Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #35

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I saw a very interesting 2 hour special on 48 Hours last night, “Click for a Killer” (or something like that)—it was about hitmen for hire on the dark web. People that inquired about putting hits out on other people were uncovered and arrested. It was really creepy to see the demand that seems to exist for this service (and those seemingly willing to provide this service).

Anyway, one thing that really stood out to me as related to the Watts case was with 2 cases in particular, 2 men who wanted their women dead, and how these men desperately wanted them dead and ASAP. They kept emailing the “hitman agency” as to what the delay was. They really, really premeditated these actions. One man was having several affairs; iirc he had tried to kill his wife previously unsuccessfully. This makes me wonder, if CW premeditated this, if he had somehow tried to maybe kill her before (poison, brakes, etc..I think I wondered this before...). A common theme on this episode I noticed was how loooong these men had been wanting these women dead.
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Commenting on the Shanann portion only (and unborn Nico)

I honestly think he just couldn't carry her up the stairs.

I'm sorry to say this, but dead weight is dead weight. If you get a piggyback ride for example, whether you know it or not you are shifting your weight, helping your carrier.

Dead weight is heavy. And he'd already murdered his babies, and his wife and unborn son, dumped them into his truck, his whole dead family... and gone up those steps, down, then up again, and down.

He was tired and figured he'd fix it after work. Which he showed up for.

And maybe he figured he would have more time but NUA ruined that for him.
Commenting on the Shanann portion only (and unborn Nico)

I honestly think he just couldn't carry her up the stairs.

I'm sorry to say this, but dead weight is dead weight. If you get a piggyback ride for example, whether you know it or not you are shifting your weight, helping your carrier.

Dead weight is heavy. And he'd already murdered his babies, and his wife and unborn son, dumped them into his truck, his whole dead family... and gone up those steps, down, then up again, and down.

He was tired and figured he'd fix it after work. Which he showed up for.
It would have been tiring, but it would be doable for someone in his physical shape.

I still come back to the hole not being big enough, or something with the fuel levels.

I think the fuel levels are relevant, because why not put both kids in the same tank?
Re the abduction theory, does this propose that the murders were planned and the abduction was to cover it up ie to free him up for the AP, or that it was a hurried response to a big blowout that just happened? I have trouble with it all being planned considering all the loose ends. So those considering the abduction theory aren't blaming sw for any of the murders?

I think it is a combination of the two things. I think he was planning , in his mind, for awhile, to set up and stage an abduction scene. And he planned, at some point, to dispose of his bothersome family.

But then that night, SW may have said something, about knowing he was seeing someone else. An 'emotional conversation' happened and she announced that she was taking the girls with her, to stay with friends, while he figured things out.

URGENT . If she left with the kids, and told people they were separating, he could NEVER carry out his plan. Once she left, there would be no way he could come home from work and say 'Hey, where'd my family go?'

Once she left, she was going to file for divorce, and his financial nightmare would begin.

If he let her leave that night with the girls, then he would never be rid of his family and the burdens and responsibilities they had become.

Commenting on the Shanann portion only (and unborn Nico)

I honestly think he just couldn't carry her up the stairs.

I'm sorry to say this, but dead weight is dead weight. If you get a piggyback ride for example, whether you know it or not you are shifting your weight, helping your carrier.

Dead weight is heavy. And he'd already murdered his babies, and his wife and unborn son, dumped them into his truck, his whole dead family... and gone up those steps, down, then up again, and down.

He was tired and figured he'd fix it after work. Which he showed up for.

I initially thought this was probably the case, but if the thief-hatch is as small as my understanding, he wouldn't have been able to fit SW's body into the opening, would he?
I saw a very interesting 2 hour special on 48 Hours last night, “Click for a Killer” (or something like that)—it was about hitmen for hire on the dark web. People that inquired about putting hits out on other people were uncovered and arrested. It was really creepy to see the demand that seems to exist for this service.

Anyway, one thing that really stood out to me as related to the Watts case was with 2 cases in particular, 2 men who wanted their women dead, and how these men desperately wanted them dead and ASAP. They kept emailing the “hitman agency” as to what the delay was. They really, really premeditated these actions. One man was having several affairs; iirc he had tried to kill her previously unsuccessfully. This makes me wonder, if CW premeditated this, if he had somehow tried to maybe kill her before (poison, brakes, etc..). A common theme on this episode I noticed was how loooong these men had been wanting these women dead.
I saw that as well. Really fascinating. It’s certainly possible that like these guys, CW had been thinking about this for a long time.

Personally, I think he did plan this way ahead of time. It may not have been specific, and it may not have been planned for that specific night, but I think he fantasized about it.
Here's a video from News one? That supposedly shows the same type of tanks and the hole. I can't tell the scale. It looks bigger than 8 inches diameter but rather small?

There’s a top lid that flips open, and that is larger than 8”. But the actual opening, underneath that lid is 8”. See photo. The professor placed his hand beside it for size comparison. I can’t get this photo to load. I’m going to send it to Tricia.
I think it is a combination of the two things. I think he was planning , in his mind, for awhile, to set up and stage an abduction scene. And he planned, at some point, to dispose of his bothersome family.

But then that night, SW may have said something, about knowing he was seeing someone else. An 'emotional conversation' happened and she was taking the girls with her, to stay with friends, while he figured things out.

URGENT ALERT. If she left with the kids, and told people they were separating, he could NEVER carry out his plan. Once she left, there would be no way he could come home from work and say 'Hey, where'd my family go?'

Once she left, she was going to file for divorce, and his financial nightmare would begin.

If he let her leave that night with the girls, then he would never be rid of his family and the burdens and responsibilities they had become.

Logical. At the risk of repeating myself he must have been ready to explode in anger by the time she got home after the delay, and she was probably tired beyond belief and all that was needed was the catalyst of a few sharp words.
Here's a video from News one? That supposedly shows the same type of tanks and the hole. I can't tell the scale. It looks bigger than 8 inches diameter but rather small?

What is that ladder shown at the end?
It would have been tiring, but it would be doable for someone in his physical shape.

I still come back to the hole not being big enough, or something with the fuel levels.

I think the fuel levels are relevant, because why not put both kids in the same tank?

I don't know.... he did a lot in a short period of time at least as far as the bodies are concerned.

And I believe he believed he had more time.

Thank G for NUA.

I think he got tired and she was too heavy. He may have been fit... but for G's sake... he really wasn't all that.
My lab rat professor brother is bigger and stronger. Thanks to a healthy diet, weights, and his wife lol!
And he would have been tired. Those ladders are tall. Dead weight is heavy.

As far as the tanks being separate, maybe he just thought it would buy him some time looking for whatever baby wasn't found first while they looked for the others.

Idk.... jmo
IMO From reading previous posts, I thought CW job was to monitor a number of these tanks and therefore, I don't think there was necessarily a work order for these tanks. Also, do we know if these tanks had sensors/alerts built in? If they are older tanks maybe they don't. IMO
Another thought, we have experienced a lot of familial child murders here, as well as cases where the husband killed the wife, but not so much with full blown family annhilation which seems to make this case more complex in many ways, as far as how to do these two types of separate crimes come together.

Which has me thinking again about little Malik Drummond and Sherin Matthews, both killed by their fathers, both supposedly “wouldn’t drink their milk.” We have also seen potty training incidents, etc in other cases...with the little ones it seems so often abuse had been going on for a while.

This gives me pause as I wonder (again) if maybe something happened with little CeCe, then Bella witnessed it, so then he had to kill Bella, then next Shanann..a type of chain reaction..idk just thinking about this side again...this definitely does not lend itself to a premeditated type scenario though, which at the moment I’m leaning towards after watching that 48 hours episode I just mentioned (before I seemed to lean more towards a snapping type scenario but it seems I’ve changed my mind at the moment, subject to change of course).
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I initially thought this was probably the case, but if the thief-hatch is as small as my understanding, he wouldn't have been able to fit SW's body into the opening, would he?
True. Then maybe he dug a quick grave for Shanann and Nico and figured he'd deal with it all after work.

Til NUA thankfully showed up. Thank goodness she did.
I don't know.... he did a lot in a short period of time at least as far as the bodies are concerned.

And I believe he believed he had more time.

Thank G for NUA.

I think he got tired and she was too heavy. He may have been fit... but for G's sake... he really wasn't all that.
My lab rat professor brother is bigger and stronger. Thanks to a healthy diet, weights, and his wife lol!
And he would have been tired. Those ladders are tall. Dead weight is heavy.

As far as the tanks being separate, maybe he just thought it would buy him some time looking for whatever baby wasn't found first while they looked for the others.

Idk.... jmo

Did you see him doing pushups and the exercise with the kids? And he ran five niles a day. He was in great shape.

I think carrying her would be easy for him.
I saw a very interesting 2 hour special on 48 Hours last night, “Click for a Killer” (or something like that)—it was about hitmen for hire on the dark web. People that inquired about putting hits out on other people were uncovered and arrested. It was really creepy to see the demand that seems to exist for this service.

Anyway, one thing that really stood out to me as related to the Watts case was with 2 cases in particular, 2 men who wanted their women dead, and how these men desperately wanted them dead and ASAP. They kept emailing the “hitman agency” as to what the delay was. They really, really premeditated these actions. One man was having several affairs; iirc he had tried to kill her previously unsuccessfully. This makes me wonder, if CW premeditated this, if he had somehow tried to maybe kill her before (poison, brakes, etc..). A common theme on this episode I noticed was how loooong these men had been wanting these women dead.

I saw the same program, and it was certainly downright disturbing. I never even thought to apply it here! Those husbands were truly scary in their crazed sense of urgency to having their wives murdered.

I think the sense of urgency still applies here, in that CW was a boiling pot of water, his temperature slowly rising ever since his relationship with the AP came to fruition. An affair turning into a "serious relationship," combined with the news that he had a 3rd child on the way. IMO, those would be the events that would have led to a sense of urgency on CW's part, to break free of this life he didn't want, and to be with the AP.

Unfortunately, divorce clearly didn't seem to be an option in CW's world. He was too worried about how others perceived him, IMO.

Can't wait to find out about those internet "search histories" though, which I think will be handy in painting another picture of what else might have been going on in CW's sick mind in the months leading up to the murders. Jmo
I saw that as well. Really fascinating. It’s certainly possible that like these guys, CW had been thinking about this for a long time.

Personally, I think he did plan this way ahead of time. It may not have been specific, and it may not have been planned for that specific night, but I think he fantasized about it.
MassGuy, we hope you aren't here for how-to tips, logging in through some encrypted means with a disposable computer...
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