GUILTY CO - Linda Damm Juergens, 52, stabbed to death, Lafayette, 27 Jan 2007

the original tez said:
“I had told (the police) the truth and everything, and the next thing I know, I am in handcuffs,” he said.
Apparently these kids think that trying to help hide a dead person isn't all that bad. :doh:
lavonne said:
I wonder how many Andrea Yates defenders will now flock to this young girls side...She is Bi-Polar, after guess is not many.
You are comparing apples and oranges here lavonne. Andrea Yates case is much different than this one.
the original tez said:

This guy helped move the body and helped bury and unbury her (Allegedly). And he doesn't understand why he is being charged or why his bond is so high? :doh: If he would have called the police instead of helping to dispose of the body, maybe he wouldn't even be in jail or charged with anything.
Did this kid really think that you can commit a crime BUT if you confess to it (over a month later I might add after the body is found) that you are not going to be charged? I can not believe that someone can be that dense!
SLP said:
Did this kid really think that you can commit a crime BUT if you confess to it (over a month later I might add after the body is found) that you are not going to be charged? I can not believe that someone can be that dense!

And I think it is really ridiculous that he is whining about how he talked without his lawyer present. That was your choice, dumbass!
:laugh: :laugh: Love that last part!

Masterj said:

And I think it is really ridiculous that he is whining about how he talked without his lawyer present. That was your choice, dumbass!
Tess Damm who's been charged in connection with the stabbing death of her mother won't be allowed to briefly leave juvenile detention today to attend the funeral. Tess Damm's attorney, Beth Kelley, asked the court if the 15-year-old could attend a private service for Linda Damm, 52, which will be outside her home at 705 W. Brome Place in Lafayette this afternoon. The teen's uncle said his niece is sad she won't be able to leave the Platte Valley Detention Center in Weld County to attend.
Bobbisangel said:
This guy helped move the body and helped bury and unbury her (Allegedly). And he doesn't understand why he is being charged or why his bond is so high? If he would have called the police instead of helping to dispose of the body, maybe he wouldn't even be in jail or charged with anything.

That is exactly what I was thinking. Why didn't he go to the police as soon as he found out what those kids had done? If he had he wouldn't be in this fix. You hang around with dogs you end up with fleas too :furious:

Bobbisangel, the kicker here is this idiot received an award for turning his life around a few days before the murder. It wasn't like he was unfamiliar with justice system or anything like that!!!

When I read this article, I thought maybe that LE bullied him or something like that. That wasn't the case, he volunteered the information. Methinks he probably knows a whole heck of a lot more than he's volunteering.
JanetElaine said:
Apparently these kids think that trying to help hide a dead person isn't all that bad. :doh:
Apparently not.
Personally, I think this guy knows a whole lot more and was more involved than he is "volunteering."

He wants the judge to lower his bond so his parents can afford it and so he can finish school.
Maybe the judge will accept a Monopoly "Get Out of Jail Free" card, huh? Even if he makes bond, I don't think school authorities are going to allow him to be on campus. He's accused of being an accessory (of some sort, I can't remember) to First Degree Murder!!! I can't imagine too many parents would feel comfortable having him around their children. I know I wouldn't.
SLP said:
Did this kid really think that you can commit a crime BUT if you confess to it (over a month later I might add after the body is found) that you are not going to be charged? I can not believe that someone can be that dense!

This wasn't his first run-in with LE. A few days before the murder he won an award for turning his life around. So, the dense card for me doesn't even come into play. He's not stupid, I think I read he's an honor's student. I think he knows more than what he's "volunteering" and he was more deeply involved in the crime.

Maybe he thought LE would give him "Citizen of the Year," since he only waited almost a month to come forward!!!!

Masterj said:

And I think it is really ridiculous that he is whining about how he talked without his lawyer present. That was your choice, dumbass!

When I first read the headline on the article, I thought maybe LE may have threatened him or beat him up. Then, I read the article, and I thought what you said above. What a dumbass!!!!

I am sure he had his rights read to him, probably more than once. And the sheer fact that he talked to LE after he was arrested to "volunteer" more information without a lawyer being present, tells me he knew what he was doing. I think he is trying to minimize his own involvement. IMHO.
By Pierrette J. Shields
The Daily Times-Call

LAFAYETTE — Police frequently visited Linda Damm’s Lafayette home in 2006, but officers weren’t called to the house this year until the day before her decomposing body was found in the trunk of a Subaru in the garage on Feb. 28, reports show. A report detailing calls to 705 Brome Place in Lafayette shows officers visited the home Feb. 11, 2006, on a runaway report; visited again May 16 on another runaway report; responded on a report of family-related crimes May 29; issued a curfew citation at the address July 4; visited the home on a welfare check July 15 and issued an underage drinking citation; and took yet another runaway report in December.


Police records indicate Linda Damm was likely killed Feb. 3 or Feb. 4. Within days, the teenage suspects in the case attempted to dispose of her body at an Erie landfill but decided against it and returned the body to the house.

The following evening, the boys took the body to Green Mountain Cemetery in Boulder. They briefly buried the body but exhumed it hours later, fearing it wasn’t concealed well enough, according to police.

In an interview with Lafayette police, 18-year-old Jared Guy said Grove believed he saw a police officer in the cemetery the night the boys tried to dispose of Damm’s body.

But a review of police calls from the dates Guy gave as possible dates for the burial showed that officers were not called to the cemetery to check out any suspicious activity, said Julie Brooks, spokeswoman for the Boulder Police Department.


More info at link.


I don't think the anonymous call was made by any of the suspects that are in custody. Especially not the one who is crying about LE's tactics. I wonder how many other people actually knew about the murder? I am just glad someone came forward before they could get the body to Wyoming. It may have been found if it were taken there.
There is a poll at asking readers if they feel that the court was right in charging Linda Damm's daughter Tess Damm and her boyfriend Bryan Grove as adults in Linda Damm's murder (That isn't the exact wording, but this is what the poll is about).

I voted YES. I am going to go read the comments that are posted there, and maybe add my own. Anyone can take the poll.
Bryan Grove said he grabbed Linda Damm by the throat and restrained her against the wall in her bedroom as she fought back, hitting him on the head. He then forced her, face down, onto the bed, got on top of her and placed her in a chokehold with his arm around her neck. When she went unconscious, he told police, he rolled her over onto her back. Damm was still breathing, so Grove said he picked up a Harley-Davidson knife and stabbed her in the neck so deep that he couldn't remove it. He then got a larger, kitchen-type knife and stabbed her multiple times in the neck, using a twisting motion to cause more damage, Grove told police. Grove said he plunged the knife into her mouth to the back of her throat until she was dead, the reports said. Smith said when he returned to the house moments later, he told Grove he didn't want to be involved, but Grove responded that Smith already was. The two then wrapped Damm's body in blankets and put it in the back of the Subaru. At one point, Grove told police he thought about cutting up the body to dispose of it, but he gave up after trying to sever her right leg at the thigh.
Tess Damm said she then washed some of Grove's soiled clothes, and they burned some of the bloody sheets in the backyard. She said she didn't want to call police because she didn't want to get in trouble.
Grove's father, Kenneth Grove, told police that he knew Linda Damm didn't like having his older son living in their house, but she knew Tess would have left if he wasn't there and so she allowed him to stay.
curious1 said:
See I'm sorry....this is exactly why if it were my daughter I would have told her no and she would have to move out. Parents have got to stop thinking they can fix everything. How many parents get murdered because they are afraid to tell their precious little ones, no I will not allow this in my house you will have to move out. If the precious little one ends up living on the streets so what? Some kids are just bad...period...and cannot be saved. It is not worth loosing your life for an ungrateful little parasite...I don't care if you did give birth to it. I know this will not be a popular sentiment, but it is how I feel.

I agree. From what I've seen this past week, that little girl was a very bad seed. If I'd given birth to that ungrateful little parasite (love your description) I'd be drinking too. What a heartache for that mother - I hope she is at peace now, and I hope those ungrateful little SOBs all get what they deserve.
I'm glad that they are being tried as adults. I can't imagine everything those kids did with that woman's body...taking it here and there...digging it up, etc. I think those kids are true sociopaths. They have to be to do the things that they did and not feel an ounce of guilt. It sounds like the daughter was just one big headache. Maybe she should have been put in some type of place where she had to go to school and couldn't keep running away in order to get her way. She sure is a homely little thing. It looks like her hair is slipping off her head backwards. Aren't I mean! I feel so bad for everything that her mother had to deal with. I too hope she has peace now.
Masterj said:
You are comparing apples and oranges here lavonne. Andrea Yates case is much different than this one.

Absolutely, I agree!!

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