Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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I dated a guy with MNPD, and I didn't know it but the first RED FLAG I ignored was his NPD controlling, jealous mother. She HATED all women, no was good enough for her adopted Golden Child.
He had rage issues towards women because of her controlling, emotional incest/sexual abuse.
Same. His mother smeared me in the breakup when you would've thought, if I were so terrible, she would've been relieved that I left her son.
Letter to the judge written by one of the hosts of the MRS podcasts...and denied - undoubtedly fueling their vitriol.

I must say the part that stated when they called the judge they were forwarded to a social worker, made me think " nope ma'am, we can't help you, but perhaps somebody in social work can help you better understand and get through this as you obviously need some help."
As much as I believe that CW is guilty, I've hesitated against calling him "evil" because I generally think it's more complicated than that. I like to come at it from a psych standpoint and it's the pathology behind the psychopaths, FAs, sociopaths, etc. that really interests me. After watching all these interviews, though, I'm at a loss. I see narcissism. I see denial. I see manipulation. Outright aggression. But dang it, I also just see flat-out evil. I've had lots of sympathy for SW when it comes to her death, but now I have it for her life, too. No wonder they moved to CO. She'd have never done anything right. It wouldn't have mattered what she did or how she tried to smooth things over, she'd have never been good enough for CW. And while I lack sympathy for CW, a picture is starting to form around him and I've had a few light bulb moments. I bet he's never really had to take responsibility for anything. This whole thing must come as a huge shocker to him.
DEAD ON. The explanation for moving to Colorado and elements of his psychology in being able to do what he did and justify his own actions (he must have justified it in his head beforehand since he did it) all come together in your post. Especially the last two sentences. All JMO.
Amazing that CW’s parents did not even write the letter themselves, nor have they obviously hired an attorney. At what point will they be shut down and told it has been at CW’s behest to have no contact with him and the Defense is following his orders? Something tells me they will continue to not believe it, however, even if it comes from his own mouth. Just like they didn’t when he distanced himself after they refused to attend his wedding...all SW’s fault.
This just blows my mind, I know they are exhausting any avenue, throwing everything at it and hoping something sticks, but good grief, hire an attorney. I wonder if they have approached attorneys and been turned down because it is a lost cause. Usually high profile cases will draw out legal help pro bono for the exposure the lawyer will get.
And...that a "bossy" or "argumentative" or "dominant" wife (like herself, no doubt IMO) does not equal an "abusive" wife. Not even CLOSE. Give me a break. To me, this kind of thinking degrades the very REAL occurrence of men and women who are abusive.

Insinuating that she was a ball buster who emasculated their son and intentionally alienated his family with ABUSE is right out of a 1950s playbook! Guess Cindy Watts is more Phyllis Schlaefly than Betty Friedan. Grrrr. One snippet of these people have me running for the hills.
Thank you, this was a written comment they made “ the degree he pled too is irrelevant because that would have been decided by a jury, it doesn’t matter what the charge is.” Umm no, if his defense could have pled it down to a lesser charge they would have, the degree is very relevant. They go on to say a plea is just an agreement, not an admission of guilt, that is also decided by a jury.
Free Image on Pixabay - Madness, Crazy, Happiness, Mood
This just blows my mind, I know they are exhausting any avenue, throwing everything at it and hoping something sticks, but good grief, hire an attorney. I wonder if they have approached attorneys and been turned down because it is a lost cause. Usually high profile cases will draw out legal help pro bono for the exposure the lawyer will get.
Yes! And one would think the ACLU would be all over this case if, indeed, there was any credence to the theory he is being completely controlled by his attorneys and the jail, thereby violating his constitutional rights.

I do hope the defense and DA are crossing their t's and dotting their i's as I can see where CW could use all this to later claim he was coerced into isolation and the plea...
Same. His mother smeared me in the breakup when you would've thought, if I were so terrible, she would've been relieved that I left her son.

I hate to be so blunt, but my mother-in-law died 8 years ago and it sent my father-in-law off the deep end, but our marriage has never been better. I honestly don't think my husband and I would still be married if things continued on as they were. It's not like I am glad she's dead, but I love my husband and I'm glad we're still together. That woman hated me from the very beginning and they hated our kids by extension. We could survive an international move, job loss, child loss, extensive medical problems, and mental illness but I don't think we could've survived more of the in-law shenanigans.

Poor SW. Many of us have been there. I am angry, and even kind of embarrassed FOR her, that such things have been said and insinuated about her since her MURDER. (No matter how the Watts try to sling it, she was murdered.) She tried so hard to make a good life for her and her family.
Yes! And one would think the ACLU would be all over this case if, indeed, there was any credence to the theory he is being completely controlled by his attorneys and the jail, thereby violating his constitutional rights.

I do hope the defense and DA are crossing their t's and dotting their i's as I can see where CW could use all this to later claim he was coerced into isolation and the plea...
I hope so too, one of the lawyers said they are most likely having him sign waivers to acknowledge he was counseled properly and the decisions are his. I hope they are and that includes his choice of who he wanted to communicate with.
The sentences for murdering Shanann, Unborn Nico, Tampering with deceased bodies, hiding evidence.......these alone would put him behind bars for life. Do CW's parents not realize this? He will never ever see the light of day out of prison in any scenario. They should be grateful that he wont be executed. They should be grateful that all of the dirty laundry wont come out in trial. IMO. They should show some grace and acceptance. Their son will not be coming home to them.
When I heard his mother set out peanuts when her grandkids came to visit that had deathly reactions to peanuts, I knew something was wrong. Either she's forgetful or vindictive to scare her daughter-in-law, or maybe didn't care if they got ill. :(
I'm reasonably sure she didn't set out peanuts when her grandkids came to visit. Do you have a link for this?
Flurry of activity on the court website. Did anyone see the letter from a K. Almand? Isn't Chris the one who decides if he wants a new attorney? IMO Chris realized there was no way to wriggle out of this.
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I still can’t believe the family is taking their legal and PR advice from these podcasts hosts. People who have no qualifications besides setting up a podcast, becoming close with the family, and showing up to the plea hearing.

I have seen this happen in some missing persons cases. When strangers approach people at their lowest moment, offering help and advice, it’s best to be skeptical and very cautious. There is almost always an ulterior motive. The Watts family is being victimized by these people who will soon move on to gossiping about the next case. They should have hired an attorney or a family spokesperson. This is really bad.
I still can’t believe the family is taking their legal and PR advice from these podcasts hosts. People who have no qualifications besides setting up a podcast, becoming close with the family, and showing up to the plea hearing.

These pod people are predators, imo. It's obvious CW's mother is in a highly emotional and agitated state, told to go public in the media, and now subject to the fallout and making a horrible situation even worse. SMH
I have seen this happen in some missing persons cases. When strangers approach people at their lowest moment, offering help and advice, it’s best to be skeptical and very cautious. There is almost always an ulterior motive. The Watts family is being victimized by these people who will soon move on to gossiping about the next case. They should have hired an attorney or a family spokesperson. This is really bad.
Exactly. It feels exploitive. Imo
Cindy clearly had a bad relationship with SW way before this all happened. In her head right now it’s probably all Shanann’s fault, she changed him, she pushed him to this, she got inside his head. She’s his mother at the end of the day he’s her baby boy, she watched him learn to walk and talk and become a man. She can’t and probably will never be able to accept that he’s wiped out his whole family, bit like Casey Anthony’s mum who will never ever accept that her daughter killed her granddaughter. It must be something about mothers because CA’s dad accepts it now, maybe CW’s father could see the truth eventually. But for a mother to see your child’s name plastered over papers and the news as ‘murderer’, all you’d be able to think of was the son/daughter you brought into this world watched grow and love more than anything.
At the same time Cindy could have had the tiniest bit of decency and said she’s disgusted and ashamed by her son’s actions, actually mentioned how much of a living nightmare it’s been to lose her grandchildren and how much she will forever hate what her son did but that she cannot hate him herself being his mother, she will always be there for him. It’s how cold and how they are completely ignorant to the fact that 4 innocent lives were lost that’s getting to me.
She will, but she'll blame others for his actions. Everyone else but CW. It usually happens when mothers are very close with the sons. I wonder what was the dynamics in CW's family and if there was a large age difference between him and his sister. Everyone is babying him.

Unhealthy bonds to her son.
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