Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #54

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As I watched CW when the camera panned to him, all I saw was a man with no soul, and a person who was acting because he knew he'd be on camera. He wasn't upset, he wasn't crying, he wasn't remorseful. He was there going through the motions and then he high-tailed it out of there when it was over. He didn't care about what he did to his family, and he sure as heck didn't care what people had to say today. His few tears were all part of his charade. He didn't speak because he

There's something beyond pure evil about him.
I don't understand, folks. I asked this at the beginning. Why not divorce? I'm back to that.

The DA mentioned it. I wish the judge had so future annihilators would maybe listen?

Perhaps he couldn't face his wife being upset. But why the kids? How is death preferable?

Sane people would leave, divorce or runaway, not murder, only a psychopath would think that was the best option. Maybe, he's killed before?
I am just heartbroken for the family. What a tough holiday season this will be. I pray they are able to find some kind of peace and comfort through it all and they are surrounded by friends and family to love them and lift them up during this time.

I just can’t get that image of poor Bella fighting for her life out of my mind. It is utterly heart wrenching!

How could he? How could he?! :(
IMO she felt the need to say they forgive him because it may be their very last chance to ever speak to him ever again. Who knows what any of us would do if it was our own son? She can write him letters in prison, but that doesn't mean he will read them.

I was also thinking the same thing, this might be the last they ever see of him, he might refuse to see them again. So, his family was saying all the 'right things' to get him to someday tell them what happened, what order, why..

But, I think he's actually relieved, he's free, free of SW, free of parenting, free of his parents judgement, he's free. Locked up forever, but free to be the monster that he really is.
I was just re-watching. Was that NUA right behind CW? (Sorry if I missed a post stating that.)
Sane people would leave, divorce or runaway, not murder, only a psychopath would think that was the best option. Maybe, he's killed before?
There’s no evidence that he’s killed before, and the odds of that would be spectacularly unlikely.

These guys tend to commit their crimes without any prior history of anything criminal, much less murder.

At the very least, he is a sociopath though.
The letter sounds Illogical, weird, and awkward, just like his interviews.

He might as well have said - If anything happens to my wife and children, arrest me.
IMO his sister concocted that letter and imitated his handwriting. She seems to be the one working things to "fight, fight to the end." I do feel for Watts' parents. They didn't deserve this either. They didn't raise their son to be this. It's disgusting. And it doesn't compare to what Shan'ann and her whole family has lost, the grief they must carry forever. But this is pathetic, what he did to everyone. He is a monster. They raised a monster. It's inexplicable. CW's mother and sister should have been kinder to Shan'ann by a lot, they were nasty and narcissistic and petty, but to have this young man they believed in and showered with love grow up to be a vicious, stone-cold murderer is no doubt heartbreaking. Sorry for rambling. What a sad, terrible, painful situation, all caused by one man. He has filled the world with sadness when he could have had the legacy of a beautiful family. He's stupid, vain, selfish and evil. Broken.
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I'm also thinking back to Shanann saying she wasn't feeling well on that AZ trip. Now that we know she was returning to a husband with whom she was trying to salvage her marriage with, I don't think I'd feel well either. Lord only knows what things he may have said to her via text (or call) when she was away. I'm guessing she knew he was having an affair by that point as well. It allllll makes my head spin.
Two random thoughts.

I wonder if SW ever suspected that she was married to a monster? She surely didn't embrace the idea, or she would not have been trying so hard to keep her family together. But I wonder when she sensed something amiss?

Second terrible thought. For those who thought he was giving the girls a respectful burial...the mental image of him forcefully shoving those tiny girls through an even tinier! it is certainly not respectful.
Two random thoughts.

I wonder if SW ever suspected that she was married to a monster? She surely didn't embrace the idea, or she would not have been trying so hard to keep her family together. But I wonder when she sensed something amiss?

Second terrible thought. For those who thought he was giving the girls a respectful burial...the mental image of him forcefully shoving those tiny girls through an even tinier! it is certainly not respectful.
I do not remember who proposed the "respectful burial" idea so I am not directing this at anyone, but that was one of the most misguided assertions about CW. That just never made a whit of sense.
Sane people would leave, divorce or runaway, not murder, only a psychopath would think that was the best option. Maybe, he's killed before?
He thought he was taking the easy way out. Divorce would be too hard. He sounds like he was given everything he ever wanted and does not know what it's like to have to go through difficult things in life. Entitled, selfish, heartless.
It's very short and appears consistent with his handwriting. It simply says "To Whom it may concern, If anyone gets this letter, I would never do anything to hurt myself or my children or my wife. If anything happens to me, please investigate my wife. Chris Watts"

So significant, that even in this letter he comes first.

ETA - it was dated 8/6/18

And, not forgetting the pic of the doll on the lounge he sent her while she was on her trip. To which she replied "I don't know what to make of this" creepy.
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