternative. I think she is a bad, bad person and she and PF hooked up for very bad reasons. Even her supposedly saying he may have killed before. He may have and she may have known why. It matters not to this case but I truly believe she is a low life who was more involved in this murder than we will ever know. I am sad that the prosecution may not be able to charge her with more.
I hate to see that she will be given a slap on the wrist in turn for bringing down PF. So awful. I guess that's all they have to work with. It's a shame and a pity. I think she deserves a good long stiff sentence. She was no victim in this crime, and if she sticks with her 'I was threatened and scared' claim to get off easier, well she is a bold faced liar and LE knows it too. I am sure letting her off easy to get PF and some justice for Kelsey and her family must be bittersweet for everyone. Her family, friends, LE/FBI. Prosecutors and all of the world watching this case and hoping for complete justice for the murder of a sweet and innocent Mother, daughter, sister and friend. I'm so sad.
She didn’t have proof. And she Apparently did not have the faith in law-enforcement that you do. Or her trust in them was trumped by her fear of the person you yourself called a bully and a control freak. JMO
I don’t believe she had any fear. I believe she was more involved in this murder than you can even imagine.
I would like to add that what we learned today was:
1. The texts and ping were a deliberate diversion, as everyone thought, and
2. The murder investigation is still very much in progress.
I look for the hearing on the 19th to present very little that we haven't heard already, but to state exactly how they found it and how it contributes.
3. We will hear and see a lot more before it over.
I think it is quite appropriate to describe this case as a tragedy........(that is still unfolding). IMO

You are right Dave...a complete and utter tragedy. Senseless, needless tragedy.

KB was a threat to no one. KB was a hardship to no one. KB was apparently a hard working woman, loving mother and daughter. What about that made PF think the world would be better off without someone like her?

For PF, she was an inconvenience. He ended her for being inconvenient. And as if that wasn't enough, he wanted everyone to think that she just walked away from her life...walked away from her daughter...walked away from her parents and family. That she was someone so selfish she would disappear without a word to her Mom, but had contacted him, of course...and her job....but not her Mom.

KK knew...she knew. Knew he intended to end this lovely person. And she did NOTHING. Some say she was scared. She should have been. Does anyone honestly think that after she helped she was now safe. Why? If he could end someone like KB, why would he hesitate to take out someone with so much knowledge? or her kids?
KK was scared? Well, that's where character comes in...she didn't show any. You know who was really scared? KB was scared. KK had no character, no heart..and helped destroy so many peoples lives, including her own family.

Tragedy is THE most appropriate word for all this.

I was so hoping the DA today would be asked if KK approached LE first or if LE approached KK after the lawyers' call? I try to keep up but maybe I missed that nugget somewhere along the line. Anyone know? ty

If you recall, the R's said that by the time they contacted the FBI, LE was already at KK's home with warrants. (doesn't really answer your Q). some people speculated that info on PF's phone or phone records, and the KB phone's ping in ID, intersected in a way to highlight KK.
ITA. Let's hope the DA reveals other crucial evidence unrelated to KK on the 19th.

I am not a lawyer, but let's call this an educated guess.....

She will be a very important witness, however, what has most likely been invaluable to the prosecution has been the direction that she has pointed them in. They have been closed mouthed and played this so close to the vest for a reason. They have been investigating and checking out every lead they could. We heard today from Dan May that the investigators are satisfied that they no longer need to employ the same level of secrecy that they have in the past. My best guess is that the information that KK provided has been chased down. Witnesses have been located, interviewed and their (likely) testimony has been determined. Evidence that still existed that was hidden has been discovered and evidence that had been attempted to be destroyed or covered up was uncovered or exposed if possible. (Think about those searches of KB's home and the construction, or destruction, that took place inside and the number of bags of evidence carried out) So, whereas yes, it is particularly impressive to have a witness on the stand point to a defendant and say, "He did it!", "He is guilty!", it's most likely not the bulk of what her deal has actually produced for the state.

Again....not a lawyer, just guessing and MOOing.
And she would cover her behind because this is what she really wanted all along..and was quite possibly in on it all along. This would fill in a lot of the holes we all keep tripping all over.
Most of us don't understand why she didn't report it...cuz she wanted it to happen?
Most of us don't believe she is so terrified...maybe because she wasn't..until she got caught?
Many of us think she was very jealous or PF will use that...maybe because she was/is?
Most of us don't think she is all that innocent...maybe because she is not.
How could she possibly eat just like that? Because it didn't really bother her? Killing and cleaning up is hard work?
What if they kind of played each other and were both all for the murder? It wouldn't be the first time something like that has ever happened and then the two flip on each other after the fact.
Nice! That pretty much sums it up :)
Because naturally they are all respectable, every one of them..

And if they DID contact KB, she might decide to confront PF, and you can’t predict how he would react. Tipping off the target doesn’t necessarily make the target safe.

Couldn't have resulted in a worse result than we already have though, right?
@Steelslady The important point in all your questions is if the JURY going to believe she was not a part of it. She was solicited and they have evidence of this and then you magically help carry the phone but you are innocent. The defense is loving this. What is the JURY going to think?
If I was a juror today, I would fry PF but I would be whopping mad that the prosecution didn’t try to fry KKL too. And that’s what should be happening. They were a team in this.
Because naturally they are all respectable, every one of them..

And if they DID contact KB, she might decide to confront PF, and you can’t predict how he would react. Tipping off the target doesn’t necessarily make the target safe.
Instead she gets to live and KB had to die.
I'm hoping PF starts talking and pins her butt for exactly what her involvement is. I'm thinking he still hasn't talked and if he does her charges could change. Wishful thinking?

a lot of things he could say would incriminate him- more he knows, the more he knows. If you recall, his defense is that he got baby K and KB "went off" and he knows nothing except that he got a text.
What is the protocol for a preliminary hearing? With no legal background, I'm not clear on what will happen/what to expect on 2/19. Can someone explain the basics? Is this when PF will enter a plea? Will the prosecution divulge more details/evidence? Everyone here keeps saying we will hear more on 2/19.
I am not LE bashing. I state what is reality - like any profession, there are good ones and there are not so good ones. And you don’t get to pick. I also know and have lived in some very tight-knit communities that would not take kindly to someone they don’t know, making serious accusations against someone they DO know.
So if you know a crime is about to be committed, you just keep your mouth shut.
Hope we don’t live in the same community. I’m no hero. But I would try to save your hide. Can’t expect the same from you huh?
And that is very easy for you to say, when you’re the person with no dog in the hunt, respectfully. It’s always easy to say, “Well I definitely would have made a different decision than THAT person” when you weren’t in their shoes. Couple that with in this case we still know little about her “shoes”.
So let’s all keep quiet while the bad guys win. Sheesh!
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