FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #13

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this speculation makes sense to me.
I would further speculate that ADD runs in this family; and might provide a reasonable explaination for a lot of the confusing behaviors we think we've observed, including wandering, overly-friendliness, outbursts, and obvious judgement problems.

Not that I like going back down the trail to DT again but I have no choice.

Poor Judgement: I completely understand women make big mistakes and have poor judgement when they get married. (goes for men also) I also understand that a second marriage usually always takes place. When the 2nd marriage crumbles, and a 3rd husband comes along, and then new live in boyfriends without the 3rd divorce even final yet..... well at this point I have to ask myself-- how in the world can one woman continue to make the same poor choices and continue to travel down this road? How can every man she married or was B/F with ALL be the bad guys? IDK

But any rate-- who set the standards and discipline for the children.
What kind of structure did they have? Was every new B/F the new Father figure to them, and provide discipline? Hard for young children to understand who is in charge when the enviorment keeps changing.

As for being a member of the onlinepotsociety and the pics of beer drinking-- and I will also tag on the neighbor that told the media to look in the trash-- and leave at that-- that tells me that additional poor judgement was used in front of the children. Getting high and drinking alters everyone's judgement, and not for the good while raising children.

Somer was not supervised and IMO did not have set rules to follow- hence her wandering off from the other children.
In my school district, you cannot pick up a child from school if you are not on the approved list and people do check ID's etc. But once a child is out the door, no one would have a clue that someone is picking your child up off the street when s/he might see them. Once out the door, they are on their own. A parent can call and tell the office that so and so will pick up their child if they are not on the approved list. Then the child waits in the office until everything is squared away.

Probably DT did not have SP pick up the kids because they always walked home, so no change. But who waited for the kids every other day? That has never been said. If no one waited for the kids on other days, then why have SP wait today? I agree, if Somer was goofing around a lot of days and not home on time, why have a breakdown over this day when she really wasn't that late? What time did DT usually get home from work? How much earlier did she leave work that day to look for her? She couldn't have called all of Somer's usual spots before she left work. There just wasn't enough time.

And I know I'll get bashed here, but what struck me the most was DT's fabulous fingernails on the day of the funeral.
One of the things about this case that nags at me harder than almost any of the other nagging things: if Somer had been known to wander off/not come home right after school, etc., why was everyone in such a panic when she wandered off on that particular day? I mean - everyone went into emergency mode immediately! Diena took off work early. Her BF took off work early! And she had only been missing about an hour, which was not uncommon, according to the teen babysitter.
Here is a little girl who was known to come home upon occasion an hour or so late. But suddenly on this particular day, barely an hour had elapsed and the mother went into panic mode. It doesn't make sense. I know Diena said that she felt something wasn't right. Moms have gut instincts. I know I do, and I always listen to it. What happened on this particular day that no one is talking about that sent everyone into panic mode?

I've wondered about this too.

My gut feeling was that Somer was having problems at school with other kids for some reason.

Her stomach hurt, and she wanted to stay home. If she had been allowed to stay home alone that day, would the burglars have gotten her?

She went to school and IIRC got into a tiff with another child.
Then got into a tiff with her sibs and ran ahead to older kids.

Just a guess that she was probably dissed by the older kids, and she ran off hurt and angry.

I'd like to know if the burglars are any connection to a friend/family member of the kid Somer got into a tiff with. IRC, the Principal of the school mentioned that Somer had tiff before.
I've asked myself the same question, Human. Who supervised the kids on all the other days?
Was Diena's work schedule different that day from her usual work schedule? Was she usually home when the kids arrived from school?
Why was SP asked to stay and wait for them that day?

In observing Diena's behavior on video, she seems defensive of her parenting skills when she makes comments such as "I didn't raise my kids that way." This was said when talking about Somer's wandering off. She seemed as if she was attempting to convince everyone that she was a good mom. So it causes me to wonder why she might feel insecure about her parenting skills and say those things. Of course, she's in the media spotlight and obviously under scrutiny... But her choice of words sound like something someone would say who has been criticized or judged for their mistakes. When I read between the lines of that statement, what I hear is "Please believe that I'm a good mom."
Not that I like going back down the trail to DT again but I have no choice.

Poor Judgement: I completely understand women make big mistakes and have poor judgement when they get married. (goes for men also) I also understand that a second marriage usually always takes place. When the 2nd marriage crumbles, and a 3rd husband comes along, and then new live in boyfriends without the 3rd divorce even final yet..... well at this point I have to ask myself-- how in the world can one woman continue to make the same poor choices and continue to travel down this road? How can every man she married or was B/F with ALL be the bad guys? IDK

But any rate-- who set the standards and discipline for the children.
What kind of structure did they have? Was every new B/F the new Father figure to them, and provide discipline? Hard for young children to understand who is in charge when the enviorment keeps changing.

As for being a member of the onlinepotsociety and the pics of beer drinking-- and I will also tag on the neighbor that told the media to look in the trash-- and leave at that-- that tells me that additional poor judgement was used in front of the children. Getting high and drinking alters everyone's judgement, and not for the good while raising children.

Somer was not supervised and IMO did not have set rules to follow- hence her wandering off from the other children.

Actually, I was talking about Somer. :waitasec:
If Somer got into a tiff at school or hit another kid with her backpack the teacher or principal may have called Diena. Somer could have been upset thinking that she was going to be in trouble or that the siblings would tell and get her into trouble.
What I mean is that we don't know who killed Somer. It could have been a serial killer who trolled around alot, a stalker, or even a friend of a friend. Insulting the manhood of the killer on tv, threatening him, public pics on FB or MS, and the cleavage could cause some deranged lunatic killer to do something. My point is why draw attention to yourself when there are other children in the family and yourself if the killer is not known or caught.

So if a woman got raped and she was wearing a dress like that, it would be her fault? Or if a woman wore a dress like that, and her daughter was kidnapped and killed, it would be her fault? I think any woman today has the right to dress attractive, and even sexy, if they choose. I prefer jeans and t-shirts. My best friend won't go anywear unless she has on a dress and heels. I don't feel women should wear scarves. cover up and dress like the olden days because they may get raped. I feel a woman should dress how she is comfortable, and no man has a right to touch in way she doesn't want, no matter what she is wearing. I understand your concern, but I also think this comes really close to placing the blame on women who have been raped, because they wore clothes that were somewhat revealing. I don't think what WE wear gets or kids kidnapped. And right now, the other children do have protection-LE is keeping a close ey out. (We don't know that they didn't encourage her to taunt this guy, either, in an attempt to anger him and draw him out-particularly if it may be someone she has known in the past. That may be why they are there .)I don't think DT's dress revealed all that much cleavage, and she certainly did not need a scarf. It was well cut and stylish, deeply cut, but nothing was hanging out. (I also think she probably has no idea of what she is even putting on, and probably could care less about it). She dressed for a special day to say goodbye to her daughter. For all we know it was Somer's favorite dress, and she honored her by wearing it. As far as the other days, early days-your child is missing, your home is full of cops and media is camped outside your door. You are frantic, worried, excitable and scared. Once the child is found, your grief is profound. No matter how you show it, or how DT showed it, her heart was broken. No tears? Xanax. (Or something similar). When my son died I put on whatever I could reach. I am lucky if my clothing even matched, and my daughter brushed my hair. waist-long hair and I never gave it a thought. If I did, I didn't care. My heart and mind were focused on my child. I am sure DT is in the same place. I was raised not to cry-to keep my tears for private. I was raised in new England, and public displays of emotion were not encouraged in the culture of my home. We don't know how DT was raised. We know very little about her. I don't think a few risque pictures on MySpace truly tell us anything about this woman. She may have thought they were funny. She may have put them up and forgotten about them. This is 2009-those pictures really don't mean much. She may have had friends who were of a lifestyle many look down on. She may have unwittingly out her child at risk. She may also have had friends or relatives who put an undesirable or risky person in her life, and not even known if one of them was an RSO or criminal record. I have had undesireable people in my life through other people. And if you don't run a background check on every friend you have, you may never know!
We don't know whoever did this is someone in Somer's life through her mom. He could be a neighbor, a neighbors son (or daughter). He could be someone who hangs around schools, even if he doesn't live there, but hangs around enough the kids now feel that they know him. He could hang in the park and chat to kids. After six weeks to a child, that person is a friend. He could have been a stranger looking for a dog, or carrying a crying kitten..or searching for one. He could have been a person who told Somer HIS child was missing-ran off in the woods-can you help me find him? My point is, every child is at risk-regardless of the parents life style. They are all a target of someone who can get near them. It simply could have been a crime of opportunity, or a crime of someone scouting. I do feel Somer knew or trusted her killer-but she may have known him form her OWN association with a kind stranger who she has spoken to every day for weeks or months. To my other son, someone he has said hello to a few times, seen regularly for a few weeks, was a friend. I have to watch him very carefully, because he trusts too easily. That has nothing to do with my Faceboook, MySpace or clothing. It has to do with his trust in people being good, and a predator who may take advantage of that. I think with Somer walking home with her sister, and possibly other groups of children, DT probably felt she was safe.. Many kids do walk home with siblings, and they ARE safe. But Somer took off alone, and became unsafe. She became a victim to someone who saw opportunity. He may also have been someone who told her "Your mom is at the hospital, I came to bring you to her". That still works with children. Families need a code word-but not all families have them, and not all children remember to ask in their fear for Mommy.

As far as marijuana, I know a young man who smokes it for pain. He is waiting for his state to allow it for medical purposes. But he is a wonderful father to three children, and they are almost grown. He was there for them from the day they came home from the hospital. He changes diapers, he cleans, cooks and does laundry. He can cook a decent dinner. He does not drive if he has used. He stays under the radar, he is careful But in no way did it ever effect his parenting. I do not use, never have, nor ever plan to. But I have seen the benefits of his use on his pain-from a man who cannot walk or move, to a man who can who can play baseball, swim with his children, and focus. He is self-employed, but has no medical, to get "legal" prescriptions from a doctor. He also feels why stop what he has, which works, to take a pill, which will also work (with maybe more or negative side-effects).. What he has, works. This young man would probably join the online pot group-he views it as an herb, with medicinal purposes. That doesn't make him a bad, or risky person.

Sorry this is so long, but I felt I had to say it. This is JMO.
Is there any way to find out if the fire at 1080 Gano was arson?

If it was, then there were 2 or more crimes there.
I've asked myself the same question, Human. Who supervised the kids on all the other days?
Was Diena's work schedule different that day from her usual work schedule? Was she usually home when the kids arrived from school?
Why was SP asked to stay and wait for them that day?

In observing Diena's behavior on video, she seems defensive of her parenting skills when she makes comments such as "I didn't raise my kids that way." This was said when talking about Somer's wandering off. She seemed as if she was attempting to convince everyone that she was a good mom. So it causes me to wonder why she might feel insecure about her parenting skills and say those things. Of course, she's in the media spotlight and obviously under scrutiny... But her choice of words sound like something someone would say who has been criticized or judged for their mistakes. When I read between the lines of that statement, what I hear is "Please believe that I'm a good mom."

Somer was not feeling well that morning and DT sent her to school anyway-- said to call if she didn't feel better. Somer had a squabble at school that day as well, then her older sister reprimands her telling her to stop it on the way home, and then she gets brutally murdered. The last day of her life was absoulte HELL.

DT can't remember if she told her she loved her that morning, sent her to school not feeling well, made a trip home for lunch to be with SP, and then Somer is murdered. I would say she is feeling pretty filled with guilt and would try to defend herself anyway she could to ease the pain.

Somer was having trouble at home by not going home, squabbling with classmates, siblings, and seems to me needed attention.

What was going on in her home life that was so troubling?

IDK-- but just going over her last day alive hurts me and I didn't even know her.
If I stay up any later, I'm not going to get to enjoy that extra hour of sleep tonight!

Thanks again for the welcome, everyone!

Good night!
I've wondered about this too.

My gut feeling was that Somer was having problems at school with other kids for some reason.

Her stomach hurt, and she wanted to stay home. If she had been allowed to stay home alone that day, would the burglars have gotten her?

She went to school and IIRC got into a tiff with another child.
Then got into a tiff with her sibs and ran ahead to older kids.

Just a guess that she was probably dissed by the older kids, and she ran off hurt and angry.

I'd like to know if the burglars are any connection to a friend/family member of the kid Somer got into a tiff with. IRC, the Principal of the school mentioned that Somer had tiff before.

IIRC, the arrest of the 4 men was on 10/21, the day Somer was found, not the day she was missing 10/19.

And from what I've now read, LE was checking IDs of all that passed through area of Thompson home, and ran the IDs of these men and found that they had outstanding warrants. They were arrested and the Thompson home address incorrectly posted. It's been corrected.


A connection to the 4 was discussed (no idea what thread but guess is between 8-12) but I don't think a connection was proven. Diena's sister's married name is the same as last name of one of the arrestees.
I thought I'd saved a nice map someone posted of the city limits of OP. I can't get to my files (son and friend are sleeping in office) but if someone saved the LINK that was posted, let me know.

I tried reading through the threads but either missed it or it was further back than I'd thought.
Actually, I was talking about Somer. :waitasec:

And... ???

Why do you think Somer did any of these things? Did she lack attention, supervison, discipline? Problems start in the home and the environment in which a child lives.
And... ???

Why do you think Somer did any of these things? Did she lack attention, supervison, discipline? Problems start in the home and the environment in which a child lives.

My speculation is/was that Somer's behaviors may be a result of her ADD.

And ... it stops there.
So if a woman got raped and she was wearing a dress like that, it would be her fault? Or if a woman wore a dress like that, and her daughter was kidnapped and killed, it would be her fault? I think any woman today has the right to dress attractive, and even sexy, if they choose. I prefer jeans and t-shirts. My best friend won't go anywear unless she has on a dress and heels. I don't feel women should wear scarves. cover up and dress like the olden days because they may get raped. I feel a woman should dress how she is comfortable, and no man has a right to touch in way she doesn't want, no matter what she is wearing. That type of thinking really places the blame on women who have been raped, because they wore clothes that were somewhat revealing. I don't think DT's dress revealed all that much cleavage, and she certainly did not need a scarf. It was well cut and stylish, deeply cut, but nothing was hanging out. (I also think she probably has no idea of what she is even putting on, and probably could care less about it). She dressed for a special day to say goodbye to her daughter. For all we know it was Somer's favorite dress, and she honored her by wearing it. As far as the other days, early days-your child is missing, your home is full of cops and media is camped outside your door. You are frantic, worried, excitable and scared. Once the child is found, your grief is profound. No matter how you show it, or how DT showed it, her heart was broken. No tears? Xanax. (Or something similar). When my son died I put on whatever I could reach. I am lucky if my clothing even matched, and my daughter brushed my hair. waist-long hair and I never gave it a thought. If I did, I didn't care. My heart and mind were focused on my child. I am sure DT is in the same place. I was raised not to cry-to keep my tears for private. I was raised in new England, and public displays of emotion were not encouraged in the culture of my home. We don't know how DT was raised. We know very little about her. I don't think a few risque pictures on MySpace truly tell us anything about this woman. She may have thought they were funny. She may have put them up and forgotten about them. This is 2009-those pictures really don't mean much. She may have had friends who were of a lifestyle many look down on. She may have unwittingly out her child at risk. She may also have had friends or relatives who put an undesirable or risky person in her life, and not even known if one of them was an RSO or criminal record. I have had undesireable people in my life through other people. And if you don't run a background check on every friend you have, you may never know!
We don't know whoever did this is someone in Somer's life through her mom. He could be a neighbor, a neighbors son (or daughter). He could be someone who hangs around schools, even if he doesn't live there, but hangs around enough the kids now feel that they know him. He could hang in the park and chat to kids. After six weeks to a child, that person is a friend. He could have been a stranger looking for a dog, or carrying a crying kitten..or searching for one. He could have been a person who told Somer HIS child was missing-ran off in the woods-can you help me find him? My point is, every child is at risk-regardless of the parents life style. They are all a target of someone who can get near them. It simply could have been a crime of opportunity, or a crime of someone scouting. I do feel Somer knew or trusted her killer-but she may have known him form her OWN association with a kind stranger who she has spoken to every day for weeks or months. To my other son, someone he has said hello to a few times, seen regularly for a few weeks, was a friend. I have to watch him very carefully, because he trusts too easily. That has nothing to do with my Faceboook, MySpace or clothing. It has to do with his trust in people being good, and a predator who may take advantage of that. I think with Somer walking home with her sister, and possibly other groups of children, DT probably felt she was safe.. Many kids do walk home with siblings, and they ARE safe. But Somer took off alone, and became unsafe. She became a victim to someone who saw opportunity. He may also have been someone who told her "Your mom is at the hospital, I came to bring you to her". That still works with children. Families need a code word-but not all families have them, and not all children remember to ask in their fear for Mommy.

As far as marijuana, I know a young man who smokes it for pain. He is waiting for his state to allow it for medical purposes. But he is a wonderful father to three children, and they are almost grown. He was there for them from the day they came home from the hospital. He changes diapers, he cleans, cooks and does laundry. He can cook a decent dinner. He does not drive if he has used. He stays under the radar, he is careful But in no way did it ever effect his parenting. I do not use, never have, nor ever plan to. But I have seen the benefits of his use on his pain-from a man who cannot walk or move, to a man who can who can play baseball, swim with his children, and focus. He is self-employed, but has no medical, to get "legal" prescriptions from a doctor. He also feels why stop what he has, which works, to take a pill, which will also work (with maybe more or negative side-effects).. What he has, works. This young man would probably join the online pot group-he views it as an herb, with medicinal purposes. That doesn't make him a bad, or risky person.

Sorry this is so long, but I felt I had to say it. This is JMO.

Goodness, I never once said that it's a woman's fault if she's raped. I don't believe I'd be the one to ever say such a thing after a few of my own life experiences. LE has said there could be another Bundy ( Bundy killed women and a child) or a child killer might be on the loose. I stand by my simple opinion that to draw attention to one's self, threaten a lunatic, and insult the manhood of a lunatic on national tv could be considered dangerous especially when the killer is unknown and already struck a family member. That funeral dress or any other dress probably has nothing to do with the murder, but I still feel it was too low cut and did show the entire crack (or whatever it's called) between the breasts and some of the sides. After threatening and insulting the killer, he could take it as a taunt and LE says they're SURE he's watching the media.
My speculation is/was that Somer's behaviors may be a result of her ADD.

And ... it stops there.

I am waiting with baited breath for the friends, neighbors, and LE to start talking. There is / was a lot going on in that home and circle of friends.

Sweet Dreams
One of the things about this case that nags at me harder than almost any of the other nagging things: if Somer had been known to wander off/not come home right after school, etc., why was everyone in such a panic when she wandered off on that particular day? I mean - everyone went into emergency mode immediately! Diena took off work early. Her BF took off work early! And she had only been missing about an hour, which was not uncommon, according to the teen babysitter.
Here is a little girl who was known to come home upon occasion an hour or so late. But suddenly on this particular day, barely an hour had elapsed and the mother went into panic mode. It doesn't make sense. I know Diena said that she felt something wasn't right. Moms have gut instincts. I know I do, and I always listen to it. What happened on this particular day that no one is talking about that sent everyone into panic mode?

This has bugged me since I began reading this forum as well.......

Who normally looks after these kids each day???????? Is it the babysitter each and every day????

And Somer has turned up late before and known to wander around.....what was different about THAT day........why ask him to stay on after lunch???? and why the panic mode so soon........I am sure the police have gone thru the text messages from SP TO DT.....

I mean this poor SP has to be the unluckiest bas.ar. in the world.......the day he's asked to watch the kids one goes missing.......and I'm not saying he is guilty but the coincidences and the different reactions on THAT PARTICULAR day are a bit suss......

I think the kids are the link.......I dont know if they are too blame.....but I think something happened or they saw something or just something and the have come home and told SP and he has texted or called DT which has caused the panic.....
There is a very good chance Somer was grabbed within a few blocks of her school by a complete stranger in an area where a good many other kids were located. If that is true then her home life really has very little, if anything, to do with it.
Goodness, I never once said that it's a woman's fault if she's raped. I don't believe I'd be the one to ever say such a thing after a few of my own life experiences. LE has said there could be another Bundy ( Bundy killed women and a child) or a child killer might be on the loose. I stand by my simple opinion that to draw attention to one's self, threaten a lunatic, and insult the manhood of a lunatic on national tv could be considered dangerous especially when the killer is unknown and already struck a family member. That funeral dress or any other dress probably has nothing to do with the murder, but I still feel it was too low cut and did show the entire crack (or whatever it's called) between the breasts and some of the sides. After threatening and insulting the killer, he could take it as a taunt and LE says they're SURE he's watching the media.

sometimes called cleavage :)
I don't know but in 8 months and rain, I think the soot would only be in and maybe some of the outside of the house or any piece of burnt debry
from the house in garbage bin?

I used to work in restoration and we had a house fire that had sat in the rain for many months with part of its roof missing and the soot in that house was still so thick, I had to take each and every dish and knick knack out of that house and clean it! LOL Soot can last a very long time in my experience.
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