FL - Multiple Fatalities at Mass Shooting at Madden Gaming Tournament, Jacksonville, 26 Aug 2018

That's all very well, but I'm guessing that if your firearm is loaded and so readily to hand that you can pick it up and start shooting in an instant it's also likely to be within reach of any children in the house. Unless of course you wear it on your person all the time and sleep with it under your pillow.

Why would you guess that ?
It would be foolish to leave any firearm loaded and accessible by just anybody. Protecting one's household is a great responsibility ; and not to be taken lightly.

Don't assume that our guns are always loaded and safety off .
We practice responsible gun safety .
I think the difference between Europe and the US is that Europe has progressive nationwide policies that support working parents and the US has established workaholic culture that makes it nearly impossible to work reasonable hours and raise your kids.

I think you'll find that the situation across Europe varies considerably from country to country. It's not really something one can generalise about.
Why would you guess that ?
It would be foolish to leave any firearm loaded and accessible by just anybody. Protecting one's household is a great responsibility ; and not to be taken lightly.

Don't assume that our guns are always loaded and safety off .
We practice responsible gun safety .

It was a general point, not aimed at anyone in particular. We know that people do leave loaded firearms within reach of small children since there are regular media reports of small children shooting each other at home.
Hopefully I am not the only one who blames the shooter for the shooting.

Unfortunately, we have no control over Katz's actions; only Katz can control his own actions.

Personal accountability, and Katz must be held accountable for his actions.

I also blame the country that makes guns readily available to people who should never of been allowed near a gun.
We all know that this is not a thread to discuss gun control and so on. Let's all be responsible WS'ers and stop before we make more work for the mods or get shut down.

Surely that’s part and parcel when such daily occurrences now happen that guns are the topic of conversation?

He was only able to pull of such a horrific cowardly attack because of lax gun control issues?!
That's all very well, but I'm guessing that if your firearm is loaded and so readily to hand that you can pick it up and start shooting in an instant it's also likely to be within reach of any children in the house. Unless of course you wear it on your person all the time and sleep with it under your pillow.

The use of "you" and "your" sounded personal.
Don't worry... no offense taken at all. :D
We don't have small children at home, and keep firearms locked in the gun cabinets.

You are correct about the foolish people who knowingly allow small children to hurt or even kill themselves or siblings by placing weapons where they can easily be accessed; it's unbelievably stupid .
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Having tried to take a brief look at the perps' online footprint .... I can't find very much evidence that he posted 'warning signs' about his upcoming rampage.
The sad part about that is--- even if he did, would he have been taken seriously ?
Others have posted threats before and they turned out to be meaningless drivel.

Has anyone else discovered if he specifically made threats targeting the FL event ?

DM had photos of the home he shared with his dad (and the houses' value --700,000 -- but that's typical with the DM. :p ) ... and it seems the neighbors knew little about them.
Other than perp and his father were quiet , and no record of police interactions.
DM had photos of the home he shared with his dad (and the houses' value --700,000 -- but that's typical with the DM. :p ) ... and it seems the neighbors knew little about them.
Other than perp and his father were quiet , and no record of police interactions.

From what I read both parents were employees of the federal government (so I think we can take it the family had at least reasonable health cover). I can't recall what his mother does but his father is something fairly senior in NASA.

Would there have been any security vetting involved in such work and if so would it cover adult children of the family?
I keep thinking "Where were the parents in all this?"

Leaving aside the fact that the gunman was 24 years old, he clearly had significant health issues that were serious enough to be cited in his parents' divorce papers and it seems likely those issues related to his mental rather than physical health.

We know he lived with his father but both parents seem to have high-flying careers. I'm left wondering whether this was a case where both parents were focused on their careers and maybe not as aware of his problems as they might have been while he was growing up and maybe not keeping an eye on him as much as they could or should have done as an adult. He clearly lived in his father's house but maybe he wasn't really in his father's life. I've seen a report that his father was travelling on business when all of this went down so maybe dad was away quite often and unaware of what his son was getting up to or what his mental state was at any given time.

Dunno. I could be completely wrong and both parents were actively involved in their son's life.
He was only able to pull of such a horrific cowardly attack because of lax gun control issues?!

I'm inclined to wait and see what comes out about the gun used. Was it his or maybe his father's? Was it illegally or legally acquired by Katz junior or legally owned by his dad and taken by the son without his father's knowledge?

I'm assuming for the sake of argument that, because of his job, his father wouldn't have risked knowingly having an illegally acquired firearm in the house.
I keep thinking "Where were the parents in all this?"

Leaving aside the fact that the gunman was 24 years old, he clearly had significant health issues that were serious enough to be cited in his parents' divorce papers and it seems likely those issues related to his mental rather than physical health.

We know he lived with his father but both parents seem to have high-flying careers. I'm left wondering whether this was a case where both parents were focused on their careers and maybe not as aware of his problems as they might have been while he was growing up and maybe not keeping an eye on him as much as they could or should have done as an adult. He clearly lived in his father's house but maybe he wasn't really in his father's life. I've seen a report that his father was travelling on business when all of this went down so maybe dad was away quite often and unaware of what his son was getting up to or what his mental state was at any given time.

Dunno. I could be completely wrong and both parents were actively involved in their son's life.

I don't know either, but my thoughts have been similar to yours. I've also wondered if he worked or if his parents were paying his living expenses. Maybe his parents were encouraging him to finish college and told him after this tournament you go back to college or your on your own. When he didn't qualify to continue onto the next level in the tournament he completely lost it.
I don't either.

We are as likely to stop mass shootings like this from happening as we are to stop tornadoes and hurricanes.

Not to say we can't prevent some, but mass shootings are a fact of life. For the most part all we can do is prepare, respond, and clean up.

I argee. We can maybe get better at recognizing warning signs if there are any. Other than that I don't think it's something that can be fixed. However, I think society as a whole could step up with parenting, morals, values, nurturing, being aware and so much more. I don't know what the answers are, but I pray for a better future.
I don't know either, but my thoughts have been similar to yours.

The other thing that crossed my mind is that if Katz was autistic, which obviously we don't know at this stage, there's a very high possibility that one or both of his parents are also autistic. The powerful role of genes in autism is now fairly widely acknowledged, so if one or both of his parents is/are autistic then it's also likely that they may not have been able to fully read him and his mental state. Expecting one autistic person to emotionally read another might not be reasonable or practicable.

I've also wondered if he worked or if his parents were paying his living expenses. Maybe his parents were encouraging him to finish college and told him after this tournament you go back to college or your on your own. When he didn't qualify to continue onto the next level in the tournament he completely lost it.

Good questions and points.
JSO update / public statement is at 3 PM, per their Twitter feed. Jax Sheriff's Office (@JSOPIO) | Twitter

Have not figured out if any local newscasts are covering it live or not

Updated, JSO FB page will cover it live: Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

Updated Channel 12 WTLV has it live on local news; have not checked the locals pages in the last few minutes
I argee. We can maybe get better at recognizing warning signs if there are any. Other than that I don't think it's something that can be fixed. However, I think society as a whole could step up with parenting, morals, values, nurturing, being aware and so much more. I don't know what the answers are, but I pray for a better future.
BBM: Better gun laws, more access mental health care and social services, dealing with the toxic masculinity that permeates our culture, and yes, so much more.

Honestly there's so much it's overwhelming but we could try. How many lives could we save?

The USA seems to have come up with the perfect storm of creating these mass shootings it's hard to accept we're helpless at stopping them.

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