Ebola outbreak - general thread #2

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[h=1]CDC Officials Meet Flight After Passenger Shows Possible Ebola Symptoms[/h]
A United Airilines flight from Brussels was met by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials today at Newark Liberty International Airport after a passenger on board believed to be from Liberia exhibited possible signs of Ebola.


Hmmm Plane + Brussels + Liberia ..........where have we seen that before ? I'd be terrified to fly in that region any time soon.
How to get into America with Ebola: Ibuprofen and a lie

Public health watchdog says Ebola patients could use ibuprofen to lower their fevers so that they can pass through airport checkpoints

Nearly all of the screening is done by staff in Ebola-stricken nations using hand-held temperature scanners

The scanners can be tricked with drugs that lower fever

The first U.S. Ebola patient, who arrived on a plane after flying out of Liberia, has sparked calls to tighten screening for the disease at U.S. airports

Thomas Eric Duncan lied on a form when he said he had not been in contact with anyone sickened with Ebola

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2780002/How-America-Ebola-Ibuprofen-lie.html#ixzz3FCSIs3dL
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Ugh....... ........ Meaning you're contagious the whole time. What did he do in Brussels for 7 hrs? OH snap !
I don't know that that would work though....I don't know much about air travel from other countries to the U.S., but it seems like people would just travel over land from Africa to other countries that they could fly out of. That would do nothing to keep ebola out of the U.S., and it might even spread it further to countries other than Africa.

And depending how much it is restricted, it could prevent people from going to Africa to help if they know they can't come back. Africa is not an island unto itself; if the disease is not stemmed there, it will eventually affect other countries one way or another.

Saw someone last night discussing how this can be done, and in his opinion it's should be done.
1) the argument that restricting flights would hamper relief efforts (doctors, supplies, etc.,), or that once inside the country a doctor couldn't then get out is BS, b/c they can utilize military transport instead.

2) people traveling from W. Africa via another country like this guy did is easy to stop when the restriction is based on your passport. People holding those passports, not allowed in. People who have a stamp from one of these regions from recent travel, not allowed in.

This is not my opinion so please don't shoot the messenger. I will say however, when you strip away all the emotion it's a pretty straightforward plan.
I think it way past time to stop worrying about hurting someone's feelings and just think about protecting people's lives. If this means banning any travel out of affected areas, then so be it. IMO and I posted this at the start, If you know that you have been exposed to Ebola you would do anything, including risking a world epidemic, to get to America where you know that you would be treated and maybe your life would be saved. This is what these people are doing and they really don't care at all who gets exposed.
Duncan in critical condition on vent per MSNBC
If it is true that the manufacturer of zmapp has none of the drug at the ready right now, how will the NBC cameraman be treated at the Nebraska hospital? Also. I just heard on MSNBC that Duncan is on a ventilator in CRITICAL condition, so it looks like those eager to prosecute may have their bubbles burst.............JMO
How to get into America with Ebola: Ibuprofen and a lie

Public health watchdog says Ebola patients could use ibuprofen to lower their fevers so that they can pass through airport checkpoints

Nearly all of the screening is done by staff in Ebola-stricken nations using hand-held temperature scanners

The scanners can be tricked with drugs that lower fever

The first U.S. Ebola patient, who arrived on a plane after flying out of Liberia, has sparked calls to tighten screening for the disease at U.S. airports

Thomas Eric Duncan lied on a form when he said he had not been in contact with anyone sickened with Ebola

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2780002/How-America-Ebola-Ibuprofen-lie.html#ixzz3FCSIs3dL
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This is why the guy I saw last night (maybe on Greta?) made a hell of a lot of sense when he said restriction(s) should be based on ones passport. Much harder to scam compared to relying on a form and a thermometer.
[h=1]CDC Officials Meet Flight After Passenger Shows Possible Ebola Symptoms[/h]
A United Airilines flight from Brussels was met by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials today at Newark Liberty International Airport after a passenger on board believed to be from Liberia exhibited possible signs of Ebola.


Taken from the article.
After the passenger in question was off the plane and it was determined he was not contagious, the rest of the passengers were allowed off, a source with knowledge of the situation told ABC News.
Confused I thought it took 72 hrs for ebola test to come back, were these people stuck for 72 hrs and if not how can you possibly say he was not contagious.
Does anyone know why their is a patent on ebola from the CDC? I'm not a conspiracy theorist and didn't really believe this sort of thing was true until I saw it with my own eyes. Here's a link: http://www.google.com/patents/CA2741523A1?cl=en I'm ignorant as to why there is a patent on a disease. Can anyone provide an explanation? Why would someone want ownership of this sort of thing?
Does anyone know why their is a patent on ebola from the CDC? I'm not a conspiracy theorist and didn't really believe this sort of thing was true until I saw it with my own eyes. Here's a link: http://www.google.com/patents/CA2741523A1?cl=en I'm ignorant as to why there is a patent on a disease. Can anyone provide an explanation? Why would someone want ownership of this sort of thing?

So they can sell it to labs who want to develop vax and do other research ?
Taken from the article.

Confused I thought it took 72 hrs for ebola test to come back, were these people stuck for 72 hrs and if not how can you possibly say he was not contagious.
I dunno...maybe because he didn't have a fever. Just vomiting w/o fever rules out ebola??
How do these idiots get airtime? And when is the media going to be responsible and do some research? Jmo

There are even banners, posters, graphics, in West Africa that have open coughing and hand shaking as things not to do while there is still an outbreak there.

It's frustrating to see the school aged children in Dallas tweet things like "Unless you guys are licking pools of their blood, or eating their poop, you won't get ebola."

IF that were truly the case, how do they suppose the virus was transferred to Duncan?

While typing this, CNN has released that Duncan's condition has worsened and he is now in critical condition.
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