Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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Central Florida ~I was reading on a forum specific to my retirement community. Many people reporting requests from adult children to come and visit with the grands. Schools out, parents off work, airfare is cheap ~ Let's go visit a bunch of senior citizens during a pandemic! Yay!

This is really a problem. Some parents just can't say no when they should. Maybe it will help that there is little to do now. Rec centers, movie theatres, most restaurants, all closed.
Saw a 69 y/o grandmother ask Dr Sanjay Gupta a similar question last evening. One of her children wanted her to come to help out with the grandchildren while both parents were trying to work from home. Sanjay said that his own family was experiencing the same . He strongly advised the grandmother that no, they should not go and to stay home.
You just have to laugh. I used to think that I had "stress". That is so trivial compared to the last 24 hours of my crazy life.

Geez, I wish that I had the same "stress" I was dealing with three months ago. Like, "gee, what pants should I wear to yoga today..."

In the last 24 hours I have spoken to a hospice nurse, dealt with filing for unemployment, and now, an earthquake, affecting my house and family in SLC, UT. On top of Coronavirus.

That is a lot to handle Mickey. Hope things ease up for you.
Hell is coming,” Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman says he told CEOs as he became concerned with the coronavirus threat. “This was a feeling like I’ve never had. Like there’s a tsunami coming.”

His advice to the White House? “Shut it down now.”

CNBC on Twitter
Shut what down? The White House or the virus or what?

Looks like we'll be getting a refund for American Ballet Theatre's performance of Swan Lake at Detroit Opera House as the spring opera/dance season has been canceled. We have already requested a refund for Champion.

Michigan Opera Theatre Cancels Spring Season - Michigan Opera Theatre

March 17, 2020

It is with heavy hearts that Michigan Opera Theatre announces the cancellation of the remainder of its 2020 spring season in light of COVID-19.The decision comes following federal, state and CDC recommendations to reduce social gatherings in an attempt to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. While this is a difficult decision, canceling the remainder of our season comes out of our commitment to putting the health and safety of our patrons, staff and artists first...
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I found this Coronavirus testing: WHO and CDC never discussed providing test kits to the US, global health agency says

I've seen numerous articles about this rumor but this seemed the most reliable.
I haven't seen any reliable information that the WHO test (or protocol) produced 40 or 47 percent false positives.
This morning on MSNBC the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Witmer said that she is trying to get the WHO tests for her own state of Michigan, since they are not getting testing kits from the US Government.

So I think the article quoted above has some inconsistencies as to whether or not there were tests shipped by WHO, and not just a protocol test design that countries could adopt and make on their own.
"Testing began at the CDC, and on February 5, the agency announced it would begin shipping test kits to public health labs around the country. Just a day later, the World Health Organization said it had already shipped 250,000 tests to more than 70 laboratories around the world.

As WHO shipped hundreds of thousands of tests, broader US testing struggled to begin. Days after CDC's tests shipped, some labs reported that the test kits were not working as expected, which eventually required tests be re-manufactured."

Missing in that article is the reason our own CDC developed faulty tests.

But thanks for posting the article, it's very hard to get the truth.
I should have finished the quote but I was transcribing as he talked.
"Worse than the virus is the fear that is spreading relative to panic-shopping and lockdown. The panic and fear is wholly disconnected to the reality."

Also, he was giving examples of people who have recovered, and stats on increased testing resulting in increased cases and also lower mortality. I don't consider that he was downplaying the seriousness in anyway, and I took hope in what he said advising people to look at all the facts.

He has been out in front of this from the beginning, so I'm all ears when he speaks. JMO

Thanks for clarifying. Has NY closed schools and restricted resturants and bars to take out only and less than 10 people per location?

I'm really confused on the compliance and support of the CDC/White House. 15 day program.

Thanks :)
Five Doctors Who Attended The CORD-em Medical Conference In New York Tested Positive For COVID-19
Conference organizers say all attendees have been notified.

March 17, 2020, at 7:02 p.m. ET

“Five emergency room doctors and medical school professors who attended an industry conference in New York City last week have tested positive for COVID-19, organizers told BuzzFeed News.

Around 1,300 physicians and educators from at least 34 states, as well as Canada, attended the assembly, which was organized by the Council of Residency Directors (CORD) in Emergency Medicine and ran from March 8 to 11. The five infected doctors are from California, Texas, Michigan, and Tennessee.”

-More at link

Oh my! From the article:

"In the lead-up to the start date, conference organizers acknowledged the possible risk of holding the gathering amid a growing pandemic. In a “coronavirus update” posted to its website ahead of the meeting, they wrote, “In this time of public uncertainty and fear, it is especially important for emergency physicians to be seen as leaders and advocates for our patients, so CORD has no intention of canceling Academic Assembly at this time.”
Saw a 69 y/o grandmother ask Dr Sanjay Gupta a similar question last evening. One of her children wanted her to come to help out with the grandchildren while both parents were trying to work from home. Sanjay said that his own family was experiencing the same . He strongly advised the grandmother that no, they should not go and to stay home.
Mel Brooks and his son made a cute video about this:

Max Brooks on Twitter

Stay home!

The "me" generation.

Thankfully the millennials were addressed in the WH Conference by Dr. B. She said, (paraphrasing), that the new data coming out of Italy in France shows that infection does occur in younger ages (paraphrasing moo, see conference for full quote and context). She also reiterated the importance of the younger people showing responsibility to help reduce spread to others.


Wow on DT saying straight up that China “could’ve given us a little more notice”. This is true that China tried to suppress this information, as we know re: the suppression of Dr. LW. (RIP).


Might shift clocking out. I look forward to picking up with the WHO Presser.


Dr. B said to expect a large increase in numbers over the next 5 days as testing is being ramped up. She said specifically that these results are not indicative of the curve (paraphrasing) or that this means we look like Italy, rather it is a concentration of the results of many tests being packed in...something along those lines. She also was able to finish what she was saying about surface transmission the other day. Sounds to me like “hard surfaces” are a strong potential candidate for transmission, moo.

Also sounds like military is ramping up moo.

Goodnight zzzz
: offtobed:
So they want to block outsiders from shopping at the grocery stores? People who are visiting the area? How would anyone determine that? Make people stand in line and show proof of living in the county or something? That sounds awful to me. Why are there so many tourists in an area with only one grocery store and not enough food?
Reminds me of the town in PBS American Experience Influenza 1918. They were so in fear of getting the flu that they posted signs outside of town telling travelers that the flu was there and the town was in quarantine.
As of 2:00 PM tomorrow, PEI liquor and cannabis stores will be closed. This doesn't affect me at all (it's been 13 years, 5 months,and 3 days since my last drink and if the stress of this hasn't caused me to drink yet I'm going to be okay) but I'm so worried about those who are dependent on alcohol...this is going to be so hard on them. And nothing has been said yet about those who use cannabis for health purposes.

edited to correct: liquor and cannabis stores closing as of 2:00 tomorrow, not today.
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Our courtrooms are closed except for very specific hearings etc and interim telephone hearings are being implemented in our cases - I’m waiting to see what happens next ... thanks to the folks here I have food supplies but it was not easy.
‘MORE AFRAID OF GOD’: Muslim pilgrims ignore risk to gather in Indonesia
''JAKARTA/KUALA LUMPUR — Thousands of Muslim pilgrims from across Asia gathered in Indonesia on Wednesday, despite fears that their meeting could fuel the spread of a coronavirus, just two weeks after a similar event in Malaysia caused more than 500 infections.

Organizers and regional officials said the event in the world’s fourth most populous nation had begun, although the regional police chief said he was making a last ditch-effort to persuade organizers to call it off.

“We are more afraid of God,” one of the organizers, Mustari Bahranuddin, told Reuters, when asked about the risk of participants spreading the virus at the event in Gowa in Indonesia’s province of South Sulawesi.

“Because everyone’s human, we fear illnesses, death,” he said. “But there’s something more to the body, which is our soul.”

''About two-thirds of Malaysia’s 790 infections have been traced to the meeting at a mosque complex on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, the capital.''
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